Човек в търсене на смисъл


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Човекът в търсене на смисъл - Виктор Франкъл
Ansbacher, Rowena R., „The Third Viennese School of Psychotherapy.“ Journal of
Individual Psychology, XV (1959), 236-37.
Ascher, L. Michael, „Employing Paradoxical Intention in the Behavioral Treatment of
Urinary Retention.“ Scandinavian journal of Behavior Therapy, Vol. 6, Suppl. 4 (1977), 28.
-, „Paradoxical Intention: A Review of Preliminary Research.“ The International Forum for
Logotherapy, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Winter 1978–Spring 1979), 18-21.
-, „Paradoxical Intention in the Treatment of Urinary Retention.“ Behavior Research and
Therapy, Vol. 17 (1979), 267-70.
-, „Paradoxical Intention Viewed by a Behavior Therapist.“ The International Forum for
Logotherapy, Vol. 2, No. 3 (Spring 1980), 13-16.
-, Employing Paradoxical Intention in the Treatment of Agoraphobia. Behavior Research and Therapy, Vol. 19 (1981), 533-42.
-, „Application of Paradoxical Intention by Other Schools of Therapy.“ The International
Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 4, No. 1 (Spring–Summer 1981), 52-55.
-, and Jay S. Efran, „Use of Paradoxical Intention in a Behavior Program for Sleep Onset
Insomnia.“ Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 46 (1978), 547-50.
-, and Ralph MacMillan Turner, „Paradoxical Intention and Insomnia: An Experimental
Investigation.“ Behavior Research and Therapy, Vol. 17 (1979), 408-11.
-, and Ralph MacMillan Turner, „A Comparison of Two Methods for the Administration of
Paradoxical Intention.“ Behavior Research and Therapy, Vol. 18 (1980), 121-26.
Atlats, Alan J., „Logotherapy and the Book of job.“ The International Forum for
Logotherapy, Vol. 7, No. 1 (Spring/Summer 1984), 29-33.
Ballard, R. E., „An Empirical Investigation of Viktor Frankl's Concept of the Search for
Meaning: A Pilot Study with a Sample of Tuberculosis Patients.“ Doctoral dissertation,
Michigan State University, 1965.
Bazzi, Tullio, „Paradoxical Intention and Autogenic TrainingConvergence or
Incompatibility?“ The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Summer-Fall
1979), 35-37.
-, „A Center of Logotherapy in Italy.“ The international Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 2, No.
3 (Spring 1980), 26-27.
Bennett, Chris, „Application of Logotherapy to Social Work Practice.“ Catholic Charities
Review, Vol. 58, No. 3 (March 1974), 1-8.
Birnbaum, Ferdinand, „Frankl's Existential Psychology from the Viewpoint of Individual
Psychology.“ Journal of Individual Psychology, XVII (1961), 162-66.
Boeckmann, Walter, „Logotherapy as a Theory of Culture.“ The International Forum for
Logotherapy, Vol. 2, No. 3 (Spring 1980), 44-45.
Boeringa, J. Alexander, „Blushing: A Modified Behavioral Intervention Using Paradoxical
Intention.“ Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, Vol. 20, No. 4 (Winter 1983), 441-
Boeschemeyer, Uwe, „Logogeriatrics.“ The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 5,
No. 1 (Spring–Summer 1982), 9-15
Bordeleau, Louis-Gabriel, „La Relation entre les Valeurs de Choix Voca-tionnel et les
Valeurs Creatrices chez V. E. Frankl.“ Doctoral Thesis presented to the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Ottawa, 1971.

Bulka, Reuven P., „An Analysis of the Viability of Frankl's Logotherapeutic System as a
Secular Theory.“ Thesis presented to the Department of Religious Studies of the University of
Ottawa as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts, 1969.
-, „Denominational Implications of the Religious Nature of Logotherapy.“ Thesis presented to the Department of Religious Studies of the University of Ottawa as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 1971.
-, „Logotherapy and Judaism–Some Philosophical Comparisons.“ Tradition, XII (1972), 72-
-, „Logotherapy and Judaism.“ Jewish Spectator, XXXVII, No. 7 (Sept. 1972), 17-19.
-, „Death in Life–Talmudic and Logotherapeutic Affirmations.“ Humanitas (Journal of the
Institute of Man), X, No. 1 (Feb. 1974), 33-42.
-, „The Ecumenical Ingredient in Logotherapy.“ Journal of Ecumenical Studies, XI, No. 1
(Winter 1974), 13-24.
-, „Logotherapy as a Response to the Holocaust.“ Tradition, XV (1975), 89-96.
-, „Logotherapy and Talmudic Judaism.“ Journal of Religion and Health, XIV, No. 4 (1975),
-, „Logotherapy and the Talmud on Suffering: Clinical and Meta-Clinical Perspectives.“
Journal of Psychology and Judaism, Vol. 2, No. 1 (Fall 1977),
-, „Logotherapy–A Step Beyond Freud: Its Relevance for Jewish Thought.“ Jewish Life
(Fall 1977-Winter 1978), 46-53.
-, „Is Logotherapy a Spiritual Therapy?“ Association of Mental Health Clergy Forum, Vol.
30, No. 2 (Jan. 1978).
-, „The Work Situation: Logotherapeutic and Talmudic Perspectives.“ Journal of
Psychology and Judaism, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Spring 1978), 52-61.
-, „Hasidism and Logotherapy: Encounter Through Anthology.“ Journal of Psychology and
Judaism, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Fall 1978), 60-74.
-, „Is Logotherapy Authoritarian?“ Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Vol. 18, No. 4 (Fall
1978), 45-54.
-, „Frankl's Impact on Jewish Life and Thought.“ The International Forum for Logotherapy,
Vol. 2, No. 3 (Spring 1980), 41-42.
-, „The Upside-Down Thumb: Talmudic Thinking and Logotherapy.“ Voices: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapy, 16 (1) (Spring 1980), 70-74.
