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United Nations



Distr.: General

2 October 2007
English only

Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants

Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee

First meeting

Geneva, 19–23 November 2007

Item 4 (d) of the provisional agenda

Operational issues: Introduction of new members of the Committee and discussion of arrangements for the transition between outgoing and incoming members in the intersessional period between the third and fourth meetings of the Committee
Designated members of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee

Note by the Secretariat

  1. In decision SC-1/71 the Conference of the Parties established the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee and adopted its terms of reference. Those terms of reference provide that the members of the Committee shall be appointed by the Parties and shall consist of 31 government designated experts in chemicals assessment and management from Parties. In accordance with the terms of reference, for the purpose of the initial appointment of Committee members and in order to promote the orderly rotation of Committee membership, one half of the members first appointed to the Committee from each region were appointed for an initial term of two years, while the remaining such members were appointed for an initial term of four years.

  2. At its third session, held from 30 April to 4 May 2007 in Dakar, Senegal, the Conference of the Parties adopted decision SC-3/9 regarding, among other things, the nomination of new members of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee.2 In that decision, and consistent with paragraph 2 of decision SC-1/7, the Conference adopted a list of 14 Governments to be invited to nominate members of the Committee to replace, upon the expiration of their terms, those members of the Committee who had been appointed for an initial term of two years.3

  3. The following experts were nominated by the 14 Parties identified by the Conference of the Parties in decision SC-3/9:

From the group of African countries:

Mr. Abderaman Mahamat Abderaman (Chad)

Mr. John Alexis Pwamang (Ghana)

Mr. Mohammad Aslam Yadallee (Mauritius)

Mr. Sanda Komla (Togo)

From the Asia and Pacific group:

Mr. Ken Choviran (Cambodia)

Ms. Indrani Chandrasekharan (India)

Ms. Kyunghee Choi (Republic of Korea)

Mr. Fouad Elok (Syrian Arab Republic)

From the Central and Eastern Europe group:

Mr. Ivan Panajotov Dombalov (Bulgaria)

From the Latin America and Caribbeean group:

Mr. Ricardo Barra (Chile)

Ms. Mirtha Ferrary (Honduras)

From the Western Europe and others group:

Mr. Sylvain Bintein (France)

Ms. Bettina Hitzfeld (Switzerland)

Ms. Conceiçao Alvim (Portugal)

  1. In addition, Mr. Jope Rinabobo Davetanivalu (Fiji) has been nominated by his Government to fill the place on the Committee previously occupied by Ms. Razia Zariff (Fiji), Ms. Amarilis de Vicente Finageiv Neder (Brazil) has been nominated by his Government to fill the place on the Committee previously occupied by Ms. Adriana Maximiano (Brazil), and Mr. Mohamad Khashashneh (Jordan) has been nominated by his Government to fill the place on the Committee previously occupied by Mr. Ziad Abu Kaddourah.

  2. The nominations of these experts are subject to confirmation by the Conference of the Parties at its fourth meeting. If confirmed, their terms of office will commence on 5 May 2008.

  3. Paragraph 5 of the Committee's terms of reference provides that Parties shall provide curricula vitae for the experts that they nominate to be members of the Committee. To date, the Secretariat has received curricula vitae for nine of the 17 experts whose nominations have been submitted by Parties and are subject to confirmation by the Conference of the Parties. The available curricula vitae of the nominated experts are reproduced in the annex to the present note. They are presented as submitted, without formal editing, and will be made available, along with any others subsequently received, at the fourth meeting of the Conference of Parties.


Curricula vitae of experts nominated for the POPs Review Committee




of Prof. PhD Eng. Ivan Panajotov Dombalov

  1. Personal info: married; daughter and son; Bulgarian citizen;, Place of birth – Bulgaria, Slavianovo-Haskovo; Address – 1756, Sofia, Durvenitca, bl. 43, entry B, fl. 7, ap. 3;

  1. Education: Dipl. Eng. Chem.(Higher Institute of Chemical Technology – Sofia, 1966); Ph.D. (Higher Institute of Chemical Technology – Sofia, 1975); Post Graduate Study (Technical University, West Berlin, 1973).

