Конкурс за професор по научно направление 8 „проучване, добив и обработка на полезни изкопаеми" специалност „минно строителство"

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Изграждането на дублиращи мостове при удвояване на железницата в България, породи конфликт в местата на пресичане с речни препятствия.

Конфликтът се поражда от подхода на инвеститори и проектанти без достатъчни изследвания и превантивни мерки да подчинят реката на функцията на съоръжението.

Резултатът от нерешаването на конфликта е необходимостта от сериозни капитални вложения за корекция, укрепване и поддържане на речното корито.

Целта на доклада е да предложи препоръки мостовете при удвояване на железницата да не създават водно-екологични проблеми, а да се изграждат в хармония с водния поток. Като следствие капиталните вложения за речното корито ще бъдат елиминирани.

23. Zhechev N.,STRUCTURAL APPROACH FOR GETTING UNDER CONTROL OF LANDSLIDE PROCESSES IN THE RAILWAY INFRASTRUCTURE, 9-nt International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference /SGEM 2009/- Modern Management of Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental Protection, Bulgaria – Albena.


The subject of the paper is a landslide process near Sofia, which endangers the international railway traffic to Greece. Sliding arises out of a lack of measures for drainage. The intensive landslide process should be overcome in three stages: 1/ prompt measures for the active slide prevention combined with earthfill abutment with a retaining wall; 2/ building of drainage structures, and 3/ reinforcement of the earth bed under the railroad.

The approach for getting the landslide processes under control is demonstrated in a project where the author is chief designer. Important recommendations are ensuing from this project outcomes for the design of strengthening structures, design of drainage structures, and reinforcement of the earth bed with the help of geotextiles and geomeshes.

24.Zhechev N., AN OPTION FOR REGULATION OF THE INTERACTION BETWEEN A STRUCTURE AND AN EARTH MASSIF, Научно-технически симпозиум „ ГЕОМЕХАНИКАТА фундамент на минната индустрия и строителството” посветен на проф.дтн Николай Николаев – председател на националното бюро по механика на скалите към световния минен конгрес, НТС –София, България.

Three groups of problems arise during the construction of underground structures in Sofia. The first group is ensuing from the complex geological structure – the Sofia Field is situated on geological layers formed in the past as a bottom of a lake. This fact leads to shallow positioning of underground structures under the ground surface.

The second group of problems is related to the functioning urban infrastructure. In this particular case, the limited soil thickness over the structure is the reason for the circular cross section to be transformed into a rectangular one.

The third group concerns the non-efficient use of the monolithic cladding structure when combined with anchors – the activated interaction between the anchors and soil brings about an unloaded cladding. The sizes of cross-sections and reinforcement of this cladding are selected following structural considerations. On one hand, the non-efficient use of the components’ cross sections in the reinforced concrete cladding leads to over-expenditure. On the other hand, not taking into account the real bearing capacity of the cladding leads to a useless increase of the number and length of anchors. Often these anchors can not be realized due to the limited soil thickness. Therefore, the reduction of the length and number of anchors through a regulation of interaction between cladding and soil concerns not only the technical and economic efficiency of the solution but is determinative with respect to realization opportunities.

This paper is focused on the possibility for regulation of the interaction between soil, anchors and the cladding structure. The problem is solved with the help of methods from the non-linear mechanics, taking into account the geometric and physical non-linearity under a theory of second series. This approach is illustrated with a numerical example, proving that such type of regulative interventions has a perspective in the stages of design and execution.
25. Kirov В., Zhechev N., CONSTRUCTION SYSTEMS FOR BUILDING HOLIDAY HOMES ON EARTH SLOPES WITH LOW STABILITY RESERVE, Workshop, Landslide Risk Mitigation, IASI, Romania, 28-30 October 2009.
Construction of multistory cast-in-situ buildings on earth slopes with low stability safety reserve requires considerable supporting measures. Frequently the cost of such measures exceeds the total cost of the building construction. When such problems occur, it is advisable to select the building system, after carrying out an assessment of the earth slope. The results from the slope sliding check for these construction solutions vary with proximity to the allowed reserve factor. The paper concludes with recommendations about the selection of building concepts for holiday homes over terrains with low stability reserve.