-, „Different Paths, Common Thrust–the Shoalogy of Berkovits and Frankl“, Tradition, 19
(4) (Winter 1981), 322-39.
-, „Logotherapy as an Answer to Burnout.“ The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol.
7, No. 1 (Spring/Summer 1984), 8-17.
Burck, James Lester, „The Relevance of Viktor Frankl's 'Will to Meaning' for Preaching to juvenile Delinquents.“ A Master of Theology Thesis submitted to the Southern Baptist
Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky, 1966.
Calabrese, Edward James, „The Evolutionary Basis of Logotherapy.“ Dissertation,
University of Massachusetts, 1974.
Carrigan, Thomas Edward, „The Meaning of Meaning in Logotherapy of Dr. Viktor E.
Frankl.“ Thesis presented to the School of Graduate Studies as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Philosophy, University of Ottawa, Canada,

Cavanagh, Michael E., „The Relationship Between Frankl's 'Will to Meaning' and the
Discrepancy Between the Actual Self and the Ideal Self.“ Doctoral dissertation, University of
Ottawa, 1966.
Chastain, Mills Kent, „The Unfinished Revolution: Logotherapy as Applied to Primary
Grades 1-4 Values Clarification in the Social Studies Curriculum in Thailand.“ Thesis,
Monterey Institute of International Studies, 1979.
Cohen, David, „The Frankl Meaning.“ Human Behavior, Vol. 6, No. 7 (July 1977), 56-62.
Colley, Charles Sanford, „An Examination of Five Major Movements in Counseling Theory in Terms of How Representative Theorists (Freud, Williamson, Wolpe, Rogers and Frankl)
View the Nature of Man.“ Dissertation, University of Alabama,1970.
Crumbaugh, James C, „The Application of Logotherapy.“ Journal of Existentialism, V
(1965), 403-12.
-, „Cross Validation of Purpose-in-Life Test Based on Frankl's Concepts.“ Journal of
Individual Psychology, XXIV (1968), 74-81.
-, „Frankl's Logotherapy: A New Orientation in Counseling.“ Journal of Religion and
Health, X (1971), 373-86.
-, „Aging and Adjustment: The Applicability of Logotherapy and the Purpose-in-Life Test.“
The Gerontologist, XII (1972), 418-20.
-, „Changes in Frankl's Existential Vacuum as a Measure of Therapeutic Outcome.“
Newsletter for Research in Psychology (Veterans Administration Center, Bay Pines, Florida),
Vol. 14, No. 2 (May 1972), 35-37.
-, „Frankl's Logotherapy: An Answer to the Crisis in Identity.“ Newsletter of the Mississippi
Personnel and Guidance Association, IV, No. 2 (Oct. 1972), 3.
-, „Patty's Purpose: Perversion of Frankl's Search for Meaning.“ Journal of Graphoanalysis
(July 1976), 12-13.
-, „Logoanalysis“, Uniquest (The First Unitarian Church of Berkeley), No. 7 (1977), 38-39.
-, „The Seeking of Noetic Goals Test (SONG): A Complementary Scale to the Purpose in
Life Test (PIL).“ Journal of Clinical Psychology, Vol. 33, No. 3 (July 1977), 900-7.
-, „Logotherapy as a Bridge Between Religion and Psychotherapy.“ Journal of Religion and
Health, Vol. 18, No. 3 July 1979), 188-91.
-, „Logotherapy: New Help for Problem Drinkers.“ The International Forum for
Logotherapy, Vol. 4, No. 1 (Spring. Summer 1981), 29-34.
-, and Gordon L. Carr, „Treatment of Alcoholics with Logotherapy.“ The International journal of the Addictions, 14 (6) (1979), 847-53.
-, and Leonard T. Maholick, „The Case for Frankl's 'Will to Meaning.'„ Journal of
Existential Psychiatry, IV (1963), 43-48.
-, and Leonard T. Maholick, „An Experimental Study in Existentialism: The Psychometric
Approach to Frankl's Concept of Nobgenic Neurosis.“ Journal of Clinical Psychology, XX
(1964), 200-7.
-, Sister Mary Raphael and Raymond R. Shrader, „Frankl's Will to Meaning in a Religious
Order“ (delivered before Division 24, American Psychological Association, at the annual convention in San Francisco, Aug. 30, 1968). Journal of Clinical Psychology, XXVI (1970),
Dansart, Bernard, „Development of a Scale to Measure Attitudinal Values as Defined by
Viktor Frankl.“ Dissertation, Northern Illinois University, De Kalb, 1974.
Dickson Charles W., „Logotherapy and the Redemptive Encounter.“ Dialogue (Spring
1974), 110-14.

-, „Logotherapy as a Pastoral Tool.“ Journal of Religion and Health, XIV, No. 3 (1975),
-, „The Doctor and the Soul: Dr. Viktor Frankl.“ Harvard Medical Alumni Bulletin, XXXVI,
No. 1 (Fall 1961), 8.
Duncan, Franklin D., „Logotherapy and the Pastoral Care of Physically Disabled Persons.“
A thesis in the Department of Psychology of Religion submitted to the faculty of the Graduate
School of Theology in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of
Theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky, 1968.
Eger, Edith Eva, „Viktor Frankl & Me.“ Association for Humanistic Psychology Newsletter
(Feb. 1976), 15-16.
-, „My Use of Logotherapy with Clients.“ The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol.
4, No. 2 (Fall/Winter 1981), 94-100.
Eisenberg, Mignon, „The Logotherapeutic Intergenerational Communications Group.“ The
International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Summer-Fall 1979), 23-25.
-, „The Logotherapeutic Intergenerational Encounter Group: A Phenomenological
Approach.“ Dissertation, Southeastern University, New Orleans, 1980.
-, „Logotherapy and the College Student.“ The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol.
2, No. 3 (Spring 1980), 22-24.
-, „My 'Second Meeting' with Viktor Frankl.“ The International Forum for Logotherapy,
Vol. 2, No. 3 (Spring 1980), 53-54.
