Rasho Rashev Introduction Рашо Рашев Увод н и дум и Christina Angelova, Mark. Stefanovich Henrieta Todorova Христина Ангелова, Марк Стефанович Хенриета Тодорова Кратка биография

part of the embankment of a ready mound. The found

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part of the embankment of a ready mound. The found.nions lie at a level not less than I m over the old terrain. Besides, under their own weight the walls have fallen into the weak embankment layer below them and the f loor is warpecl upwards.

n It is possible that this bas happened during the time of some of the Crusades of Lizimach or in the beginning of the Celtic invasions around 280 BC.

the chamber. " See note 15.

''The différence between the height and the diameter of the chamber is only 2-3 cm in favor of the height. This distinguishes il from the one at Mczck, where with die­sarne diamele! the height is over 5 in.

16 In the other three tombs the borse skeletons are in a full anatomical condition. Six more borse skeletons were found in the excavations two in T/viatkova mound and one in four other mounds.

"The applications bave a rosette at one end, transverse embossed edges in the middle, and a grillin's head, when looked from above, at the other end. Similar applica­tions, bui which were macìe of gilded silver, were found in Tzviatkova mound. and purely silver applications in Sarafova mound. They are similar in type with the otil­éis from Mezek (Filov 1937, i\ 30 ff), Kralevo (GlNEV 1983. 31 ff.), Koprinka in Kazanluk région and Dobia Ko/nitza in Kyustendil région (Tin- Riches or tuf Thk a-c.ian Rivers. Tokyo, 1994, N 14, 25, 7), and others

'" See note 23.

used as a mausoleum subsequently. During the plunder, the two two-wing stone doors have been taken out of their axes, and have fallen on the ground.

Golden, silver, bronze, and iron Ornaments, a multitude of applications for horse ammuni-tions, objects of the armament, local and im-ported39 vessels of clay, bronze, and silver, and many other archaeological materials, were found in the rest ofthe mounds in the région of

Shipka-Sheynovo in 1995. With the discovery of the last four tombs, their number in the region of Kazanluk grew up to twelve40. There is no doubt that most of them are kings'. This gives us grounds to define the region around Kazan­luk as the Valley of the Thracian kings. New interesting finds expect us in the forthcoming research ofthe other, several hundrcd unexca-vated mounds in this valley41.


Andronikos 1973

M. Andronikos. Thessalonique. Musée archéologique. Athènes 1975.

Andronikos 1984

M. Andronikos. Vergina: The Royal Tombs and the Ancient City. Athens 1984.

Chichikova 1975 M. Chichikova. Advent and Use ofthe Brick as a Building Material by the Thracians in the end of IV-the beginning of III Century ВС. Известия пи Археологическия Институт 21, 1975.

Dimitrov 1966 D.P. Dimitrov. About the Date of the Frescoes in the Thracian tomb at Kazanluk. Archae.ology 2, 1966.

Domaradski 1991 M. Domaradski. The Culture ofthe Thracians du­ring the Late Iron Epoch in the Region of Kazan­luk. -In: The Collection: Thracian Culture during the Hellenistic Epoch in the Region oj Kazanluk. Kazan­luk 1991.

Filov 1916

Б. Филой. Паметници па тракийското изкуст-во. Известия па Българското археологическо дру­жество 6 (1916-8), 1-56.

Fn.ov 1934

Б. Филов. Надгробните могши при Дуванли. София 1934.

FlLOV 1925

В. Filov. L'art antique en Bulgarie. Sofia 1925. Fh.ov 1937

Б. Филов. Куполните гробиици при Мезек. Из­вестия на Болгарская Археологически Институт XI.1, 1937, 1-112.

Foi. 1990

A. Fol. Polilics and Culture in Ancient Thrace. Sofia 1990.

Gf.tov 1991

L. Getov. Thracian Tombs in the Hinterland of Sevtopolis during the Hellenistic Epoch. -In: The Collection: Thracian Culture during the Hellenistic Epoch in the Region of Kazanluk. Kazanluk 1991.

Ginev 1983

G. Ginev. The Treasure from Kralevo. Sofia 1983. Kitov 1977

Г. Китов. Тракийската гробница-мавзолей край гр. Стрелча. Векове I, 1977, 12-21.

Kitov 1988

Г. Китов. Свещени дарове в тракийска могила в Родоппте. Изкуство 7, 1988, 40-48.

