Офертен бюлетин № bbs/3813/2013 оферти за технологично сътрудничество

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BBS (Bulletin Board Service) е системата за разпространение на технологични оферти(предлагане) и технологични заявки(търсене) на мрежата Enterprise Europe Network. Чрез технологичния бюлетин можете да намерите нови разработени технологии, необходими за разрешаване на конкретни проблеми на вашето производство, както и да влезете в контакт с фирми от страните, включени в мрежата, които търсят или предлагат определена нова технология.
За да получите координати на фирмата, подала офертата, е нужно да попълните приложения формуляр за проявен интерес и да го изпратите на e-mail адрес: een@pcci.bg или факс: 032/908988, 908999.



A Dutch company is offering accredited electronic calibration services dedicated to high frequency (HF) and electromagnegtic compatibility EMC instruments. The company is one of three accredited calibration laboratories in Europe that can offer this package of EMC and RF calibrations.The company is looking for industries that make use of these instruments including ISO17025 accredited test laboratories. In addidition it provides dedicated trainings and technical consultancy services.




A Brussels-based company specialized in manufacturing of electronic devices for the industrial and energy sector developed  electrical mobility solutions based on  IT platform for charging points parks. The company is offering his innovative technology to partners having a specific demand for e-vehicles infrastructure willing to cooperate under commercial agreements with technical assistance and technical cooperation.




A small Italian company, operating in the field of Embedded Systems, developed a Test Automation product, that enables the automatic execution of a set of test needed to validate an electronic head unit. The advantages refer to a smart user interface and a lower cost solution characterized by high configurability and scalability. The SME seeks car manufacturing companies interested in this new tool or other subjects dealing with automotive sector interested in tailor-made hardware solutions.




A Greek SME is in the process of constructing a new agro-tourism complex in Crete. The complex will constitute of traditional stone houses as well as space for recreational activities.The company is looking for suppliers and/or manufacturers of an innovative heat pump that apart from the heating and cooling solutions, can produce hot water to the complex. The company is looking for a commercial agreement with technical assistance. 




A Greek pharmaceutical company is looking to establish a manufacturing agreement with a contract manufacturing organization (CMO) for large scale manufacturing of microparticles. The CMO should be specialized in sterile/aseptic preparations (injectable products) that are based on emulsification processes, in order to proceed with scale up studies and large scale manufacturing for the pharmaceutical company




A Polish SME active on the market of plastic products is looking for an innovative solution for 3-layer and 5-layer foil sleeve production. Foil is intended for manufacturing of new packaging of various types including food products. Company expects partners for a commercial agreement with technical assistance.




An Israeli company is looking for technology to design and plan a solar thermal water heating system of large scale. Ideally, the technology should be ready for final implementation in turn-key projects. The cooperation may be performed as a partnership in turn-key projects.



За контакт:

Елена Бояджиева

Enterprise Europe Network

Търговско-Промишлена Камара – Пловдив

ул.Самара № 7

Tel.: 032 908999

e-mail: een@pcci.bg,


Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the European Commission is responsible for the use which might be made of the information contained herein. The views in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the policies of the European Commission.

Каталог: img -> files
files -> