Конкурс за избор на академична длъжност „професор

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The purpose of this research is to develop effective technology for clonal micro propagation of cultivated brier sort “Plovdiv 1 and sort “Vebetsina 115”. Explants used in the experiment are 1.0 to 1.5 cm long nodal segments from specially cultivated mother plants. These explants were subjected to combined method of sterilization with 0.2% solution of HgCI2 for 3 minutes followed by 0.50% solution of NaClO for 20 minutes and 0.25% solution of NaClO for 30 minutes. The best results of multiplication were obtained in basic MS medium with added BAP quantity of 0.5 to 3.0 mg/L. After being separated from the mother plants the young shoots are placed directly in compost mixture for rooting and adaptation. Thus the process of multiplication is shortened, avoiding the period of in vitro rooting.

Key words: brier, micropropagation, protocol

  1. Badzhelova , V., Bozhanova, V., Chokov, G., 2018, Study on in vitro propagation of white oil-bearing rose (Rosa alba), , Agricultural Science and Technology, Volume 10, Number 2, 90-95


The influence of major factors such as explants sterilization, plant growth regulators in the multiplication and rooting media and the genotype on the in vitro multiplication of White Oil-Bearing Rose (Rosa Alba) was studied. Explants used in the experiment were 1.0 to 1.5 cm long nodal segments from specially cultivated mother plants. The combination of two disinfectants in the following order: 0.2% HgCl2 solution for 3 min followed by treatment with 0.5% NaClO solution for 20 min and 0.25% NaClO for 30 min was determined as the most suitable sterilization scheme. The best results of multiplication were obtained in basic MS medium with added BAP in concentration of 0.5 to 3.0 mg/L. The analysis of the variance reveals that the genotype, media variants and interactions between them have a statistically significant influence on the variation of the total number of induced adventive shoots. The highest percentage of successfully rooted young plants (97, 5% on average for both genotypes) was obtained in ex vitro conditions by direct rooting in a soil mixture.

Key words: in vitro, propagation, white oil-bearing rose

  1. Марчева, М., Горастев, Хр. и Божанова, В., 2005, Оценка на толерантността към осмотичен стрес на селекционни линии ечемик от сложна популация, В Сборник от Балканска научна конференция посветена на 80 годишнината на ЗИ гр. Карнобат – 2005 г.


The effect of osmotic stress (1M solutions of saccharose) on the growth of seedlings at 30 barley breeding lines, originated from a composite cross on basis of cms restore system, was investigated. The water deficit suppressed to a considerable extent the shoots growth than the roots growth. Osmotic stress increased root to shoot ratio. Significant differences among genotypes in rate of seedling growth depressing are present.

Key words: two-row barley, osmotic stress, drought resistance, composite cross, cms

  1. Дечев, Д. и В. Божанова, 2005, Наследяване на признаци свързани с растежа на кълнове при нормална водообезпеченост и при осмотичен стрес, В Сборник от Балканска научна конференция посветена на 80 годишнината на ЗИ гр. Карнобат – 2005 г.,

The study was conducted with a view to determine the inheritance of traits related to durum wheat seedlings growth under different conditions: normal water supplying and osmotic stress. The general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) were investigated during 1998-2001 year period by diallel analyses method IV, model I of the design according to Griffing (1956). It was found that in most case both the additive and noon-additive gene effects for all studied traits increase under osmotic stress on the average of the three years. For the different hybrid combinations more significant effects of the specific combining ability were estimated under osmotic stress conditions than under normal conditions. The best hybrid combination can be identified better under stress conditions.

Key words: durum wheat, drought tolerance, seedlings, diallel analyses

40. Ур Зл., Божанова В., Б. Хаджииванова. 2007. Използване на косвен метод за оценка на студоустойчивост при видове от сем. Gramineae, В: Растителният генофонд – основа на съвременото земеделие, том 2-3, стр 139-141


The seventeen patterns of wild and modern specias in family Gramineae from the collection of IPGR- Sadovo, three durum wheat cultivers and five common wheat cultivars were estimated according to their cold resistance. The indirect method method used is based on the negative correlation between the growth intensity in the autumn and the cold resistance. Three species in Aegilops are with the best cold resistance – Ae. crasa with the coefficient of growth depressing in seedling – 77.5%, Ae. tauchii – 74.3%, Ae. speltoides – 73,6 % and the species: Tr. boeticum – 76.9% and Tr. sphaerococcum – 75.5%. The genotypes present better cold resistance in comparison with the best cold resistance standart ot winter common wheat Mironovska – 74.7%. They can be included in the breeding program for genetic variety at this trait in both durum – and common wheat.

