Bg комисия на европейските общности брюксел, 2008 com(2008) 158 окончателен съобщение на комисията до европейския парламент, съвета, европейския икономически и социален комитет и комитета на регионите

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Applications which comply with the following criteria will be the subject of an in depth evaluation.

5.1. Eligible organisations

Grant applications are eligible if they are presented by organisations having a legal status and established in one of the 27 Member States17.


Applicants must certify on their honour, by signing the application form, that they are not in one of the situations mentioned in Articles 93 and 94 of the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002), which are listed below.

Applicants will be excluded from participating in this call for proposals if they are in one of the following situations:

a) they are bankrupt or being wound up, are having their affairs administered by the courts, have entered into an arrangement with creditors, have suspended business activities, are the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations;

b) they have been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct by a judgement which has the force of res judicata;

c) they have committed serious professional misconduct recorded by any means that awarding authorities can justify;

d) they have not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are established or with those of the country of the contracting authority or those of the country where the contract is to be performed;

e) they have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity detrimental to the Communities’ financial interests;

f) following another procurement procedure or grant award procedure financed by the Community budget, they have been declared to be in serious breach of contract for failure to comply with their contractual obligations.

Applicants will not receive financial support if, during the grant allocation procedure:

a) they are subject to a conflict of interests;

b) they are guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required by the European Commission as a condition of participation in the grant award procedure, or fail to supply this information.

In accordance with Articles 93 to 96 of the Financial Regulation, administrative and financial penalties may be imposed on applicants who are guilty of misrepresentation or are found to have seriously failed to meet their contractual obligations under a previous contract award procedure.

To respect these provisions, the applicant and his partners must provide evidence that they are in none of the situations listed in Articles 93 and 94 of the Financial Regulation.


The selection criteria are designed to demonstrate the applicant’s capacity to see the project through to a successful conclusion.

Applicants must provide evidence of stable and sufficient sources of funding to maintain the activity throughout the period during which the project is being carried out and/or grant aided, as well as evidence of their financial participation. The applicant must also provide evidence of professional competencies, qualifications and/or experience relevant to the proposed project.

7.1. Technical capacity

Candidates must show that they have the operational (technical and management) capacity needed to complete the proposed action and provide evidence of their capacity to direct an activity corresponding to the dimension of the project for which the grant is requested. Particular attention will be devoted to the capacity for mobilising the public and to analyse of their contributions. The capacity to involve organisations from other EU countries would be an advantage.

Applicants must attach to the grant application a curriculum vitae for the project leader and for the personnel of their organisation who will actually do the work. They must also enclose a recent activity report.

7.2. Financial resources

In order to permit assessment of this criterion, applicants must submit with their application the following documents:

  • annual accounts for the last complete financial year;

  • the “financial identification” form (bank details) (Annex III), completed by the beneficiary and certified by the bank (with original signatures).

If, on the basis of the submitted documents, the Commission assesses that the financial capacity of the applicant is not sufficient, it may:

  • reject the request for a Community grant;

  • ask for further information;

  • ask for the deposit of a guarantee;

  • propose a grant agreement without a pre financing payment.


Commission Representations will evaluate eligible projects against four criteria:

a) consistency – is the project's overall concept consistent with the:

i. objectives of Plan D?

ii. general and detailed objectives of the call (see point 2 above)

b) quality – are the work programme and working methods of sufficient quality?

c) feasibility – is the project feasible, based on the action plan?

d) visibility – what is the likely effect of the project's actions to raise awareness?


For all projects, the eligibility period for expenditure relating to the implementation of a project will be stipulated in the grant agreement and will, except as described in the next point, be no earlier than the signature of the agreement by the Commission.

A grant may be awarded for a project which has already begun only where the applicant can demonstrate the need to start the project before the agreement is signed. In such cases, expenditure eligible for financing may not have been incurred before responding to the call for proposals.

The eligibility period for expenditure will not exceed the time allowed under each type of action, and may not go beyond.

Only the categories of expenditure listed below are eligible, provided that they are properly accounted for and evaluated in accordance with the market conditions, and that they are identifiable and verifiable. They must be direct costs (i.e. generated directly by the project and indispensable for its implementation, having regard to the cost/benefit principle):

  • personnel costs incurred exclusively for the purpose of implementing the project are eligible only where the accounting systems of the applicants in question can clearly isolate and demonstrate the percentage of staff time devoted to the implementation of the project within the period of expenditure eligibility, and therefore the percentage of personnel costs which can be attributed to the project;

  • travel / accommodation / subsistence costs associated with the project. Organisations must use their own daily scales to calculate these costs. However, these may not exceed the maximum amounts set by the Commission18;

  • the cost of organising and running conferences and seminars (rental of rooms, welcoming and reception services, interpretation, speaker fees);

  • cost of hire or depreciation of technical equipment and services (only the depreciable element of durable goods can be considered);

  • information dissemination costs (production, translation, distribution and dissemination costs, etc.);

  • cost of consumables and supplies

  • costs entailed by other contracts awarded by the beneficiary for the purposes of the project (also see Section 10);

  • costs arising from requirements imposed by the agreement;

  • general costs (or "eligible indirect costs": office supplies, sundry consumables, depreciation of computer equipment, etc.). These costs may be eligible if incurred by the beneficiary for the purpose of implementing the project, but may not exceed 7% of total eligible direct expenditure.