  1. Academic Positions:

Research Associate (Higher Institute of Chemical Technology – Sofia, 1967);

Senior Research Associate (Higher Institute of Chemical Technology – Sofia, 1979); Associate Professor (Higher Institute of Chemical Technology – Sofia, 1989);

Professor (University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy – Sofia, 2004).

  1. Present Occupation: University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy – Sofia (since 1966).

  1. Lecture activity:

a/ University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (UCTM) – Sofia

    • “Theory of Inorganic Chemical Processes”. “Background of the dispersion and non catalytically systems”;

    • “Tribochemistry”;

    • “Chemical technologies of Inorganic Industrial Wastes”. “Background of non-waste technologies”;

    • “Air pollution and impact of eco-systems”;

    • “Technologies for fluids cleaning-up”;

    • “Industrial gases cleaning-up”.

b/ University of Forestry – Sofia

    • “Air pollution and impact of eco-systems”;

    • “Technologies for solid waste processing”, “Management of wastes”, Non-biotical monitoring”.

  1. Fields of Scientific Interests: Inorganic Technologies; Waste Water Treatment, Clean Technologies; Mineral Fertilizers; Mechanochemistry; Ecology and Environment.

  1. Publications:

    • Book, Manuals, – 12;

    • Scientific Publications – 295;

    • Patents in Bulgaria – 73;

    • Patents in Abroad – 20;

    • Scientific Research and Projects in Bulgaria – 176;

    • Scientific research and Projects in Bulgaria and in Abroad – 25;

    • Realized Projects – 14;

    • Participation in Scientific Conferences – 81;

    • Citation – 182;

    • Environment Impact Assessment – 83.

  1. Positions:

    • Vice- Chairman in the Scientific Research Sector (UCTM – Sofia);

    • Vice-Chairman of the Department “Technology of Inorganic Substances” (UCTM – Sofia);

    • Vice-Chairman of the Postgraduate Sector (UCTM – Sofia);

    • Scientific Secretary of the Bulgarian Association of Mechanochemistry;

    • Chairman of Supervise council of tribology association in Bulgaria;

    • Director of Balkan Science and Education Centre of Ecology and Environment;

    • National branch of Balkan Association of Ecology;

    • Vice-Chairman of National Committee “Responsible Care” – health, safety and environment.

  1. Awards:

    • Highest Award of the Ministry of Chemical Industry (1972);

    • Highest Award of Ministry of Building and Architecture (1983);

    • Highest Award of the State Committee of Science and Technical Progress (1983);

    • Highest Award of the Institute of Patents and Rationalization (1986);

    • Highest Award of the Ministry of Science and Education (1987);

    • Highest Bulgarian Award of Republic of Bulgaria for Science and Techniques (1984) – “Dimitrov” award

    • Awarded with “gold medal” of Science Technological Union of Civil Engineering - 2005

  1. Languages: German, Russian, English.

  1. Address: Prof. Ph.D. Eng. Ivan Dombalov

University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (UCTM) – Sofia

Department “Technology of Inorganic Substances”

8 Kl. Ohridski Str.

1756 Sofia, Bulgaria

Home address: Bulgaria, 1756 Sofia, Durvenitca, bl. 43, entry B, fl. 7, ap. 3

tell/fax: 868-12-70; 8163-252;

home tel.: 76 41 14;

Office E-mail:

Personal e-mail:



List of Publications from 2001 to 2005



List of patents



List of national science projects from 2001 to 2005



List of international science projects from 2001 to 2005



List of participations in congresses, conferences, etc. from 2001 to 2005



List of published books, manuals, etc. from 2001 to 2005



List of EIA Reports from 2001 to 2005



List of citations from



List of doctorates for 2006



List of ongoing University research sector contracts for 2005 - 2006


List of Publications from 2001 -2005

  1. Y. Pelovski, Iv. Dombalov, V. Petkova, Mechano-chemical Activation of Dolomite”, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 64 (2001), 1257-1263

  2. Tz. Yordanov, Iv. Dombalov, New Possibilities for continuos emission and imission monitoring”, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, (2001) Vol.2, №1, 208-214

  3. Ek. Todorova, Iv. Dombalov, Y. Pelovski, Possibilities for improvement of air quality in the region of Silistra – Kalarash, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, (2001) Vol.2, №3, 653-662

