Приземен етаж /сутерен/ на кота 70 м. Общата площ на парцела е 5100 м2 с много паркоместа и осигурен тир достъп за товаро-разтоварна дейност. Всички комуникации, ел захранване 500кW. Предстоящ ремонт

Размер19.42 Kb.
Под наем
Железобетонно, масивно хале, на 2 км. от идеалния център на гр. Пловдив, с 52 м лице на най-оживения булевард на града /бул. „6-ти Септември”/, подходящо за магазин, шоурум, складова или производствена дейност. Непосредствена близост до м-н Бриколаж, Метро и др. големи и малки търговски обекти. Халето е двуетажно с обща застроена площ 3400 м2 от които 1700 м2 етаж на кота +0.90 м с товарна рампа и 1700 м2 приземен етаж /сутерен/ на кота – 2.70 м. Общата площ на парцела е 5100 м2 с много паркоместа и осигурен ТИР достъп за товаро-разтоварна дейност. Всички комуникации, ел.захранване 500кW. Предстоящ ремонт.

За повече информация и контакти:

E-mail: m.fratev@abv.bg

Mobil: +359/888/312-541


A solid hall made of reinforced concrete, 2 km away from the very center of the city of Plovdiv, with 52 m façade looking out on the busiest boulevard in the city /6-ti Septemvri Blvd/, suitable for a shop, showroom, storehouse or manufacturing activity. It is in close proximity of big commercial sites and hypermarkets /Mr Bricolage, Metro, etc. /. The hall has two floors with total built-up area of 3400 m2, of which 1700 m2 are a floor with loading platform to a height of 0.90m above ground level and 1700 m2 ground floor /basement/ with elevation – 2.70 m from the area. The total area of the plot is 5100 m2 with many parking places and provided TIR access for loading and unloading activities. There are all means of communication and electric power supply of 500 kW. A repair will be performed soon.

The place is very suitable for a trade representation office because the floor can be turned into offices and a showroom and the storehouse and assembly workshops can be placed on the ground floor.
The city of Plovdiv is the second biggest city in Bulgaria and its location in the center of southern Bulgaria makes it very appropriate from a logistic point of view.

The staff of our company consists of mechanical engineers who could possibly help you in the reconstruction of the building in accordance with your requirements as well as with the organization of the establishment of a centralized office which would distribute your products in Bulgaria as well as in the neighboring countries and the countries on the Balkan Peninsula. If you have serious intentions and are interested in a long-term presence on the market of Bulgaria this is a wonderful opportunity.

We are at your service for all kinds of questions:

E-mail: m.fratev@abv.bg

Mobil: +359/888/312-541

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