N.B.: indirect costs will not be eligible if the applicant already receives an operating grant from the Commission during the lifetime of the project.


Non-eligible expenditure

The following expenditure cannot be considered eligible under any circumstances:

  • costs of invested capital;

  • general provisions (e.g. for losses, possible future liabilities);

  • debts;

  • interest owed;

  • doubtful debts;

  • exchange losses;

  • expenditure on luxuries;

  • the production of material and publications for commercial purposes; however, monographs, books, journals, discs, CDs, CD ROMs and videos will be taken into consideration if they are an integral part of the project;

  • VAT, unless the beneficiary proves that he cannot recover it;

  • contributions in kind.

Contributions in kind

Part of the contribution from project sponsors to the project costs may be in kind. These contributions in kind must be included in the provisional budget under the "receipts" section, expressed as a financial equivalent of the services or materials provided, and for an identical amount in the "expenditure" section, but separately from the rest of the budget. In fact, they cannot be considered as eligible costs.

Contributions in kind refer in particular to the provision of durable capital goods, raw materials and unpaid voluntary work by a private individual or corporate body.

The amount declared by the beneficiary as contributions in kind must be valued either on the basis of objective factors or on the basis of official scales laid down by an independent authority or by an outside independent professional.

The cost of private charity work must be valued in accordance with the national rules regarding the calculation of hourly, daily or weekly labour costs.

Contributions in kind will not be accounted for as eligible costs but rather as an increase in the grant in terms of value or as a percentage of the eligible costs.

The Community contribution is subject to a ceiling relating to the total eligible cost (70% maximum of the total eligible cost), excluding the value of contributions in kind.

Subcontracting and calls for tender

Where the implementation of subsidised actions requires a subcontract or the launch of a call for tender, the beneficiaries of the grant must award this contract to the tender offering the best value for money, respecting the principles of transparency and equal treatment of potential contractors and ensuring there is no conflict of interests. None of the basic activities of the project may be subcontracted, et subcontracting must account for only a limited part of the project.

For all contracts, beneficiaries must keep evidence that the selection of subcontractors was competitive, involving at least three offers, unless it can be shown that only one supplier exists in a given market. Grants may only be awarded after a project's start date (given in the application) upon prior written approval from the Commission.


The Commission will publish the list of successful applicants (unless the publication of information is likely to endanger the successful applicant safety or harm his interests). The Commission will publish the following information in whatever form and on whatever medium it wishes, including the Internet:

  • the name and address of each beneficiary;

  • the subject of the grant;

  • amount awarded and rate of funding.


12.1. Publication

The text of the call for proposals, the annexes and, for information purposes, a copy of the standard agreement can be obtained from the Europa website at the following address: &

http:// xxxxxxxxx (Website of the Representation)

12.2. Application form

Applications must be presented in one of the official languages of the EU.

This form can be downloaded from one of the above Internet addresses.

Only grant applications submitted on the application forms attached to this call for proposals and comprising all the necessary documents mentioned in Annex D will be considered.

Applications must be:

  • typed; hand written applications will not be accepted;

  • duly dated, filled in and signed by the legal representative of the organisation;

  • sent in quadruplicate (the original, which must be identified as such, plus three copies).

12.3. Submission of the application

Deadline for the submission of applications: 30 June 2007

Applications submitted after will not be considered.

Applications may be submitted in one of the following ways:

Proposals must be submitted on paper:

  • by registered post to the following address, for which purposes the relevant date is to be the date of dispatch by post, as evidenced by the postmark or the registered delivery receipt issued by the postal services:

    European Commission

    EC Representation XXXXXXXX

  • by hand delivery or courier service.

    For security reasons, applications submitted personally or conveyed by a courier service can be presented only to the Commission’s Representation xxxxxx, and envelopes must be marked “DG COMMUNICATION, EC Representation xxxxxxxx   Plan D Project”. In the event of hand delivery, the submission date is the date of receipt. In the event of delivery by a courier service, the submission date is the date of receipt by the mail department.

Applications submitted by fax or e mail will not be considered.

No modification of the application will be authorised after the submission of the application and its annexes. However, the Commission reserves the right to request any additional information needed for it to take a final decision on the award of financial support.