-, „Logotherapy–Prescription for Survival.“ The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol.
5, No. 2 (Fall/Winter 1982), 67-71.
-, „Logotherapy in Israel.“ The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 6, No. 2
(Fall/Winter 1983), 67-73.
Eisner, Harry Ft., „Purpose in Life as a Function of Locus of Control and Attitudinal Values:
A Test of Two of Viktor Frankl's Concepts.“ Dissertation, Marquette University, 1978.
Ellison, G., G. Hare and M. Whiddon, „Logotherapy with Chronic Mental Patients.“ Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Science, XXVI, 102. Eng, Erling, „The Akedah, Oedipus, and
Dr. Frankl.“ Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, Vol. 16, No. 3 (Fall 1979), 269-
Fabry, Joseph, „A Most Ingenious Paradox.“ The Register-Leader of the Unitarian
Universalist Association, Vol. 149 (June 1967), 7-8.
-, „The Defiant Power of the Human Spirit.“ The Christian Ministry (March 1972), 35-36.
-, „Application of Logotherapy in Small Sharing Groups.“ Journal of Religion and Health,
XII, No. 2 (1974), 128-36.
-, „Logotherapy and Eastern Religions.“ Journal of Religion and Health, XIV, No. 4 (1975),
-, „Aspects and Prospects of Logotherapy: A Dialogue with Viktor Frankl.“ The
International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Winter 1978-Spring 1979), 3-6.
-, „Three Faces of Frankl.“ 77?e International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 2, No. 3 (Spring
1980), 40.
-, „The Frontiers of Logotherapy.“ The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 4, No. 1
(Spring–Summer 1981), 3-11.
-, „Some Practical Hints About Paradoxical Intention.“ The International Forum for
Logotherapy, Vol. 5, No. 1 (Spring–Summer 1982), 25-30.
-, and Max Knight (pseud. Peter Fabrizius), „Viktor Frankl's Logotherapy.“ Delphian
Quarterly, XLVII, No. 3 (1964), 27-30.

-, and Max Knight (pseud. Peter Fabrizius), „The Use of Humor in Therapy.“ Delphian
Quarterly, XLVIII, No. 3 (1965), 22-36.
Farr, Alan P., „Logotherapy and Senior Adults.“ The International Forum for Logotherapy,
Vol. 1, No. 1, (Winter 1978–Spring 1979), 14-17.
-, „The Father of Logotherapy.“ Existential.Psychiatry, Vol. I (1967), 439.
Finck, Willis C, „The Viktor E. Frankl Merit Award.“ The /nfemational Forum for
Logotherapy, Vol. 5, No. 2 (Fall/Winter 1982), 73.
Forstmeyer, Annemarie von, „The Will to Meaning as a Prerequisite for Self-
Actualization.“ Thesis presented to the faculty of California Western University, San Diego, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts, 1968.
Fox, Douglas A., „Logotherapy and Religion.“ Religion in Life, XXXI (1965), 235-44.
Frankl, Viktor E., „The Pleasure Principle and Sexual Neurosis.“ International Journal of
Sexology, 5 (1952), 128-30.
-, „Logos and Existence in Psychotherapy.“ American journal of Psychotherapy, VII (1953),
-, „Group Psychotherapeutic Experiences in a Concentration Camp“ (paper read before the
Second International Congress of Psychotherapy, Leiden, Netherlands, Sept. 8, 1951). Group
Psychotherapy, VII (1954), 81-90.
-, „The Concept of Man in Psychotherapy“ (paper read before the Royal Society of
Medicine, Section of Psychiatry, London, England, June 15, 1954). Pastoral Psychology, VI
(1955), 16-26.
-, „From Psychotherapy to Logotherapy.“ Pastoral Psychobgy, VII (1956), 56-60.
-, „On Logotherapy and Existential Analysis“ (paper read before the Association for the
Advancement of Psychoanalysis, New York, April 17, 1957). American Journal of
Psychoanalysis, XVIII (1958), 28-37.
-, „The Will to Meaning.“ Journal of Pastoral Care, XII (1958), 82-88.
-, „Guest Editorial.“ Academy Reporter, III, No. 5(May 1958), 1-4.
-, „The Search for Meaning.“ Saturday Review (Sept. 13, 1958).
-, „The Spiritual Dimension in Existential Analysis and Logotherapy“ (paper read before the Fourth International Congress of Psychotherapy, Barcelona, Sept. 5, 1958). Journal of
Individual Psychology, XV (1959), 157-65.
–, „Beyond Self-Actualization and Self-Expression“ (paper read before the Conference on
Existential Psychotherapy, Chicago, Dec. 13, 1959), Journal of Existential Psychiatry, I
(1960), 5-20.
–, „Paradoxical Intention: A Logotherapeutic Technique“ (paper read before the American
Association for the Advancement of Psychotherapy, New York, Feb. 26, 1960). American
Journal of Psychotherapy, XIV (1960), 520-35.
–, „Dynamics, Existence and Values.“ Journal of Existential Psychiatry, II (1961), 5-16.
–, „Logotherapy and the Challenge of Suffering“ (paper read before the American
Conference on Existential Psychotherapy, New York, Feb. 27, 1960). Review of Existential
Psychology and Psychiatry, I (1961) 3-7. –, „Psychotherapy and Philosophy.“ Philosophy
Today, V (1961), 59-64. –, „Religion and Existential Psychotherapy.“ Gordon Review, VI
(1961), 2-10.
–, „Basic Concepts of Logotherapy“, Journal of Existential Psychiatry, III (1962), 111-18.
–, „Logotherapy and the Challenge of Suffering.“ Pastoral Psychology, XIII (1962), 25-28.
–, „Psychiatry and Man's Quest for Meaning.“ Journal of Religion and Health, I (1962), 93-

–, „The Will to Meaning.“ Living Church, CXLIV (June 24,1962), 8-14. –, „Existential
Dynamics and Neurotic Escapism“ (paper read before the Conference on Existential
Psychiatry, Toronto, May 6, 1962). Journal of Existential Psychiatry, IV (1963), 27-42.