Key words: Aegilops, wild relatives, durum – and common wheat, estimate, cold resistance

  1. Ур Зл., Божанова В., Б. Хаджииванова. 2007. Оценка на видове от сем. Gramineae по толерантност на осмотичен стрес, В: Растителният генофонд – основа на съвременото земеделие, том 2-3, стр 231-233


The tolerance to dehydration in seven wild species with different rate of polyploidy in genus Aegilops and eleven wild and modern species in genus Triticum fron the collection of IPGR –Sadovo (Bulgaria) and durum wheat and common wheat cultivartswas estimated through an indirect physiolocical method, recognizing the growth depressing in seedling, cultivated in solution with increasing osmotic pressure.The water deficit suppres in greater rate the seedling’s growth im comparison with the root’s growth. The ratio between the length of seedling (S) and the length of root (R) is change as a result of dehydration. By genotypes with the best tolerance to osmotic stress, the ratio (R/S), growths in lowest rate. The patterns of genus Aegilops - Ae. tauchii , Ae. crassa q, Ae. candata, Ae.umbelulata, tetraploid species –Tr. Dicoccum and the cultivars Katia (Tr. Aestivum) and Beloslava (Tr. durum) are with the lowest coefficients of the growt depressing in seedling and they are suitable as a source of genen for the tolerance to osmotic stess.

Key words: tolerance, osmotic stess, wild species, Aegilops, Tr. aestivum, Tr. durum

  1. Божанова, В., Дечев, Д., Иванов П. и М. Денева, 2007, Оценка на диви и културни видове по резервни протеини, В сборник от Международна научна конференция, организирана от съюза на учените, 4-5.06 2009, Стара Загора


Seven patterns of species: Tr. monococcum. Tr. dicoccum, Tr. timopheevi, Tr. turgidum, Tr. polonicum and Tr. sphaerococcum and two durum wheat cultivars have been analyzed using electrophoresis for γ –gliadins, HMW – and LMW –glutenin subunits relevant to grain quality. The patterns of Tr. timopheevi, Tr. turgidum, Tr. sphaerococcum and Tr. Polonicum consist γ-45 and are of grate value as donor of genes for gluten strength increase in durum wheat. A great diversity of alleles coding HMW- and LMW-glutenins fractions in the studied genotypes has been found, which can be utilized to the identification of the desirable recombinant genotypes in direction to increase of durum wheat grain quality.

Key words: durum wheat, grain quality, γ –gliadins, HMW – and LMW –glutenin

  1. Божанова, В., Хаджииванова, Б., 2007, Влияние на генотипа и хранителната среда върху калусната индукция и регенерация в култура от незрели съцветия. В сборник от Международна научна конференция, организирана от съюза на учените, 7-8.06 2007, Стара Загора


Immature inflorescences of eight durum wheat genotypes have been cultivated on two variants of induction medium differed in carbohydrate source and concentration of casein hydrolyzed and mio-inositol. Callus induction has been achieved in all genotypes on the two variants of medium. As a whole on variant with sacarose was regenerated more plants 73.4 % in comparison with variant with maltose – 47.8 %. In particular genotypes variant 2 surpasses variant 1 that can be explained with occurred interaction between genotype and medium. The most plants have been regenerated in cultivars Reamur and Vazhod.

Key words: immature inflorescences, callus induction, plant regeneration, durum wheat

  1. Dechev, D., Bozhanova, V., Todorovska, E., 2008. Heritability of some agronomic traits in diallel crossing of durum wheat under two different water regimes. In: Proceedings of International Conference “Conventional and Molecular Breeding of Field and Vegetable Crops”. Novi Sad, 24-27 November 2008.


The inheritance of heading date, plant high, peduncle length, peduncle length/plant high ratio, spike length, general and productive tillering, 1000 kernel weight was studied under two different water regimes. Five Bulgarian durum wheat genotypes – 4 cultivars and 1 breeding line with diverse levels of tolerance to osmotic stress were involved in diallel cross Model 1, Method 4 (Greefing, 1956). Hybrid plants from the then crosses were grown in green house in pots with 3 replications for each water regime. The mean values of all studied traits at all hybrids combinations were reduced under the water deficit. The drought stress affects largely the traits: general and productive tillering, kernel number per spike, grain yield per spike and plant high. The most tolerant hybrid combinations were A-233 x Beloslava and Beloslava x Vazchod. On the bases of general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) variances was founded that the ratio additivity/nonadditivity is modifying with environment alteration (water comfort - moderate water stress) in 5 of the studied traits. Effective selection in earlier segregation generations by the traits: peduncle length/ plant high ratio and 1000 kernel weight can be conducted in water deficit, whereas by the traits heading date and plant high – in comfort water conditions.

