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Mollova M, Barov D, Djarkova Ts, Ivanova M, Shterev A. Acrosome reaction capacity of spermatozoa tested by AR to ionophore challenge (ARIC) assay. Abstr. 35. In: Proc. 8th Int. Symp. Immunol. Reprod., Varna, 12-14 Oct., (1997).

  • Djarkova Ts, Ivanova M, Mollova M, Barov D, Shterev A, Peknicova J. Study of the expression of complement binding proteins and adhesion molecules (CD15 and CD61) on human sperm. Abstr.36. In: Proc. 8th Int. Symp. Immunol. Reprod., Varna, 12-14 Oct., (1997)..

  • Subev M, Atanasov B, Mollova M, Kyurkchiev St. Cytochemical and immunocytochemical studies on boar sperm diaphorase. Abstr.52. In: Proc. 8th Int. Symp. Immunol. Reprod., Varna, 12-14 Oct., (1997).

  • Mollova M, Stamenova M, Ivanova M, Kyurkchiev St. Identification and characterization of capacitation-related sperm surface protein. Second Balkan Immunol. Conference, Varna, 1-4 Oct., (1998)..

  • Mollova M. Ivanova M, Barov D, Djarkova Ts, Shterev A. Application of Procion dye staining facilites sperm morphology evaluation by Kruger,s strict criteria. Second National Congress of Andrology with international participation, Sofia, 12-14 Nov., (1999).

  • Djarkova Ts. Mollova M, Ivanova M, Peknicova J, Todorov P, Dimitrov Y. Expression of complement binding proteins (CD55 and CD 59) and Lewisx antigen (CD15) on spermatozoa of patients intending IVF-ET. Second National Congress of Andrology with international participation, Sofia, 12-14 Nov., (1999).

  • Mollova M. Characterization of sperm capacitation – related antigens. Plenary lecture. 9th Int. Symp.on Immunol. of Reprod., Varna, 2-4 July, (2000).

  • Djarkova Ts, Mollova M, Ivanova M, Nedkova R. Studies on the role of sperm surface Ag 1F10 on the acrosome reaction. 9th Int. Symp.on Immunol. of Reprod., Varna,2-4 July, (2000).

  • Atanasov B, Mollova M, Dimitrova I, Karaivanova M, Kyurkchiev St. Investigations on boar semen cytoplasmatic droples proteins by monoclonal antibodies. 9th Int. Symp.on Immunol. of Reprod., Varna, 2-4 July, (2000).

  • Моллова М, Стаменова М. Трифонова Р, Джаркова Цв, Иванова М. Проучвания върху мембранно-свързани сперматозодни антигени. Четвърта национална конференция по медицинска биология, Пловдив, 7-9.09.(2001).

  • Джаркова Цв. Банкова Е, Недкова Р, Иванова М, Моллова М. Ефект на РКС активатор върху екзоцитозата при сперматозоиди от нерез. Четвърта национална конференция по медицинска биология, Пловдив, 7-9.09.(2001).

  • Недкова Р, Димитрова Д, Калайджиев С, Моллова М, Генов М. Приложение на ELISA за скриниране на серуми от инфертилни лица, реагиращи срещу собствени сперматозоидни антигени. Четвърта национална конференция по медицинска биология, Пловдив, 7-9.09.(2001).

  • Peknicova J, Koubkova G, Kyselova V, Chladek D, Capkova J, Dvorakova K, Palecek R, Ivanova M, Mollova M. Role of intra-acrosomal sperm proteins in fertilization. 10th Jubilee Intern. Symp. Immunol. of Reprod., Varna, 4-6 Sept. (2003).

  • Ivanova M, Gregoraszczuk R, Augustowska K, Mollova M, Kehayov I. Localization of atrial natriuretic peptide in pig granulosa cells isolated from ovarian follicles of various size.10th Jubilee Intern. Symp. Immunol.of Reprod., Varna, 4-6 Sept. (2003).

  • Mollova M, Martinova Y, Nedkova R, Peknicova J. Identification of capacitation-related membrane antigen using monoclonal antibody. 10th Jubilee Intern. Symp. Immunol.of Reprod., Varna , 4-6 Sept. (2003).