–, „Angel as Much as Beast: Man Transcends Himself.“ Unitarian Univer-salist Register-
Leader, CXLIV (Feb. 1963), 8-9.
–, „In Steady Search for Meaning.“ Liberal Dimension, II, No. 2 (1964), 3-8. –, „Existential
Escapism.“ Motive, XXIV (Jan.-Feb. 1964), 11-14. –, „The Will to Meaning“ (paper read before the Conference on Phenomenology, Lexington, April 4,1963), Christian Century, LXXI
(April 22,1964), 515-17.
–, „How a Sense of a Task in Life Can Help You Over the Bumps.“ The National Observer
(My 12, 1964), 22.
–, „The Concept of Man in Logotherapy“ (175th Anniversary Lecture, Georgetown
University, Washington, D.C., Feb. 27, 1964). Journal of Existentialism, VI (1965), 53-58.
–, „Logotherapy–a New Psychology of Man.“ The Gadfly, Vol. 17, Issue 1 (Dec. 1965-Jan.
–, „Logotherapy and Existential Analysis: A Review“ (paper read before the Symposium on Logotherapy, 6th International Congress of Psychotherapy, London, Aug. 26, 1964).
American Journal of Psychotherapy, XX (1966), 252-60.
–, „Time and Responsibility.“ Existential Psychiatry, (1966), 361-66. –, „Self-
Transcendence as a Human Phenomenon.“ Journal of Humanistic Psychology, VI, No. 2 (Fall
1966), 97-106.
–, „What Is Meant by Meaning?“ Journal of Existentialism, VII, No. 25 (Fall 1966), 21-28.
–, „Logotherapy.“ The Israel Annals of Psychiatry and Related Disciplines, VII (1967), 142-
–, „Logotherapy and Existentialism.“ Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, IV,
No. 3 (Aug. 1967), 138-42.
–, „What Is a Man?“ Life Association News, LXII, No. 9 (Sept. 1967), 151-57.
–, „Experiences in a Concentration Camp.“ Jewish Heritage, XI (1968), 5-7.
–, „The Search for Meaning“ (abstract from a series of lectures given at the Brandeis
Institute in California). Jewish Heritage, XI (1968), 8-11. –, „Youth in Search for Meaning“
(Third Paul Dana Bartlett Memorial Lecture). The Baker World (The Baker University
Newsletter), I, No. 4 (Jan. 1969), 2-5.
–, „Eternity Is the Here and Now.“ Pace, V, No. 4 (April 1969), 2. –, „The Cosmos and the
Mind. (How Far Can We Go?) A Dialogue with Geoffrey Frost.“ Pace, V, No. 8 (Aug. 1969),
34-39. –, „Entering the Human Dimension.“ Attitude, I (1970), 2-6. –, „Fore-Runner of
Existential Psychiatry.“ Journal of Individual Psychology, XXVI (1970), 12.
–, „Determinism and Humanism.“ Humanitas (Journal of the Institute of Man), VII (1971),
–, „Existential Escapism.“ Omega, Vol. 2, No. 4 (Nov. 1971), 307-11. –, „The Feeling of
Meaninglessness: A Challenge to Psychotherapy.“ The American Journal of Psychoanalysis,
XXXII, No. 1 (1972), 85-89. –, „Man in Search of Meaning.“ Widening Horizons (Rockford
College), Vol. 8, No. 5 (Aug. 1972).
–, „Encounter: The Concept and Its Vulgarization.“ The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, 1, No. 1 (1973), 73-83. –, „The Depersonalization of Sex.“ Synthesis (The
Realization of the Self), I (Spring 1974), 7-11.

–, „Paradoxical Intention and Dereflection.“ Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice,
XII, No. 3 (Fall 1975), 226-37. –, „A Psychiatrist Looks at Love.“ Uniquest(The First
Unitarian Church of Berkeley), 5 (1976), 6-9.
-, „Some Thoughts on the Painful Wisdom.“ Uniquest (The First Unitarian Church of
Berkeley), 6 (1976), 3.
-, „Survival–for What?“ Uniquest (The First Unitarian Church of Berkeley), 6 (1976).
-, „Logotherapy.“ The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Winter 1978-
Spring 1979), 22-23.
-, „Endogenous Depression and Noogenic Neurosis (Case Histories and Comments).“ The
International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Summer-Fall 1979), 38-40.
-, „Psychotherapy on Its Way to Rehumanization.“ The International Forum for
Logotherapy, Vol. 3, No. 2 (Fall 1980), 3-9.
-, „The Future of Logotherapy.“ The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 4, No. 2
(Fall/Winter 1981), 71-78.
-, „The Meaning Crisis in the First World and Hunger in the Third World.“ The International
Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 7, No. 1 (Spring/Summer 1984), 5-7.
Gall, Heinz, „Logotherapeutic Treatment of Neurotic Sleep Disturbances.“ The
International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 6, No. 2 (Fall/Winter 1983), 92-94.
Garfield, Charles A., „A Psychometric and Clinical Investigation of Frankl's Concept of
Existential Vacuum and of Anomie.“ Psychiatry, XXXVI (1973), 396-408.
Gerz, Hans O., „The Treatment of the Phobic and the Obsessive-Compulsive Patient Using
Paradoxical Intention sec. Viktor E. Frankl.“ Journal of Neuropsychiatry, III, No. 6 (July-Aug.
1962), 375-87.
-, „Experience with the Logotherapeutic Technique of Paradoxical Intention in the
Treatment of Phobic and Obsessive-Compulsive Patients“ (paper read at the Symposium of
Logotherapy at the 6th International Congress of Psychotherapy, London, England, Aug.
1964). American journal of Psychiatry, CXXIII, No. 5 (Nov. 1966), 548-53.
-, „Reply.“ American Journal of Psychiatry, CXXIII, No. 10 (April t967), 1306.