  1. Хаджииванова, Б., Божанова, В., Дечев, Д., 2009. Проучване на кръстосваемостта на твърда пшеница с близки и далечни видове от сем. Житни и получаване на междувидови хибриди. В сборник от Международна научна конференция, организирана от съюза на учените, 4-5.06 2009, Стара Загора


The crossability of several durum wheat cultivars and breeding lines with 7 species of genus Triticum - Tr. agelopoides (AA), Tr. dicoccoides (AB), Tr.dicoccum (AB), Tr. carthlicum (AB), Tr. timopheevii (AG), Tr. spelta (ABD), 4 species of genus Aegilops – Aeg. caudata (C), Aeg. crassa (DM), Aeg. kotschyi (SU), Aeg. Juvenalis (DMU) and several Triticale (ABR) lines was investigated aiming to widen the durum wheat gene pool through transfer of useful alien genes. The seed set varies between 0.9 % for cross-combination with - Tr. agelopoides (AA) and 50.9 % for cross-combination with Tr. dicoccoides depending upon of the genome composition of alien species used. Variation of crossability was also found among durum wheat genotypes as female parents. The hybrid plants from combination with Aeg. caudata,

Aeg. Juvenalis, Aeg. crassa, Tr. timopheevii, Tr. dicoccoides и Triticale were produced only through embryo rescue method. The percent of regenerated plants ranges between 5 % by hybrid combination Vazhod x Triticale and 100 % by hybrid combinations 7208 x Aeg. Kotschyi and 7281 x Aeg. Juvenalis.

Key words: durum wheat, alien hybridization, crossability, embryo rescue method

  1. Божанова, В., Дечев, Д., 2009, Проблеми и перспективи свързани с отглеждането на биологични житни. В сборник от Международна научна конференция, организирана от съюза на учените, 4-5.06 2009, Стара Загора


The problems relevant to organic cultivation of cereals, originating from the basic principals of the organic farming system are presented in this survey. Details oncereals organic production, prices and markets are given. The main tasks and challenges for research concerning transition to organic cultivation of cereals – sustainable methods for cultivation, a choice of appropriate cultivars and species; plant breeding, production and certification of organic seeds, are discussed. The perspectives on background of Europe’s politics to financially support of the organic agriculture and rapidly developing of organic products market are observed.

Key words: organic farming, cereals, plant breeding, seed production

  1. Д. Дечев, Божанова В., Е. Тодоровска 2009, Наследяване на някои количествени признаци при твърдата пшеница в различни условия на водообезпеченост. In Proceeding of the International Science conference “Economics and Society development on the Base of Knowledge”, Ст.Загора, V.1, 365 – 369.


The inheritance of heading date, plant high, peduncle length, spikelets/spike, grains/spike, spike kernel weight, 1000 kernel weight was studied under two different water regimes. Five Bulgarian durum what genotypes – 4 cultivars and 1 breeding line with diverse levels of tolerance to osmotic stress were involved in diallel cross Model 1, Method 4 (Greefing, 1956). Hybrid plants from the then crosses were grown in green house in pots with 3 replications for each water regime. The mean values of all studied traits at all hybrids combinations were reduced under the water deficit. The drought stress affects largely the traits: kernel number per spike, grain yield per spike and plant high. The most tolerant hybrid combinations were A-233 x Beloslava and Beloslava x Vazhod. On the bases of general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) variances was found that the ratio additivity/nonadditivity is modifying with environment alteration (water comfort – moderate water stress) in 1 of the studied traits. Effective selection in earlier segregation generations by the trait peduncle length can be conducted in water deficit.

Key words: durum wheat, inheritance, diallel cross, agronomic traiots, water deficit

  1. Bozhanova, V., Panayotova, G., Nedyalkova, S., Dechev, D., 2012, Evaluation of durum wheat cultivars under organic farming conditions, International symposium for Agriculture and Food, 12-14, December, Skopje, Macedonia, 39-48