  • Baracova V, Stamenova M, Mollova M. Physicochemical characterization of sperm specific antigen. 10th Jubilee Intern. Symp.Immunol.of Reprod., Varna, 4-6 Sept. (2003).

  • Nedkova R, Mollova M, Atanasov B, Kyurkchiev S. Biochemical characterization of boar sperm flagellar antigen with possible role in sperm motility. 10th Jubilee Intern. Symp.Immunol.of Reprod., Varna , 4-6 Sept.( 2003).

  • Dimitrov R, Nalbansky A, Mollova M, Stamenova M, Kyurkchiev S. Characterization of protein composition of peritoneal fluid from patients with endometriosis. 10th Jubilee Intern. Symp.Immunol.of Reprod., Varna, 4-6 Sept. (2003).

  • Недкова Р, Димитрова Д, Калайджиев Св, Молловa М. Приложение на ELISA за скриниране на серуми от инфертилни лица реагиращи срещу интегрирани мембранни и/или вътреклетъчни сперматозоидни антигени. Пети Национален конгрес по стерилитет, контрацепция и хормонозаместителна терапия с международно участие, Боровец, 14-17 март (2004).

  • Baracova V, Mollova M, Stamenova M. Identification of antigen/s recognized by rabbit antibodies against capacitated spermatozoa. Immunological days in Pleven, 20-23 May, (2004).

  • Mollova M, Stamenova M. Molecular basis of sperm-egg adhesion/fusion. 11th International Symposium of Immunology of Reproduction, Varna, Bulgaria, 2-4 June (2006).

  • Mollova M, Martinova Y. Immunocytochemical localization of antigen involved in sperm-zona pellucida interaction. In: Sixth International Conference of Morphology and Antropology , Koprivshtiza, 1-2 June, (2006).

  • Zaprjanova S. Rashev P, Martinova Y, Mollova M. Expression and localization of Hsp70 in mouse germ cells. 11th International Symposium of Immunology of Reproduction, Varna, Bulgaria, 2-4 June (2006).

  • Martinova Y, Rashev P, Zaprjanova S, Mollova M. Early ultrastructural changes in mouse testis and epididymis after single exposure to heat. Intern. Congr. of Androl. “Prostate-the men’s Achilles heel”, Varna, May17-19, (2007).

  • Моллова М. Научни постижения на Института по биология и имунология на размножаването в областта на репродуктивната биология. Втора национална кръгла маса по проблемите на репродуктивната биология при селскостопанските животни в България, Cалон на БАН, 20 юни, (2007).

  • Martinova Y, Mollova M, Petrov M, Rashev P, Ivanova M. TEM and SEM characteristics and lectin binding distribution of cat zona pellucida during oocyte maturation and fertilization. ХVІІІ National Congress of Bulgarian Anatomy Society. Trakia Journal of Sciences, 5(1) Suppl. 2, Stara Zagora, 1-3 June, (2007).

  • Mollova M, Stamenova M, Rashev P, Ivanova M. Anti-sperm antibody with anti- fertile activity in human gamete interaction in vitro. 8th National Congress on sterility, Contraception, Hormone Replacement Therapy and Gynaecological Endoscopy with International participation, Borovetz, Hotel “Samokov”, 17-19 March, (2007).

  • Zaprianova S, Rashev P, Mollova M, Martinova Y. Immunodetectiom of HSP70 during differentiation and maturation of mouse male germ cells. Scientific session dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Institute of biology and immunology of reproduction “Acad. K. Bratanov”, with International participation, 22-23 October, Sofia, (2008).

  • Zaprjanova S, Rashev P, Martinova Y, Mollova M. Expression and immunocytochemical localization of heat shock protein 70 (HSP 70) during different stages of mouse sperm maturation. IIIrd Koprivshtitsa Morphological Days and VIIth National Conference of Anthropology, with International Participation, poster II-3, May 30 – June 1, (2008).

  • Русева Б, Иванова Р, Мартинова Й, Моллова М, Луканов Ц. Влияние на рзаличния селенов прием върху експресията на ензима глутатион-пероксидаза в аорта на на нормо- и спонтанно-хиперактивни плъхове. ІV Национална конференция по хранене «Нови храни, хранителни добавки и медикаменти в превенция и лечение на съвременни болести», София, 30-31 октомври, (2008).