Gill, Ajaipal Singh, „An Appraisal of Viktor E. Frankl's Theory of Logotherapy as a
Philosophical Base for Education.“ Dissertation, The American University, 1970.
Giorgi, Bruno, „The Belfast Test: A New Psychometric Approach to Logotherapy.“ The
International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 5, No. 1 (Spring– Summer 1982), 31-37.
Gleason, John J., „Lucy and Logotherapy: A Context, a Concept, and a Case.“ Voices: The
Art and Science of Psychotherapy, 7 (1971), 57-62.
Green, Herman Н., „The 'Existential Vacuum' and the Pastoral Care of Elderly Widows in a Nursing Home.“ Master's thesis, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville,
Kentucky, 1970.
Greenberg, R. P., and R. Pies, „Is Paradoxical Intention Risk-Free?“ Journal of Clinical
Psychiatry, 44 (1983), 66-69.
Grollman, Earl A., „Viktor E. Frankl: A Bridge Between Psychiatry and Religion.“
Conservative Judaism, XIX, No. 1 (Fall 1964), 19-23.
-, „The Logotherapy of Viktor E. Frankl.“ Judaism, XIV (1965), 22-38.
Grossman, Nathan, „The Rabbi and the Doctor of the Soul.“ Jewish Spectator, XXXIV, No.
1 (Jan. 1969), 8-12.
Guidera, T., and M. Whiddon, „Logotherapy with Incarcerated Adults.“ Journal of the
Mississippi Academy of Science, XXV (1980), 103.

Guldbransen, Francis Aloysius, „Some of the Pedagogical Implications in the The
Theoretical Work of Viktor Frankl in Existential Psychology: A Study in the Philosophic
Foundations of Education.“ Doctoral dissertation, Michigan State University, 1972
Guttman, David, „Logophilosophy for Israel's Retirees in the Helping Professions.“ The
International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 7, No. 1 (Spring/'Summer 1984), 18-25.
Hablas, Ruth, „Odysseus: His Myth and Meaning for Logotherapy.“ The International
Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 7, No. 1 (Spring/Summer 1984), 34-39.
Hall, Mary Harrington, „A Conversation with Viktor Frankl of Vienna.“ Psychology Today,
1, No. 9 (Feb. 1968), 56-63.
Harrington, Donald Szantho, „The View from the Existential Vacuum.“ Academy Reporter,
IX, No. 9 (Dec. 1964), 1-4.
Hatcher, Cordon, „A Study of Viktor E. Franki's and Karl A. Menninger's Concepts of
Love.“ Dissertation, University of the Pacific, Stockton, California, 1968.
Havenga, Patti, „Viktor E. Frankl.“ Lantern (Journal of Knowledge, 4rt and Culture)
(Pretoria), Vol. XXXI, No. 2 (April 1982), 53-57.
Havens, Leston L., „Paradoxical Intention.“ Psychiatry and Social Science Review, 11
(1968), 16-19.
Haworth, D. Swan, „Viktor Frankl.“ Judaism, XIV (1965), 351-52.
Henderson, J. T., „The Will to Meaning of Viktor Frankl as a Meaningful Factor of
Personality.“ Master's thesis, the University of Maryland, 1970.
Hirsch, Bianca Z., and Vera Lieban-Kalmar, „Logotherapy in U.S. Universities: A Survey.“
The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 5, No. 2 (Fall/Winter 1982).
Holmes, R. M., „Meaning and Responsibility: A Comparative Analysis of the Concept of the Responsible Self in Search of Meaning in the Thought of Viktor Frankl and H. Richard
Niebuhr with Certain Implications for the Church's Ministry to the University.“ Doctoral dissertation, Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, California, 1965.
Holmes, R. M., „Alcoholics Anonymous as Group Logotherapy.“ Pastoral Psychology, XXI
(1970), 30-36.
Hsu, L. K. George, and Stuart Lieberman, „Paradoxical Intention in the Treatment of
Chronic Anorexia Nervosa.“ American journal of Psychiatry, 139 (1982), 650-53.
Humberger, Frank E., „Practical Logotherapeutic Techniques.“ Uniquest (The First
Unitarian Church of Berkeley), No. 7 (1977), 24-25.
-, „Logotherapy in Outplacement Counseling.“ The International Forum for Logotherapy,
Vol. 2, No. 3 (Spring 1980), 50-53. Hutzell, Robert R., „Practical Steps in Logoanalysis.“ The
International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 6, No. 2 (Fall/Winter 1983), 74-83.
-, „Logoanalysis for Alcoholics.“ The International Forum for Logotherapy,
Vol. 7, No. 1 (Spring/Summer 1984), 40-45. Hyman, William, „Practical Aspects of
Logotherapy in Neurosurgery.“
Existential Psychiatry, VII (1969), 99-101. Johnson, Paul E., „Logotherapy: A Corrective for Determinism.“ Christian Advocate, V (Nov. 23, 1961), 12-13.
-, „Meet Doctor Frankl.“ Adult Student, XXIV (Oct. 1964), 8-10.
-, „The Meaning of Logotherapy.“ Adult Student, XXVI, No. 8 (April 1967), 4-5.
-, „The Challenge of Logotherapy.“ Journal of Religion and Health, VII (1968), 122-30.
Jones, Elbert Whaley, „Nietzsche and Existential Analysis.“ Dissertation in the Department of Philosophy submitted to the faculty of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts, New York University, 1967.

Jones, Frederic H., „Logotherapy and 'Drawing Anxiety.'„ The International Forum for
Logotherapy, Vol. 6, No. 2 (Fall/ Winter 1983), 90-91.
Kaczanowski, Godfryd, „Frankl's Logotherapy.“ American Journal of Psychiatry, CXVII
(1960), 563.
-, „Logotherapy–A New Psychotherapeutic Tool.“ Psychosomatics, Vol. 8 (May-June
1967), 158-61.