26. Н.Жечев, ПРОБЛЕМИ НА ЗЕМНАТА ОСНОВА ПРИ СЪОРЪЖЕНИЯ В ГРАДСКА СРЕДА, Международна научна конференция , София 1-3 октомври 2009г.на тема „Минната наука и геотехника – европейско предизвикателство.

Четири групи проблеми възникват при изграждане на съоръжения в градска среда.

Първият проблем е на икономическа основа – контракторите налагат финансова рамка на концепцията за изграждане, което продуцира намалена сигурност при строителство и експлоатация както на съоръженията така и на околните сгради и паметници на културата.

Вторият проблем са магистралните колектори, които попадат в зоната на съоръженията. Тези колектори не могат да бъдат прекъсвани и е необходимо реализацията на съоръженията да бъде подчинена на целта колекторите да бъдат обезопасени в строителния и експлоатационния периоди.

Третият проблем е при фундиране на високи сгради. Динамичното изменение на геоложките и хидрогеоложките условия в дълбочина води до мониторингово уточнение на проектното решение в етапа на реализация.

Четвъртият проблем е как да бъдат отстранени от трасето на тунелите основи на съществуващи съоръжения без да бъде прекъсван транспортния трафик.

В доклада се разглеждат специфики при изграждане на софийския метрополитен, в контекста на спечелилите оферти и тяхната реализация, обезопасяването на магистрални колектори в зоната на ново строителство, дълбокото фундиране и срязването на основни носещи опори на подлез в градския център без движението на трафика да бъде спирано.

Опитът от решаването на проблемите е от полза за практиката в областта на подземните съоръжения.

От многостранните аспекти на проблемите на земната основа са дискутирани обобщени в четири групи проблеми, свързани с реализирани съоръжения на които авторът е проектант.

Първата група проблеми се разглеждат във връзка с реализацията на съоръжения от софийския метрополитен в участъка от стадион „Юнак” до „Булбанк”. Първият проблем се продуцира от предварителните условия на контрактора към концепцията на изграждане. Вторият проблем е как да бъдат отстранени от трасето на тунелите основи на натоварени с интензивен трафик инфраструктурни съоръжения без движението по тях да бъде спирано. Третият проблем произтича от спецификата на строителството в условията на геотехнически флуид, които се различават от каноните на конструктивното инженерство в преобладаваща въздушна среда. Четвъртият проблем се определя от магистралните колектори, които не могат да бъдат прекъсвани или премествани и е необходимо да бъдат инплантирани в конструкцията на съоръженията.

Втората група проблеми се пораждат при фундиране на високи сгради, където е необходимо доуточняване на проектното решение чрез мониторинг по време на строителството.

Третата група проблеми е свързана с овладяването на свлачищно-ерозионни процеси по пътно-железопътната инфраструктура. При предлагания подход нито една от фазите на стабилизация не може да бъде подценявана. Необходимо е създаване на правила, с които да се избегне пораждането на водно-екологични проблеми на речното корито в пресечната точка река-мост.

Четвъртата група проблеми възниква при заздравяване на функционираща сградна и пътна инфраструктура, която не е целесъобразно да бъде нарушена. Подходящото за случая решение се основава на инжекционно-заздравителен подход и е представено с характерни примери от актуалната практика.

Статията има за цел да обобщи проблемите и насоките в областта на земната основа за подземното и надземно строителство.

28.Жечев Н., СРЯЗВАНЕ НА ОСНОВИТЕ НА ПОДЛЕЗА ПРЕД СУ”Св.Климент Охридски” за преминаване на метротунела, сп.Минно дело и геология, 5, 2010

От многостранните аспекти на проблемите при строителството на софийския метрополитен е дискутиран проблем с реализацията на съоръжение за преминаване на ТВМ тунел през основите на подлез в абсолютния център на столицата. Съоръжението е от особена важност за свързването на метротунелите в централната зона на София.

Проблемът е как да бъдат отстранени от трасето на тунелите основи на натоварени с интензивен трафик инфраструктурни съоръжения без движението по тях да бъде спирано.

