Библиографическая база данных по спектроскопии ядерного квадрупольного резонанса и квадрупольным взаимодействиям

Structure and Mechanisms of Formation of a Novel Phosphorus-containing Heterocycle; P

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Structure and Mechanisms of Formation of a Novel Phosphorus-containing Heterocycle; PCl Bond Length and 35Cl-NQR Frequency.
Angew. Chem. (International Edition in English) 1972. Vol. 11, No. 6. P. 510-511.]

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    NQR spectra of some group IVB organometallic halides.
    J. Organomet. Chem. 1973. Vol. 63. P. 205-211.
    РЖ Химия, 1974, 11 Б 245. Переплет № 82-Ин.

  • Voronkov M. G., Dolgushin G. V., Feshin V. P., Turchaninova L. P., Korchevine N. A., Deryaghina E. N.
    35Cl NQR spectra of organyl(chloroalkyl) sulfides.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1992. Vol. 47a, N 1-2. P. 147-149.
    Переплет № 226-Ин.
    XI Int. Symp. NQR Spectroscopy. London, England. 15-19 July, 1991. Abstr. P I:29.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Voronkov M. G., Feshin V. P.
    Progress in nuclear quadrupole resonance investigations of halogen-containing organic and organometallic compounds.
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    РЖ Физика, 1978, 7 Д 727. Переплет № 32-рус.

  • Voronkov M. G., Feshin V. P., Nikitin P. A., Berestennikov N. I.
    NQR-study of electronic effects in geminal systems.
    2 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Viareggio, Italy. 3-6 September, 1973. Abstr. P. 61-62.
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  • Voronkov M. G., Feshin V. P., Nikitin P. A., Hengge E., Schmölzer H.
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    РЖ Химия, 1985, 13 Б 1268. Переплет № 52-рус.

  • Voronkov M. G., Feshin V. P., Romanenko L. S., Pola J., Chvalovsky V.
    The manifestation of the -effect in 35Cl-NQR spectra of RRRSi(CH3-nCln), (n=1-3).
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    Radioprotection par le soufre dans la supermolecule CHI3·3S8.
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  • Vugmeister B. E., Glinchuk M. D.
    Broadening of the NQR and NMR spectral lines by the dipole defects in ferroelectrics.
    J. Mol. Struct. 1982. Vol. 83. P. 213-215.
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    6 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Moscow, USSR. 21-24 September, 1981. Abstr. P. 105.
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  • Wachter E. A., Sidky E. Y., Farrar T. C.
    Enhanced state-machine pulse programmer for very-high-precision pulse programming.
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    Усовершенствованный импульсный программатор типа машины состояний с высокой точностью отработки импульсных последовательностей.
    Приборы для научных исслед. 1988. № 10. С. 151-156
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  • Wada S., Asayama K.
    Nuclear quadrupole spin-lattice relaxation in type II superconducting Ta3Sn.
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    Nuclear quadrupole spin-lattice relaxation of 181Ta in type II superconducting Ta3Sn.
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    РЖ Физика, 1973, 11 Д 925. Переплет № 79-Ин.

  • Wada S., Kobayashi T., Kaburagi M., Kajitani T., Hosoya S., Fukuda T., Onodera S., Yamada Y., Shibutani K., Ogawa R.
    139La NQR study of antiferromagnetic La2NiO4+ and La2CoO4-.
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    РЖ Сверхпроводимость, 1991, 7 G 304. Переплет № 220-Ин.

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    139La NQR study of antiferromagnetic La2NiO4+δ.
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    РЖ Физика, 1990, 3 C 231. Переплет № 203-Ин.

  • Waddington T.
    Some studies of inorganic compounds and hydrogen bonded systems by 35Cl nuclear quadrupole resonance spectroscopy.
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  • Wadsworth M., France P. W.
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  • Walisch R., Petersson J.
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  • Walisch R., Schneider E., Petersson J.
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    Оригинал издания

  • Walker S. M.
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  • Wallach D., Steele W. A.
    Nuclear relaxation in solids due to molecular rotation at low temperatures.
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  • Walsh J. L., Berger A. G., Rogers J. V., Knight W. D.
    Direct measurement of the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation time.
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  • Walstedt R. E., Hahn E. L., Froidevaux C., Geissler E.
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  • Walstedt R. E., Warren W. W., Jr.
    Nuclear resonance properties of YBa2Cu3O6+x superconductors.
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    РЖ Сверхпроводимость, 1990, 12 G 388. Переплет № 220-Ин.

