Дирекция „Консултативни дейности“ Отдел 3

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EDUC Commission and "Networks & Subsidiarity" Unit


Refers to the communication on An EU Strategy for Youth – Investing and Empowering

COM (2009) 200 final
Submitted to the EDUC Commission and the Subsidiarity Monitoring Network for consultation purposes

by Mr Anton Rombouts (NL/EPP)


Please complete and submit by Friday 23 October 2009. You can upload the completed questionnaires directly onto the Subsidiarity Monitoring Network webpage (http://subsidiarity.cor.europa.eu – remember to log on). Alternatively, you can send them by email to subsidiarity@cor.europa.eu.

Name of the authority:

Contact person:

Contact details (phone, email)

The questionnaire is divided into two sections referring to: (1) the fields of action for youth in Europe proposed by the EC; and (2) the role of local and regional authorities within the Open Method of Coordination.

SECTION I: Fields of action

In the communication "An EU Strategy for Youth", the European Commission proposes a framework for the future of youth policies in Europe. In the interests of creating opportunities for youth, improving their access and participation in society as well as fostering solidarity, the communication clearly identifies eight main fields of action and puts forward different measures that can be taken at EU or MS level. These fields of action are: Education – Employment – Creativity and Entrepreneurship – Health and Sport – Participation – Social Inclusion – Volunteering – Youth and the World

This section of the questionnaire addresses the aforementioned eight fields of action as well as the overarching issue of youth work. You are kindly invited to answer only questions referring to the fields that are of relevance for your institution.

A. Education

  1. Challenges faced by local and regional authorities:

What challenges do local and regional authorities in your country face with regard to the education of young people?

  1. Competence in this field:

Within which level of governance/ government does responsibility for youth education lie in your country?

  1. Responsibility regarding the actions contemplated:

Please take a look at the specific actions contemplated by the European Commission within the youth education field of action (see section 4.2.1. of the communication). Taking into account the subsidiarity principle, what should be the role of the following tiers of authority in pursuing these actions?

(a) Local and regional authorities:

(b) National authorities:

(c) The EU:

  1. Existing measures taken at your level:

Has your local authority/ city/ region already taken (or is currently contemplating) any specific measures to address challenges in the field of youth education?

  1. Additional measures needed:

Do you consider that there are other or additional lines of action that need to be taken with regard to youth education, that have not been proposed by the Commission communication under consideration?

B. Employment

  1. Challenges faced by local and regional authorities:

What challenges do local and regional authorities in your country face with regard to the employment of young people?

  1. Competence in this field:

Within which level of governance/ government does responsibility for youth employment lie in your country?

  1. Responsibility regarding the actions contemplated:

Please take a look at the specific actions contemplated by the European Commission within the youth employment field of action (see section 4.2.1. of the communication). Taking into account the subsidiarity principle, what should be the role of the following tiers of authority in pursuing these actions?

(a) Local and regional authorities:

(b) National authorities:

(c) The EU:

  1. Existing measures taken at your level:

Has your local authority/ city/ region already taken (or is currently contemplating) any specific measures to address challenges in the field of youth employment?

  1. Additional measures needed:

Do you consider that there are other or additional lines of action that need to be taken with regard to youth employment, that have not been proposed by the Commission communication under consideration?

C. Creativity and Entrepreneurship

  1. Challenges faced by local and regional authorities:

What challenges do local and regional authorities in your country face with regard to the creativity and entrepreneurship of youth?

  1. Competence in this field:

Within which level of governance/ government does responsibility for creativity and entrepreneurship of youth lie in your country?

  1. Responsibility regarding the actions contemplated:

Please take a look at the specific actions contemplated by the European Commission within the "creativity and entrepreneurship" field of action (see section 4.2.1. of the communication). Taking into account the subsidiarity principle, what should be the role of the following tiers of authority in pursuing these actions?