  4. V. Kundev, Iv. Dombalov, Y. Pelovski, Transboundary “hot spots” between Bulgaria-Romania and Yugoslaviq, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, (2001) Vol.2, №3, 589-595

  5. Ek. Todorova, Iv. Dombalov, Y. Pelovski, Thermal Decomposition of Hospital Wastes, Сб. Доклади 4 th International Conference of the Balkan Environmental Association BENA, Transboundary Pollution, 18 21 October, 2001, Edrine, Turkey, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, Vol.3, №3, 743 750, 2002

  6. B. Pelovski, Iv. Dombalov, Y. Pelovski, L. Petrov, New sorbents on the base of Industrial wastes, Сб. Доклади 4-th International Conference of the Balkan Environmental Association BENA, Transboundary Pollution, 18-21 October, 2001, Edrine, Turkey, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, Vol.4, №2, 439-445, 2003

  7. Y. Pelovski, N. Kozarev, Iv. Dombalov, St. Stoyanov, Transboundary Air Pollution Maritza-East Thermal Power Stations , Сб. доклади 4-th International Conference of the Balkan Environmental Association BENA, Transboundary Pollution, 18-21 October, 2001, Edrine, Turkey, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, Vol.3, №3, 649-655, 2003

  8. Y. Pelovski, Iv. Dombalov, Ек. Тоdorova, Methods for cleaning industrial odor pollution in “Krim (Utalchimia”-JSC, 5th International Conference of Balkan environmental Association (BENA) on Transboundary Pollution, 7-10 November 2002, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, Vol.4 №3, p.577-586, 2003

  9. D. Petrova, Iv. Dombalov, Influence of some antropogenic factors on the Global warming, 5th International Conference of Balkan environmental Association (BENA) on Transboundary Pollution, 7-10 November 2002, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, Vol.4 №4, p.894, 2003

  10. В. Петкова, П. Костадинова, В. Стоянов, А. Тонева, Й. Пеловски, Ив. Домбалов, Възможности за твърдофазен синтез в системата туниски фосфорит-амониев сулфат при механохимична активация, Сб. Доклади „Контакт 2002”, 138-145, София, 2002

  11. Й. Пеловски, В. Петкова, П. Костадинова, В. Стоянов, Ив. Домбалов, Влияние на условията на трибофазния синтез в системата – природен фосфат и амониев сулфат, Сб.доклади „Контакт 2002”, 128-137, София, 2002г.

  12. В. Петкова, А. Тонева, П. Костадинова, Й. Пеловски, Ив. Домбалов, Изследване на термичното поведение на трибоактивирани смеси от туниски фосфорит и амониев сулфат, Сб. Доклади „Контакт2002”, 120-127, София, 2002

  13. В. Петкова, А. Тонева, П. Костадинова, С. Стефанова, Й. Пеловски, Ив. Домбалов, Влияние на механохимичната активация при фазообразуването в системата природен фосфат-амониев сулфат, Сб. Доклади „Контакт2002”, 110-119, София, 2002

  14. В. Янева, Ив. Домбалов, Върху разтворимостта ма механохимично активирани утаечни фосфорити, Сб. Доклади „Контакт2002”, 160-164, София, 2002

  15. В. Янева, Ив. Домбалов, Възможности за повишаване разтворимостта на утаечни фосфати, Сб. Доклади „Контакт2002”, 155-159, София, 2002

  16. Y. Pelovski, V. Petkova, Iv. Dombalov, “Thermal Analysis of Mechanoactivated Mixtures of Tunisia Phosphorite and Ammonium Sulphate”, Journal of Thermal Analisys and Calorimetry, Vol.72, 967-980, 2003

  17. L. Dombalova, Iv. Dombalov, Y. Pelovski, Responsible care – Contribution of Some Companies for Improvement of Black Sea Water Quality, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 2003, p.160-167, Spesial Issue “Marine and inland pollution control and prevention in the Black Sea and Mediterraman Sea”, 15-18 May 2003, Istanbul, Turkey