  • Walstedt R. E., Warren W. W., Jr.
    Nuclear resonance studies of YBa2Cu3O7-δ.
    Mech. High-Temp. Supercond.: Proc. 2nd NEC Symp., Hakone, 1988. Berlin, 1989. P. 134-147.
    РЖ Сверхпроводимость, 1990, 4 G 243. Переплет № 203-Ин.

  • Walstedt R. E., Warren W. W., Jr.
    Summary of NMR and NQR results on YBCO.
    Physica, B. 1990. Vol. 163, No. 1-3. P. 75-77.
    РЖ Сверхпроводимость, 1991, 1 G 275. Переплет № 220-Ин.

  • Walstedt R. E., Warren W. W., Jr., Bell R. F., Brennert G. F., Espinosa G. P., Remeika J. P., Cava R. J., Rietman E. A.
    Nuclear magnetic resonance and nuclear quadrupole resonance study of copper in Ba2YCu3O7-δ.
    Phys. Rev. B. 1987. Vol. 36, No. 10. P. 5727-5730.
    РЖ Физика, 1988, 5 H 394. Переплет № 197-Ин.

  • Walstedt R. E., Warren W. W., Jr., Bell R. F., Brennert G. F., Espinosa G. P., Cava R. J., Schneemeyer L. F., Waszczak J. V.
    Anisotropic nuclear relaxation in YBa2Cu3O7.
    Phys. Rev. B. 1988. Vol. 38, No. 13. P. 9299-9302.
    РЖ Сверхпроводимость, 1989, 6 G 355. Переплет № 218-Ин.

  • Walstedt R. E., Warren W. W., Jr., Bell R. F., Espinosa G. P.
    Anisotropic 63Cu nuclear relaxation in magnetically oriented powdered samples of YBa2Cu3O7.
    Phys. Rev. B. 1989. Vol. 40, No. 4. P. 2572-2574.
    РЖ Физика, Сверхпроводимость, 1989, 12 G 468.
    Журнал на микрофишах

  • Walstedt R. E., Warren W. W., Jr., Tycko R., Bell R. F., Brennert G. F., Cava R. J., Schneemeyer L. F., Waszczak J. V.
    Site assignment for copper nuclear quadrupole resonance lines in YBa2Cu3O7-.
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    РЖ Сверхпроводимость, 1989, 6 G 360. Переплет № 218-Ин.

  • Walton J., Brookeman J., Rigamonti R.
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  • Wang Dongsheng
    Multifunctional pulse sequence generator for pulse NMR.
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1988. Vol. 59, No. 6. P. 923-925.
    (русский перевод:
    Универсальный генератор последовательностей для импульсного ЯМР.
    Приборы для научных исслед. 1988. № 6. С. 102-104
    оригинал журнала)

  • Wang P.-K., Slichter C. P.
    A pictorial operator formalism for NMR coherence phenomena.
    Bull. Magn. Reson. 1986. Vol. 8, No. 1/2. P. 3-16.
    РЖ Физика, 1987, 4 H 998. Переплет № 177-Ин.

  • Wang Ruiqin , Feng Zhenye, Haq M. M. I., Kurshid M. M. P., Rayner T. J., Smith J. A. S.
    14N quadrupole double resonance in hydroamic acids.
    9 Int. Symp. NQR. Kanpur, India. 11-15 January, 1988. Abstr. A-4.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Wang S. J. H., Han J. W., Cho J., Lang D. P., Martin S. W., Amoureux J. P., Fernandez C., Pruski M.
    Structure of various Na2S-B2S3 glasses studied by 11B and 23Na MAS and DOR NMR.
    XIII Int. Symp. NQRS. Providence, Rhode Island, USA, July 23-28, 1995. Abstr. P. 177-178 (poster-27).
    оригинал издания

  • Wang T.-C.
    Pure nuclear quadrupole spectra of chlorine and antimony isotopes in solids.
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    Nuclear electric hexadecapole interactions in solids.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1985. Vol. 64, No. 2. P. 194-198.
    РЖ Физика, 1986, 4 А 276.
    Журнал на микрофишах

  • Wang T.-J., Yang J.-C.
    On nuclear electric hexadecapole interactions (NEHI) in solids.
    J. Mol. Struct. 1989. Vol. 192, No. 3-4. P. 387-388.
    Proc. 9-th Intern. Sympos. on NQR. Kanpur, India. 1988
    РЖ Физика, 1989, 7 Н 1109. Переплет № 211-Ин.
    9 Int. Symp. NQR. Kanpur, India. 11-15 January, 1988. Abstr. B 4.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Wang T.-J., Yang J.-C.
    On nuclear electric hexadecapole interactions (NEHI) in solids.
    XXIII Congr. AMPERE on Magn. Reson. Roma, Italy, 1986. Proc. P. 176-177.
    Оригинал издания

  • Ward R. W., Williams C. D., Tipsword R. F.
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    РЖ Химия, 1975, 11 Б 365. Переплет № 88-Ин.

