Месечен информационен бюлетин на нис при су „СВ. Кл. Охридски” октомври 2011 съдържание

'Workshop on multimedia techniques for augmented reality: presence and emotion in virtual environment', Dijon, France

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'Workshop on multimedia techniques for augmented reality: presence and emotion in virtual environment', Dijon, France
[Event Date: 2011-11-28]

An event entitled 'Workshop on multimedia techniques for augmented reality: presence and emotion in virtual environment' will take place from 28 November to 1 December 2011 in Dijon, France.

There is evidence that future human-computer interfaces will enable more natural and intuitive communication between people and all kinds of devices equipped with sensors. The result will be that interaction may more...

'Functional genomics and system biology', Cambridge, UK
[Event Date: 2011-11-29]

An event entitled 'Functional genomics and system biology' will take place from 29 November to 1 December 2011 in Cambridge, UK.

High-throughput functional genomic technologies generate vast amounts of information describing the functions and interactions of components within a cell. Through the combined use of computational and experimental techniques, researchers are beginning to achieve comprehensive...

'Earth observation for ocean-atmosphere interactions science', Frascati, Italy
[Event Date: 2011-11-29]

An event entitled 'Earth observation for ocean-atmosphere interactions science' will take place from 29 November to 2 December 2011 in Frascati, Italy.

The Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) is a major international initiative meant to achieve quantitative understanding of the key biogeochemical-physical interactions and feedbacks between the ocean and the atmosphere, and how this coupled system...

'Workshop on integrating mobile devices into the car ecosystem', Salzburg, Austria
[Event Date: 2011-11-30]

An event entitled 'Workshop on integrating mobile devices into the car ecosystem' will take place on 30 November 2011 in Salzburg, Austria.

The integration of mobile devices into the car ecosystem is an area of increasing interest researchers and industry. Integration goes beyond using the core features (such as making phone calls, short messaging, or using social media networks) of such devices.

Sixth International Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems, York, UK
[Event Date: 2011-12-05]

The Sixth International Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems will take place from 5 to 7 December 2011 in York, UK.

Rapid developments in networking and resource integration domains have resulted in the emergence of distributed computing models such as web services and cloud computing for solving very complex problems. However, biology has developed effective...

Water and society, Las Vegas, US
[Event Date: 2011-12-05]

An international conference on water and society will take place from 5 to 7 December 2011 in Las Vegas, US.

The comparative abundance of water has led to issues of neglect in the past. While science is now looking at many different issues surrounding one of the most common substances on the planet, problems such as water degradation and contamination are impossible to resolve without the participation...

First International Workshop on Smart Communication Protocols and Algorithms, Houston, US
[Event Date: 2011-12-05]

The First International Workshop on Smart Communication Protocols and Algorithms will be held from 5 to 9 December 2011 in Houston, US.

Smart communication protocols and algorithms make use of several methods and techniques to communicate the network devices to transfer data. They can be used to perceive the network conditions, or the user behaviour, in order to dynamically plan, adapt, decide, take the...
Fifth International Conference on Complex Distributed Systems, Mannheim, Germany
[Event Date: 2011-12-05]

The Fifth International Conference on Complex Distributed Systems will take place from 5 to 7 December 2011 in Mannheim, Germany.

The term 'cloud computing' refers to the provision of computational resources on demand via a computer network, such as applications, databases, file services, email, etc. In the traditional model of computing, both data and software are fully contained on the user's computer....

Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, Aachen, Germany
[Event Date: 2011-12-06]

The Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications will take place from 6 to 9 December 2011 in Aachen, Germany.

The conference theme is 'Improving robot behaviour'. Robotics is the branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, structural disposition, manufacture and application of robots. It is related to the sciences of electronics, engineering,...
Безплатен онлайн семинар за бизнес журналистика
Националният център за бизнес журналистика "Доналд Рейнълдс" организира безплатен онлайн семинар за студенти и професионални журналисти.

По време на обучението Мат Апуцо, разследващ журналист в офиса на "Асошиейтед прес" във Вашингтон, ще представи своите идеи за начина, по който може да се проведе едно бизнес проучване. Той ще покаже на участниците как да поставят рамките на въпроса, обект на разследването, къде да получат достъп до документи, как да намират източници и да уговорят срещи с тях.

Семинарът ще е с продължителност един час и ще се проведе на 6 декември.
В обучението могат да се включат професионални журналисти или студенти по журналистика. Желаещите трябва да се регистрират тук до 5 декември 2011 г.
Допълнителна информация можете да намерите на официалната страница на Националният център за бизнес журналистика "Доналд Рейнълдс"

Модели за мислене на бъдещето”, Априлци, 7-9 декември 2011 г.

