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Психологичните типове по Карл Юнг и стресът
Main results:
Due to their diversity, we will present the general results in order to show the role of psychological types as moderator in the stress experience:

  1. The psychological type characteristics influence the coping strategies used and the result of such experience, i.e. the level of anxiety and depression.

  1. Persons with high values according to the psychological type scale show greater flexibility in choosing the coping strategies (i.e. their repertory of coping strategies is highly varied) because of the higher degree of awareness of the personality characteristics.

  2. Soldiers with characteristics: Introversion, Feeling and Perception, and students with characteristics: Thinking and Perception are considerably more predisposed to perceive the surroundings and the events as stressful.

  3. When comparing the results from the two selections, it is found that in the army stress situation, greater number of personality parameters play an active part in differentiating people according to the degree of the stress experienced. As far as the students are concerned, the functions of Thinking and Feeling can only be distinguished, at that when describing the nearest particular stress event.

  4. If compared with Extraversion, Introversion has a greater influence on determining the preferred copings. The other dichotomy scales are influenced by the moderating role of the surroundings factor. Introversion, for example, relates to coping strategies such as “restraint coping”, “acceptance”, “positive reinterpretation & growth”, “behavioural disengagement”, “alcohol and drug disengagement”.

  5. The function of Thinking relates to coping strategies: “restraint coping”, “acceptance” and “ denial”.

  6. The function of Perception relates to the coping: “seeking emotional support”.

  7. When they get in the army, people with attitudes of Judgement and Perception differ considerably in using the problem-focused strategies - “planning” and “suppression of competing activities”. As far as the analysed students differentiated according to the same dimensions are concerned, they show considerable differences in using "alcohol and drug disengagement" as coping, and those with Perception attitude are dominant.

  8. The analysed individuals in military surroundings have different degrees of anxiety and depression experiencing depending on their psychological types. This does not apply to students. The more provocative surroundings, in terms of stress situations and lack of support, stimulate the manifestation of personality characteristics in overcoming the provoked stress.

  9. Soldiers who are Introverts, Sensitive and Perceiving according to the terminology of Jung, experience higher anxiety and depression.


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