  • Warren W. W., Jr., Norberg R. E.
    Nuclear quadrupole relaxation and chemical shift of 131Xe in liquid and solid xenon.
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  • Warren W. W., Jr., Walstedt R. E.
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    10 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Takayama, Japan. 22-26 August, 1989. Abstr. II Invited 2.
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  • Warren W. W., Jr., Walstedt R. E., Bell R. F., Brennert G. F., Cava R. J., Espinosa G. P., Remeika J. P.
    NMR and NQR studies of high-Tc superconductors.
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  • Warren W. W., Jr., Walstedt R. E., Brennert G. F., Bell R. F., Cava R. J., Espinosa G. P.
    NMR and NQR studies of copper oxide superconductors (invited).
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    РЖ Сверхпроводимость, 1989, 5 G 337. Переплет № 201-Ин.

  • Warren W. W., Jr., Walstedt R. E., Brennert G. F., Cava R. J., Batlogg B., Rupp L. W.
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    РЖ Сверхпроводимость, 1989, 6 G 173. Переплет № 203-Ин.

  • Warren W. W., Jr., Walstedt R. E., Brennert G. F., Cava R. J., Tycko R., Bell R. F., Dabbagh G.
    Cu spin dynamics and superconducting precursor effects in planes above Tc in YBa2Cu3O6.7.
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    РЖ Физика, Сверхпроводимость, 1989, 6 G 230.
    Журнал на микрофишах

  • Warren W. W., Jr., Walstedt R. E., Brennert G. F., Espinosa G. P., Remeika J. P.
    Evidence for two pairing energies from nuclear spin-lattice relaxation in superconducting Ba2YCu3O7-δ.
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  • Watanabe I., Kumagai K., Nakamura Y., Kimura T., Nakamichi Y., Nakajima H.
    Evidence of successive magnetic transition in La2-xBaxCuO4. NQR studies of 139La.
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  • Watanabe I., Kumagai K., Nakamura Y., Nakajima H.
    Effects of oxygen deficiencies and magnetic impurities on NQR properties of La-M-Cu-O (M=Ba, Sr) systems.
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  • Weber K. E.
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  • Wehrli F. W.
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  • Wehrli F. W.
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  • Wehrli F. W.
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    (5 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Toulouse, France. 10-14 September, 1979. Abstr. A 2-7.
    оригинал издания)

  • Weiden N., Paulus H., Weiss A.
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  • Weiden N., Weiss A.
    14N and 137Ba NMR in single crystals of Ba(NO3)2.
    Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena. Proc. XVIII Congr. AMPERE. Vol. 1. Nottingham, England, 1974.
    Nottingham AMPERE Committee, The Nottingham Univ., England, 1974. P. 257-258.
    Оригинал издания

  • Weiden N., Weiss A.
    A double resonance NQR experiment in Al2Br6.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1975. Vol. 20, No. 2. P. 334-340.
    (Proc. 3 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Tampa, Florida. 1975)
    Переплет № 89-Ин.
    3 Int. Symp. NQR Spectroscopy. Tampa, Florida, USA. 14-17 April, 1975. Abstr. P. 69.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Weiden N., Weiss A.
    Application of NQR double resonance technique to a relative assignment of next-nearest neighbors within complex ions. Aluminum and bromine in KAl2Br7.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1978. Vol. 30, No. 3. P. 403-414.
    РЖ Химия, 1978, 23 Б 286. Переплет № 135-Ин.

  • Weiden N., Weiss A.
    Determination of relative intramolecular configuration by nuclear quadrupole double resonance.
    Faraday Symp. Chem. Soc. 1978. N 13. P. 93-100.
    (Sympos. on Pulsed NMR in Solids. London, 1978)
    РЖ Физика, 1980, 5 Д 597. Переплет № 124-Ин.

  • Weiden N., Weiss A.
    Determination of relative location of atoms in complex molecules by double resonance technique. 81Br↔27Al NQR in KAl2Br7.
    4 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Osaka, Japan. 13-16 September, 1977. Abstr. P. 76.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Weiden N., Weiss A.
    NMR and NQR investigations of nuclear quadrupole interactions at the sites of Me+ amd Me3+ in alums Me+Me3+(RO4)2·12H2O (R = S, Se). The electric field gradients at room temperature.
    Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 1974. Bd. 78, N 10. S.. 1031-1050.
    РЖ Физика, 1975, 4 Д 826. Переплет № 86-Ин.