  18. L. Dombalova, Iv. Dombalov, Y. Pelovski, Water Management in the Maritza River Downstream – Transboundary Haskovo Region, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 2003, p.35-39; Spesial Issue “Marine and inland pollution control and prevention in the Black Sea and Mediterraman Sea”, 15-18 May 2003, Istanbul, Turkey

  19. G. Mirinchev, Y. Pelovski, Iv. Dombalov, Water Quality Monitoring of Black Sea coastal Area in Bulgaria, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 2003, p.227-231, Spesial Issue “Marine and inland pollution control and prevention in the Black Sea and Mediterraman Sea”, 15-18 May 2003, Istanbul, Turkey

  20. G. Bojinov, K. Paskalev, Y. Pelovski, Iv. Dombalov; Tendencies for Bulgarian Development in Last Decade; Сб. доклади „International Conf. of Environmental Management and Sustainable Development in Balkans”, BENA, 7-9 July, 2000, Prevesa-Hellas, Greece, p.28-31, 2000

  21. V. Yaneva, Iv. Dombalov, “Mechanochemical effect in sedimentary phosphates”, MEET/MARIND, 2002, Vol. 5, p.221-226, 7-11 October 2002, Varna

  22. V. Yaneva, Iv. Dombalov, “Mechanochemical effect in natural phosphates”, MEET/MARIND, 2002, Vol. 3, p.293-298, 7-11 October 2002, Varna

  23. E. Sokolovski, B.Zdravkov, Iv. Dombalov, Y. Pelovski, Transfer and Degradation of some Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in Water Systems in Bulgaria, Seminar of the Balkan Environmental Association (B.EN.A), Environmental professions needs and perspectives, 18 - 22 November, 2003, Constanta, Romania, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, vol.5, No1, p.16 - 23, 2004

  24. E. Sokolovski, V. Hristova, Y. Pelovski, Iv. Dombalov, Pesticides Degradation and Transfer in the Soil Systems, Seminar of the Balkan Environmental Association (B.EN.A), Environmental professions needs and perspectives, 18 - 22 November, 2003, Constanta, Romania, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, vol.5, No1, p.29 - 35, 2004

  25. E. Sokolovski, B. Zdravkov, Iv. Dombalov, Y. Pelovski, Emissions of Persistent Organic Pollutions (POPs) and their Influence over Human Health and Environment, Seminar of the Balkan Environmental Association (B.EN.A), Medical Ecology and Human Health Protection, 18 - 22 December, 2003, Bitola, Macedonia – под печат в Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology

  26. E. Sokolovski, Iv. Dombalov, Y. Pelovski, Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in Transformer’s and Capacitor’s Oils and Their Influence Over Human Health and Environment, Seminar of the Balkan Environmental Association (B.EN.A), Medical Ecology and Human Health Protection, 18 - 22 December, 2003, Bitola, Macedonia – под печат в Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology

  27. E. Sokolovski, Iv. Dombalov, Assessment of the Emissions of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Republic of Bulgaria, Seminar of the Balkan Environmental Association (B.EN.A), Environmental Professions of: Eco-agro-tourism, Organic Agriculture, Public Health, Water and Soil Pollution, Sustainable Management, Solid Waste Recycling, 01 - 03 July, 2004, Plovdiv, Bulgaria – под печат в Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology

  28. E. Sokolovski, Iv. Dombalov, Assessment of the Emissions of Dioxins and Furans

in Republic of Bulgaria, International Symposium of the Balkan Environmental Association (B.EN.A), The Renewable Energies and the Sustainable Development, 23 - 25 September, 2004, Tulcea, Romania – под печат в Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology

  1. E. Sokolovski, Iv. Dombalov, Atmospheric Pollution with POPs – Problems Related with Environment and Possibilities for Protection, International Symposium of the Balkan Environmental Association (B.EN.A), The Renewable Energies and the Sustainable Development, 23 - 25 September, 2004, Tulcea, Romania – под печат в Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology

  2. D. Petrova, P. Kostadinova, Е. Sokolovski, Iv. Dombalov, Greenhouse Gasses and Environment, International Symposium of the Balkan Environmental Association (B.EN.A), The Renewable Energies and the Sustainable Development, 23 - 25 September, 2004, Tulcea, Romania – под печат в Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology

  3. P. Kostadinova, Iv. Dombalov, Mechanochemical synthesis in a mixture of natural phosphate and ammonium sulphates, Journal of UCTM, XXXVIII, 2 (2003), 449-458

  4. P. Kostadinova, Iv. Dombalov, Mechanochemical activation in natural phosphates, Proceeding of the scientific-technical conference Tribology 2003, 30-31.10, Sofia, 2003, 106 – 110

  5. P. Kostadinova, Iv. Dombalov, Influence on the milling bodies on the mechanochemical activation of Tunisia phosphorite, Environmental professions of: Eco – Agro – Tourism, Organic agriculture, Public Health water and Soil pollution, Sustainable Management, Solid waste and recycling, July 01-03, 2004, Plovdiv, Bulgaria ( в печат – Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology)

  6. D. Dimchev, P. Kostadinova, Iv. Dombalov, Atmospheric pollution with sulfur containing gasses and possibilities for protection in Republic of Bulgaria, The renewable energies and the sustainable development, 23-25 September 2004, The Danube Delta – Tulcea, Romania ( в печат – Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology).

  7. V. Petkova, Y. Pelovski, Iv. Dombalov, P. Kostadinova, Influence of triboactivation on the synthesis in natural phosphate – ammonium sulfate system, 13th International Congress on Thermal Analisys and Calorimetry, JTAC, 12-19 September, 2004, Chia Laguna, (in press).

  8. П. Костадинова, Ив. Домбалов, Механохимична активация на природни фосфати и възможност за директно използване в селското стопанство, Производство и употреба на фосфосъдържащи торове и балансирано торене за устойчиво земеделие, 28-29 Октомври, София, Почвознание, Агрохимия и Екология, год. XXXIX, № 4, София, 2004, 62-71

  9. Петя Костадинова, Иван Домбалов, Механохимично активирана смес от природен фосфат-добавка и нейното директно приложение в селското стопанство, Сб. “Научни трудове на АУ”, Пловдив, том 50, 2005

  10. P. Kostadinova, D. Dimchev, E. Sokolovski, „Atmospheric pollution with sulfur and nitrogen containing gasses and possibilities for protection”, (presentation: The renewable energies and the sustainable development, 23-25 September 2004, The Danube Delta – Tulcea, Romania) - in press of Journal of Environmental Protection &Ecology

  11. П.Костадинова, И.Домбалов, „Термомеханохимично и механотермохимично третиране на природни фосфати”, (presentation: International Scientific Conference 2005, South-West University, Faculty of Mathematics&Natural Science, Blagoevgrad, June 9th to 11th, 2005) - Сб.доклади ЮУ Благоевград, 2005 - под печат

  12. Petya Kostadinova, Ivan Dombalov, „Mechanochemical activated phosphates and their direct use in agriculture”, (presentation: Agriculture and Food Safety Within the Context of European Union Legislation”, July 14-15, 2005, Tekirdağ, Turkey) - in press of Journal of Environmental Protection &Ecology

  13. В. Янева, В. Петкова, И. Домбалов, Структурные преобразования сирийского фосфорита при механохимической активации, Химия в интересах устойчивого развития, 2005, № 2, т. 13, с. 351 358.

  14. V. Yaneva, I. Dombalov, Phase changes in the system Syrian phosphorite – ammonium sulphate occurring in the process of mechanochemical activation, J. of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2005, in press.

  15. В. Янева, В. Петкова, И. Домбалов, Структурни изменения и фазови превръщания при трибохимичната активация на сирийски фосфорит, Почвознание, агрохимия и екология, год. ХL, №1, София, 2005, 15-20.

  16. В. Янева, В. Петкова, И. Домбалов, Влияние на трибохимичната активация върху твърдофазовия синтез в системата сирийски фосфорит-амониев сулфат, Почвознание, агрохимия и екология, год. ХL, №1, София, 2005, 9-14.

  17. В. Янева, И. Домбалов, Превръщане на неусвоимите фосфати в усвоими посредством механична активация на сирийски фосфорит, Бултриб 2004, София, 2004, 109-116.

  18. В. Янева, И. Домбалов, Възможности за твърдофазов синтез в системата сирийски фосфорит и амониев сулфат при механохимична активация, Бултриб 2004, София, 2004, 102-108.

