Резюмета на статии с приносни елементи Машева

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Резюмета на статии с приносни елементи
Машева В., 2011. Оценка на нови линии ориенталски тютюн – биологична характеристика. Растениевъдни Науки vol. XLVIII, № 4, 370-374


През периода 2005-2007 г. в Институт по тютюна и тютюневите изделия, ОП – с. Козарско се изпитаха 4 новоселекционирани линии ориенталски тютюн и сорт Пловдив 7 (контрола). По отношение на основни морфологични признаци като височина на растенията и брой листа разпределението на вариантите от основната група е със стойности по-високи от стандартния сорт (Пловдив 7). Разпределението по признака размери на листата от средния пояс е изместено към намаляване на дължината, което ще позволи по-голяма част от получената суровина да премине в по-висока класа. Новоселекционираните линии л.380 и л.413 по всички изследвани признаци са с по-добри показатели от стандартния сорт .

Линия 380 е призната за нов оригинален сорт български ориенталски тютюн – Пловдив 380.

Машева В., М.Къшева, 2011. Оценка на морфологични и химико-технологични показатели при нови сортове български ориенталски тютюн. Международна научна конференция, Съюз на учените, Пловдив, т.VІІІ, 169-174


През периода 2008-2010 г. в Институт по тютюна и тютюневите изделия, ОП Козарско се изпитаха 6 новоселекционирани линии ориенталски тютюн и сортове Пловдив 7 и Крумовград 988 (контрола). По отношение на основни морфологични признаци като височина на растенията, брой листа, размери на листата от средния пояс и стопански показатели – добив сух тютюн новоселекционираните линии л.380, л. 339 и л.47 по всички изследвани признаци са с по-добри показатели от стандартния сорт. Линии 380, 339 и 47 са призната за нови оригинални сортове български ориенталски тютюн – Пловдив 380, Козарско 339 и Средногорска яка.
Диманов Д., В.Машева, 2011. Нови сортове ориенталски тютюни от сортова група Басми. Български тютюн, 6. 23-27


Тютюнът като стока за реализация се приема основно в зависимост от нейните потребителски качества. За разлика от другите селскостопански култури тютюневите сортове са изключително свързани с условията на отглеждане. Основни фактори за формиране на еднородността на тютюневите партиди са климатът с неговите компоненти- температура, валежи, относителна влажност и ветрове; почвата с ораграфските си особености – хумусно съдържание, механичен състав, воден капацитет; релефът с надморската си височина и вертикално разположение и сортът с биологичните си качества и специфични пушателно-вкусови свойства.

За това трябва да се увеличи сортовото разнообразие и съобразявайки се със средата на отглеждане, да се създадат на сорта оптимални условия за проявата на генетичния му потенциал.

В отдел „Селекция и семепроизводство” на Институт по тютюна и тютюневите изделия се работи за създаване на нови сортове и от трите сортови групи – Ориенталски, Виржиния и Бърлей. Тук представяме новите сортове ориенталски тютюн сортова група Басми, селекционирани в ИТТИ, Марково през последните години – Мюмюново семе, Секирка, Джебел Басма 1, Джебел Басма 2, Басма 13, Пловдив 380, Устина 54, Козарско 339 и Средногорска яка.
Masheva V., E.Nikolov, T.Hristeva, 2005 . Genetic distance of parent oriental tobacco varieties and their hybrids of some breeding traits. Agricultural University Plovdiv, Scientific Works vol.І, book.5, 151-153


Gluster analysis based on 3 agronomic and dry tobacco quality was used to study the genetic diversity among 2 parent cultivars Plovdiv 7 and Krumovgrad 988 and their hybrids was tested across 3 years.

An agglomerative hierarchical clustering procedure based on the dissimilarity by Euclidian distance was used. It was established 4 principal groups of tobacco genotypes with clear genetic difference. There are three new breed lines can be used to plant successfully their spreading as well as to evaluate them as a source material in plant breeding .