  • Danailov K, Rashev P, Zasheva D, Mollova M. Characterization of sperm-membrane antigen with ponentioal fusogenic activity in fertilization. Scientific session dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Institute of biology and immunology of reproduction “Acad. K. Bratanov”, with International participation, 22-23 October, (2008).

  • Mollova M. Achievements and perspectives for development of Institute of biology and immunology of reproduction “Acad. K. Bratanov”. Scientific session dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Institute of biology and immunology of reproduction “Acad. K. Bratanov”, with International participation, 22-23 October, Sofia , (2008).

  • Zaprjanova S, Rashev P, Mollova M, Stamenova M, Martinova Y. Expression and localization of small heat shock proteins in mouse testicular tissue. Poster № 22; XIX National Congress of Bulgarian Anatomical Society with International participation, Pleven, 29 – 31 May, (2009).

  • Димитрова Д, Данаилов К, Рашев П, Генов М, Стаменова М, Моллова М. Значение за етиопатогенезата на имунологично обусловеното безплодие при човекана сперматозоидо-специфичен антиген, участващ във фузията между гаметите. Осма Национална Конференция по Медицинска Биология., София, 2-4 октомври (2009).

  • Dimitrova D, Danailov K, Genov M, Stamenova M, Mollova M. Immunogenicity of the sperm-specific antigen involved in gamete fusion in infertile patients. 12th International Symposium of Immunology of Reproduction, Varna, Bulgaria, 25-27 June (2009).

  • Danailov K, Ivanova M, Petrov M, Zasheva D, Mollova M. Biological characterization of sperm 60 kDa antigen. 12th International Symposium of Immunology of Reproduction, Varna, Bulgaria, 25-27 June (2009).

  • Martinova Y, Zaprjanova S, Mollova M, Rashev P, Tzvetkov D. Mechanisms of male germ cell apoptosis in human infertile cryptorchid testis. 12th International Symposium of Immunology of Reproduction, Varna, Bulgaria, 25-27 June (2009).

  • Zaprjanova S, Rashev P, Martinova Y, Peknicova J, Mollova M. Effect of hyperthermia on mouse spermatogenesis and apoptosis. 12th International Symposium of Immunology of Reproduction, Varna, Bulgaria, 25-27 June (2009).

  • Rashev P, Mollova M. Preliminary study on expression and localization of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) in ejaculated, capacitated and acrosome-reacted boar spermatozoa. IV Balkan Conference of Animal Science Banimalcon Challenges of the Balkan Animal Industry and the Role of Science and Cooperation, Trakia University, Faculty of Agriculture, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, (2009).

  • Mollova M, Stamenova M. Role of HSP’s in mechanisms of spermatogenesis and apoptosis (plenary lecture). 12th International Symposium of Immunology of Reproduction, Varna, Bulgaria, 25-27 June (2009).

  • Mollova M, Danailov K, Dimitrova D, Stamenova M, Genov M, Rashev P. The role of sperm-specific antigens with fusogenic activity in gamete interaction for immunologically-dependent human infertility. X Anniversary Congress of Infertility, Contraception, Hormone Replacement Therapy and Ginecological Endoscopy, with International Participation, 23-26 April, Nessebar, (2009).

  • Zaprianova S, Rashev P, Mollova M, Martinova Y. Expression, localization and homology of heat shock protein 70 in human and mouse testis. XI Anniv.Scient.Conference with International Attendance “Biology – Traditions and Challenges”, Abst. MB26, May 27-29, (2009).

  • Ruseva B, Ivanova R, Dimitrova A, Laleva P., Martinova Y, Mollova M. Changes of glutathione peroxidase expression in aortic wall of normotensive and hypertensive rats under diet of low and high selenium content. XIX National Congress of Bulgarian Anatomical Society with international participation, Pleven, 29-31 May, (2009).

  • Mollova M. Reinforcement of the research capacity of the Bulgarian institute “Biology and Immunology of reproduction Младежка научна конференция “Климентови дни”, 22-23 Ноември, (2010).

  • Pashova Sh, Rashev P, Mollova M. Expression and characterization of matrix metalloproteinases with a role in the spermatogenesis and fertilization processes. Младежка научна конференция “Климентови дни”, 22-23 Ноември, (2010).

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