  19. V. Yaneva, I. Dombalov, Mechanical activation of syrian phosphorite, International workshop on “Environmental Professions of: Eco Agro Tourism, Organic Agriculture, Public Health, Water and Soil Pollution, Sustainable Management, Solid Waste and Recycling”, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 2004, сборник с резюмета, 25-26.

  20. V. Yaneva, I. Dombalov, Influence of the mechanical chemical activation upon the phase formation in the system syrian phosphorite-ammonium sulphate, International workshop on “Environmental Professions of: Eco Agro Tourism, Organic Agriculture, Public Health, Water and Soil Pollution, Sustainable Management, Solid Waste and Recycling”, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 2004, сборник с резюмета, 15-16.

  21. Янева В., И. Домбалов, Трибохимичен ефект при сирийски фосфорит, Годишник – Технически университет Варна, 2003, 907-913.

  22. Янева В., И. Домбалов, Трибомеханичен ефект при сирийски фосфорит, Годишник – Технически университет Варна, 2003, 981-988.

  23. Янева В., И.Домбалов, Влияние на трибомеханичната активация върху съдържанието на Р2О5усв в сирийски фосфорит, Трибология 2003, 2003, 95-99.

  24. Янева В., И.Домбалов, Повишаване съдържанието на Р2О5усв в сирийски фосфорит чрез механохимична активация, Трибология 2003, 2003, 90-49.

List of national science projects from 2001 – 2005

  1. „Изготвяне и тестване при конкретни условия на приложен програмен продукт на „Методика за предварителни изчисления и използване на данните от измервания при определяне на масовата концентрация на газовите атмосферни замърсители по метода на ДОАС”, МОСВ, 2001

  2. „Разработване на система за осигуряване и контрол качеството на данните, получавани от пунктовете за контрол качеството на въздуха от НАСЕМ”, ИАОС, МОСВ, 2003г.

  3. Оценка и прогноза за околната среда на водосборния басейн на р. Батова, КК „Албена”, Албена-АД, 2003г.

  4. Изготвяне на документация за „Комплексно разрешително за предотвратяване и контрол на замърсяването на „София Мед”АД”, „София Мед”, 2005г.

  5. Моделиране на разпространението на замърсители емитирани от организирани емисии и обща оценка на качеството на въздуха в региона на „Челопеч Майнинг”ЕАД, „Челопеч Майнинг”ЕАД, 2005г.

  6. Прединвестиционно проучване относно инсталация за обезвреждане и оползотворяване на отработени фотографски разтвори и плаки от рентгеновите лаборатории на болници и диагностично консултативни центрове намиращи се на територията на Република България, „Валвес – ГП” ООД, София, 2005

  7. Хидроложко проучване на хвостохранилище при Калджик Дере, Крумовград, „БММ” ЕАД, с. Челопеч обл. София, 2005

  8. Изготвяне на инженерно-хидроложки доклад за региона на с. Челопеч, обл. София, „Челопеч Майнинг” ЕАД, с Челопеч, обл. София, 2005

  9. Проучване на флората и фауната в община Крумовград, „БММ” ЕАД, с. Челопеч обл. София, 2005

  10. Проект за възстановяване на околната среда на обект „IV-ти участък на рудник „Хр. Ботев” при „Мини Бобов Дол” ЕАД”, „Мини Бобов Дол” ЕАД, гр. Бобовдол, 2005

  11. Идеен проект „Корекция на река Бързица, гр. Златарица, община Златарица, 2005

List of international science projects from 2001 – 2005

  1. „Национален център за управление на опасните отпадъци в България, ОВОС, ФАР, 2001г.

  2. Пречиствателни станции за битови отпадъчни води в гр. Монтана, Попово, Смолян, ОВОС, Програма ФАР, 2001г.

  3. Разработване на национален план за действие за управление на устойчиви органични замърсители, МОСВ, UNEP, GF/2732-02-4454; 2002-2004

  4. Нов подход в провеждането на следдипломното обучение в областта на околната среда, съвместно с Oiko Techniques Institute, Greece, Програма Phare, 2000-2001 г.