Kitov 1989

Г Китов. Куполните гробници край Равногор в Родопите. Археология XXXI, 3, 1989, 28-41.

Kitov 1990.

Г. Китов. Куполните гробнпци на нос Калиакра и край Каварна. Terra Antiqua Balcanica IV, 1990, 116-121.

Krrov 1992.

Г. Китов. La toreutiquc thrace. Orpheus 2, 1992, 71-80.

Kitov 1994a.

Г. Китов. Владетелска гробница оттракнйския могилен некропол Шипка-Шей ново. Минало I. 1, 1994, 5-14.

Kitov 1994b. Г. Китов. Тракийски гробнично-култов комп­лекс в могилата Оструша край Шипка. Пробле-ми на изкуството XXVII.4, 1994, 13-20.

Kitov 1994с. F. Китов. Тракийските могили в хинтерланда на Севтополис. -В: /// международен симпози­ум "Кабиле", Поселищеп живот в Древни Тракия. Ямбол 1994, 85-93.

is clone by Tabakova-Tzvetkova (1991, 105 ff.); Domarad­ski (1991, 126 IT): In reality, the mounds are much more than the ones, noted in the mentioned publications and marked on the used topographie and cadastral maps. The collaborators al the Historical Museum "Iskra", Ka­zanluk estimate them at around 1500.

Knov 1995a. Г. Китов. Траколожка експедиция за могилни проучвания (ТЕМП) през 1992-1991 г. Археоло­гии XXXVII.4, 1995, 54-61.

Kitov 1995b.

Г. Китов. Тракийски могпли край с. Дунав-ци, Казанлъшко. АОР през 1994, Смолян 1995, 65-66.

Knov 1995.

Ci. Kitov. Das Thrakische Mausoleum bei Sipka in Sudbulgarien. Trans Europam. Bonn 1995, 245-250.

Kitov (in press). G. Kitov. The Panagvurishte Golden Treasure at Short Range.

KiTov/TutoDossiKv 1995 G. Kitov, N. Theodossiev. New data of Thracian Archacology and Religion from the Tumuli near Villages of Shipka and Sheynovo in the Kazanluk Region. Thracia, 11, 1995, 317-336.

Li konin 1977

V.G. Lukonin. Искусство Древнего Ирана. Москва 1977.

Mazolevskii 1975 B.N. Mazolevskii. Фракийская узда из Хоминой могилы. Studili Thracica 1, 1975.

Marazov 197S

I. Marazov. The Rhytons in Ancient Thrace. Sofia 197S.

Melyukova 1979 A. Melyukova. Скифия и фракийский мир. Москва 1979.

Melyukova 1981

A. Melyukova. Краснокутский курган. Москва 1981.

Mikov 1954

B. Миков. Аитичпата гробница при Казаплък. София 1954.

Nikolov/Mashov/Ivanov 1988

В. Xikolov, S. Mashov, P. Ivanov. The Rogozen Thracian Treasure. -In: The Thracian Treasure from Rogozen. Sofia 1988.

Nikolov 1991 D. Nikolov. Historiographv of the Thracian town of Sevtopolis. —In: The Collection: The Thracian (.al­ture during the llellenistic Epodi in the Région о/ Kaz­anluk. Kazanluk 1991.

Ognenova-Marin'c >\ a 1969

L. Ognenova-Marinova. Les motifs décoratifs des armures en Thrace au IV s. av. n. u. -In: Ad. des ICInl des et. Bulk, et Sud-Est Européenne 2, 1969, So­fia.

О с n e n о va- Mari n о va 1991

L. Ognenova-Marinova. The Kazanluk Tomb - a Masterpiece of the Thracian Art. —In: The Coll­ection: Thè Thracian Culture during the llellenistic Epodi in the Région of Kazanluk. Kazanluk 1991.

Rl.ssf.va 1987

M. Russeva. Tomb, Heroon, or Sanctuary? MPK

I, 1987.

Siikuri'il/Siikoriml 1898

X. Шкорпнл. К. Шкорннл. Могили. Пловдив 1898.

Tabakova-Tzanova 1991

G. Tabakova-Tzanova. An Attribution to the Ar­chaeological Map ofthe Région of Kazanluk.-In: The Collection: The Thracian Culture during the Hel-lenistic Epodi in the Région of Kazanluk. Kazanluk 1991.