Five Bulgarian durum wheat cultivars were grown in the Certificated Field of the Field Crops Institute – Chirpan, Bulgaria under organic farming conditions during two growing seasons with aim to evaluate agronomic traits and identify the most suitable cultivars for this farming system. Weather conditions were more favorable for durum wheat in 2012. Significant differences were found among the genotypes for grain yield and yield related traits – productive tillering, spike length, kernel number per spike, kernel weight per spike. The grain yield of durum wheat genotypes varied from 500.8 kg/ha in cultivar Progres in 2010, to 2330.8 kg/ha in cultivar A-233 in 2012. The modern cultivar Predel showed the best yield - 2070.8 kg/ha average for two years followed by old cultivar A-233 with mean yield of 1995 kg/ha. The conducted analysis of variance determined that the effects of Genotype, Years and Interaction on seed yield were significant. The observed variation of yield under organic conditions is due to the genotype and the year in almost equal extent – 30.5 and 31.3 % respectively from total variation and to the Interaction of both factors in a much lesser extent – 10 %. The highest yielding cultivars were most stable one based on the coefficient of variation: Predel - CV - 14 % and A-233 - 24 %. Both genotypes were characterized by high number of productive tillering, grains per spike, grains weight of spike and lower length of spike.

Key words: durum wheat, organic farming, yield, yield related traits

  1. Panayotova, G., Bozhanova, V., Kostadinova, S., Valkova, N., 2012, Effects of bioproducts on durum wheat under conditions of organic farming in southern Bulgaria, International symposium for Agriculture and Food, 12-14, December, Skopje, Macedonia, 98 – 109


The purpose of this investigation was to establish the efficiency of the bioproducts Biohumax and Humustim on the development, yield and quality on the Bulgarian durum wheat cultivar Progress, grown organically at the certificated field of the Field Crops Institute, Chirpan, Bulgaria on soil type of Eutric Vertisols in the period 2008-2010. The influence of bioproducts in dozes of 1 and 1.5 l/ha was tested as spring foliar application. The grain yield, test weight (kg), 1000 kernel weight (g), glassiness (%), crude protein and gluten (%) and grain N, P, K concentrations were determined on harvested grain. The results showed that the bioproducts exerted influence on the durum wheat growth, productivity and grain quality. The grain yield surpassed the unfertilized with 8.6-14.1 % and reached 3.43 t/ha at twofold spring foliar feeding in rate 1.5 l/ha. No significant differences in the efficiency of the two products were seen and their action was one-sided. The grain yield was mostly influenced to the highest extent by the yearly conditions and by the applied rates, while the fertilizer type made an insignificant influence. The plant height increased with 11.5 to 18.5 %, content of protein – with 2.4-4.7 %, wet gluten – to 1.2 %. The experiment demonstrated that organic farming can produce high quality grain of durum wheat.

Key words: durum wheat, Biohumax, Humustim, foliar fertilization, soil fertility
Панайотова, Г., В. Божанова, Св. Костадинова, Н. Вълкова. 2012. Влияние на биопродукти върху твърдата пшеница (Тr. durum Desf.) при условията на биологично земеделие в Южна България.


Изследванията са проведени през периода 2008-2010 година. Целта на проучването е да се установи ефективността на биопродуктите Биохумакс и Хумустим върху развитието, добива и качеството на българската твърда пшеница - сорт Прогрес, отглеждан по биологичен начин в сертифицирано поле на Института по полски култури - Чирпан, България, на почвен тип излужена смолница. Влиянието на биопродуктите в дози 1 и 1,5 l/ha е тествано като пролетно листно подхранване. Отчетени са показателите: добив зърно, хектолитрова маса (kg), маса на 1000 зърна (g), стъкловидност (%), суров протеин и глутен (%), и съдържание на азот, фосфор и калии в зърното. Резултатите показват, че прилагането на биопродуктите влияе върху растежа, продуктивността и качеството на зърното на твърдата пшеница. Добивът на зърно нараства в сравнение с неторените варианти с 8.6-14.1 % и достига 3,43 t/ha при двукратното пролетно листно подхранване в норма 1.5 l/ha. Не се наблюдават значителни разлики в ефикасността на двата продукта и тяхното действие е еднопосочно. Добивът на зърно се влияе в най-висока степен от условията на годините и от прилаганите норми, докато влиянието на вида на тор е незначително. Височината на растенията се увеличева с 11,5 до 18,5 %, съдържанието на протеин - с 2.4 - 4.7 %, а мокрият глутен - до 1.2 %. Експериментът показва, че при условията на биологичното земеделие може да се произвежда висококачествено зърно твърда пшеница.