  5. Подпомагане изготвянето на независим ОДИТ за околната среда, здравето и безопасността на фирма “София-МЕД”, съвместно с Langan JSV-USA, 2001

  6. Научнотехническа помощ по оценка на екологичното състояние и комплексна програма за развитие на “Стомана” АД- гр. Перник, съвместно с Langan JSV-USA, 2001-2002

  7. Анализ и оценка на състоянието на околната среда в района на потенциалните площадки за изграждане на интермодален терминал – гара „Волуяк” – София и гара „Подуяне” – София, 2005, съвместно с UMA-Engineering Ltd, Canada;

List of participations in congresses, conferences from 2001 -2005

  1. 4th International Conference of BENA on “Transboundary Pollution”, 18-21 October, 2001, Edrine, Turkey.

  2. International Workshop; Beach Management and sustainable Development in Europe, 25-28 April, 2002, Romania-Constantza

  3. 5th International Conference of Balkan Environmental Association (BENA) on “Transboundary Pollution”, 7-10 November, 2002, Belgrade, Yugoslavia

  4. Юбилейна научна сесия „50-години ХТМУ”, 4-5 юни 2003, ХТМУ, София.

  5. Marine and Inland Pollution Control and Prevention in the Black Sea and Mediterraman Sea, 15-18 May 2003, Istanbul, Turkey.

  6. Десета Юбилейна сесия “Трибология и интердисциплинност”, КОНТАКТ 2002, 28-30.10.2002, София

  7. Годишна студентска научна сесия – Технически Университет – Варна, 17 – 18 април 2003, Варна

  8. Научна сесия по химия за студенти и докторанти, Химически Факултет на Софиийски Университет “Св. Кл. Охридски”, Химическа секция на Хумболтов Съюз в България, Факултетен студентски съвет на химическия факултет, Фондация “Еврика”, 20 – 21.05.2003, София

  9. The 2003 Younger European Chemists Conference, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble, 26 – 29.08.2003, Grenoble, France

  10. Дванадесета научнотехнологична сесия “Трибология и интердисциплинност”, КОНТАКТ 2003, 30 - 31.10.2003, София

  11. International Symposium of B.EN.A and Agricultural University of Plovdiv, entitled

  12. “Environmental professions of: Eco – Agro – Tourism, Organic agriculture, Public Health water and Soil pollution, Sustainable Management, Solid waste and recycling”, July 01-03, 2004, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

  13. International Symposium of B.EN.A entitled “The renewable energies and the sustainable development”, 23-25 September 2004, The Danube Delta – Tulcea, Romania

  14. Пета Национална Конференция по Химия, 29.09 – 01.10 2004, Дом на Техниката - София, 2004, София

  15. Национална конференция с международно участие – “Производство и употреба на фосфорсъдържащи торове и балансирано торене за устойчиво земеделие”, 28 – 29.10. 2004, Дом на Техниката – София, 2004, София

  16. Seminar of the Balkan Environmental Association (B.E.N.A.) Medical Ecology and Human Health Protection, 18-22 December 2003, Bitola, Macedonia.

  17. Environmental professions needs and perspectives, 18-22, November, 2003 Constanta, Romania

  18. International Scientific Conference 2005, South-West University, Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Science, Blagoevgrad, June 9th to 11th, 2005.

  19. International Symposium of B.E.N.A. entitled “Agriculture and Food Safety Within context of European Union Legislation”, July 14-15, 2005, Tekirdag, Turkey

  20. Юбилейна научна конференция с международно участие: Аграрен Университет Пловдив, 19-20 Октомври 2005, Пловдив

List of published books, manuals Списък

  1. Ръководство за семинарни и лабораторни упражнения по „Теоретични основи на некаталитичните процеси в ТНВ” – Пл. Кирилов, Ив. Домбалов, Й. Пеловски, Ив. Грънчаров, под печат, 2005г.

  2. Ръководство за семинарни и лабораторни упражнения по „Технологии за обработка на твърди отпадъци” – Ек. Тодорова, Ив. Домбалов, под печат, 2005г.

  3. Наръчници по внедряване на европейското химическо законодателство в България – том I, II, III, София, 2002г.

List of EIA Reports from 2001 to 2005

  1. ОВОС на ОУП за „Частично изменение на Подвитошка яка”, София, МРРБ, 2001г.

