Конкурс за избор на академична длъжност „професор

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Божанова, В., Стоилова, А., 2002, Изследване сухоустойчивостта на генотипове памук чрез депресията в растежа на поници при осмотичен стрес, Възможности за ограничаване пораженията от засушаване при земеделските култури, Национална конференция с международно участие, 22-23, октомври, 2002, София, Екология и бъдеще, 117-119


It is generally accepted that resistance of seedlings to osmotic stress positive correlated with whole plant drought resistance. The effect of osmotic stress on the growth of cotton seedlings of 22 genotypes, cultivated in 1M solution of sacharose was investigated. The water deficit suppressed to a considerable extent the shoots growth than the root growth. Osmotic stress increased root to shoot ratio. There are differences among genotypes in rate of growth depressing. Cultivars Avangard and Perla and breeding lines 214, 219, 213, 162 and 189 were the most resistance genotypes. The roots to shoots ratio of these genotypes increased insignificant and they had lower seedlings growth temp in non stressed conditions in comparison with more sensitive genotypes.

  1. Bozhanova, V., Becker, D. and Loerz, H., 2004, Използване на незрели съцветия като изходни експланти за in vitro регенерация и трансформация при твърда пшеница, В Сборник от научна конференция с международно участие, Стара Загора, юни, 2004, 81-86


Immature inflorescenses with length from 10 to 20 mm of 12 durum wheat genotypes were cultivated on two variants of MS induction medium. Callus induction and was achieved at all genotypes used. On the variant with 2 mg/l 2,4 D were induced 61 % calluses and regenerated 161 % plants on the average from all genotypes used whereas on the variant with 1 mg/l IAA and 1 mg/l BAP 21 % calluses were induced only and no plants were regenerated. Plant regeneration was achieved in cultivars: Saturn, Vazhod and Loyd and breeding lines 5918, 6129 and 5604, which distinguish by very high regeneration potential 300 %, 309 % and 614 %. In additional experiment Immature inflorescenses of cultivar Saturn and breeding lines 5918, 6129 were used in order to optimize the protocol for direct gene transfer through particle bombardment. The influence of DNA – construct and treatment of explants with different stress factors were studied. Transit transformation – transit expression of the GUS and GFP reporter genes in the tissue of initial explants and induced calluses was observed.

Key word: durum wheat, in vitro plant regeneration, immature inflorescenses, genetic transformation.

  1. Божанова, В., Котева, В., Савова, Т., Марчева, М., Панайотова, Г.,Недялкова, С., Рачовска, Г., Костов, К., 2014, Избор на подходящи сортове зърнено-житни култури и семепроизводство за нуждите на биологичното земеделие в България, Национална конференция с международно участие „Биологични растениевъдство, животновъдство и храни“, Троян, 27-29 декември, 2014 - електронно издание


The current status of main research investigations, problems and challenges concerning a choice of cereals species and varieties appropriate for organic cultivation; special plant breeding; production and certification of organic seeds in Bulgaria are discussed in this overview report. The results of varieties testing of cereals species: common and durum wheat, barley, oat, triticale and rye under organic farming conditions in certificated trial fields are presented. The influence of environment, genotype and interaction of both factors on yield and yield related traits as well as yield stability at durum wheat under organic farming conditions were estimated. The possibility to increase of yield and grain quality traits of durum wheat by applying of fertilization with bioproducts is shown. The results from some investigations related to identification of competitive cereals crop idiotype for organic farming conditions are presented, too. The need of increased varietals diversity and the possibility to create cooperation between breeders and farmers are discussed, too.

Key words: organic farming, cereals, varieties choice, plant breeding, seed production

  1. Todorovska, Е., Zheleva, D., Christov, N., J.-M. Jacquemin, D. Fasoula, I. Ioannides, V. Bozhanova, D. Dechev, A. Atanassov, 2007, The molecular diversity of Bulgarian cereal germplasm collections – a reference point for better understanding, exploitation and broadening of the genetic base of cereal crops. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop TritiGen COST action FA0604 October 1-3, 2007, 38