Applicants will be informed in writing when their application is received.

Only applications complying with the eligibility and exclusion criteria will be considered for the possible award of a grant.

Applicants whose applications are judged to be ineligible will be notified by mail, with an explanation as to why they were judged ineligible.

Tenderers will be informed, as soon as possible, of the decision taken by

the Commission on their grant application. No information will be released until the Commission's decision on project selection has been taken.

All selected applications will be subject to technical and financial analysis. In this connection the Commission may ask the applicant organisation for supplementary information, or possibly for guarantees.

Any applicant whose application for a Community grant is not accepted will be informed in writing.

12.4. Legal framework

  • European Commission Communication dated 2 April 2008 - COM(2008) 158: "Debate Europe-building on the experience of Plan D for Democracy, Dialogue and Debate"

  • European Commission Communication dated 13 October 2005 - COM(2005) 494: The Commission’s contribution to the period of reflection and beyond: Plan D for Democracy, Dialogue and Debate

  • Information note from Vice President Wallström to the Commission – Plan D, Wider and deeper debate on Europe - SEC(2006) 1553, 24.11.2006.

  • OJ L 248, 16.9.2002 (Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities)

  • OJ L 357, 31.12.2002 (Commission Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2342/2002 of 23 December 2002 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities)

12.5. Contacts

The Commission department responsible for the implementation and management of the call for proposals Is EC Representation XXXXXXXX

Additional information can be obtained by electronic mail or by fax, either at the electronic address, or by fax number from ++ xx xx xx xx xx , indicating clearly the reference of this call for proposals.


Annex I: Application form (parts A and B)

Annex II: Budget form

Annex III: Financial identification form

Annex IV: Financial capacity form

Annex V: Legal entity form

Annex VI: Draft contract (for information)

Annex VII: Acknowledgement of receipt of the application

Annex VIII: Application checklist


Съобщение на Комисията: Дебат Европа — използване на натрупания опит от План Д за демокрация, диалог и дебати

Област на политиката: Съобщение

Дейност: Специфични действия по приоритетни теми, от които - PRINCE

Работна програма за: 2008


16.0304 - Специфични действия по приоритетни теми, от които - PRINCE


Задачи, които произтичат от прерогативите на Комисията на институционално равнище, както е предвидено в член 49, параграф 6 от Регламент (ЕО, Евратом) № 1605/2002 на Съвета от 25 юни 2002 г. относно Финансовия регламент, приложим за общия бюджет на Европейските общности (OВ L 248, 16.9.2002 г., стр. 1), изменен с Регламент (ЕО) № 1995/2006 (ОВ L 390, 30.12.2006 г., стр. 1).


3.а – Текуща година

Бюджетни кредити за поети задължения (БКПЗ)

Начални бюджетни кредити за финансовата година (бюджет)

12 830 000



Допълнителни бюджетни кредити


Общо бюджетни кредити:

12 830 000

Бюджетни кредити, вече заделени от друга работна програма


Налично салдо

12 830 000

Сума за предложеното действие

7 200 000 19

3.б – Преноси


3.в – Следваща финансова година



„Дебат Европа“ ще продължи План Д през 2008 г. и 2009 г. Той ще гарантира, че общото усилие на Комисията за насърчаване на активно европейско гражданство е споделено от всички институции, свързано с политическите и комуникационни приоритети на Европейските институции, и ще достигне до отговорниците за взимането на решения на всички управленски равнища.

Предложена е двойна стратегия, подкрепена с бюджет от 7,2 млн. EUR:

  • централизирана покана за предоставяне на предложения за съфинансиране на общ транснационален проект с бюджет от 2 млн. ЕUR;

  • децентрализирани покани и действия за подпомагане на местни проекти с бюджет от 5,2 млн. EUR.

На общоевропейско равнище – Общите условия за поканата за представяне на предложения ще определят, че — като се има предвид опита от първата поредица от транснационални проекти за демокрация на участието, съфинансирани по План Д, — „Дебат Европа“ ще подкрепи инициатива на гражданското общество, която организира консултации с гражданите във всяка държава-членка, установява общ набор от заключения/предложения на европейско равнище и въз основа на тази обща платформа започва диалог на гражданите с избраните представители и европейски политически организации, в сътрудничество с европейските политически фондации.

На национално равнище – Като отчита придобития опит от проектите на гражданското общество, финансирани съвместно с представителствата на Комисията в някои държави-членки, „Дебат Европа“ ще съфинансира децентрализирани действия, които отговарят на специфични нужди (например действия, насочени към училища и младежки центрове, изложби, панаири и фестивали, конференции, семинари, прояви с неправителствени организации…). Тези действия ще обхващат местни покани за представяне на предложения, съгласно посоченото в рамката на „Дебат Европа“ (например дебати по интернет, посещения от членове на Комисията, дейности в рамките на европейските обществени пространства и мрежи за пилотна информация, отиване на място чрез центровете Europe Direct…).