Покана за участие в първата от серия интердисциплинарни конференции, посветени на културна история на съвременността на тема “Модели за мислене на бъдещето”, организирана от Културния център на Софийския университет.

Конференцията е насочена към широкото интердисциплинарно поле както на социолози, философи, културолози, историци и други експерти в областта на хуманитарните и социалните науки, така и към творците и специалистите по изкуства, литература и нови медии. Паралелно с нея ще се проведе и докторантски семинар, където ще бъдат представени и обсъждани свободни теми и проблеми от дисертациите на участниците докторанти.

За повече информация и пълната покана за участие пишете на посочения имейл: conference.cultcentersu@gmail.com, http://culturecenter-su.org/
EUIMA Project 5th Workshop on Collaborative Research, 5 – 6 December 2011, Cambridge, UK
Assessing University-based Collaborative Research
Hosted by the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
(More information to follow)

EUIMA Full Costing Country Workshop: Germany, 9 December 2011
Implementing Full Costing at German Universities
Hosted by the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK), Germany

Global Higher Education: Reflection on the Past, Designing Sustainable Futures University Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang, Malaysia, 13-15 December 2011

This Forum is organized jointly by the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia, USM and the World Futures Studies Federation and supported amongst others by the IAU. GHEF is organized every two years since 20O7. GHEF2011 will revisit the issues, developments and challenges in higher education since the past two Forums and deliberate on the future of higher education.

Fifth EUA-CDE Workshop, 12 – 13 January 2012, Dublin, Ireland
Supporting Individual Paths of Doctoral Candidates: Experience, Skills and Guidance
Hosted by Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
(See the: EUA-CDE Call for Papers)


International Handbook of Universities - 2012, International Association of Universities

London, Palgrave Macmillan

23rd edition, 02 Sep 2011, 5224 pages.

ISBN: 9780230223479

This edition of the Handbook provides detailed data on over 15,000 higher education institutions worldwide and a brief description of the higher education system of 183 countries + online access to more detailed data.

The Handbook is available from (please indicate in your order form if you are an IAU Member or not): Palgrave Macmillan, UK or Palgrave Macmillan, US for North America.

European University Association publication: A new report examines the range of different factors and conditions that help to create a “quality culture” within Europe’s universities.

The report “Examining Quality Culture Part II: Processes and Tools - Participation, Ownership and Bureaucracy” is the result of EUA’s EC-supported project “Examining Quality Culture (EQC)”, which has been carried out in collaboration with the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) and QAA Scotland.

The term “quality culture” in the title refers to the creation of a shared set of values and commitments to monitoring quality within universities. The report argues that establishing a quality culture is the most effective and meaningful way for universities to ensure that quality assurance (QA) mechanisms improve quality and support change within universities. This culture can be promoted through the creation of a space for debate and discussions about quality mechanisms and thus encourage their broad ownership. The report also stresses the need to clarify lines of responsibility and accountability in order to ensure that internal quality assurance mechanisms improve quality levels.


ISBN: 9789264114203 Publication: 13/9/2011

(click on the image to download the publication)


Education at a Glance 2011: OECD Indicators

Across OECD countries, governments are having to work with shrinking public budgets while designing policies to make education more effective and responsive to growing demand.

The 2011 edition of Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators enables countries to see themselves in the light of other countries’ performance. It provides a broad array of comparable indicators on education systems and represents the consensus of professional thinking on how to measure the current state of education internationally.

The indicators show who participates in education, how much is spent on it, and how education systems operate. They also illustrate a wide range of educational outcomes, comparing, for example, student performance in key subjects and the impact of education on earnings and on adults’ chances of employment.

The Excel™ spreadsheets used to create the tables and charts in this book are available via the StatLinks printed in this book.

Каталог: Documents -> Infobulletin
Infobulletin -> Месечен информационен бюлетин на нис при су „СВ. Кл. Охридски” декември 2011 с пожелание за весели празници
Infobulletin -> Бюлетин октомври 2010 съдържание: магистратури, стипендии, стажове
Infobulletin -> Ma in european history leiden, paris, oxford
Infobulletin -> Бюлетин май 2010 магистратури, стипендии, стажове ma in european history and civilisation
Infobulletin -> Конкурс за стипендия "дамян балабанов" за академичната 2010/ 2011 Г
Infobulletin -> Месечен информационен бюлетин на нис при су „СВ. Кл. Охридски” ноември 2011 съдържание
Infobulletin -> Месечен информационен бюлетин на нис при су „СВ. Кл. Охридски” септември 2011 съдържание
Infobulletin -> Програма по медиен мениджмънт със стипендии от виена

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