Тема10: Управление на класната стая

Учителите трябва да се възползват от три основни права

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Тема10Управление на класната стая
Учителите трябва да се възползват от три основни права:
Правото да създават структура в класната стая, която води до оптимална учебна среда; - Правото да определят и изискват подходящо поведение от страна на учениците, като в същото време насърчават положително социално и познавателно развитие
Правото да искат помощ от родители, директори и други заинтересовани страни
Утвърдили се преподаватели, магат да заявяват ясно, точно и спокойно своите очаквания, категорично определят последствията от правилата и се придържат към три основни стъпки:Учат учениците как да се държат, като за целта осигуряват ясни и конкретни насоки за всяка от дейностите в класната стая.Позовават се на предварително разработен план за дисциплиниране, който включва отрицателните последици при отказ на ученика да следва правилата.Осигуряват положително подкрепление
Има учители,които - Не успяват категорично да се справи с проблемното поведение по ясен и директен начин. Той или пренебрегва проблемното поведение като такова, или не успява да наложи заявените в началото санкции.Има учител,който е враждебен - Отправя заповеди, използва обиди и сарказъм. Обявява крайни наказания, които не успява да приложи напълно. Това води до излишна конфронтация и липса на положителен ефект върху развитието на самоконтрола и самодисциплината на учениците.
Нне на последно място са и родителите.Обърнете се към родителите за ефективен план за управление на класната стая.Успешното образование се нуждае от двете страни: училището и семейството, свържете се, обсъдете с родителите и разберете как да преподавате и
управлявате подходящата класна стая. Освен това учителите трябва също
така да насърчават родителите да хвалят напредъка на детето си у дома,
така че учениците винаги да се чувстват признати от родителите си за техните усилия.

Topic 10: Classroom management
The essence of classroom management is related to: productive use of time, creating an atmosphere that arouses interest, encouraging activities that engage thinking and imagination;, unacceptable student behavior.
Factors that reflect the complexity of classroom management are that students perform multiple activities: reading, writing, thinking, playing, communicating, etc. Many of the activities occur simultaneously; Need for immediate response from the teacher; Lack of privacy.
Some main tasks facing the teacher in the first few days are to get to know the students; To stimulate students' enthusiasm and interest in what will be taught; To introduce the rules of teacher-student interaction; student student.
Basic steps to effective classroom management are -Managing the physical environment;.Managing learning;.Rules and procedures;.Managing discipline. There is a relationship between the physical environment of the classroom and students' engagement in class work, their perceptions, and the quality of their academic achievement. How the classroom should look: Have good visibility; Accessibility; Minimal distractions, the classroom is arranged to make students happy to work In a traditional classroom - teacher-centered learning. The teacher moves easily between classes; Students are less distracted because they sit independently; The teacher can monitor easily whether students are paying attention and understanding the material; Students can easily see the teacher. Disadvantages: Students cannot easily work in groups and desks must be moved; Students cannot see each other during a discussion from the back rows cannot hear those from the front of the room. Grouped - Teacher easily moves and talks with students; Students work easily in small groups, discuss, debate. Disadvantages: Not everyone is facing the teacher; The teacher cannot monitor each student's learning activity U-shaped - All students can see the center of the room, which allows the teacher to maintain their attention and monitor their learning; students can work in pairs; suitable for discussion; Disadvantages: difficult to work in small groups.

Learning management - It is achieved by: Developing a general annual plan, monthly, weekly, term; Plans should be made at least a week in advance; The first step in planning is to identify the objectives Keep in mind that students' enthusiasm and productivity drop after the middle of the week; After teaching each lesson, mark on the plan those parts of it that need to be changed.
Rules and procedures: Arrival and departure from school: Arrival on time, lateness, lack of homework due to absences, assigning homework for the next class, tidying and cleaning the desk, signal for the end of the school day Materials and aids - distribution and collection of materials, storage and use of personal learning materials, storage areas. Group work - movement inside and outside the group, expected behavior in the group, roles and leadership, relationship of the group with the rest of the class, group communication with the teacher, etc. Work from the place and behavior of the teacher is to demand attention of students during presentations, conversation between students, asking for and receiving help, moving around the room, what to do when the work is finished. The rules for acceptable and unacceptable behavior should be defined - general rules: Be polite and help others; Respect other people's property; Listen carefully while others speak; Do not hit or push others; Comply with all school rules. Students are told what to do, not what not to do; The student is able to perform what is required of him; There is a need to perform the appropriate behavior; When students do not follow the rules in the classroom, teachers should direct their attention to the consequences. Using consequences as a regulator of behavior can be as important as enforcing the rules.
Techniques for preventing problems in the classroom. Teacher Style: Authoritative Style- The teacher has high expectations for appropriate behaviors and clearly states why some behaviors are acceptable and others are not. Authoritarian style – Uses a large set of behavioral rules. He is cold, forbidding and punishing. Liberal style - Actively supports students in seeking their own goals and using reasonable means. Measures to deal with problematic behaviors in the classroom - clarifying the reasons for the bad behavior, to eliminate the causes of it, to create trust, communication between all the teachers - To avoid - the messages that usually only criticize the student, and to use the encouragement , only criticism gives rise to bad feelings. The teacher should be a good listener, demonstrate acceptance and understanding without giving evaluation or advice. He can encourage the student to share his options for solving the problem and help him, if necessary, in evaluating those options. When the problem is the student's, ie. he is anxious, depressed, with low self-esteem - the teacher offers the student to talk about the problem; the teacher listens to the student in a way that shows that he can be heard and understood) encouraging decision-making The teacher is given the right to exercise his authority and require students to adhere to classroom rules, which allows for effective of training.
Teachers should enjoy three basic rights: The right to create a classroom structure that leads to an optimal learning environment; - The right to define and require appropriate behavior from students, while at the same time promoting positive social and cognitive development The right to ask for help from parents, principals and other stakeholders Established teachers, able to clearly, accurately and calmly state their expectations, clearly define the consequences of rules and adhere to three basic steps: Teach students how to behave by providing clear and specific guidelines for each classroom activity Refer to a pre-developed discipline plan that includes negative consequences for refusal of the student to follow the rules. Provide positive reinforcement.
There are teachers who - Fail categorically to deal with problem behavior in a clear and direct way. He either ignores the problematic behavior as such, or fails to impose the initially stated sanctions. There is a teacher who is hostile - Gives orders, uses insults and sarcasm. It announces extreme punishments that it fails to fully implement. This leads to unnecessary confrontation and lack of positive effect on the development of self-control and self-discipline of students.
There are teachers who - Fail categorically to deal with problem behavior in a clear and direct way. He either ignores the problematic behavior as such, or fails to impose the initially stated sanctions. There is a teacher who is hostile - Gives orders, uses insults and sarcasm. It announces extreme punishments that it fails to fully implement. This leads to unnecessary confrontation and lack of positive effect on the development of self-control and self-discipline of students.

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