Progress Report For the implementation of the activities included in the work package М8 – 5 (BU) „National dissemination of information”

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Progress Report
For the implementation of the activities
included in the work package М8 – 5 (BU)
National dissemination of information”

Meeting the requirements set in action M8-(BU) for the period from the beginning of the project until now the Executive Environment Agency (ExEA), associated beneficiary to the project FutMon - LIFE 07 ENV/DE/000218 had realized the following:

With the aim to provide important public information we use the ExEA homepage:

  • A seminar was organized during the reporting period. It has been presented the aims and objectives of the Project FutMon, the main types of activities, the methods for analysis and evaluation. The Indicators and results of the present activities have been also represented. On the meeting has been reported the progress of the project. The meeting was attended by experts from the Ministry of Environment and Water, the Executive Agency of Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, directorates of the National Parks and Natural Parks, Institute of Forestry of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, University of Forestry, Faculty of Biology at the Sofia University, NGO representatives and media.

The photos from this seminar are available in gallery.

  • By the end of this year we are arranged a round table with the representatives of the scientific society, particularly forest and ecology scientists. On this meeting were discussed the possibilities for an application of the FutMon project results, the methods of analysis and different scenarios.

  • Regarding to the presentation of the project results and meeting the requirements set in the Action M8, an article for “Ecology 21” magazine was prepared and sent for printing during the reporting period. It presented the aims and objectives of the project FutMon in Europe and the implementation of the work packages in which our country is involved. The article was released in the “Ecology 21” magazine issue: number 4/2010.

  • With regard of the general results of the FutMon project in Bulgaria, a presentation on the status of forests was prepared, based on the data obtained from the FutMon project. The presentation was made at a special Forum, organized by the Union of Foresters in Bulgaria and the Department of Forestry Sciences of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria.

    • Notice boards - On the 21st of September, 2010, a procedure for “Design and realization of the notice boards for FutMon project needs” was launched in line with the national legislation. To the end of October 2010 it will be done. You could see the design of the notice boards below:

  • Scientific publications

1. Rosnev B. 2009. Абиотични и биотични въздействия върху горите на България.- Списание на Българската академия на науките, 3, 41-48.

2. Rosnev B., P. Peткоv, М. Georgievа. 2009. Мониторинг върху здравословното състояние на белия бор (Pinus sylvestris L.) в Средна Стара планина . – Наука за гората (под печат).

3. Tzakov Hr., Hristova. Hr. 2009. Растеж и съвременна структура на хълмисто-равнинните дъбрави, растящи край Разград. – Управление и устойчиво развитие, 1, 150–153. ISSN 1311-4506

4. Tzakov Hr., Petkov P. 2009. Растеж и здравословно състояние на благуново-церовата гора край Старозагорските бани. – In: Proceedings Economics and Society Development on the Base of Knowledge – Stara Zagora, Vol. I, Agriculture science, 552–556, CD.

  1. Malinova, L. 2009. Сравнителен анализ на химичен състав на дървесен опад, мъртва горска постилка и почва от екологични стационари Витиня и Старо Оряхово. Лесовъдска мисъл. Бр.2. 26-32.

  2. Pavlova, Е., D. Pavlov, М. Donchevа, L. Маlinovа, Е. Tcvetkovа. 2009. Интензивен мониторинг на букова екосистема от стационар Витиня. Наука за гората. кн. 3. 1-27.

7. Malinova, L. 2009. Comparative analysis of the chemical composition of litterfall, litter and soil from stationary sample plots Vitinia and St. Oriahovo, University of Forestry, Sofia
Каталог: projects -> finished -> futmon
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futmon -> Доклад за състоянието на горите. Подготовка на презентация за състоянието на горите, по данни от проекта FutMon, за представяне пред Съюза на лесовъдите в България и секция Лесотехнически науки към Съюза на учените в България
futmon -> Доклад за прогреса

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