(a) Local and regional authorities:

(b) National authorities:

(c) The EU:

  1. Existing measures taken at your level:

Has your local authority/ city/ region already taken (or is currently contemplating) any specific measures to address challenges in the field of creativity and entrepreneurship of youth?

  1. Additional measures needed:

Do you consider that there are other or additional lines of action that need to be taken with regard creativity and entrepreneurship of youth, that have not been proposed by the Commission communication under consideration?

D. Health and Sport

  1. Challenges faced by local and regional authorities:

What challenges do local and regional authorities in your country face with regard to health and sport?

  1. Competence in this field:

Within which level of governance/ government does responsibility for health and sport lie in your country?

  1. Responsibility regarding the actions contemplated:

Please take a look at the specific actions contemplated by the European Commission within the health and sport field of action (see section 4.2.2. of the communication). Taking into account the subsidiarity principle, what should be the role of the following tiers of authority in pursuing these actions?

(a) Local and regional authorities:

(b) National authorities:

(c) The EU:

  1. Existing measures taken at your level:

Has your local authority/ city/ region already taken (or is currently contemplating) any specific measures to address challenges in the field of health and sport?

  1. Additional measures needed:

Do you consider that there are other or additional lines of action that need to be taken with regard to health and sport, that have not been proposed by the Commission communication under consideration?

E. Participation

  1. Challenges faced by local and regional authorities:

What challenges do local and regional authorities in your country face with regard to the participation of young people in civic and political life?

  1. Competence in this field:

Within which level of governance/ government does responsibility for the participation of young people in civic and political life lie in your country?

  1. Responsibility regarding the actions contemplated:

Please take a look at the specific actions contemplated by the European Commission within the "participation" field of action (see section 4.2.2. of the communication). Taking into account the subsidiarity principle, what should be the role of the following tiers of authority in pursuing these actions?

(a) Local and regional authorities:

(b) National authorities:

(c) The EU:

  1. Existing measures taken at your level:

Has your local authority/ city/ region already taken (or is currently contemplating) any specific measures to address challenges in the field of the participation of young people in civic and political life?

  1. Additional measures needed:

Do you consider that there are other or additional lines of action that need to be taken with regard to the participation of young people in civic and political life, that have not been proposed by the Commission communication under consideration?

F. Social Inclusion

  1. Challenges faced by local and regional authorities:

What challenges do local and regional authorities in your country face with regard to the social inclusion of young people?

  1. Competence in this field:

Within which level of governance/ government does responsibility for social inclusion lie in your country?

  1. Responsibility regarding the actions contemplated:

Please take a look at the specific actions contemplated by the European Commission within the "social inclusion" field of action (see section 4.2.3. of the communication). Taking into account the subsidiarity principle, what should be the role of the following tiers of authority in pursuing these actions?

(a) Local and regional authorities:

(b) National authorities:

(c) The EU:

  1. Existing measures taken at your level:

Has your local authority/ city/ region already taken (or is currentlybegun contemplating) any specific measures to address challenges in the field of the social inclusion of young people?

  1. Additional measures needed:

Do you consider that there are other or additional lines of action that need to be taken with regard to social inclusion of young people, that have not been proposed by the Commission communication under consideration?

G. Volunteering

  1. Challenges faced by local and regional authorities:

What challenges do local and regional authorities in your country face with regard to volunteering?

  1. Competence in this field:

Within which level of governance/ government does responsibility for volunteering lie in your country?

  1. Responsibility regarding the actions contemplated:

Please have a look at the specific actions contemplated by the European Commission within the "volunteering" field of action (see section 4.2.3. of the communication). Taking into account the subsidiarity principle, what should be the role of the following tiers of authority in pursuing these actions?

(a) Local and regional authorities:

(b) National authorities:

(c) The EU:

  1. Existing measures taken at your level:

Has your local authority/ city/ region already taken (or begun contemplating) any specific measures to address challenges in the field of volunteering?

  1. Additional measures needed:

Do you consider that there are other or additional lines of action that need to be taken with regard to volunteering, that have not been proposed by the Commission communication under consideration?