  2. ОВОС на „Лукойл Нефтохим Бургас”, Лукойл Нефтохим, Бургас, 2001

  3. ОВОС на проект „Национален център за управление на опасните отпадъци”, МОСВ, ФАР, 2001

  4. ОВОС на проект „ПСОВ”, гр. Монтана, МОСВ, ФАР, 2001

  5. ОВОС на проект „ПСОВ”, гр. Попово, МОСВ, ФАР, 2001

  6. ОВОС на проект „ПСОВ”, гр. Смолян, МОСВ, ФАР, 2001

  7. ОВОС на обект „Увеличаване капацитета на Завода за целулоза при „Свилоза”-АД”, гр. Свищов, 2003г.

  8. ОВОС на обект „Депо за твърди битови, строителни, производствени и опасни отпадъци на „Свилоза”АД, гр. Свищов, 2003г.

  9. ОВОС на обект „Наклонена изработка от повърхността до кота 450”, „Челопеч Майнинг”АД, 2003г.

  10. ДОВОС на инвестиционно предложение „Добив и преработка на златосъдържащи руди от проучвателна площ „Крумовград””, Болкан Минерал енд Майнинг”ЕАД, 2005г.

  11. ДОВОС на инвестиционно предложение „Разширяване преработката на медно-златни руди от находище „Челопеч” до 3 млн. тона годишно и производство на метали от концентрат”, „Челопеч Майнинг” ЕАД, 2005г., БНОЦЕООС;

  12. Доклад за ОВОС на проект за разработване на находище “Челопечене”, 2002 г.

  13. Правен, финансово-икономически, социален, екологичен и технически анализи за предоставяне на концесия на обект “Далян-Чайка-2”, община Созопол, обл. Бургас, 2002/2003

  14. Правен, финансово-икономически, социален, екологичен и технически анализи за предоставяне на концесия на обект “Семепроизводителна градина с корков дъб на територията на Държавно лесничейство Първомай, с. Кавракирово, община Петрич, област Благоевград, 2002/2003

  15. Доклад за ОВОС на инвестиционно предложение „Обезвреждане на отработени фотографски разтвори и плаки от рентгеновите лаборатории на болници и диагностично консултативни центрове намиращи се на територията на Република България”, „Валвес – ГП” ООД, София, 2005

List of doctorates managed by Prof. Ph.D. Eng. Ivan Dombalov for 2006

  1. инж. Велика В. Янева – публ. защита на 06.02.2006год.

  2. инж. Петя Ян. Костадинова – вътр.защита на 19.04.2006год.

  3. Евгени Ив. Соколовски – редовен докторант, 3та година

  4. Петър Г. Петров – редовен докторант, 1ва година

  5. Гълъбин Ат.Казълджиев – свободен докторант, 1ва година

  6. Детелина Петрова – задочен докторант, 1вагодина

List of ongoing University research sector contracts for 2005-2006

  1. Доклад за ОВОС на инв. предложение „Депо за производствени отпадъци при „Кумерио”АД-гр. Пирдоп”, „Кумерио” АД – гр. Пирдоп

  2. Доклад за ОВОС на инвестиционно предложение „Нова рафинерия за производство на електролитна мед”- „Кумерио”АД – гр. Пирдоп, „Кумерио”АД-Пирдоп

  3. Механохимична деструкция на УОЗ в трансформаторни масла – НИС-ХТМУ


of Educational lecturer engagement from 2001 to 2006

  1. School year 2001/2002г...............................................more than 600 hours

  2. School year 2002/2003г...............................................more than 600 hours

  3. School year 2003/2004г...............................................more than 600 hours

  4. School year 2004/2005г...............................................more than 600 hours

  5. School year 2005/2006г...............................................more than 600 hours

на обучаваните специализанти от проф. д-р инж. Ив. П. Домбалов

за периода 2005-2006г.

  1. инж. Веселин Петров Манов – Дирекция „ЕООС” на „Кремиковци”АД – София

  2. инж. Георги Иванов Стоянов – Директор на Инсинератора за болнични отпадъци при Медицинска академия, София

  3. Анелия Атанасова Димитрова, ХЕИ-гр. Русе



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