Masheva V., 2009. Proline accumulation as early screening for drought – tolerance selection in Oriental tobacco (N. tabacum L.). CORESTA, Agro-Phyto Groups, Rovinj, 150-153


The objective of the represented work was to investigate possibilities of using proline level changes in water stress conditions as preliminary test for drought tolerance with the help of selection for indirect traits. The following tasks for development are put in connection with presented aim: Establishment of endogene proline levels of varieties and F1 hybrids Oriental tobacco; Following the proline level changes for varieties and hybrids in water stress conditions and in recovery period; Establishment possibility of using proline as preliminary screening test for drought tolerance. Changes in proline content during water stress and recovery were examined of seven varieties and F1 generations of Oriental tobacco (N. tаbacum L.). These varieties were selected due to their differing performances in the field during water stress periods. 25 days tobacco seedlings were under stress period and period of recovery. Proline levels were measured and calculated for both periods. The base proline levels of the drought- tolerant cultivars proved to be lower than those of the drought-sensitive cultivars. During the osmotic treatment, (PEG - 25% was used as a selective agent) proline increased more or less simultaneously depending on cultivars. The proline concentrations of the drought-sensitive cultivars were lower than that the drought-tolerant cultivars were able to accumulate proline to much higher end concentrations. The extent of increase correlated positively with their individual drought-tolerance. In recovery period (PEG – free) proline levels decreased, and clear differences were observed between osmotic - tolerant and - sensitive genotypes. The samples of F1-generations were tested the same procedure and proline levels were compared with those of tolerant varieties.The system was developed allowing changes determination in free proline levels under the influence of stress factor drought and in recovery period of different tobacco varieties in early stage of its growth, are advocated as criteria to be used in selecting for drought-tolerant tobacco genotypes as early as the F1- or F2 generations.
Masheva V., E.Nikolov, T.Hristeva, 2004. Variety Maintaining Breeding of Plovdiv 7 Variety. Scientific Researches, Scientific Conference – Kardjaly, 152-154


The oriental tobacco yield is result of interaction of big number determined genetic inherited polygene components. The difficulties of breeding are caused by interaction of these genetic systems to environment factors and as result correlation decreases between genotype and its phenotype manifestation.

The aim of investigation is improvement of genetic system by important key indications in variety maintaining of Plovdiv 7 variety.

Selection of elite plants in the range 175-187 kg / da ensure sustained quality of the received material. The choice of the elites on number of leaves is most effective within 30, where the variation of the trait is the least. The established correlation between signs length / width of leaves within 25/12 cm is original to this ecotype.

E.Nikolov, Masheva V., T.Hristeva, 2004. Agrobiological and Chemicotechnological Characteristics of Oriental Tobacco Variety Elenski 827. Field Crops Studies, vol.1, № 3, 414-418


The expanding of the variety list by developing the new Oriental tobacco varieties and extending the investigations on determining its norm of reaction under different growing environments create preconditions for reducing risks. The aim of the study was to develop new varieties with improved agrobiological and technological properties thus increasing tobacco production efficiency.

A new oriental tobacco variety Elenski 827 was developed and included in the National tobacco variety list.
Nikolov E., V.Masheva, 2003. ITTI – New Oriental Tobacco Variety. Agricultural University-Plovdiv, Scientific Works, vol. XLVII, 195-198

Abstract: The expanding of the variety list by developing the new Oriental tobacco varieties and extending the investigations for determine its norm of reaction in different growing environments create preconditions for reducing risks including ecological. The part of variety will increase will undoubtedly in the world tendency to ecological agriculture. Develop new varieties with improved agrobiological and technological properties thus increasing tobacco production efficiency. A new oriental tobacco variety ITTI - 490 was developed and included in the National tobacco variety list.

Машева В.,Е.Николов, 2008. Проучване наследяването на някои агроморфологични признаци при селекцията на ориенталския тютюн. Растениевъдни науки, 45, 107-109


Установена е структурата на генните ефекти при наследяване на признаците височина на растението, брой листа и размери на листата ( дължина и ширина на 7- ми лист) на хибридната комбинация (Козарско 541 х л.375). При наследяване на признаците височина на растенията, брой листа и ширина на листата с най-висок относителен дял са интералелните генни взаимодействия от 51,27% до 53,54%. В детерминирането на признаците значителен е относителният дял на адитивните генни ефекти в рамките 41,67 – 43,93%. Налице е епистаз от дубликатен тип. При детерминирането на признака дължина на 7-ми лист с най-висок относителен дял са алелните генни ефекти 52,86%. Водещо е значението на адитивните ефекти 37,89%. Епистазът е от доминантен тип.
Masheva V., E.Nikolov, 2005. Gene Effects and Inheritance of Some Quantitative Traits in Oriental Tabacum, L. Scientific conference, Stara Zagora, vol.II, 99-103


The inheriting and gene effects structure is investigated by characteristics number of leaves, leaf length and leaf breadth. The gene effects were studied using cross (Pazardjik 17 x l.375).