Kalmar, Stephen S., „What Logotherapy Can Learn from High School Students.“ The
International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 5, No. 2 (Fall/Winter 1982), 77-84.
-, „The Viktor E. Frankl Scholarship 1983.“ The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol.
6, No. 2 (Fall/Winter 1983), 84-85.
Kelzer, Kenneth, Frances Vaughan and Richard Gorringe, „Viktor Frankl: A Precursor for
Transpersonal Psychotherapy.“ The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 2, No. 3
(Spring 1980), 32-35.
Klapper, Naomi, „On Being Human: A Comparative Study of Abraham J. Heschel and
Viktor Frankl.“ Doctoral dissertation, Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New York,
1973. Klitzke, Louis L., „Students in Emerging Africa: Humanistic Psychology and
Logotherapy in Tanzania.“ Journal of Humanistic Psychology, IX (1969), 105-26.
-, „Logotherapy in Tanzania.“ The International Forum for Logotherapy,
Vol. 4, No. 2 (Fall/Winter 1981), 83-88.
Korfgen, Guido, „What the Will to Meaning May Achieve.“ The International Forum for
Logotherapy, Vol. 4, No. 2 (Fall/Winter 1981), 129.
Kovacs, George, „Ultimate Reality and Meaning in Viktor E. Frankl.“ Ultimate Reality and
Meaning, Vol. 5, No. 2 (1982), 118-39.
-, „The Question of Death in Logotherapy.“ The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol.
5, No. 1 (Spring–Summer 1982), 3-8.
-, „The Philosophy of Death in Viktor E. Frankl.“ Journal of Phenomenological
Psychology, Vol. 13, No. 2 (Fall 1982), 197-209. Lamontagne, Ives, „Treatment of
Erythrophobia by Paradoxical Intention.“
The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Vol. 166, No. 4 (1978), 304-6. Lance, Ricky
L., „An Investigation of Logotherapy for a Possibility Theory of Personality.“ Dissertation,
New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, 1978.
Lantz, James E., „Dereflection in Family Therapy with Schizophrenic Clients.“ The
International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 5, No. 2 (Fall/Winter 1982), 119-22.
Lapinsohn, Leonard I., „Relationship of the Logotherapeutic Concepts of Anticipatory
Anxiety and Paradoxical Intention to the Neurophysiological Theory of Induction.“
Behavioral Neuropsychiatry, III, No. 304 (1971), 12-14 and 24.
Leslie, Robert O, „Viktor Frankl and C. G. Jung.“ Shiggaion, Vol. X, No. 2 (Dec. 1961).
-, „Viktor E. Frankl's New Concept of Man.“ Motive, XXII (1962), 16-19.
Levinson, Jay Irwin, „An Investigation of Existential Vacuum in Grief via Widowhood.“
Dissertation, United States International University, San Diego, California, 1979.
-, „A Combination of Paradoxical Intention and Dereflection.“ The International Forum for
Logotherapy, Vol. 2, No. 2, (Summer–Fall 1979), 40-41.
Lieban-Kalmar, Vera, „Effects of Experience-Centered Decision-Making on Locus of
Control, Frankl's Purpose in Life Concept, and Academic Behavior of High School Students.“
Dissertation, University of San Francisco, 1982.
-, „Logotherapy: A Way to Help the Learning Disabled Help Themselves.“ Academic
Therapy, XIX, 3 (1984), 262-68.

Lukas, Elisabeth S., „The Four Steps of Logotherapy.“ Uniquest (The First Unitarian
Church of Berkeley), No. 7 (1977), 24-25.
-, „The 'Ideal' Logotherapist–Three Contradictions.“ The International Forum for
Logotherapy, Vol. 2, No 2 (Summer–Fall 1979), 3-7.
-, „The Logotherapy View of Human Nature.“ The International Forum for Logotherapy,
Vol. 3, No. 2 (Fall 1980), 10-13.
-, „New Ways for Dereflection.“ The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 4, No. 1
(Spring–Summer 1981), 13-28.
-, „Validation of Logotherapy.“ The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 4, No. 2
(Fall/Winter 1981), 116-25.
-, „The 'Birthmarks' of Paradoxical Intention.“ The International Forum for Logotherapy,
Vol. 5, No. 1 (Spring–Summer 1982), 20-24.
-, „Love and Work in Frankl's View of Human Nature.“ The International Forum for
Logotherapy, Vol. 6, No. 2 (Fall/ Winter 1983), 102-9.
Maniacek, Mary Ann, „Logotherapy: A Grief Counseling Process.“ The International
Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 5, No. 2 (Fall/Winter 1982), 85-91.
Marrer, Robert F., „Existential-Phenomenological Foundations in Logotherapy Applicable to Counseling.“ Dissertation, Ohio University, 1972.
Maslow, A. H., „Comments on Dr. Frankl's Paper.“ Journal of Humanistic Psychology, VI
(1966), 107-12.
Mavissakalian, M., L. Michelson, D. Greenwald, S. Kornblith, and M. Greenwald,
„Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Agoraphobia: Paradoxical Intention vs. Self-Statement
Training.“ Behaviour Research and Therapy, 21 (1983), 75-86.
„Meaning in Life.“ 77me(Feb. 2, 1968), 38-40.
Meier, Augustine, „Frankl's 'Will to Meaning' as Measured bly the Purpose-in-Life Test in
Relation to Age and Sex Differences.“ Dissertation presented to The University of Ottawa,
-, „Frankl's 'Will to Meaning' as Measured by the Purpose-in-Life Test in Relation to Age and Sex Differences.“ Journal of Clinical Psychology, XXX (1974), 384-86.
Milan, M. A., and D. J. Kolko, „Paradoxical Intention in the Treatment of Obsessional
Flatulence Ruminations.“ J. Behav. Ther. exp. Psychiat., XIII (1982), 167-72.