Ключови думи: твърда пшеница, биохумус биохумакс, хумустим, листно торене, почвено плодородие

  1. Танева, K., Божанова, В., Петрова, И., 2017. Изследване върху физичните качества на зърното и млевния потенциал при генотипове твърда пшеница. Сборник, Юбилейна научна конференция с международно участие „135 години земеделска наука в Садово и 40 години Институт по растителни и генетични ресурси-Садово“, 29-30 Май 2017 г., Пловдив, ISBN 978-619-90842-0-5, 335-343

The study aims to establish the variation of physical properties of grain (Thousand kernel

weight - TKW, Test weight - TW, Vitreousness – V) and their relationship with the milling

performance (Yield of Semolina- YS) in a sample of 24 durum wheat genotypes - varieties and breeding lines of different origin: Bulgaria (FCI – Chirpan, DAI - G.Toshevo), Europe, CYMIT - Mexico and ICARDA - Syria. All genotypes were grown under field conditions in competitive variety trial in three repetitions during three harvest years (2014 – 2016) in the experimental field of Field Crops Institute – Chirpan. The genotypes were analyzed for physical properties of grains and semolina yield by standard methods. For statistical processing of the data variation analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and correlation analysis were used. According to ANOVA the genotype, years (environment) and interaction between both factors have statistically significant influence on the variation of the studied traits. The variation of the TW and V is determined mostly by the environment, while the variation of the TKW – by the genotype. Bulgarian variety Predell, Romanian variety DF-009114002 and Bulgarian breeding line D-8367 are distinguished with highest TW average of three years. In regard to TKW three breeding lines: D-7864 (45,7 g), D-7557 (45,03 g) and D-8308 (44,87 g) exceed variety Predel (44.07 g), which has a highest values for this trait among all studied varieties. The foreign varieties Superdur and Auradur are characterized by highest vitreousness. The greatest variation in the sample of studied genotypes determined on the basis of the coefficient of variation was found for traits TKW and V. Statistically significant positive correlations between physical traits – TKW and TW and yield of semolina were found, too.

Keywords: durum wheat, physical properties of the grain, yield of semolina, variation, Correlation

  1. Taneva, K., Bozhanova, V., Petrova, I., 2017, Study on variation and association of grain quality traits in durum wheat genotypes, VIII Symposium Agrosym, Jahorina, 5-8 October 2017, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 196-205


Knowledge on variability and association of grain quality parameters is important for building an appropriate plant breeding strategy for improving these basic traits for durum wheat. The study was carried out to determine the variation and correlation of the following traits: protein content (PC), wet gluten (WG), yellow pigment and SDS sedimentation value of 24 durum wheat genotypes - varieties and breeding lines of different origin: Bulgaria (FCI – Chirpan, DAI - G. Toshevo), Europe, CYMIT - Mexico and ICARDA - Syria. All genotypes were grown under field conditions in competitive variety trial in three replications during three harvest years (2014 – 2016) in the experimental field of Field Crops Institute – Chirpan, Bulgaria. All parameters were evaluated on whole grains on standard methods. For statistical processing of the data variation analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and correlation analysis were used. The variance component due to genotype explained most of the total variation for the traits: yellow pigment - 66.1 % and SDS sedimentation value - 92.9 %, while the variation of the PC is determined mostly by the environment (51.2 %) and the variation of WG – by the interaction between genotype and environment (45.24 %). Three Bulgarian breeding lines – M- 376 - 16, 26 %; M-6433 – 16,19 % and M-287 – 15,65 % are distinguished with the highest PC - average of three years. With regard to WG three breeding lines exceed foreign varieties DF-009114002 and Auradur, which have the highest values for this trait among all studied varieties. The foreign variety TD -97 is characterized by the highest YP - 9,83 %. All studied foreign varieties are characterized by stronger gluten and greatly exceed Bulgarian breeding materials with regards to the trait SDS. The greatest variation in the sample of the studied genotypes was found for traits YP and SDS. No statistically significant positive correlation was observed between protein and gluten content and gluten strength.

  1. Каталог: images -> nauchni-stepeni
    nauchni-stepeni -> Конкурс за заемане на академичната длъжност „Доцент" по професионално направление 2 Растителна защита, научна специалност „Фитопатология", обн в Дв бр. 63/ 18. 08. 2015 г
    nauchni-stepeni -> Конкурс за заемане на академичната длъжност „Доцент" по професионално направление 2 Растителна защита, научна специалност „Фитопатология", обн в Дв бр. 63/ 18. 08. 2015 г
    nauchni-stepeni -> Селскостопанска академия
    nauchni-stepeni -> Конкурс за академична длъжност „доцент по Технически науки
    nauchni-stepeni -> Конкурс за академична длъжност „Доцент" I. Научни публикации I научна публикации, свързани с дисертацията за образователна и научна степен „доктор"
    nauchni-stepeni -> Р е з ю м е т а н а т р у д о в е т е на гл ас д-р инж. Иван Енчев Мортев от ипазр „Никола Пушкаров" София, публикувани след придобиване на образователна и научна степен „Доктор", във връзка с участие в конкурс

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