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31, (1), pp. 45-58.

  • - Davie WJ, Fowler MJ, Koumoundouros E (2009): ‘ECG interference suppressed using a harmonic generator’, Australasian Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 32, (3), pp. 159-164.

  • - Husn-Hsien Chang, Moura JMF (2010): ‘Biomedical Signal Processing’, Invited chapter in: Biomedical Engineerng and Design Handbook, Ed: Myer Kutz, 2nd Edition, Volume 1, McGraw Hill, Chapter 22, pp. 559-579.

  • - Aschero G, Gizdulich P (2010): ‘Denoising of surface EMG with a modified Wiener filtering approach’, Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 20, (2), pp. 366-373.

  • - Lan Rui-fen, Hu Guang-shu (2008): ‘Design of simple integral coefficient notch filter to remove power-line interference in high sampling rate’, Space Medicine & Medical Engineering, 21, (2), http://d.wanfangdata.com.cn/Periodical_htyxyyxgc200802017.aspx

  • - Amann A, Klotz A, Niederklapfer T, Kupferthaler A, Werther T, Granegger M, Lederer W, Baubin M, Lingnau W (2010:)’ Reduction of CPR artifacts in the ventricular fibrillation ECG by coherent line removal’, BioMed Eng OnLine, 9 (2), pp. 1-12.

  • - Kaur M, Arora AS (2010): ‘Combination method for powerline interference reduction in ECG’, International J Computer Applications, 1, (14), pp. 12-17.

  • - Momot A, Momot M (2010): ‘Adaptive Time-Varying Frequency Characteristic Filtering of ECG Signal. In: Information Technologies in Biomedicine: Advances in Soft Computing, Eds: Pietka E, Kawa J, © Springer, 69, pp. 273-282.

    Dotsinsky I (2005): ‘Suppression of AC railway power-line interference in ECG signals recorded by public access defibrillators’, BioMed. Eng. OnLine, 4:65.

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    1. - Chesnokov YC, Nerukh D Glen, RC (2006): ‘Individually adaptable automatic QT detector’, Computers in Cardiology Challenge, 33, pp. 337-340


    1. - Martínez JP, Almeida R, Olmos S, Rocha AP, Laguna P (2006): Stability of QT measurements in the PTB database depending on the selected lead’, Computers in Cardiology Challenge, 33, pp. 341-344,


    1. -Clifford GD, Villarroel MC (2006): ‘Model-Based Determination of QT Intervals’, Computers in Cardiology Challenge, 33, pp. 357-360,


    1. -Almeida R, Martinez JP, Rocha AP, Olmos S, Laguna P (2006): ‘Automatic multilead VCG based approach for QT interval measurement’, Computers in Cardiology Challenge, 33, pp. 369-372,


    1. -Soria ML, Martinez JP, Laguna P (2006): ‘A multilead wavelet-based ECG delineator based on the RMS signal’, Computers in Cardiology, 33, 153-156, http://cinc.mit.edu/archives/2006/pdf/0153.pdf

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    2. - Simon F, Martinez JP, Laguna P, van Grinsven B, Rutten C, Houben R (2007): ‘Impacto de la reduccion de la frecuencia de muestreo en la delineacion automatica de ECG’, XXV Congreso Anual dela Sociedad espanola de Ingenieria Biomedica, Cartagena, 14-16 noviembre, pp. 172-175.


    1. -- Mohd Najeb Bin Jamaludin (2007): ‘Real-time implementation of twelve-lead automated electrocardiogram system measurement for QT dispersion analysis’, ME Thesis, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, pp. 1-149,

    2. - Hadj Slimane ZE, Reguig FB (2008): ‘A real-time QT interval detection algorithm’, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 8, (2), pp. 251-263.


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    2. - Almeida R, Martinez JP, Rocha AP, Laguna P (2009): ‘Multilead ECG delineation using spatially projected leads from wavelet transform loops’, IEEE Trans on  Biomed Eng, 56, (8), pp. 1996-2005.

    3. - Joël Matheus Hendrikus Karel (2009): ‘A wavelet approach to cardiac signal processing for low-power hardware applications’, PhD thesis, Universitaire Pers Maastricht, ISBN 978-90-5278-887-6, 160 pages. http://arno.unimaas.nl/show.cgi?fid=17142.