The finding revealed that in this cross, dominant component was significant for number of leaves per plant. Leaf breadth was predominantly controlled by epystacy – dominance x dominance, while most important for leaf length was additive-dominant gene effects.

Машева В., Е.Николов, 2001. Оценка на ключови генетични компоненти при новоселекционирани линии ориенталски тютюн. Научни трудове Аграрен Университет, Пловдив, т.XLVI, 3, 139-144


In this work six different parental varieties and F1 hybrid combinations were observed. In the inheritance of the characters plant height, number of leaves and total dry weight for three of crosses of Ustina type tobacco relatively the biggest participation is those of the additive gene effects. Most important for the inheritance of such characters as plant height, numbers of leaves and total dry weight for Krumovgrad type tobacco were the dominant gene effects.

Influence upon the expression by the environmental conditions was observed and the most strong it was for the characters “height of plants”, “number of leaves” in the crosses from Ustina type tobacco.

Машева В., Е.Николов, Ц.Христева, 2004, Генетичен анализ на някои признаци при ориенталски тютюни (N.tabacum, L.) и F1 хибриди. Доклади Юбилейна научна конференция „60 години ИТТИ”, 95-101


Изследването е проведено в Институт по тютюна и тютюневите изделия, Пловдив. Като генетичен материал са използвани четири родителски сорта и техните F1 хибриди.

Проучено е относителното тегло и силата на ефектите при наследяването на основни признаци при тютюна имащи връзка с продуктивността. Експресията на признаците височина на растенията, брой листа и размери на листата при хибридните комбинации (Пазарджик 17 х л. 375), (Пловдив 50 х л.375) и (Дх 550 х 375) се определя от адитивното действие на гените. При хибридната комбинация ( Крумовград 90 х л.375) с най-голям относителен дял са доминантните генни ефекти и по трите изследвани признака.

Masheva V. 2009. Estimate of Gene Effects and Inheritance of Some Quantitative Traits in Oriental Tobacco (N.tabacum, L.). Genetics and Breeding, vol.38, № 3-4, 135-139


The generation, P1, P2, F, F2, BCP1 and BCP2 of each of the crosses (Kozarsko 541 x Basma Xanthi101) and (Krumovgrad 90 x Basma Xanthi101) were used for estimation of gene effects, for plant height, number of leaves per plant, leaf length and breadth and flowering time. The varieties used were divergent for all the characters. Additive component (d) was significant for number of leaves, and leaves length and breadth, and dominant (h) for plant height and flowering time in cross (Kozarsko 541 x Basma Xanthi101). In the other cross (Krumovgrad 90 x Basma Xanthi101) all kinds of gene effects were significant. (Dominance x dominance) variance was greater in magnitude, next in order being (additive x additive) and dominance effect for height of plant, leaf length and flowering time. For number of leaves and leaf breadth (additive x dominance) and dominance effects were involved in the expression of these traits.

Based on the results of aggregate gene effects in cross (Kozarsko 541 x Basma Xanthi 101) traits - number of leaves per plant and leaf size (length and width) homozygous recombinant with the desired attributes is possible using the Pedigree method. For traits plant height and flowering period - inter se crossing among the desriable recombinants.

The results of the inheritance of the studied traits in cross (Krumovgrad 90 x Basma Xanthi 101) showed that in expression of all traits, except number of leaves take part, both additive as well as nonadditivity gene interactions - cyclic method of breeding would be more effective for improving those traits.
Masheva V., R.Todorova and D.Dimanov, 2009. Mode of Gene Action of Some Traits in Inter-Varietal Crosses of Oriental Tobacco (N.tabacum, L.). Genetics and Breeding,vol.38, № 3-4, 129-134


The gene effects for plant height, number of leaves per plant, leaf length and breadth and flowering period of tobacco were studied using two crosses (Krumovgrad 988 Basma Xanthi 101) and (Harmanly 134 Basma Xanthi 101). The varieties used were divergent for all the characters. Additive component (d) was significant for leaf length and width, and flowering period in cross (Krumovgrad 988 Basma Xanthi 101) and length of 14th leaf in the other cross (Harmanly Basma 134 Basma Xanthi 101). Additive and non additive gene effects were significant for plant height and number of leaves in both crosses, and length of 21st leaf, leaf breadth and flowering period in (Harmanly Basma 134Basma Xanti101). In cross (Harmanly 134 Basma Xanthi 101) the presence of additive and non additive gene effects suggested the feasibility to evolve homozygous elite genotypes by cyclic method and inter se crossing among the desirable recombinants keeping adequate population size.