Cereals (bread and durum wheat, and barley) constitute about 50% of the crop production in Bulgaria and are the most important renewable resources for food, feed and industrial raw material. This make the region’s economy largely dependent on cereal production. Knowledge of genetic diversity in cereal germplasm helps to ensure that a broad genetic base of breeding materials is maintained not just for sustaining genetic improvement but also for reducing genetic vulnerability to pest, biotic and abiotic stresses. In this study the genetic diversity in Bulgarian wheat (T. aestivum L. and T.durum Desf.) and barley (H. vulgare L.) germplasm collections was evaluated and compared to those of Belgian and Cypriot collections using genomic- and EST-SSR markers. Bulgarian bread wheat genetic diversity showed no overall reduction over the last 60 years. The estimates of genetic variability in modern Bulgarian and Belgian bread wheat cultivars and advanced breeding lines clearly revealed that the Bulgarian germplasm is more diverse. The genetic diversity was unequally distributed among the seven homeologous groups and the three genomes of wheat. The observed pattern of chromosome and genome specific diversity was different in Bulgarian and Belgian wheat gene bank collections. Bulgarian durum wheat cultivars released since 1975 were substantially more diverse than the present-day germplasm from Cypriot gene bank collection. Numerous unique alleles, that are absent in modern cultivars, were found in old Bulgarian and Cypriot durum wheat cultivars and landraces. The latest represent valuable source for broadening the genetic base of durum wheat breeding. As opposed to wheat results, the barley cultivars released since 1980 and representing the most relevant Bulgarian and Central European germplasm showed considerably lower level of genetic variability than the elite cultivars from Cypriot gene bank collection. The UPGMA Cluster analysis was performed for bread and durum wheats as well as barley. In all cases Bulgarian, Belgian and Cypriot accessions were separated in distinct clusters and subclusters. The cluster distribution was generally in accordance with the agrogeographical site of origin of the collections and the level of genetic diversity. The results of this study illustrate the impact of Bulgarian, Cypriot and Belgian breeding programs on important crop species such as wheat and barley and provide useful information for further improvement of cereals.

  1. Bozhanova V., Dechev D., Hadzhiivanova B., Valkova N., 2008, Crossability of durum wheat with wild and cultivated species of family Gramineae and embryo rescue improvement In: Proceedings of International Durum Wheat Symposium, 30 June–3 July, Bologna, Italy,


The crossability of several durum wheat cultivars and breeding lines with: 7 species of genus Triticum - Tr. monococcum (A), Tr. diccoccum (AB), Tr. polonicum (AB), Tr. timopheevii (AG), Tr. carthlicum (AB), Tr. spelta (ABD), Tr. macha (ABD) and Tr. aestivum (ABD); 9 species of genus Aegilops - Aeg. tauschii (D), Aeg. umbelulata (U), Aeg. speltoides (G), Aeg. cylindrica (CD), Aeg. triaristata (UM), Aeg. crassa (DcM), Aeg. ventricosa (DN), Aeg. kotcshyi (SU), Aeg. juvenalis (DMU) and several Triticale (ABR) lines was investigated aiming to widen the durum wheat gene pool through transfer of useful alien genes. The seed set ranged between 0.8 % for cross-combination with Aeg. ventricosa and 30.9 % for cross-combination with Tr. polonicum depending upon the genome composition of alien species used. The crossabillty of durum wheat with the species of genus Triticum - 34.7 % (on the average of all hybrid combination) was considerably higher than this with species of genus Aegilops - 5.3 %. Variation in crossability was also found among the durum wheat genotypes as female parents. The interspecific hybrids of durum wheat with species of genus Triticum without embryo rescue were obtained. Through embryo rescue hybrid plants of cross-combination with Agr. crystatum, Ae. crossa, Ae. juvenalis, Ae. cуlindrica, Ae. umbelulata and Triticale were produced. The embryos were removed at 16 to 20 days after pollination and were cultivated on two variants of medium: variant 1 – medium P8, variant 2 – macro- and micro salts of medium MS, vitamins according Chu et al., (1990), asparagines – 200 mg/l, casein hydrolisate - 200 mg/l, kinetin – 0.1 mg/l, IAA – 0,1 mg/l, ABA – 0,1 mg/l. From total 160 cultivated embryos 67 plants were regenerated. The variant 2 of medium was more appropriate for cultivation of smaller embryos.
Каталог: images -> nauchni-stepeni
nauchni-stepeni -> Конкурс за заемане на академичната длъжност „Доцент" по професионално направление 2 Растителна защита, научна специалност „Фитопатология", обн в Дв бр. 63/ 18. 08. 2015 г
nauchni-stepeni -> Конкурс за заемане на академичната длъжност „Доцент" по професионално направление 2 Растителна защита, научна специалност „Фитопатология", обн в Дв бр. 63/ 18. 08. 2015 г
nauchni-stepeni -> Селскостопанска академия
nauchni-stepeni -> Конкурс за академична длъжност „доцент по Технически науки
nauchni-stepeni -> Конкурс за академична длъжност „Доцент" I. Научни публикации I научна публикации, свързани с дисертацията за образователна и научна степен „доктор"
nauchni-stepeni -> Р е з ю м е т а н а т р у д о в е т е на гл ас д-р инж. Иван Енчев Мортев от ипазр „Никола Пушкаров" София, публикувани след придобиване на образователна и научна степен „Доктор", във връзка с участие в конкурс

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