Бюджетът от 7,2 млн. EUR, отделен за „Дебат Европа“ се разпределя както следва:

  • Както вече бе посочено, централата на ГД „Комуникация“ ще направи покана представяне на предложения за приблизителна сума от 2 млн. EUR, с цел съвместно финансиране на общ транснационален проект.

    Допълнително, представителствата на Комисията ще обявят децентрализирани покани за представяне на предложения за приблизителна сума от 3,1 млн. EUR. Вероятно ще има по една покана за всяка отделна държава-членка, със среден бюджет между 100 000 и 200 000 EUR.

    Тези цифри са изчислени въз основа на предишен опит (поканите за представяне на предложения по План Д за 2007 г. възлизаха на 2,4 млн. EUR за 13 държави-членки).

  • Относно оставащите 2,1 млн. EUR, в допълнение към текущите договори, представителствата предвиждат да стартират около 136 покани за представяне на предложения (131 от тях ≤ 60 000 EUR и 5 от тях > 60 000 EUR).


Бюджетен ред 16.0304

2008 г.




Поети задължения

7 200 000



7 200 000


3 600 000

1 800 000

1 800 000

7 200 000

1Декларация на държавните и правителствени ръководители на държавите-членки на Европейския съюз относно ратифицирането на Договора за създаване на Конституция за Европа, Европейски съвет, 16-17 юни, 2005, параграф 4.

2СOM(2005) 494, 13.10.2005.

3Заключенията на Председателството на Европейския съвет, 15-16 юни, параграф 3.

4SEC(2006) 1553.

5SI (2007) 500.

6СOM(2007) 568, 3.10.2007.


8Регламент (ЕО) № 1524/2007 на Европейския парламент и на Съвета от 18 декември 2007 г.

9Решение №1982/2006/ЕО на Европейския парламент и на Съвета; Решение 2006/971/ЕО и 2006/974/ЕО на Съвета.

10COM(2005) 494, раздел 4.1.5.

11SEC(2007) 912.

12Решение на Комисията C(2008) 924 относно годишната работна програма за безвъзмездни помощи и договори в областта на комуникацията за 2008 г., прието от Комисията на 12 март 2008 г. (таблица 2.6.2).

13Като тези, описани от Общността на електронно участие на

14СOM(2007) 568, 3.10.2007 г.

15“Tomorrow’s Europe” introduced by the foundation “Notre Europe” (Paris)
“European Citizens’ Consultations” introduced by the “King Baudouin Foundation” (Brussels)
“Speak up Europe” introduced by the “European Movement International” (Brussels)
“Our message to Europe” introduced by the Deutsche Gesellschaft (Berlin)
“Radio Web Europe” introduced by CENASCA (Rome)
“Our Europe – Our Debate – Our Contributions” introduced by the European House (Budapest)
All data on the 6 Plan D projects are summarized at the following address:

16Priorities specified in the Commission's communication entitled "Debate Europe - Building on the Experience of Plan D for Democracy, Dialogue and Debate"(2 April 2008) and in its 2008 annual work programme.

17Based on the organisation's registered place of business or its place of main activity.

18Commission Decision C(2004) 1313 of 7 April 2004: General implementing provisions adopting the Guide to missions for officials and other servants of the European Commission.

19Сумата за действието (7 200 000 EUR) спада към бюджетните кредити на бюджета за 2008 г. за бюджетния ред 16.0304 (Специфични действия по приоритетни теми, от които — PRINCE). Следователно не се изискват допълнителни средства. Подробна разбивка на тази сума е описана в Решението на Комисията за годишната работна програма за безвъзмездни помощи и договори в областта на комуникацията за 2008 г., C/2008/0924, приета от Комисията на 12 март 2008 г. (виж таблица 2.6.2.).


Каталог: pub -> ECD
ECD -> Съдържание
ECD -> Към общия бюджет за 2013 Г. Разходна част на бюджета по раздели раздел III — Комисия Раздел IV — Съд на Европейския съюз
ECD -> I. въведение
ECD -> Съвет на европейския съюз
ECD -> Точки за открито обсъждане1 Страница обсъждания на законодателни актове
ECD -> Доклад на комисията за финансирането на сигурността на въздухоплаването доклад на комисията
ECD -> Регламент за изменение на Регламент (ЕО) №1466/97 на Съвета
ECD -> Доклад за 2007 Г. За фар, предприсъединителната помощ за турция, cards и преходния финансов инструмент
ECD -> Открито обсъждане в съответствие с член 16, параграф 8 от Договора за ес

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