In cross (Krumovgrad 988 Basma Xanthi 101) additive effects were predominant in the expression of length and width of 14th and 21st leaf and flowering period and suggests that it be easier to isolate desired tobacco genotypes from this population by Pedigree method of selection. Involvement additive as well as epistatic (additive additive and additive dominance) effects of plant height and number of leaves to conserve additive as well as non-additive gene effects - cyclic method of breeding would be more effective.

Николов Е., В.Машева, Ц.Христева, 2005. Остатъчна хетерогенност при сорт Крумовград 90.Balkan Conference of Young Scientists, Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, Plovdiv, Series C. Technics and Technologies, vol.5, 518-523


Thirty generations of oriental tobacco variety Krumovgrad 90 were tested in comparative field trial. Two base groups from the tested generations were determined according the multivariate cluster analysis.

It was found residual heterogeneity between the generations in the measured six sings and it was reduced with 50-55% comparing the maximum heterogeneity for the Krumovgrad 90 tobacco variety.

This provides a good opportunity to improve the breeding work with this variety.
Encheva, Y., and V.Masheva, 1999. Reaction to Water Deficit of Oriental Tobacco Lines and Cultivar. 2nd Balkan Conference “Industrial Pollution”. BENA, 120-124


Abiotic factors of the environment and particularly the temperature and the plant species distribution. Drought resistant plants are those, which in the ontogenesis process are to adapt to stress conditions they grow, develop and reproduce. The purpose of the present research is to study the growth and development of oriental tobacco lines and varieties in vivo under the condition of water deficiency. The results obtained may be used as leading information for the next stages of breeding of water stress resistance.

There was established very well manifested correlation between growth on field and development in vitro at the hybrids on nutrient medium with different levels of D-manitol.

The establishment of this dependency was of great importance as a preliminary information. This information was able to give tentative prognosis for future development of a particular hybrid on the field.
Николов Е., В.Машева, 2004, Влияние средата на отглеждане върху основни стопански и технологични признаци при сорт тютюн ИТТИ 741. Сборник доклади от пета национална научно-техническа конференция с международно участие “Екология и здраве”, Пловдив, стр. 89-94


The degree of response of genotypes to the environment in the development of economic and technological trait was specific to this sign. Regression models identified the signs and dependencies between them can be used to estimate the phenotypic manifestation of the signs in solving technological problems related to quality of new tobacco variety ITTI-741.
Nikolov E., V.Masheva, T.Hristeva, 2004, Assessment Breeding Value of Varieties and Lines Origins Eastern Balkan and Tekne. Scientific conference, Stara Zagora, vol.II, 245-249; 250-253

  1. Genetic Analysis for Sugar Content in Raw Tobacco

  2. Genetic Analysis for Nicotine Content in Raw Tobacco


The inheriting and gene effects structure is investigated by characteristics sugars and nicotine content of varieties Elenski 817, Tekne 617, Elenski 827 and three new breeding lines orental tobacco – origin Estern Balkan in diallele scheme with 1/2n(n+1) combinations.

The strong negative correlation (-0,846) is established between sugars levels and corresponding sums of variance and covariance (Wr + Vr). The inhering of sugars content in raw tobacco determine basic by adative gene effects.

The parents and its hybrid combinations react differentiate to growing environment, they have genes differing by expression of nicotine content characteristic. The environment influence is very strong for nicotine inheriting and covers dominant gene effects.

Nikolov E., V. Masheva, T.Hristeva, 2005, Variability of Some Economical Parameters in Flue-Cured Tobacco. Tobacco, vol.55, №1-12, 189-193

Summary: Investigation of plants phenotypic activities has a decisive meaning in selection programmes.