H. Youth and the World

  1. Challenges faced by local and regional authorities:

What challenges do local and regional authorities in your country face with regard to the international dimension of youth?

  1. Responsibility regarding the actions contemplated:

Please take a look at the specific actions contemplated by the European Commission within the "youth and the world" field of action (see section 4.2.3. of the communication). Taking into account the subsidiarity principle, what should be the role of the following tiers of authority in pursuing these actions?

(a) Local and regional authorities:

(b) National authorities:

(c) The EU:

  1. Existing measures taken at your level:

Has your local authority/ city/ region already taken (or is currently contemplating) any specific action to promote the international dimension of youth?

  1. Additional measures needed:

Do you consider that there are other or additional lines of action that need to be taken with regard to the international dimension of youth, that have not been proposed by the Commission communication under consideration?

I. Youth work

  1. Challenges faced by local and regional authorities:

What challenges do local and regional authorities in your country face with regard to youth work?

  1. Responsibility regarding the actions contemplated:

Please take a look at the specific actions contemplated by the European Commission within "youth work" (see section 4.3. of the communication). Taking into account the subsidiarity principle, what should be the role of the following tiers of authority in pursuing these actions?

(a) Local and regional authorities:

(b) National authorities:

(c) The EU:

  1. Existing measures taken at your level:

Has your local authority/ city/ region already taken (or is currently contemplating) any specific action to support, recognise the contribution of and professionalise youth work?

  1. Additional measures needed:

Do you consider that there are other or additional lines of action that need to be taken with regard to youth work, that have not been proposed by the Commission communication under consideration?

J. Additional fields of action needed

1. What additional challenges do local and regional authorities in your country face regarding youth policies?

2.Should the communication have included additional field(s) of action to address the aforementioned additional challenges and, if so, what measures would you propose?

SECTION II: Role of LRA within the Open Method of Coordination

In the communication "An EU Strategy for Youth", the European Commission has proposed a "new, stronger" Open Method of Coordination (OMC) as a means to implement this strategy. The OMC is an intergovernmental method defined as an instrument of the Lisbon Strategy. It provides a framework for cooperation between the Member States aiming to direct national policies towards certain common objectives (for example: establishment of common indicators, benchmarking, exchange of best practices, etc.). In the communication, the European Commission clearly refers to the involvement of local and regional authorities in the strategy's implementation.

Therefore, you are kindly invited to answer the related questions below.

Do you think the OMC is an appropriate mechanism to implement the EU youth strategy? Please explain your answer.

Which OMC mechanisms could stimulate a more active involvement of local and regional authorities?

Could the Committee of the Regions contribute to safeguarding the interests of local and regional authorities by assuming a particular role within the OMC for the implementation of the EU youth strategy? What role should this be?

Further comments

Is there a question that you feel should have been included into the present questionnaire?

Do you wish to raise any issue which you consider interesting and has not been tackled in the present questionnaire?

Каталог: documentsanonymous
documentsanonymous -> Bg европейски икономически и социален комитет
documentsanonymous -> Заседание на комисия nat на 10 март 2011 г. Точка 4: организация на бъдещата работа на комисията
documentsanonymous -> Програма на Европейския парламент, 10 декември 2014 г., сряда, от 16,30 ч с участието на: г-н Martin Schulz, председател на Европейския парламент
documentsanonymous -> Bg европейски икономически и социален комитет
documentsanonymous -> Заседание на комисия nat на 14 октомври 2010 г. Точка 7 от дневния ред: бюджетът на ес след 2013 г
documentsanonymous -> Сесия/октомври
documentsanonymous -> 15 и 16 октомври 2014 г., сряда и четвъртък
documentsanonymous -> Заседание на комисия enve на 17 април 2012 г. Точка 4 от дневния ред: организация на бъдещата работа на комисията
documentsanonymous -> Заседание на Комисия deve на 17 и 18 февруари 2009 г. Точка от дневния ред: организация на бъдещата работа на комисията 1

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