  • Weiden N., Weiss A.
    NMR and NQR investigations of nuclear quadrupole interactions in alums. III. The temperature dependence of the electric field gradient at the site of Me and Me in the alum NaAl(SO4)2·12H2O.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1975. Vol. 20, No. 2. P. 279-285.
    (Proc. 3 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Tampa, Florida. 1975)
    Переплет № 89-Ин.
    3 Int. Symp. NQR Spectroscopy. Tampa, Florida, USA. 14-17 April, 1975. Abstr. P. 44.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Weiden N., Weiss A.
    NMR and NQR investigations of nuclear quadrupole interactions in alums. II. Internal motions and the temperature dependence of the electric field gradient.
    Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 1975. Bd. 79, N 7. S. 557-563.
    РЖ Физика, 1975, 12 Д 652. Переплет № 98-Ин.

  • Weiden N., Weiss A., Ramakrishna J.
    Investigation of the 35Cl nuclear quadrupole coupling tensors in 2,5-dichlorophenol. A single crystal NQR study.
    10 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Takayama, Japan. 22-26 August, 1989. Abstr. V Poster 34.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Weiden N., Weiss A., Wulfsberg G., IlsleyW., Benner K., Wourster W.
    Activation energies for fluxional behavior in aryl(pentachlorocyclopentadienyl)mercurials, 1-C5Cl5HgR, from 35Cl NQR relaxation times.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1990. Vol. 45a, N 3-4. P. 503-510.
    Proc. 10 Int. Symp. on Nucl. Quadrup. Res. Spect. Takayama, Japan, 1989
    РЖ Химия, 1991, 1 Б 1314. Переплет № 224-Ин.
    10 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Takayama, Japan. 22-26 August, 1989. Abstr. V Oral 2.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Weingärtner H., Hertz H. G.
    (search name: Weingartner H.)
    Magnetic relaxation by quadrupolar interaction of ionic nuclei in non-aqueous electrolyte solutions. Part I. Limiting values for infinite dilution.
    Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 1977. Bd. 81, N 12. S. 1204-1221.
    РЖ Физика, 1978, 6 Д 754. Переплет № 112-Ин.

  • Weiss A.
    Crystal field effects in nuclear quadrupole resonance.
    Fortsch. chem. Forsch. 1972. Bd. 30, N 1. S. 1-76.
    Переплет № 69-Ин.

  • Weiss A.
    Molecular addition compounds and nuclear quadrupole resonance.
    Adv. in Nucl. Quadr. Reson. Vol. 1. Heiden, e.a. 1974. P. 1-29.
    (Int. Symp. NQR. London, England, 28-29 September, 1972)
    РЖ Химия, 1975, 11 Б 358. Переплет № 88-Ин.

  • Weiss A.
    NQR Zeeman spectroscopy.
    Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena. Proc. XXIV Congr. AMPERE. Poznań, Poland, 1988.
    Elsevier. Amsterdam-Oxford-New York-Tokyo, 1989. P. 743-767.
    Переплет № 217-Ин., оригинал издания

  • Weiss A.
    Nuclear quadrupole interaction in ionic crystals.
    Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy. Intern. Summer School of Theor. Chem. 1967. Frascati (Roma), Italy. 18 pp.
    Переплет № 37-Ин.

  • Weiss A.
    Nuclear quadrupole interactions in solids.
    Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena. Proc. XIV Colloq. AMPERE. Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 1966.
    North-Holland Publ. Comp. Amsterdam, 1967. P. 1076-1100.
    Переплет № 35-Ин., оригинал издания

  • Weiss A.
    Order-disorder, polymorphism, and phase transformation in halogenobenzenes.
    J. Mol. Struct. 1982. Vol. 83. P. 181-200.
    (Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on NQRS. Moscow, USSR, 1981)
    РЖ Физика, 1982, 12 E 2566. Оригинал журнала
    6 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Moscow, USSR. 21-24 September, 1981. Abstr. P. 106.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Weiss A.
    The investigation of nuclear quadrupole interactions by high field Zeeman spectroscopy (NMR).
    2 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Viareggio, Italy. 3-6 September, 1973. Abstr. P. 29-31.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Weiss A., Hattenbach K.
    Kernquadrupolkopplung und Ladungsverteilung im Natriumnitrit, NaNO2.
    Z. Phys. Chem. 1961. Bd. 29, N 5-6. S. 293-304.
    РЖ Химия, 1962, 13 Б 137. Переплет № 55-Ин.