The subject of the research were 36 flue-cured varieties. The variability of their characters-yield, content of reducing sugars and nicotine were tested. It was found that the negative dependency between the cultivars and the appearance of their characters nicotine content and yield are genetic all determined. No similar correlation was found with respect to the character reducing sugar.
Николов Е., Ц.Христева, В.Машева.2004.Зависимости между основни стопански и технологични признаци при тютюн тип Виржиния. Юбилейна научна конференция с международно участие „60 години ИТТИ”, 80-83


В сравнителен полски опит са изпитани тридесет и два образци тютюн Виржиния. Проучени са зависимостите между признаците: продуктивност – съдържание на разтворими въглехидрати; продуктивност – съдържание на никотин и ниво на захари – никотин. На базата на трендов анализ е изведена общата тенденция в експресията на посочените признаци. Установени са параметрите на регресионните уравнения на зависимостите между основни стопански и технологични признаци.Регресионната крива при генотиповете с продуктивни възможности до 215 кг/дка е монотонно намаляваща. Зависимостта продуктивност – никотин е отрицателна и значима. При намаляване нивото на редуциращите въглехидрати, регресионата крива (никотин-захари) е монотонно растяща. Корелацията между тях е отрицателна и значима.
Николов Е., В.Машева, Ц.Христева.2004.Зависимости между основни стопански и технологични признаци при тютюн тип ориенталски тютюн. Юбилейна научна конференция с международно участие „60 години ИТТИ”, 83-86


В сравнителен полски опит са изпитани четиридесет и два образци ориенталски тютюн. Проучени са зависимостите между признаците: общ азот – разтворими въглехидрати; общ азот- никотин; редуциращи захари –хлор. На базата на анализ е изведена общата тенденция в експресията на признаците.Корелацията между признаците азот и никотин е положителна и значима. Корелацията между признаците общ азот и пепели е положителна и значима. Зависимостта хлор-захари е отрицателна и значима. Изведените регресионни уравнения успешно могат да се използват за водене на отбора по два признака едновременно с пряко снемане на параметрите само на едната променлива (признак).
Nikolov E., T.Hristeva, V.Masheva, 2005. Gluster Analysis for Introduced Virginia Type Varieties. Agricultural University, Plovdiv, Scientific Works, vol.I, book 5. 143-145


Thirty varieties Virginia type tobacco were investigated on main economical and technological indications. The genetic remoteness of varieties was determine by the indications – productivity, dry tobacco quality, nicotine and soluble carbohydrates content. The different genotypes are classified according to all investigated indications by applying cluster statistical analysis. Classification of varieties in a complex of two three and four sings a prerequisite for optimizing the selection process for genetic improvement of new varieties of complex of signs - yield, quality, nicotine and soluble carbohydrates.
Nikolov E., V.Masheva, 2006. Yield and Chemical Composition Structure of Tobacco in Different Conditions of Nitrogen Nutrition. Procedings of national scientific conference with international participation Ecology and Health, Plovdiv,235-240


The dependencies are determined between main nutrition elements of oriental type tobacco in vegetation fertilizer experiment grown in some provoked levels of nitrogen fertilization.The correlation between the level of nitrogen fertilization and phosphorus and potassium is positive and significant. The relationship between the level of phosphorus fertilization and potassium content is strictly deterministic, positive with very high significance level. Established patterns and relationships between nutrients - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium can be used to optimize the diet for oriental tobacco and reduce the risk of soil pollution.
Taskova L., V.Masheva, T. Hristeva, 2003, Investigation on Some Subregions of the Plovdiv Tobacco District in Agroecological Aspect . Agricultural University, Plovdiv, Scientific Works, vol. ХLVІІІ, 41-46


The purpose of the investigation was to analyze the basic complex of factors that determine the quality characteristics of the Oriental tobacco of the origin “Ustina”.

It is extremely important to know what was the reaction of the plants under the environmental conditions where grow them with the aim to correct the unfriendly effects and obtain products which are to restore the qualities of the Oriental tobacco.

Taskova L., V.Masheva, T.Hristeva, 2002, Изследване на почвено-климатични и агробиологични фактори в някои подрайони на произход Устина и Средногорска яка. Доклади Втора балканска научна конференция ”Качество и ефективност на производството, обработката и преработката на тютюна. Пловдив, стр. 173-179


The purpose of the investigation was to analyze the basic complex of factors that determine the quality characteristics of the Oriental tobacco of the origin “Ustina” and “Srednogorska Yaka”.

It is extremely important to know what was the reaction of the plants under the environmental conditions where grow them with the aim to correct the unfriendly effects and obtain products which are to restore the qualities of the Oriental tobacco of the origin “Ustina” as well as to give a specific characteristic of the tobacco of the origin “Srednogorska Yaka”.