Статията има за цел да обобщи проблемите и насоките в проектирането и реализацията на подземното преминаване на метротунелите през основите на съществуващи съоръжения.


The geomechanical problems in the tunnel construction practice of “Geotechmin” are in three main areas.

The first one is related to the construction of Sofia Metro. Besides the new construction of metro-structures, it is necessary to use also existing tunnels. These tunnels were built according to other concepts; they do not correspond to the current regulations by axis, level and dimensions, and should be reconstructed. The reconstruction of facilities built more than 20 years ago, left without maintenance, corroded and flooded, is a real engineering challenge. The solution of the problem requires a non-standard approach and application of traditional technologies in a new way.

The second area is how to overcome the problem of tunnels passing through earthfill environment. In this case, the geomechanical problem requires a non-traditional and radical engineering intervention.

The third area of geomechanical problems stems from the solution of production and ecological tasks related to quarrying. As in all cases of underground construction, here we have to seek simplified, safe and durable tunnel structures.

The paper considers both geomechanical problems and their engineering solution based on the capacity of “Geotechmin”. This company has a large scope of activities in quarrying, construction, design and consultancy. For this reason, it possesses high-level technological equipment in these sectors. The analyses have been made on the basis of a small portion of the facilities built by the company.

Through the analysis of geomechanical aspects of part of the facilities executed by “Geotechmin”, the paper is aimed to support the theory and practice of underground construction.


The metropolitan railway tunnels in the historical center of Sofia are built mainly under the shield method. The mining method is a preferable alternative in three cases: /1/ in sites where the shield machine has no access; /2/ in tunnels with small cross section, and /3/ when passing under canals for which no intervention is allowed.

The paper considers the solutions of the basic geomechanical problems which determine the parameters of tunnel construction under the mining method. The case studies come from projects designed by the author.

The paper is aimed at supporting the practice of modeling and construction of tunnels under the mining method within urban environment.

AND THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT IN THE REALIZATION OF INFRASTRUCTURAL PROJECTS, 10-nt International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference /SGEM 2010/- Modern Management of Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental Protection, Bulgaria – Albena.


When infrastructural routes pass through sites with a long-term natural balance, landslide processes may be instigated. The reason is the human intervention. The scale of this intervention is usually sufficient to break the balance border between the admissible human intervention and nature. Crossing this frontier is followed by increased expenditures and termination of construction activities.

The subject of this paper covers not only the measures for the ecological balance to be efficiently restored. Attention is paid also to the prevention that can be realized during the construction works. The issue is illustrated with a case study from the author’s practice as a designer of geotechnical structures.

NEAR MINERAL SPRINGS , 10-nt International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference /SGEM 2010/- Modern Management of Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental Protection, Bulgaria – Albena.


The mineral springs are deep but they cause spills near to the ground surface. In ancient times, buildings have been erected at the level of the spills, and water has been used for heating.

Nowadays, the ground surface is some 12 m over the mineral water spills. The structures of the new metropolitan railway are 15-20 m under the ground surface which means that they have to pass through Pliocene clays soften by the mineral water. These specific geological conditions require a specific approach of underground construction.

Troubles with the mineral water spills arise both for the metropolitan railway, and for the tower-shaped structures founded at the surface.

The paper is aimed to summarize the problems and trends in the design and the execution of structures located in the vicinity of mineral springs. The problems are considered in relation to already built structures designed by the author.





Installing of Titan 73-45 Micropiles with extreme adjustment in limited space. Preparation and works by transforming the loads from a 1200 Bohrpiles on to the Micropiles. Supporting works by demoliting the Piles.

Presented by : Dipl. Eng. Emil Stanchev – GM of Polimerinjekt Eood - Bulgaria

Time for Presentation : not earlier than 14.00 on 11.02.2010

34. Zhechev N.,SPECIFICITIES IN MODELLING AND REALIZATION OF TUNNELS UNDER THE MINING METHOD AT SHALLOW DEPTHS, Сборник с доклади на 2-ра национална научно-техническа конференция с международно участие на тема „Технологии и практики при подземен добив и минно строителство” – Девин, 2010 г


The mining method of tunnel construction increasingly turns out to be a preferable solution for execution of underground connections around the metro stations, and transversal connections between the tunnels of Sofia Metropolitan. The mining method is preferred to other alternatives in case of: /1/ passing under existing structures; /2/ crossing of main transport routes, and /3/ dynamic change of geological conditions.

In spite of the shallow depth of the metro tunnels, it is risky to apply the classical rules of mining construction valid for great depths. The aim of this paper is to describe how to avoid the risk in the realization of shallow mine tunnels. The specificities in modeling and execution have been considered on the basis of a practical case study. The discussed geomechanical and structural aspects in the paper are aimed to support the practice for construction in urban environment of tunnels under the mining method at shallow depths.

35. Zhechev N., Totev L.,EFFICIENT SUPPORT STRUCTURES FOR CONTROLLING THE DEMOLITION PROCRSS IN THE „KOSHAVA” MINE DRIFTS, Сборник с доклади на 2-ра национална научно-техническа конференция с международно участие на тема „Технологии и практики при подземен добив и минно строителство” – Девин, 2010 г

In Koshava Mine, near to Vidin, the reinforced concrete supports built in 1961 are already worn out. The reasons are of engineering-geological and technological nature. Emergency repairs are needed in order to prevent further worsening of the mine condition.

Possible repair through demolition and replacement with new support structures of the failed sectors is economically inefficient and technically hazardous concept.

The subject of the paper is to consider efficient and safe solutions for restoration of the support structures’ safety. The specific feature is that the efficient solutions not only stabilize but also represent a component of the process of controlling the destructive trends in the support.

Through the solution of geomechanical, technological and structural problems, the paper is aimed to contribute to the practice of mine construction, particularly for termination of the reinforced concrete mine supports demolition.

36. Zhechev N.,S, POSEIDON GOES OUT OF THE BLACK SEA OR TWO POSSIBLE POINTS OF THE PIPELINE OUTLET, Black Sea Economic and Financial Forum, Bulgaria – Burgas, 2011.


In my report I will name the future pipeline with the name of the god of the sea Poseidon - a powerful, scary and simultaneously with this protector of men.


Прочит на латиница

The most complicated part of the construction of the oil pipeline outlet – Poseidon, is to goes out of the Black Sea.

As a first point is considered a change of the Balkans geotechnical conditions.

The climatic changes on the Earth provoke the activation of landslides in the Balkans.. As disasters consequences when Poseidon passes through sites with a long-term natural balance, landslide processes may be instigated by human intervention construction activities.

As a second point is the Black Sea cost - the storm winds, flash floods and sea level rise accelerate the landslide and erosion processes. This is the reason why the protective structures will be mostly of two kinds – landslide protection and coast-protection structures.

In order for the geotechnical structures to better adapt to the dynamics of landslide and erosion processes, the criteria for their design should be updated.
37. Жечев Н., Прокаран е най-дългият тунел в света – „Готард”, сп. Минно дело и геология, бр.1-2, 2011


В статията се дискутира строежът на тунела „Готард”, който по своя замисъл е стрела в сърцето на алпите.

Тази стрела е символ на радикално инженерно решение. В тази връзка се дискутират мястото на тунела в световните постижения, геотехническия риск, проблеми на конвенционалното и ТВМ тунелирането.

Специално внимание е отделено на тунелните срутвания.

Направени са изводи за теорията и практиката на тунелното строителство, за конвенционалното и ТВМ тунелирането.

Направен е преглед на бъдещите проекти за тунели по света.

38. Zhechev N.,S, ABATEMENT OF LANDSLIDE PROCESSES IN INCLINED SITES ENVISAGED FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, 11-nt International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference /SGEM 2011/- Modern Management of Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental Protection, Bulgaria – Albena.

Inclined sites in Bulgaria envisaged for building construction often fall into landslide and potentially sliding areas. This may lead to two main issues: the first one is how to carry out the foundation pit so that no land sliding is being instigated; the second issue is what measures should be taken in order for the building to play the role of an anti-sliding structure. The solution of these two problems is illustrated by case studies. A concept and recommendations for preventive abatement of landslide processes in the construction of buildings in inclined sites have been drawn up.

39. Zhechev N.,CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACT ON THE CONSOLIDATION OF DEEP FOUNDATION PITS, 11-nt International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference /SGEM 2011/- Modern Management of Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental Protection, Bulgaria – Albena.

Climate change causes disastrous floods and temperature changes. In case of floods, the deep foundation pits become standages where water from the adjacent catchment area is discharged to. The slopes of such a pit are directly influenced by the weather conditions. In these conditions, the support of pits is subject to force majeur geological loads and the impact of the air environment. These loads and impacts are caused by the increase of the hydrostatic pressure, worsening of physico-mechanical characteristics of the geological varieties and the sharp frosting and defrosting of the earth slopes’ surface.

The paper contains a case study of emergency caused by flooding of consolidated pit in Autumn/Winter season. The analysis of reasons and demolitions results in recommendations for the design and maintenance of consolidated foundation pits, consistent with the climate change.

For construction of auxiliary tunnels for Sofia Metro, it is more and more necessary the new Austrian method to interact with the mining method. The result is a mixed method which combines the technological advantages of the new Austrian method with the safety of the mining solutions. In the metro construction practice the mixed method turns out to be a preferred solution for building the underground infrastructure around the metro stations and the transversal connections between the metro tunnels.

The mixed method is preferred to the other alternatives for construction of shallow auxiliary tunnels for several reasons. Firstly, the mixed method presumes a reduced risk of collapsing in case of passing under main transport routes where traffic can not be stopped.

Secondly, when passing under urban infrastructure, for example main sewers having leakages, the mixed method allows deformations to be stabilized and the pipes to keep their integrity.

Furthermore, this solution is suitable in case of dynamic changes of geological conditions, per se or after human intervention. The geological fact is that Sofia is the bed of a Pliocene lake and flooding in the zone of mineral water springs. This combination makes the geological indicators unpredictable and requires the support structure of the tunnels to be adaptable to the dynamic earth bed. The possibility for adaptation of the supporting structure is necessary also when passing through zones with technogenic fills and modified geological picture in the vicinity of infrastructural facilities.

The interaction of the mining method and the new Austrian method is discussed in relation to the author’s design solutions for problematic zones of Sofia Metro. The paper is illustrated with graphs and photos, marking all main problems in the construction of shallow auxiliary tunnels.

The essence of the paper is the selection of methods for construction of auxiliary shallow tunnels.
41. Zhechev N., MINING SOLUTIONS IN CENTRAL URBAN AREAS AND UNDER MAIN STREETS, World Mining Congress and Expo, Istanbul, 2011.

Каталог: docs -> N Juri
N Juri -> Конкурс за академична длъжност "Доцент" по професионално направление 8 „Проучване, добив и обработка на полезните изкопаеми", специалност „Обогатяване на полезни изкопаеми"
N Juri -> Конкурс за професор по Професионално направление Науки за земята
N Juri -> И. Паздеров І. Дисертация и публикации, които са части от дисертационния труд
N Juri -> 19. Резюмета на трудовете, с които кандидатът участва 7а. Научни публикации до получаване на онс „Доктор“ (научна степен „Кандидат на техническите науки“), 1978-1988 г
N Juri -> Конкурса за получаване на научното звание "професор" по Професионално направление „Проучване, добив и обработка на полезни изкопаеми"
N Juri -> Конкурс за академичната длъжност „професор" по професионално направление Проучване, добив и обработка на полезни изкопаеми, специалност "Техника и технология на взривните работи" за нуждите на катедра Подземно строителство
N Juri -> С п и с ъ к на научните и научно-приложните трудове на доц д-р Венелин Желев Желев
N Juri -> Конкурс за академичната длъжност „професор" по професионално направление Икономика, специалност „Икономика и управление по отрасли"
N Juri -> Моделиране показатели на находища на подземни богатства и свързани с тях обекти чрез компютърни системи
N Juri -> Конкурс за академичната длъжност „професор" по професионално направление 13. Общо инженерство, научна специалност „Индустриален мениджмънт"

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