  • Weiss A., Weiden N.
    Deuteron magnetic resonance in crystal hydrates.
    Adv. in Nucl. Quadrup. Reson. (Ed. J. A. S. Smith). London, Heiden, 1980. Vol. 4. P. 149-248. (ISBN 0855011467)
    РЖ Физика, 1982, 3 E 1939. Переплет № 144-Ин. + оригинал журнала

  • Weiss A., Weyrich W.
    NMR spectrum of 23Na and 127I in single crystals of NaIO4.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1969. Bd. 24a, N 3. S. 474-475.
    РЖ Физика, 1969, 11 Д 575. Переплет № 50-Ин.

  • Weiss A., Wigand S.
    Correlation of NQR and chemical bond parameters.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1990. Vol. 45a, N 3-4. P. 195-212.
    Proc. 10 Int. Symp. on Nucl. Quadrup. Res. Spect. Takayama, Japan, 1989
    Переплет № 223-Ин.
    10 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Takayama, Japan. 22-26 August, 1989. Abstr. VI Invited 13.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Weiss A., Zohner K.
    Nuclear quadrupole interactions of 23Na and 11B and the crystal structure of NaBF4.
    Phys. Status Solidi. 1967. Vol. 21, No. 1. P. 257-270.
    РЖ Физика, 1967, 10 Д 613. Переплет № 35-Ин.

  • Weiss G. H., Gupta R. K., Ferretti J. A., Becker E. D.
    The choice of optimal parameters for measurement of spin-lattice relaxation times. I. Mathematical formulation.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1980. Vol. 37, No. 3. P. 369-379.
    РЖ Физика, 1980, 7 Д 629. Переплет № 129-Ин.

  • Weiss R., Grimes R. N.
    Nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation in complex spin systems. Proton and boron-11 spin-lattice relaxation studies of carboranes and metallocarboranes.
    J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 1977. Vol. 99, No. 4. P. 1036-1042.
    РЖ Физика, 1977, 9 Д 696. Переплет № 110-Ин.

  • Wemmer D. E., Ruben D. J., Pines A.
    NMR study of molecular reorientation under fivefold symmetry – Solid permethylferrocene.
    J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 1981. Vol. 103, No. 1. P. 28-33.
    РЖ Физика, 1981, 8 E 1921. Переплет № 143-Ин.

  • Wemmer D. T., Wolff E. K., Mehring M.
    Multiple-frequency excitation (MFE), a technique for observing broadline translents.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1981. Vol. 42, No. 3. P. 460-473.
    Журнал на микрофишах

  • Wendling E.
    La résonance quadrupolaire nucléaire (RQN) et ses applicaions en chimie minérale.
    Bull. Soc. Chim. France. 1968. N 1. P. 181-190.
    РЖ Химия, 1968, 19 Б 299. Переплет № 41-Ин.

  • Werbelow L. G., Ikenberry D. A., Pouzard G.
    Nuclear magnetic relaxation in multipolar AX spin systems. I. The longitudinal magnetizations.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1983. Vol. 51, No. 3. P. 409-423.
    Журнал на микрофишах

  • Werbelow L., Pouzard G.
    Quadrupolar relaxation. The multiquantum coherences.
    J. Phys. Chem. 1981 Vol. 85, No. 25. P. 3887-3891.
    РЖ Физика, 1982, 8 E 1674. Переплет № 145-Ин.

  • Westermark B.
    Deuteron quadrupolar splittings in the NMR spectra of specifically deuterated 4-alkoxy-4-propionylazobenzenes.
    Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena. Proc. XXII Congr. AMPERE. Zürich, Switzerland, 1984.
    Zürich AMPERE Committee, The Zürich Univ., Switzerland, 1984. P. 76-77.
    Оригинал издания

  • Westlund P.-O., Wennerström H.
    (search name: Wennerstrom H.)
    NMR lineshapes of I = 5/2 and I = 7/2 nuclei. Chemical exchange effects and dynamic shifts.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1982. Vol. 50, No. 3. P. 451-466.
    Журнал на микрофишах

  • Weulersse J. M., Leblond F., Barberi P.
    Étude d’IF7 par calorimetrie et résonance magnetique nucleaire.
    J. Calorim. et Anal. Thermique. Paris-Orsay. 1977. Soclay. P. 1/11-1/14.
    РЖ Физика, 1978, 12 Д 765. Переплет № 112-Ин.

  • Weulersse J. M., Rigny P., Virlet J.
    NMR and NQR study of ClF5 in its solid phases.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1975. Vol. 63, No. 12. P. 5190-5200.
    Переплет № 98-Ин.

  • Weulersse J. M., Virlet J., Guibé L.
    (search name: Guibe L.)
    Study of the temperature dependence of chlorine-35 nuclear quadrupole resonance in ClF5.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1975. Vol. 63, No. 12. P. 5201-5204.
    Переплет № 98-Ин.