Hristeva Tz., V.Masheva, E.Nikolov, 2004, Effect of Biological Fertilizer Red Californian Worms (Lumbricus rubellis) Product on the Development of Tobacco Seedlings. Field Crops Studies v.1, №3, стр. 478-483


The aim of this experiment was to study the effect of the biological fertilizer Red Californian Worms (Lumbricus rubellis) on the development and quality of tobacco seedlings. It was found out that the biological fertilizer had a positive effect on the development of tobacco seedlings. The biological fertilizer possessed a high content of autochthonous microorganisms, actinomycetes and bacteria assimilating organic N.
Hristeva Tz., V.Masheva, E.Nikolov, 2004, Groups Soil Microorganisms in Using Bio Fertilizer – Product of Red Californian Worm (Lumbricus rubellis) for Tobacco Seedlings Production. Сборник доклади от научна конференция с международно участие, Съюз на учените – Кърджали стр.155-161

Abstract: The influence of bio fertilizer – product of red Californian worm is investigated on chances of quantity dynamics of some physiological groups soil microorganisms in conditions of tobacco seedling growth for two type of soil – humus carbonate and alluvial-delluvial. The strong stimulating effect is determined on autochthonous microorganisms during all investigation period. The bio fertilizer introduction increases the processes of mineralization of organic matter in soil. The quantity of soil mildews and actinomyces increases slight only in the first days after bio fertilizer introduction and as result their numbers decrease.

Христева Цв., В. Машева, Е. Николов, Й. Кочев, 2004. Изпитване влиянието на BioLIFE - нов биологичен продукт върху развитието на тютюнев разсад и почвената микрофлора, Юбилейна научна сесия – ИТТИ,. 208-218

Резюме: Продукта BioLIFE е разработен на базата на почвени микроорганизми и представлява комплекс от непатогенни микроорганизми; азотфиксиращи микроорганизми; ензими; бактериална хранителна добавка и вещество способстващо микроорганизмите да останат в състояние на летаргия по време на съхранение на продукта. Той е нов за България и се препоръчва за използване както като тор и подобрител качествата на почвата, така и като биологично средство за растителна защита. При полски условия в периода 2001-2003 г. е проучено влиянието му върху развитието на тютюнев разсад, при ориенталски тютюн на полето и промените в почвената микрофлора. Получените данни са еднопосочни. Установен е положителен ефект, както върху растежа и развитието на тютюнев разсад и тютюна на полето, така и върху измененията в популационната численост на основни за почвеното плодородие физиологични групи почвени микроорганизми.

Hristeva Tz., V.Masheva, N.Tahsin, 2003. Change in the rhizosphere microbial cenoses of oriental tobacco grown in an industrially polluted region, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, vol.4, 341-347

Abstract: The chances is the numerical dynamics of some basic physiological groups in the rhizospher microflora of oriental tobacco were studied in field experiments. Total number of autochthons numbers of oligotrophs, bacteria assimilating organic and mineral nitrogen, streptomycetes, moulds, Azotobacter chroococcum, oligotrophic index and mineralization-immobilisation index were estimated. Data obtained in soil contaminated with heavy metals were compared to the results of identical analyses soil of the same type outside of the industrially polluted area.

N.Tahsin, Tz. Hristeva, V. Masheva,2003. Ptoductivity and rhizosphere microflora of different sunflower genotypes grown in an industrially polluted region. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, vol.4, 1, pp. 39-43

Abstract: The productivity of different genotypes of sunflower was studied in soil contaminated with heavy metals. During sunflower vegetation, the quantitative changes were tracked in different physiological groups of rhizospheric microorganisms that determine soil fertility and the ecological state of the soil. For that purpose, autochthonous microorganisms, streptomycetes, moulds, spore forming microorganisms and relative numbers of spores were estimated.

Христева Цв., Е. Николов, В. Машева, Св. Наумова, 2004. Структурни и функционални връзки между Azotobacter chroococcum и някои физиологични групи почвени микроорганизми в ризосферата на ориенталски тютюн. Доклади от научна конференция с международно участие, СУБ - Ст. Загора, т.ІІ, част 2, стр. 276-280

Abstract: The quantity dynamics is investigated in microbe populations of nitrogen fixing bacteria Azotobacter chroococcum and some physiological groups microorganisms connected to mineralization of organic compounds in soil – Carbophyls, Assimilating organic nitrogen, Ammonium oxidizing and Nitrate reducing microorganisms for period of 6 years. The numbers of microorganisms are followed in rhizospherae of oriental tobacco during vegetation period. The tobacco is grown without fertilization on humus-carbonate soil on which didn’t apply cultural practices for long years. The statistical connection in time are established of Az. Chroococcum with the all physiological groups microorganisms. These connections allow to forsee changes in structure of microbe society as whole as of population density of investigated physiological groups soil microorganisms during separate phases of plants growing.

