Катедра Атомна физика, Физически факултет, бул

A-63. A. Proykova, Topology of the potential energy surface and the origin of phase changes

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A-63. A. Proykova, Topology of the potential energy surface and the origin of phase changes

in finite atomic clusters, BPU6 (22-26.08.2006) Istanbul, Turkey

A-64. A. Proykova, Temperature Driven Oriented Order of Molecular Clusters in Nanoscale,

Shedding Light on the Nanoworld: Ordered and Disordered Nanostructures,

International Workshop, 24-28.09.2006, Sunny beach, Bulgaria

A-65. A.Proykova in: Sixth Symposium on X- and gamma ray sources

and applications, May 21-23, Michigan (USA),section -

Models and data analysis, (1985)

"Dertermination of the Detecting System Response Function"

A-66. A.Proykova and A.Marinov in: Proc.Third International

Symposium on Radiation Physics, Sept.30-Oct.4, Ferrara (Italy)(1985)

"Transport of fast electrons through radiation sources"

A-67. A.Proykova in: Workshop on Exotic Atoms in Condensed Matter

Erice, Italy, May-1990 :"Negative muons slowing down in

homogeneous metal-layers"

A-68. A.Proykova in: Proc. Fifth International Symposium on Radiation Physics, June

10-14, Dubrovnik(Yugoslavia)(1991)

A-69. Ana Proykova and Boris Karadjov, Conditional Deposition of Particles on a Surface –

a Fractal versus Non-fractal Dimension of the Percolating Clusters, STATPHYS 23,

the 23rd International Conference on Statistical Physics of the International Union for

Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), Genova, Italy, from July 9 to 13, (2007)

А-70. A. Proykova, H. Iliev, F.Y.Li, Useful vacancies in Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes,

213 ECS 213, Phoenix, AZ (May 18-23), (2008) "Carbon Nanotubes and

Nanostructures: Applications and Devices", USA

A-71. A. Proykova, Self- and Induced-Organization of Metallic Nanoparticles:

Computational Models and Experimental Observations, Ukraina, June (2008)

  1. Annual Reports

1. the Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland)

R.Abela, K. Bodek, P.Boeni, F.Foroughi, L.Grenacs, L.Jarczyk, St.Kystrin,

J.Lang, R.Muller, S.Navert, O.Naviliat-Cuncic, A.Proykova, J.Smyrski,

J.Sromicki, E.Stephan, A.Strzalkowski, J.Zajma, W.Zipper, Optimization

Study for Measurements of Time-Even Correlations in Muon Capture on

Nuclei, R-93-03, Zurich-PSI-Louvain-Cracow-Katowice-Sofia
K. Bodek, P.Boeni, F.Foroughi, L.Grenacs, L.Jarczyk, St.Kystrin,

J.Lang, R.Muller, S.Navert, O.Naviliat-Cuncic, A.Proykova, J.Smyrski,

J.Sromicki, E.Stephan, A.Strzalkowski, J.Zajma, W.Zipper, Measurements of Time-Even Correlations in Muon Capture on Nuclei, R-95-08, Zurich-PSI-Louvain-Cracow-Katowice-Sofia
2. UCL

Th. Delbar, J.-S. Graulich, P. Leleux, X. Morelle, A. Proykova, Measurements of stopping powers and charge state distribution, p.42 http://www.fynu.ucl.ac.be/librairie/rapports/cyclone/1997/cyclone97.pdf

IV. Reports on research and educational projects (in English) 1997-2007
R1. A.Proykova, Globalization, Education, and Science in Globalization and Cultural

Differences, Proceedings of the Fourth Fulbright Conference, Sofia, May 19-21,

(Bulgarian-American Fulbright Commission Press) p. 57-61 (2000).


TOTALITARIAN WORLD, Abstracts of the Third Fulbright Conference Dedicated to the 5th Anniversary of the Bulgarian Fulbright Commission, Sofia, May 14-17, (1998).

R4. A. Proykova, TEMPUS project (1997) (separate pages – the program of the course Part I, Part 2 on Statistical methods in Nuclear Physics and Simulations in Nuclear and Statistical Physics)

R5. A. Proykova, A Link in the Long Chain of the World Cultures in: UNDERSTANDING DIFFERENCES AND BUILDING BRIDGES, The Second Fulbright Conference Dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of the Fulbright Program, Sofia, May 16-19, 1996

R6. A. Proykova “National Centre on Nanotechnology (NCNT)”, (oral presentation at The 1st NanoForum Workshop: Nanomaterials and Applications, Sinaia, Romania, October 5- 7th, 2003 http://www.nanoforum.org/events/workshop

R7. A. Proykova, The Status of Women in Physics in Bulgaria, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, v.628, p.137 (2002) (ISBN 0-7354-0074-1)

R8. A. Proykova, Women-physicists in Bulgaria in Another Transition Period, American

Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, v. 795, p. 101 (2005 )

(ISBN 0-7354-0278-7; ISSN 0094-243-X)

R9. A. Proykova, Knowledge production and certification, http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/conferences/2004/univ/pdf/speech_ana_projkova_en.pdf
R10. Nanometrology Report, 128 pages, (2006) eds. Witold Łojkowski, Rasit Turan, Ana Proykova, Agnieszka Daniszewska http://www.nanoforum.org/dateien/temp/NANOMETROLOGY_Report.pdf
R11. Nanotechnology in Aerospace, February 2007, A. Proykova in chapter 7:

‘Environment, Health and Safety Aspects’ and in chapter 8: ‘Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects http://www.nanoforum.org/

R12. A. Proykova, The National Program on Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies

(2005-2007) a part of the EU-FP6-Theme 3 & FP7-Theme 4 “Nanoscience, Nanotechnologies, Materials and New Production Technologies – NMP”, Advances in Bulgarian Science, issue 4 (2007) pp.31-33, NACID (ISSN 1312-6164)

R13. A. Proykova, The Monte Carlo Group Research and International Activities in Nanoscience, Advances in Bulgarian Science, issue 4 (2007) pp.21-25, NACID (ISSN 1312-6164)

V. Invited lectures (available on the WEB)

L.1 Ana Proykova, Self- and Induced Organization of Nanoparticles (keynote lecture at

The 1st NanoForum Workshop: Nanomaterials and Applications, Sinaia, Romania,

October 5-7th, (2003). http://www.nanoforum.org/events/workshop/Proykova.pdf

L.2. Ana Proykova and Hristo Iliev, Mechanical properties of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes,

(invited talk, the National University of Singapore, February, 6,2004)


L3. A. Proykova “National Centre on Nanotechnology (NCNT)”, (oral presentation at The

1st NanoForum Workshop: Nanomaterials and Applications, Sinaia, Romania, October 5-7th, 2003 http://www.nanoforum.org/events/workshop

L4. Ana Proykova, Gas adsorption on/in carbon tubes,

http://www.fundp.ac.be/~vpopov/nato-asi-2005.htm (under Presentations)

L5. Ana Proykova, Time-scales in Molecular Dynamics. Ab-initio (quantum) Molecular Dynamics and coarse graining techniques

http://www.fundp.ac.be/~vpopov/nato-asi-2005.htm (under Presentations)

L6. Ana Proykova, Diffusion of the adsorbed gases

http://www.fundp.ac.be/~vpopov/nato-asi-2005.htm (under Presentations)

  1. Publications in Bulgarian Journals (in Bulgarian)

1. Ana Proykova, Penka Lazarova – Кариера във физиката – ‘да’ или ‘не’ за жените в България

(Career in Physics – „yes” or „no” for the Bulgarian women) in Сборник от доклади на

конференция с международно участие “The researcher – a factor for the development of the

knowledge society”, 28-29.11.2005, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp.72-77


2. Ana Proykova, European Week of Science (Европейска седмица на науката, 3-9 Ноември 2003),

НАУКА (Science) (Union of the Bulgarian Scientists) p.56, No.6 (2003)

http://www.usb-bg.org/Bg/Nauka_En_6%6003.htm (ISSN 0861 3362)

3. Ana Proykova, Desire to create…(Желанието да създаваш е по-силно от това да потребяваш,

AZBUKI (Национален седмичник за образование и наука, брой 46 (636), стр.1 и стр.3, 12-18

Ноември 2003.

4. Ana Proykova and Iwao Ohmine, From the Big Bang to the Water molecule, NAUKA (Science)

(Union of the Bulgarian Scientists)

5. Ana Proykova, "Women in Physics" International Conference, NAUKA (Science) (Union of the

Bulgarian Scientists), No..2, p.34 (2002)

6. Ana Proykova and Iwao Ohmine, Water - ordinary and enigmatic, Physics, No.1 (2001) p.9

7. Ana Proykova, New Books (review), NAUKA(Science) (Union of the Bulgarian Scientists), No.4, p.

66 (2000)

8. Ana Proykova, The Challenges of Bachelor Education in Bulgarian Universities - Sad Thoughts and

Little Hope, NAUKA( Science) (Union of the Bulgarian Scientists), N.3, p. 31 (2000)

9. Ana Proykova, Nanosized materials and their properties, Physics, No.5, p.2 (1999)

10. Ana Proykova, Visions of Aliens, SuperM, May (1999)

Ana Proykova, Parallel computing vs. Clusters of Computers, Computer for You, (1997)

Translations into Bulgarian

  1. Williams, Nuclear and Particle Physics ,Oxford University Press (1991) (textbook tr. by A. Proykova, R. Tsenov and S. Gabrakov), University of Sofia Press (2000)

  2. R.S. Berry (tr. A. Proykova) , How Good is the Bohr Model, Physics World, No.4 p.1(1995)

  3. Leo Kadanoff (tr. A. Proykova), Physics World, No. p.(1996)

Selected Completed Research Projects in collaboration 2000-2006:

  • Econophysics & Sociophysics (with Prof. D. Stauffer, University of Cologne) Funding: University of Cologne-University of Sofia partnership

  • Molecular and Atomic Clusters, Phase Transitions in Small Systems (The University of Chicago, USA with Prof. RS Berry) Funding: NSF-USA (2002-2006)

  • Magnetic chromium clusters ( with Prof. D. Stauffer, University of Cologne) Funding: University of Cologne-University of Sofia partnership (2004-2005)

  • Ab initio calculations of metal clusters (DFT - code, J. Chelikowski, Minnesota Supercomputing Center, USA, 2001-2004)

  • Finite-Size Scaling Analysis (NATO CLG project with R.S. Berry: 2000-2002)

  • Hydrogen Bond Network & Clatrates (with Prof. Ohmine, Univ. of Nagoya, Japan, 2000)

  • Potential Energy Surface (PES) Analysis of Clusters (JSPS project,

  • Japan: 2000)

Current Funded Projects in science & society activities:

  • COOREERS, CA- FP6, NanoMatPro TP3 (Nanoscience, materials, production)

  • Nanoforum, European Union sponsored Thematic Network – FP5 http://www.nanoforum.org

  • Platform of Women in Science, SSA-FP6–Science and society http://www.epws.org/



Ана Йовкова Пройкова

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