  • Weulersse J. M., Virlet J., Rigny P.
    19F NMR and 127I NMR and NQR study of the molecular motions and deformations of iodine heptafluoride in its solid phases.
    Mol. Phys. 1979. Vol. 38, No. 3. P. 923-940.
    РЖ Физика, 1980, 7 Д 594. Переплет № 128-Ин.

  • Weyrich W., Weiss A.
    Sensitive experimental proof of the asymmetry parameter η being zero.
    2 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Viareggio, Italy. 3-6 September, 1973. Abstr. P. 70.
    (оригинал издания)

  • What is NQR?
    Проспект фирмы DECCA. 1970. P. 34-47.
    Переплет № 52-Ин.

  • Whidden C. J., Williams C. D., Tipsword R. F.
    Pressure and temperature dependence of the nuclear quadrupole frequency of 23Na in NaBrO3.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1969. Vol. 50, No. 1. P. 507-510.
    РЖ Физика, 1969, 7 Д 633. Переплет № 47-Ин.

  • Whitaker M. A. B.
    The motional effect in nuclear double-resonance.
    Phys. Status Solidi. (b) 1978. Vol. 87, No. 2. P. 689-695.
    РЖ Физика, 1978, 11 Д 856. Переплет № 124-Ин.

  • White R. L.
    Nuclear quadrupole interaction in HCN and DCN in the bending vibrational mode.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1955. Vol. 23, No. 2. P. 249-252.
    РЖ Физика, 1958, реферат 9524. Переплет № 5-Ин.

  • Whitehead M. A.
    35Cl pure quadrupole resonance frequencies in the cyclic phosphonitrilic chloride polymers.
    Canad. J. Chem. 1964. Vol. 42, No. 5. P. 1212-1225.
    РЖ Химия, 1965, 10 Б 277. Переплет № 57-Ин.

  • Whitehead M. A.
    Chemical information from nuclear quadrupole resonance on polycrystalline samples: Experiment and theory.
    XI Int. Symp. NQR Spectroscopy. London, England. 15-19 July, 1991. Abstr. P I:4.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Whitehead M. A.
    Field gradient, why and how? Does it have anything to do with molecular structure?
    4 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Osaka, Japan. 13-16 September, 1977. Abstr. P. 21.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Whitehead M. A.
    News from McGill University.
    NQR Newslett. 1993. Vol. 1, No. 2. P. 29-30.
    (оригинал журнала)

  • Whitehead M. A.
    Quadrupolar relaxation studies of defects in crystals.
    7 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Kingston, Canada. 11-14 July, 1983. Abstr. F 1.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Whitehead M. A.
    Semi-empirical approaches to NQR interpretation.
    2 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Viareggio, Italy. 3-6 September, 1973. Abstr. P. 22.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Whitehead M. A.
    The shape of things to come. Obtaining the correct shape of the wavefunction at the nucleus for the field gradient.
    J. Mol. Struct. 1980. Vol. 58, No 1. P. 375-388.
    (Proc. 5 Intern. Symp. on NQR Spectrosc. Toulouse, France. 1979)
    РЖ Физика, 1980, 7 Д 694. Переплет № 120-Ин. + оригинал журнала
    (5 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Toulouse, France. 10-14 September, 1979. Abstr. C 3-1.
    оригинал издания)

  • Whitehead M. A., Jaffé H. H.
    (search name: Jaffe H. H.)
    Nuclear quadrupole resonance of BrCl.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1961. Vol. 34, No. 6. P. 2204.
    Переплет № 29-Ин.

  • Whitehead M. A., Jaffé H. H.
    (search name: Jaffe H. H.)
    Orbital energy matching as a factor in the interpretation of NQR frequencies in halides.
    Trans. Faraday Soc. 1961. Vol. 57. Pt. 11. No. 467. P. 1854-1862.
    РЖ Химия, 1962, 13 Б 138. Переплет № 55-Ин.

  • Widman R. H.
    Shifts of the nuclear quadrupole resonance spectra of 14N in urea, cyanuric acid, and melamine.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1965. Vol. 43, No. 8. P. 2922-2923.
    РЖ Физика, 1966, 6 Д 591. Переплет № 28-Ин.