    4. - Almeida R, Martinez JP, Rocha AP, Laguna P (2009:)’Are 2 electrocardiographic leads enough for multilead wave boundary location and QT measuring?’, Computers in Cardiology, 36, pp. 593-596.

    5. - Maikel Noriega Alemán (2010): ‘Estudio comparativo de la delineación multiderivacional en la seňal electrocardiográfica’, Thesis, Universidad de Zaragoza, 39 pages.

    6. - Ghasemi M, Ghaffari A, SadAbadi H, Golbayani H (2010):QT interval measurement using RMED curve; a novel approach based on wavelet techniques’, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 13, (1), online version.

    Dotsinsky I (2007): ‘Atrial wave detection algorithm for discovery of some rhythm abnormalities’, Physiol. Meas. 28, pp. 595-610.

    1. -Portet F (2008): ‘P wave detector with PP rhythm tracking: Evaluation in different arrhythmia contexts’, Physiol. Meas., 29, pp. 141-155.

    2. - Chiarugi F (2008): New developments in the automatic analysis of the surface ECG: The case of atrial fibrillation’, Hellenic Journal of Cardiology, 49,(4), pp. 207-221.

    3. - Dash S, Chon KH, Lu S, Raeder EA (2009): ‘Automatic real time detection of atrial fibrillation’, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 37 (9) pp. 1701-1709.

    Spugnini EP, Citro G, Dotsinsky I, Mudrov N, Mellone P, Baldi A (2008): ‘Ganglioneuroblastoma in a cat: A rare neoplasm treated with electrochemotherapy’, Vet J, 178 (2), pp. 291-293.

    1. - Cemazar M, Tamzali Y, Sersa G, Tozon N, Mir LM, Miklavcic, D, Lowe, R, Teissie, J. (2008): ‘Electrochemotherapy in veterinary oncology’, J. Veterinary Internal Medicine, 22, (4), pp. 826-831.

    2. - Labelle, P., Holmberg, B.J. (2010): ‘Ocular myxoid leiomyosarcoma in a cat’, Veterinary Ophthalmology, 13 (1) pp. 58-62.

    Spugnini EP, Dotsinsky I, Mudrov N, Bufalini M, Gianini G, Citro G, Feroci F, Baldi A (2008): ‘Adjuvant electrochemotherapy for incompletely excised spontaneous canine sarcomas in a dog’, IN VIVO, 22, No1, pp. 47-50.

    1. - Cemazar, M, Tamzali, Y, Sersa, G, Tozon, N, Mir, LM, Miklavcic, D, Lowe, R, Teissie, J (2008): ‘Electrochemotherapy in veterinary oncology’, Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 22, (4), pp. 826-831.

    2. - Cemazar, M, Tamzali, Y, Sersa, G, Tozon, N, Mir, LM, Miklavcic, D, Lowe, R, Teissie, J (2008): ‘Electrochemotherapy in veterinary oncology’, Journal of veterinary internal medicine, Vol. 22, Issue 4, pp. 826-831.

    3. - Oh Y-I, Seo K-W, Kim J-Y, Youn J-H, Hwang C-Y, Lee S-K, Youn H-Y (2009): ‘Clinical presentation and management of five dogs with apocrine gland adenocarcinoma of anal sac ‘, Journal of Veterinary Clinics, 26 (6) pp. 606-611.

    Spugnini EP, Vincenzi B, Citro G, Tonini G, Dotsinsky I, Mudrov N, Baldi A (2009): ‘Electrochemotherapy for the treatment of squamous cell carcinoma in cats: A preliminary report’, Vet J, 179 (1), pp. 117-120.

    1. - Cemazar, M, Tamzali, Y, Sersa, G, Tozon, N, Mir, LM, Miklavcic, D, Lowe, R, Teissie, J (2008): ‘Electrochemotherapy in veterinary oncology’, Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 22, (4), pp. 826-831.

    2. - Reed SD, Fulmer A, Buckholz J, Zhang B, Cutrera J, Shiomitsu K, Li S. (2010): ‘Bleomycin/interleukin-12 electrochemogene therapy for treating naturally occurring spontaneous neoplasms in dogs’, Cancer Gene Therapy, 17 (7) pp. 457-464.

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