Minton, Gary, „A Comparative Study of the Concept of Conscience in the Writings of
Sigmund Freud and Viktor Frankl.“ Dissertation, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary,
1967. Morgan, John H., „Personal Meaning as Therapy: The Roots and Branches of Frankl's
Psychology.“ Pastoral Psychology, Vol. 31, No. 3 (Spring 1983), 184-92.
Mueller-Hegemann, D., „Methodological Approaches in Psychotherapy: Current Concepts in East Germany.“ American journal of Psychotherapy, XVII (1963), 554-68.
Muilenberg, Don T., „Meaning in Life: Its Significance in Psychotherapy.“ A dissertation presented to the faculty of the Graduate School, University of Missouri, 1968.
Murphy, Leonard, „Extent of Purpose-in-Life and Four FranklProposed Life Objectives.“
Doctoral dissertation in the Department of Psychology, the University of Ottawa, 1967.
Murphy, Maribeth L, „Viktor Frankl: The New Phenomenology of Meaning.“
The U.S.I.U. Doctoral Society Journal, III, No. 2 (June 1970), 1-10, and IV, No. 1 (Winter
1970-71),45-46. Nackord, Ernest J., Jr., „A College Test of Logotherapeutic Concepts.“ The
International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 6, No. 2 (Fall/Winter 1983), 117-22.

Newton, Joseph Ft., „Therapeutic Paradoxes, Paradoxical Intentions, and Negative
Practice.“ American Journal of Psychotherapy, XXII (1968), 68-81. Niyeda, Rokusaburo,
„Logotherapy and Eastern Religious Philosophy.“
Journal of The Helen Vale Foundation (Australia), Vol. 2, No. 4, 36-41. Noonan, J. Robert,
„A Note on an Eastern Counterpart of Frankl's Paradoxical Intention.“ Psychologia, XII
(1969), 147-49.
O'Connell, Walter E., „Viktor Frankl, the Adlerian?“ Psychiatric Spectator, Vol. VI, No. 11
(1970), 13-14.
-, „Frankl, Adler, and Spirituality.“ Journal of Religion and Health, XI (1972), 134-38.
Offut, Berch Randall, „Logotherapy, Actualization Therapy or Contextual Self-
Realization?“ Dissertation, United States International University, 1975. „Originator of
Logotherapy Discusses Its Basic Premises“ (interview). Roche Report: Frontiers of Clinical
Psychiatry, Vol. 5, No. 1 (Jan. 1,1968), 5-6.
Ott, B. D., „The Efficacy of Paradoxical Intention in the Treatment of Sleep Onset Insomnia under Differential Feedback Conditions.“ Dissertation, Hofstra University, 1980.
-, B. A. Levine, and L. M. Ascher, „Manipulating the Explicit Demand of Paradoxical
Intention Instructions.“ Behavioural Psychotherapy, 11 (1983), 25-35.
Palma, Robert J., „Viktor E. Frankl: Multilevel Analyses and Complementarity.“ Journal of
Religion and Health, XV (1976), 12-25.
Pareja-Herrera, Guillermo, „Logotherapy and Social Change.“ The International Forum for
Logotherapy, Vol. 2, No. 3 (Spring 1980), 38-39.
Pervin, Lawrence A., „Existentialism, Psychology, and Psychotherapy“ American
Psychologist, XV (1960), 305-9.
Petraroja, Sergio D., „The Concept of Freedom in Viktor Frank!.“ Catholic Psychological
Record, Vol. 4 (Fall 1966).
Placek, Paul J., „Logotherapy of the Human Relationship.“ Dissertation, California
Christian University, 1978.
Polak, Paul, „Frankl's Existential Analysis.“ American Journal of Psychotherapy, III (1949),
-, „The Anthropological Foundations of Logotherapy.“ The International Forum for
Logotherapy, Vol. 2, No. 3 (Spring 1980), 46-48.
Popielski, Kazimierz, „Karol Wojtyla and Logotherapy.“ The International Forum for
Logotherapy, Vol. 2, No. 3 (Spring 1980), 36-37.
Porter, Jack Nusan, „The Affirmation of Life After the Holocaust: The Contributions of
Bettelheim, Lifton and Frankl.“ The Association for Humanistic Psychology Newsletter
(Aug.–Sept. 1980), 9-11.
Quirk, John M., „A Practical Outline of an Eight-Week Logogroup. The International
Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Summer–Fall 979), 15-22.
Raskin, David E., and Zanvel E. Klein, „Losing a Symptom Through Keeping It: A Review of Paradoxical Treatment Techniques.and Rationale.“ Archives of General Psychiatry, Vol.
33, No. 5 (May 1976), 548-55.
Raskob, Hedwig, „Logotherapy and Religion.“ The International Forum for Logotherapy,
Vol. 2, No. 3 (Spring 1980), 8-12.
Relinger, Helmut, Philip H. Bernstein and Dan M. Mungas, „Treatment of Insomnia by
Paradoxical Intention: A Time-Series Analysis.“ Behavior Therapy, Vol. 9 (1978), 955-59.
Richmond, Bert O., Robert L. Mason and Virginia Smith, „Existential Frustration and
Anomie.“ Journal of Women's Deans and Counselors (Spring 1969).

Roberts, Helen C, „Logotherapy's Contribution to Youth.“ The International Forum for
Logotherapy, Vol. 2, No. 3 (Spring 1980), 19-21.
Rose, Herbert H., „Viktor Frankl on Conscience and God.“ The Jewish Spectator (Fall
1976), 49-50. Rowland, Stanley J., Jr., „Viktor Frankl and the Will to Meaning.“ Christian
Century, LXXIX (June 6, 1962), 722-24.
Rucker, W. Ray, „Frankl's Contributions to the Graduate Program at the USIU.“ The
International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 2, No. 3 (Spring 1980), 12.
Ruggiero, Vincent R., „Concentration Camps Were His Laboratory.“ The Sign, XLVII
(Dec. 1967), 13-15. Sahakian, William S., „Philosophical Therapy: A Variation on
The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 3, No. 2 (Fall 1980), 37-40.