  • Wigand S., Asaji T., Ikeda R., Nakamura D.
    Reorientational motion of trihalogenomethyl groups in organic compounds as studied by 35Cl NQR and 19F NMR spectroscopy.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1992. Vol. 47a, N 1-2. P. 265-273.
    РЖ Химия, 1994, 3 Б 1210. Переплет № 227-Ин.
    XI Int. Symp. NQR Spectroscopy. London, England. 15-19 July, 1991. Abstr. P I:19.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Wigand S., Walz L., Weiden N., Weiss A.
    35Cl NQR spectra and crystal structures of 1,2,4,5-tetrachloro-3,6-dinitrobenzene and of 1,3,5-trichloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene.
    Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 1987. Vol. 91, N 11. P. 1189-1194.
    РЖ Физика, 1988, 4 H 1275. Переплет № 196-Ин.

  • Wigand S., Weiden N., Weiss A.
    On the nature of the “bleaching out” process of the 35Cl NQR signals in 1,2,3,-trichlorobenzene.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1990. Vol. 45a, N 3-4. P. 490-502.
    Proc. 10 Int. Symp. on Nucl. Quadrup. Res. Spect. Takayama, Japan, 1989
    РЖ Химия, 1991, 1 Б 1310. Переплет № 224-Ин.
    10 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Takayama, Japan. 22-26 August, 1989. Abstr. V Oral 7.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Wigand S., Weiden N., Weiss A.
    Single crystal 35Cl NQR study of 1,2,4,5-tetrachloro-3,6-dinitrobenzene and 1,3,5-trichloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene.
    9 Int. Symp. NQR. Kanpur, India. 11-15 January, 1988. Abstr. P B5.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Wigand S., Weiden N., Weiss A.
    The electric field gradients at the nitrogen and chlorine sites in 1,2,4,5-tetrachloro-3,6-dinitrobenzene and 1,3,5-trichloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene. A 14N NMR and 35Cl NQR single crystal study.
    Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 1989. Vol. 93, N 8. P. 913-922.
    РЖ Химия, 1990, 4 Б 1365. Переплет № 215-Ин.

  • Wijn H. W. de
    Effect of quenching of polarizations in polar diatomic molecules on nuclear quadrupole coupling, its vibrational dependence, and molecular dipole moments.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1966. Vol. 44, No. 2. P. 810-815.
    РЖ Химия, 1967, 9 Б 230. Переплет № 32-Ин.

  • Wijn H. W. de, Wildt J. L. de
    Temperature dependence of nuclear quadrupole resonance in cuprous oxide.
    Phys. Rev. 1966. Vol. 150, No. 1. P. 200-201.
    Переплет № 32-Ин.

  • Wikner E. G., Blumberg W. E., Hahn E. L.
    Nuclear quadrupole spin-lattice relaxation in alkali halides.
    Phys. Rev. 1960. Vol. 118, No. 3. P. 631-639.
    РЖ Физика, 1961, 2 B 414. Переплет № 16-Ин.

  • Wilkins C. L., Brunner T. R., Thoennes D. J.
    Experimental considerations in automated NMR relaxation time measurements by the progressive saturation method.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1975. Vol. 17. P. 373-380.
    РЖ Физика, 1975, 11 Д 648. Переплет № 90-Ин.

  • Williams D. E., Kocher C. W.
    Orbital populations and  backbonding in some organohalostannanes: The interpretation of tin Mössbauer and ligand NQR data.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1970. Vol. 52, No. 3. P. 1480-1488.
    РЖ Химия, 1970, 16 Б 335. Переплет № 52-Ин.

  • Williams Q., Weatherly T. L.
    Nuclear quadrupole resonances in some chlorine compounds.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1954. Vol. 22, No. 5. P. 572.
    Переплет № 3-Ин.

  • Wilmshurst J. K.
    Empirical expression for ionic character and the determination of s hybridization from nuclear quadrupole coupling constants.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1959. Vol. 30, No. 2. P. 561-565.
    Переплет № 55-Ин.

  • Wilson W. D., Blume M.
    Nuclear quadrupole resonance shifts of off-center ions in KCl.
    J. Phys. and Chem. Solids. 1968. Vol. 29, No. 7. P. 1167-1176.
    РЖ Физика, 1969, 2 Д 744. Переплет № 41-Ин.

  • Windsch W.
    Magnetic resonance investigations of the critical dynamics at structural phase transitions of order-disorder type.
    Acta Univ. Wratisl. Ser. mat., fiz., astr. 1984. N 38. P. 21-33.
    РЖ Физика, 1985, 5 H 700. Переплет № 167-Ин.

  • Winkler W., Vetter R.
    Electronic reorganization mechanisms in strongly covalent bonds. II. Verified by nuclear quadrupole interactions and NMR spin-spin coupling.
    Chem. Phys. 1990. Vol. 144, No. 1. P. 29-45.
    РЖ Химия, 1991, 20 Б 1400. Переплет № 70-рус.

  • Winscom C. J., Maniero A. L., Mobius K.
    14N ODNQR of zinc(octaethylporphyrin) in its singlet ground state.
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 1986. Vol. 128, No. 3. P. 244-249.
    РЖ Химия, 1986, 24 Б 1390. Переплет № 177-Ин.

  • Winter J. M.
    Application de la relaxation dans le référentiel tournant à l’étude des métaux.
    “Proc. XIII Coll. AMPERE. 1964, Amsterdam”. 1965. P. 61-67.
    Переплет № 28-Ин.

  • Wiotte W., Elschner S., Albers J.
    23Na NMR investigation of the quadrupolar freezing in NaxK1-xCN.
    XXIII Congr. AMPERE on Magn. Reson. Roma, Italy, 1986. Proc. P. 142-143.
    Оригинал издания

  • Wiszniewska M., Armstrong R. L.
    The odservation of a displacive phase transition in (NH4)2PtBr6.
    Canad. J. Phys. 1973. Vol. 51, No. 8. P. 781-786.
    РЖ Физика, 1973, 10 Д 578. Переплет № 79-Ин.

  • Witanowski M., Stefaniak L., Szymański S., Webb G. A.
    (search name: Szymanski S.)
    Nitrogen-14 nuclear magnetic resonance in 1,2,4-triazine systems.
    Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Ser. Sci. Chim. 1978. T. 26, N 4. P. 285-289.
    РЖ Физика, 1979, 1 Д 691. Переплет № 117-Ин.

  • Witanowski M., Stefaniak L., Webb G. A.
    Nitrogen-14 NMR linewidths as an aid in nitrogen chemical shift assignments.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1979. Vol. 36, No. 2. P. 227-237.
    РЖ Физика, 1980, 3 Д 627. Переплет № 128-Ин.

  • Wittebort R. J.
    Selective excitation and quadrupole connectivities in deuterium NMR of paramagnetic solids.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1989. Vol. 83, No. 3. P. 626-629.
    РЖ Физика, 1990, 7 А 315.
    Журнал на микрофишах

  • Wodniecki P., Wodniecka B., Marszałek M., Hrynkiewicz A. Z.
    (search name: Marszalek M.)
    PAC studies of Ag-Hf intermetallic compounds.
    Proc. XIII Int. Symp. NQRS. Providence, Rhode Island, USA, July 23-28, 1995. Abstr. P. 279-280
    оригинал издания
    (published in: Z. Naturforsch. 1996. Vol. 51a, N 5-6. P. 437-441.)

  • Woessner D. E., Gutowsky H. S.
    35Cl pure quadrupole resonance studies of relaxation times in solid solutions of p-dichlorobenzene.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1957. Vol. 27, No. 5. P. 1072-1074.
    Переплет № 9-Ин.

  • Woessner D. E., Gutowsky H. S.
    Nuclear pure quadrupole relaxation and its temperature dependence in solids.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1963. Vol. 39, No. 2. P. 440-456.
    РЖ Физика, 1964, 4 Д 398. Переплет № 23-Ин.

  • Woessner D. E., Gutowsky H. S.
    Spin exchange and spin-lattice relaxation induced by mechanical rotation of solids.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1958. Vol. 29, No. 4. P. 804-812.
    Переплет № 59-Ин.

  • Woessner D. E., Snowden B. S., Jr.
    Spin-lattice relaxation and phase transitions in deuterated ammonium bromide.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1967. Vol. 47, No. 7. P. 2361-2363.
    Переплет № 29-Ин.

  • Woessner D. E., Tinken H. K. C.
    The influence of MAS on spin-lattice relaxation curves and nuclear spin excitation of half-integer spin quadrupolar nuclei in solids.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1990. Vol. 90, No. 2. P. 411-419.
    РЖ Физика, 1991, 8 А 240.
    Журнал на микрофишах

  • Wojcik M., Zbieranowski W.
    Quadrupolar interaction constants in some diamagnetic garnets.
    Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena. Proc. XX Congr. AMPERE. Tallinn, USSR, 1978.
    Springer-Verlag. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1979. P. 182.
    Оригинал издания

  • Wokaum A., Ernst R. R.
    Multiple quantum double resonance.
    Mol. Phys. 1979. Vol. 38, No. 5. P. 1579-1601.
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  • Wulfsberg G., Garliardi J., Jr., Jones D., Colsman M. R., Newbound T. D., Strauss S. H., Dou S.-q., Weiss A.
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  • Wulfsberg G., Hillenbrand D., Weiss A., West R., Schluter A.
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  • Yim C. T., Whitehead M. A., Lo D. H.
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  • Yoshimura K., Imai T., Shimizu T., Ueda Y., Kosuge K., Yasuoka H.
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