Машева В., Цв.Христева, Й.Кочев, 2002. Влияние на някои тежки метали върху развитието на тютюнев разсад. Доклади Втора балканска научна конференция ”Качество и ефективност на производството, обработката и преработката на тютюна. Пловдив, стр. 201-207

Abstract: The influence of Pb(CH3COO)2, Zn(CH3COO)2, Cd(CH3Coo)2 and Cu(NO3)2 over tobacco seedlings has been researched under the conditions of lab experiments.

-Established is the effect of the heavy metals on the seed sprout at 8 levels for Pb,Zn,Cu and another 10 for Cd.

- Their impact on the growth and the development of the tobacco seedlings at 2 levels for Pb, Zn, Cu and another 3 for Cd through “float system” is examined.

Машева В., Е.Николов, Цв.Христева, Н. Тахсин, 2005. Натрупване на някои тежки метали в тютюневото растение при промишлено замърсяване. Влияние на оловото. Балканска конференция на младите учени, Пловдив, vol.V, 512-517

Abstract: The accumulation of lead, zinc, copper and cadmium is observed in plant organs of oriental tobacco (root, stalk, leaves of stalk positions, inflorescence, seeds) grown in industrial polutted area with heavy metals.

The rate of localizations of particular elements by organs is determined and statistical proved. Some dependencies are determined between level of lead and copper, zinc and cadmium accumulation..

Established relationships give us reason to believe that with increasing levels of lead in the environment will increase the critical toxic levels of other elements in tobacco plant.

Тахсин Н., В. Машева, Е. Николов, 2004. Влияние на тежки метали върху началните фази на развитие при някои технически култури.Сборник доклади Юбилейна научна сесия 60 години – ИТТИ, стр. 218-224

Резюме: Изпитано е влиянието на олово в концентрация 80,0 mg/l (а.в.)под формата на Pb(CH3COO)2, цинк - 360 mg/l(а.в.) под формата на Zn(CH3COO)2, мед – 270,0 mg/l(а.в.) Cu (NO3)2.3H2O и кадмий като Cd(CO2CH3).2H2O, върху началните фази на развитие на тютюневи и слънчогледови растения. Ефекта е установен по признака „дължина” на младите растения.

Не се наблюдават признаци на фитотоксичност в тютюневия разсад отгледан в среда с олово и кадмий.Силно депресиращо влияние оказват изпитаните концентрации на мед и цинк, като действието на цинка е по-силно изразено. При младите слънчогледови растения всички изпитвани концентрации на тежки метали оказват силно негативно действие по признака „дължина”. Най-силно то е проявено при Cu и Zn. От двете технически култури младите тютюневи растения са по-толерантни към среда с тежки метали.
Hristeva Ts. Е.Nikolov, V.Masheva, S.Naumova, 2004. Investigation on dependencies between transforming nitrogen compounds in soil microorganisms in conditions of continued mineral fertilization and monoculture oriental tobacco growing, CORESTA congress Kyoto Japan

Аbstract: The investigation is done for period of 7 years in conditions of long year stationary fertilizer experience (over 30 years) with monoculture Oriental tobacco growing on humus carbonate soil. In microbe societies of rhizospherae of tobacco grown in conditions of continued mineral fertilization with NPK and of rhizospherae of tobacco fertilized for first year are investigated correlation dependencies between 9 physiological groups microorganisms, which realize the main processes of transformation of nitrogen compounds in soil.

There is the high rate of correlation for microorganisms assimilating mineral nitrogen; ureazae, and mineral-immobilization index for tobacco fertilized for first year. The sligher connections observe between ureazae microorganisms and Clostridium, nitrate reductions and Azotobacter.

The strong correlation dependencies are established between microorganism assimilating mineral nitrogen and assimilating organic nitrogen; ureazae and ammonium oxidizing microorganisms; ureazae and carbophyls microorganisms; ureazae and Azotobacter, carbophyls microorganisms and Azotobacter in conditions of long year mineral fertilization. The slighter connections are described for nitrate reductions and mineral-immobilization index, as for ureazae and Clostridium.

