Офертен бюлетин №1012/2012 оферти за бизнес сътрудничество

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BCD (Business Cooperation Database) е централизирана база данни за обмен на предложения за бизнес сътрудничество на мрежата Enterprise Europe Network. Чрез нея контактните точки на мрежата от всички държави обменят информация и разпространяват оферти за бизнес сътрудничество.

За да получите координати на фирмата, подала офертата, е нужно да попълните приложения формуляр за проявен интерес и да го изпратите на e-mail адрес: een@pcci.bg или факс: 032 908988, 908999.

1. BCD ID20120305019

A German distributor of FMCG goods to all distribution channels is looking for trade intermediary services, is interested in joint-venture possibilities and is offering transport/logistic services.
2. BCD ID20120306036

A Turkish company specialized in trade of textile products such as curtain, apparel, shirting fabrics, toner, machinery is requesting trade intermediary services, joint venture and reciprocal production. The company is also active in interpretership services in all languages.

3. BCD ID20120307009

An Austrian company offering high quality grain mills and flakers with a patented milling system is looking for distribution partners.

4. BCD ID20120308039

A south west UK SME has designed and developed an innovative software product to teach Chinese as a second language. This SME urgently requires trade intermediaries from across the Enterprise Europe Network to support the retail of this unique product.

5. BCD ID20120308041

A British company specialised in the manufacture and engineering of plastic solutions is offering their high quality manufacturing services to entrepreneurs and innovators who require a plastics manufacturer/trade molder to produce under contract. This company is looking for commercial sub contracting opportunities.

6. BCD ID20120308042

This UK SME delivers a total Business Continuity Management solutions and would like to partner with organizations to deliver this program internationally. This SME seeks trade intermediaries from across the Enterprise Europe Network to promote this service and where possible collaborate and partner in delivery.

7. BCD ID20120309046

UK company specialising in the design, manufacture and distribution of children's products, including safety stools and high chairs, seeks agents and / or distributors for its products in the rest of Europe. The firm is also prepared to consider a reciprocal distribution service in the UK for suitable products which complement its range

8. BCD ID20120309048

A UK company which has been established for 20 years with their main product being a premium, branded black tea are seeking long term distributor agreements, either nationally exclusive or semi-exclusive (split by region and/or market segment) with companies having a strong commercial presence in the hotel, retail, wholesale, gift and catering trade sectors.

9. BCD ID20120312008

A German SME active in the development and production of skin care products for professional applications is searching for distribution partners.

10. BCD ID20120312009

A German SME, active in the development, production, storing, dosing and packaging of cosmetics offers their services to producers of cosmetics and skin care products as outsourcing partner and subcontractor.

11. BCD ID20120312026

UK company which supplies hand tally counters with a wide range of simple counting applications seeks trade representation.

12. BCD ID20120312034

UK company manufacturing and retailing contemporary homeware is looking for trade intermediaries in Europe. The company is also offering to be a distributor for European manufacturers of furniture, lighting or homeware accessories through their online and flagship retail shop. The company can sell the products under its own brand or under the manufacturer's own brand.

13. BCD ID20120313024

A UK mechanical engineering company specialising in heat exchanger and fin fan removal in petrochemical sites is seeking JVs or subcontractor agreements with mechanical engineering contractors or petrochemical operating companies.

14. BCD ID20120314017

A UK manufacturer of specialist 'easy-slide' bed linen, suitable for less mobile patients, particularly those with Parkinsons Disease, Arthritis, or other disabilities, requires distributors and trade intermediaries across Europe.

За контакт:

Елена Бояджиева

Европейски Информационен и Иновационен Център

Търговско-Промишлена Камара – Пловдив

ул.Самара № 7

Тел.: 032 908999, 908998, 908980

e-mail: een@pcci.bg
Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the European Commission is responsible for the use which might be made of the information contained herein. The views in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the policies of the European Commission.


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e-mail: een@pcci.bg, факс: 032 908988, 908999
Каталог: img -> files
files -> Бюлетин б2б събития организирани от Европейската мрежа в подкрепа на бизнеса Брой 7
files -> Бюлетин б2б събития организирани от Европейската мрежа в подкрепа на бизнеса Брой 3
files -> За брокерски събития
files -> За брокерски събития
files -> Офертен бюлетин 01/2013 оферти за бизнес сътрудничество
files -> За брокерски събития
files -> Офертен бюлетин № bbs/1713/2013 оферти за технологично сътрудничество
files -> Офертен бюлетин № bbs/1910/2010 оферти за технологично сътрудничество
files -> Офертен бюлетин 06/2013 оферти за бизнес сътрудничество
files -> Офертен бюлетин №1512/2012 оферти за бизнес сътрудничество

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