-, and Barbara Jacquelyn Sahakian, „Logotherapy as a Personality Theory.“ The Israel
Annals of Psychiatry and Related Disciplines, X (1972), 230-44.
Salzmann, Leon, and Frank K. Thaler, „Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders: A Review of the
Literature.“ American Journal of Psychiatry, 138:3 (March 1981), 286-96.
Sargent, George Andrew, „Job Satisfaction job Involvement and Purpose in Life: A Study of Work and Frankl's Will to Meaning.“ Thesis presented to the faculty of the United States
International University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of
Arts, 1971.
-, „Motivation and Meaning: Frankl's Logotherapy in the Work Situation.“ Dissertation,
United States International University, San Diego, 1973.
-, „Transference and Countertransference in Logotherapy.“ The International Forum for
Logotherapy, Vol. 5, No. 2 (Fall/Winter 1982), 115-18.
-, „Combining Paradoxical Intention with Behavior Modification.“ The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 6, No. 1 (Spring/Summer 1983), 28-30.
Schachter, Stanley J., „Bettelheim and Frankl: Contradicting Views of the Holocaust.“
Reconstructionist, XXVI, No. 20 (Feb. 10, 1961), 6-11
Shea, John J., „On the Place of Religion in the Thought of Viktor Frankl.“ Journal of
Psychology and Theology, III, No. 3 (Summer 1975), 179-86.
Simms, George R., „Logotherapy in Medical Practice.“ The International Forum for
Logotherapy, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Summer–Fall 19719), 12-14.
Siroky, Vlastimil, „Treatment of Existential Frustration.“ The International Forum for
Logotherapy, Vol. 6, No. 1 (Spring/Summer 1983), 40-41.
Solyom, L., J. Garza-Perez, B. L. Ledwidge and C. Solyom, „Paradoxical Intention in the
Treatment of Obsessive Thoughts: A Pilot Study.“ Comprehensive Psychiatry, Vol. 13, No. 3
(May 1972), 291-97.
Souza, Alas de, „Logotherapy and Pastoral Counseling: An Analysis of Selected Factors in
Viktor E. Frankl's Concept of Logotherapy as They Relate to Pastoral Counseling.“
Dissertation, Heed University, Hollywood, Florida, 1980.
Starck, Patricia L., „Rehabilitative Nursing and Logotherapy: A Study of Spinal Cord
Injured Clients.“ The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol.
4, No. 2 (Fall/Winter 1981), 101-9. Stecker, R. E., „The Existential Vacuum in Eastern
Europe.“ The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 4, No. 2 (Fall/Winter 1981), 79-82.
Stones, Christopher R., „Personal Religious Orientation and Frankl's Will to Meaning in
Four Religious Communities.“ South African Journal of Psychology, 10 (1980), 50-52.
Stropko, Andrew John, „Logoanalysis and Guided Imagery as Group Treatments for
Existential Vacuum.“ Dissertation, Texas Tech University, 1975.

Taylor, Charles P., „Meaning in Life: Its Relation to the „Will-to-Pleasure“ and
Preoccupation with Death.“ Masters thesis, the University of Pittsburgh, 11) 74.
Timms M. W. H., „Treatment of Chronic Blushing by Paradoxical Intention.“ Behavioral
Psychotherapy, 8 (1980), 59-61.
Turner, R. H., „Comment on Dr. Frankl's Paper.“ Journal of Existential Psychiatry, I (1960),
21-23. Turner, Ralph M., and L. Michael Ascher, „Controlled Comparison of Progressive
Relaxation, Stimulus Control, and Paradoxical Intention Therapies for Insomnia.“ Journal of
Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 47, No. 3 (1979), 500-8.
VanKaam, Adrian, „Foundation Formation and the Will to Meaning.“ The International
Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 2, No. 3 (Spring 1980), 57-59.
Victor, Ralph G., and Carolyn M. Krug, „Paradoxical Intention in the Treatment of
Compulsive Gambling.“ American journal of Psychotherapy, XXI, No. 4 (Oct. 1967), 808
„Viktor Frankl.“ The Colby Alumnus, LI (Spring 1962), 5.
Waugh, Robert J. L., „Paradoxical Intention.“ American journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 123,
No. 10 (April 1967), 1305-6.
Weiss, M. David, „Frankl's Approach to the Mentally III.“ Association of Mental Hospital
Chaplains' Newsletter (Fall 1962), 39-42.
Weisskopf-Joelson, Edith, „Some Comments on a Viennese School of Psychiatry.“ Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, LI (1955), 701-3.
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-, „Paranoia and the Will-to-Meaning.“ Existential Psychiatry, I (1966), 316-20.
-, „Some Suggestions Concerning the Concept of Awareness.“ Psychotherapy: Theory,
Research and Practice, VIII (1971), 2-7.
-, „Logotherapy: Science or Faith?“ Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, XII
(1975), 238-40.
-, „The Place of Logotherapy in the World Today.“ The International Forum for
Logotherapy, Vol. 2, No. 3 (Spring 1980), 3-7.
Whiddon, Michael F., „Logotherapy in Prison.“ The International Forum for Logotherapy,
Vol. 6, No. 1 (Spring–Summer 1983), 34-39.
Wilson, Robert A., „Logotherapy: An Educational Approach for the Classroom Teacher“,
Dissertation, Laurence University, 1982.
Wirth, Arthur G., „Logotherapy and Education in a Post-Petroleum Society.“ The
International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 2, No. 3 (Spring 1980), 29-32.
Wood, Frank E., „Logotherapy in Self-Application: Report from U-One-South-Nine.“ The
International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 5, No. 1 (Spring-Summer 1982), 53-56.
Yeates, J. W., „The Educational Implications of the Logotherapy of Viktor E.
Frankl.“ Doctoral dissertation, University of Mississippi, 1968. Yoder, James D., „A Child,
Paradoxical Intention, and Consciousness.“ The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 6,
No. 1 (Spring/Summer 1983),19-21.

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