Tzanova, G, L. Gf.tov. 1973

Г. Цанова, A. Гетов. Тракийската гробница при Мъглпж. Археология 15.2, 1973.

Venedikov 1975

II. Венедиков. Съкровището от Враца. София 1975.

Venedikov/Gerasimov 1973

И. Венедиков. Т. Герасимов. Тракийското из­куство. София 1973.

vuleva 1994

К). Вълева. Тракийски и македонски монумен­та.\ни гробници. Проблема на изкуешвото 27.3, 1994.

Jewellery Fashion of the Western Pontic Colonies in the Hellenistic Times (from the territory of Bulgaria)

Milena Tonkova

Милена Тонкова

Ювелиретвошо в Западнопонтийските колонии през Елинизма (от територията на България)

В статинта са разгледани елинистическите ювелирны находки от Западнопонтийските колонии. Те дават ценна информация за контактите между тези градоае и останалите цептрове от периода, както и за местните предпо-читания или художествени умения. Освен това те показват ролята на колониите при дистрибуцията на вносните стоки към вг,третността на Тракия. Импортирани или произведени в местни равотилници, те носят са раоотени в стили на гръцката елинистически бижутерия..

През ранния елинистически период Одесос е играл важна роля, през средния елинистически период Месамория и Аполония са били по-активни. а през късния - доминира Анхиало. Разцветът на тези градове е. предствен и чрез пред-метите на лукса, някои от който са импортирани от задморски ателиета.

Fine gold jewels, most often with polychrome décoration, were fashionable during the Hel­lenistic period in the colonies on the western Black Sea coast. These objects give information about the connections between the coastal cit-ics and their relations with the other Hellenis­tic centres, as well as about the local tastes and artistic faculties. Such finds speak also of the rôle the colonies played in the distribution of the imported goods into the interior of Thrace. Imported, or products of local workshops, as a whole they belong to the artistic traditions of the Greekjewellery and follow its rhythm of de-velopment through the three stages of the Hel­lenistic Age - Early, Middle and Late.

During each of these periods différent cen­tres from the coast were more active. Through the first one that was Odessos, during the 2nd-Messambria and part of the time - Apollonia and during the 3ld - Anhialo. To some extent this conclusion is a resuit of the différences in the stage of investigation of the necropolises. It also reflects the peculiarities of the cultural processes that took place there. It is logicai that the Hourishing ofthe towns often found expres­sion in luxurious gold jewellery usually import­ed from overseas Workshops.

1 The comparisons between the jewellery fashion of the coast and that of internai Thracia. the argumentation of the date ofthe burial complexes with jewellery as well as

Odessos and its hinterland Early Hellenistic jewellery fashion

Almost ail ofthe Early Hellenistic jewellery which has reached us was found in the necropo­lises of Odessos and its hinterland. We have no data about the fashion in the southern colonies - Messambria and Apollonia. Graves of this period with jewellery until recently were not found in Nessebar. Examples of precious metal are almost absent in the ancient cemetery of Sozopol. At the same time, gold jewellery, of­ten masterpieces ofthe Greek goldsmiths, have inevitably presented amongst the burial ofler-ings in the rich mound graves of the interior of Thrace south of Balkan'. Obviously, these objects reached the Thracian centres through différent roads and the two Pontic colonies had not always got a primary importance (Tonkova 1994b, 165-166).

The répertoire of the fashionable jewellery in Odessos and its region includes représenta­tive earrings, exquisite necklaces and finger-ings and large decorative buttons, rich clothes accessories. Most ofthe finds corne from graves dated from the end of the fourth Century tili the beginning ofthe 3,d Century ВС. There are adornments from burial mounds from Odessos

ail conclusions on the developmenl of jewellery in Thra­cia during the Hellenistic Age are a resull ofthe author's studies in her Ph.D. thesis on this thème

Plate I. Jewellery from the Odessos necropolis: 1-4 - Early Hellenistic Age; 5 - Late Hellenistic Age

(present Varna) (Иванов 1956; Caboba 1971; Minchev 1988) and from the Thracian ne­cropolis situated not far from the city of Cala­ta (now a quarter of Varna) (ТОНЧЕВА 1951; Иванов 1956, 92; HlGGlNS 1961, 217; Минчев 1975). Several objects found in Kavarna come also from the same region (Димитрова 1989, табл.15; Василев 1985, 23: табл. III, 1;Тнеоп-ossiev 1994, 113).