Strong correlation dependence is kept only between microorganisms assimilating mineral nitrogen and assimilating organic nitrogen as result of continued mineral fertilization of tobacco in microbe societies. The connection is slighter expressed but kept for ureazae microorganisms and Clostridium.
Hristeva T., E.Nikolov, V. Masheva, 2005. Number of weeds for oriental tobacco of many years stationary fertilizer experiment, Tobacco, vol. 55, pp.244-248

Summary: The stage of number of weeds/m2 and relative part of different spesies weeds are investigated in conditions of many years stationary fertilizer experiment with monoculture oriental tobacco growth. The investigation includes 20 variants with different levels and fertilizer combinations of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilization. The statistical proved differences are determined in number of weeds between variants of fertilization and non-fertilization monoculture tobacco.

Petrova V.,T.Hristeva, V.Masheva, 2003, Economy Effectiveness of Applying Some Herbicides in Tobacco Growing Virginia Tobacco. Agricultural Economics and Management 6,.84-86

Summary: The weeding is some of the serious problems in tobacco growing. It leads to yields decreasing and make worse quality of received raw. The weed’s control is non-effective without applying herbicides. The aim of this investigation is to make economical evaluation of using soil and vegetation herbicides under growing Virginia tobacco – individually and in combination.

Data of economical index are used for economical evaluation - /yield kg/da and % grades/, received by experiments made in Tobacco and Tobacco Products Institute, Plovdiv in 2000 – 2001.

The best results receive in combination – Cobra + Pantera in two doses and Proponit + Pantera in two doses. The yields of four most effective variants of treatment are with 76,60 to 78,57% higher in these variants expressed with increasing about 20% of quality material. Production expenditures are considerable higher than these of control. It is due to differences in yield value of used herbicides and spent resoureces for gathering and curing of additionl production. The high costs compensate by received more production, because of increasing of yield and average price of cured tobacco. The value of additional production is from 321,42 leva to 539,77 leva/da. These variants exceed the control by most important index – net profit and norm of profitableness. The norm of profitableness of variant VII reaches 60% to norm of profitableness of control 8,48%.

Машева В., Д.Стойкова, 2000. Селекция за устойчивост на вируса на тютюневата мозайка (Tobacco mosaic virus) при ориенталския тютюн. Доклади от трета научна конференция „Екология и здраве”, Пловдив, стр. 187-190

Abstract: Tobacco mosaic is the first virus disease identified as such at the end of the 19th century. The resistance to TMV is the first transferred to Nicotiana tabacum. Even to this day, the only reliable solution of the problem can be found through breeding for resistance.

The modern market trends have imposed the new conception of developing oriental tobaccos of high technological and economic quality, resistant to TMV. This was precisely the aim of the present work.

A rich gene pool was used in the study, comprising valuable local varieties-populations as well as TMV resistant tobacco lines and varieties. Valuable initial breeding material was obtained, possessing resistance of a monogenic dominant type.

Стойкова Д., В. Машева, 2001. Сравнително изпитване на ЦМС сортове и линии спрямо някои болести по тютюна .Сборник ”Юбилейна Научна сесия 80-години висше агрономическо образование в България” ХLVІ, стр. 135-138

Abstract: Thirteen hybrids with cytoplasmatic male sterility (CMS) were studied for susceptibility to economic tobacco diseases such as those caused by PVY, TSWV, TMV, P.tabacina, Oidium tabaci.

CMS were found to be more resistant to the above diseases than their fertility forms. The majority of the studied hybrids showed high to moderate complex resistance to 2-5 diseases.

The results threw light upon the possibility of combining the heterosis of CMS- hybrids with resistance to some of the tobacco diseases which are most common in Bulgaria.

Диманов Д., В.Машева, Р.Тодорова, А.Янчева, 2012. Сравнително изпитване на сортове тютюн от екотип Крумовград. Научна конференция с международно участие „Екология и здраве” (под печат)


It has been a comprehensive assessment of biological and economic performance of seven varieties of oriental tobacco ekotype Krumovgrad in agro-environmental conditions in the TTPI experimental field. Morphological and biological characteristics of all tested varieties fit to typical ecotipe Krumovgrad. Varieties Krumovgrad 78C, Krumovgrad 17 and Krumovgrad 944 are with higher productive potential yield and quality of dry tobacco than the standard variety Krumovgrad 988.

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