The earrings, usually with lion head termi­nals belong to a type which was very popular in the Hellenistic world and was disseminated in the Thrace too (Димитрова 1989, 3, табл. I, 1-3, 5. - here PL I, 3). There were also earrings in the form of a disc. Wonderful examples of this type were found in mound No 6 in the necropo­lis of Galata (Тончева 1951, 61, обр. 112 a, 6. - here Pl. II, 4). In mound No7 there was also one local imitation ofthe same type (Минчев 1975, 137, 140, табл. III, 2-4 - here Pl. II, 6). Closest parallels to the discs from Calata are the earrings from Kyme, Asia Minor (MARSHALL 1911, N 2059) and from South Italy (Van den Driesciie 1971, 88). From Odessos comes a pair of disc earrings executed with perfection. They have pendant shaped as winged female figu­rine, identified usually as Nike (Caboba 1971, 6-8, обр. 6-10. - here PI. I, 2). These earrings with complicated construction made with great skill have exact parallels from Izmit, situated on the coast of Asia Minor at the Straits and also from North Greece (FlRATLl 1964, 109-110, pi. 43, 2; Deppert-Lippitz 1985, 228, fig. 165). Though these examples were found at places situated quite far from each other, their style and way of manufacture give reason to consider that they were made in one and the same workshop in the Aegean region. As far as the identification of the figurines is concerned, most reasonable is the opinion of M. Andronikos, according to which they do not represent Nike but a female hypostasis of Eros (Andronikos/Yalouris 1980, 136). It is based on the insignia fairy from Var­na - a rhyton and phiala.

The necklaces from Galata, made of simple spherical beads (Тончева 1951, 61, обр. 113.-here PI. II, 3), as well as those from Varna, repre­sent a popular Greek variant (RuXER 1938, 381). Such were also found in the interior of Thrace (Филов 1937, 75, 77, обр. 33, 8-9; 84, 3). Anoth­er kind of Greek necklace, made both of simple and of decorated beads, and a pendant shaped as a bull's head is typical of Odessos (Caroba 1971, 5, обр. 5; MiNCHEV 1988, 463, pl. 70, 1.-here Pl. I, 1). It has no parallels in Thrace but is typical of the jewellery of the colonies from the coast of Asia Minor and the northern Black Sea coast, especially for Pantikapaion (Greifen-hagen 1975, fig.l; Amandry 1963, 234, fig. 138; Толстойондаков 1889, 59, обр.79; Mins 1913, 400, tabi. 12, g; Greifenhagen 1970, 42, tabi. 19, 6-8). Parts of necklace from Odessos belong to a comparatively rare type of Greek jewellery consisting of cylindrical beads and a pendant in the shape of a pyramid (Иванов 1956, 93, обр. III, 2). Similar one was found in Istria (Burda 1979, kat. 34).

The fingerings from the first period have a smooth plate or a décoration in relief. On the spécimens from the necropolis at Calata this is a représentation of a iemale face (Тончева 1951, 60, фиг. 102-103; Мпичев 1975, 137, табл. III, la, 6.- here. Pl. II, 1-2) and on the ring from Var­na - of Eros (Иванов 1956, 89, табл. I, 2.- here Pl. I, 4). The big buttons or claps in the shape of dises are also characteristic of the necropolis of Odessos (Иванов 1956, 89, табл. I, 2. - here Pl. I, 4). They w;ere being fastened by means of a cylindrical élément and not of pin or a fibula. The latter is typical of similar adornments from Messambria (Гълъбов 1955, 141-142, обр. 7).

The adornments from Odessos belong to types weil known in the Early Hellenistic Pe­riod. Most of these objects are among the best examples from this time and their style, as well as the techniques which were used, like for in­stance the earrings with the winged figurine, give a reason to consider them real masterpiec-es. They bear the characteristic of the typical of the Greek art realistic style. All techniques known at that time were used by the artist who made them. Among them is hammering on a die to obtain relief représentations on earrings, rings and pendants. Only in one case casting was used for the making of the winged female figurine from Odessos. For décoration of most of the objects was used fine granulation for cov-ering the surface, marking the centres of ro­settes and spirals, for covering the edge of the disk-shaped earrings and buttons and only in one case (the necklace of cylindrical beads) for covering the whole surface. Filigree was used for the outlining of all kinds ol éléments of the décoration. More rarely were applied inlay and enamel for obtaining polychrome impressions (Tohkoba 2002). With little color stones were marked the eyes on the lions' heads on two ear­rings from Odessos. With enamel was decorat­ed a pendant of a necklace in the shape of a pyramid from the same place. There was used the technique of covering the hole élément with blue enamel, a mannet characteristic of the late fourth Century ВС as well as of the following pe­riods (Hoffman/Davidson 1965, 10; Rlxer 1938, 381). Typical of the imported Greek adornments from the région of Odessos is the applying of a technique which has not been often describecl in publications - filling, consisting of cork or resin for making some éléments firm, like for example the beads and the pendants shaped as a bull's head or pyramid. In Thrace, according to our observations, this technique was used for the making of the gold wreath from Rozovets (Филов 1934, 164-166).

There is no doubt that more of the objects de-scribed above were imported in the colonies on the Black Sea coast. Notable is their great resem-blance to adornments from the Aegean région where were situated the crafts centres creating the jewellery fashion during the Early Hellenistic Period. As it was pointée! out, some adornments, like the winged figurine from Odessos and the necklace with a bull's head, have exact parallels from différent régions of ancient Greece. To our opinion, the présence of similar and even identi­ca] objects of this kind which represent a long tradition in the Greek jewellery typical of these Black Sea centers, could be explained with the fact, that these places were situated on the trade route between the eastern Mediterranean and the Western and Northern Black Sea régions. The population in the latter régions was con­sumer of fashionable goods, disseminated from one and the same groups of famous Workshops in the Aegean région. About the characteristic features of these Workshops have written several authors like St. Miller (Miller 1979,8,49-51) and P. Amandry (Amandry 1953, 88). For the présent, as far as these régions are concerned, we cannot speak of another direction of dissémination of the early Hellenistic jewellery (for example from north to south).

Plate II. Jewellery from the thracian necropolis of Galata - Early Hellenistic Age

The popularity of the importée! Hellenistic jewellery naturally resulted in imitations made in locai workshops. Many finds from the region of the western Black Sea coast speak of their production (Coja 1962, 115-119; Минчев 1980, 19; kolkowna 1980; Tonkova 1994a, 185). Such adornment, obviously preferred in Odessos can be found among the earrings with lions' heads and in the shape of dises, as well as the finger-ings with a plain or relief plate from Galata. Such are also the gold lamellae from Kavarna. It is not easy to evaluate the artistic of the crafts-men representing the différent workshops. Among the adornments there are some, the quality and the style of which are very différ­ent from those ofthe imported (Минчев 1975, 141), but there are others which differ only in some détails concerning the décoration or the workmanship. The Iater objects could be con-sidered imported as well as produets of skilful locai craftsmen.

The assortments from Odessos are very sim­ilar to those from the necropolis at Galata and this can be explained with the trade activities of Odessos which was a mediator in the proc-ess of dissémination of imported goods into the neighboring settlements (Брашински 1970, 15).

However, it is possible that the locai fashion had its own peculiarities in the différent districts. For example in the burials from Odessos most often are presented earrings with lions' heads and necklaces with a pendant shaped as a bull's head. These varieties are not represented in the necropolis at Galata. Here have been found mostly disc-like earrings without pendants and fingerings with a relief représentation of a fe-male face which are not known from Odessos. However, these adornments represent only varieties of the main types and their distribu­tion could be a chance phenomenon, or they might have been used in différent time within the boundaries of the Early Hellenistic Period which is diff icult to be established.

Several types of jewellery were typical of Odessos and its district during the period -différent disc-like earrings and earrings with lions' heads, necklaces with a bull's heads pen­dant, and rings with plain or decorated in relief plate. They are decorated with floral motifs or figures including anthropomorphic ones. Of those, only the lion-head earrings especially preferred by the Thracian aristocracy were dis-seminated in the interior. This is an expression of an intentional choice made from among the

Hellenistic jewellery coming from the colonies, because only the traditional forms and motifs were accepted in Thrace. The comparison be­tween several such examples of this type of ear­rings from Odessos and some Settlements near the Balkan (without engraved spirals on the col-lars) shows that in Northeast Thrace this type came from Odessos where it was first imported имитрова 1989, 10).

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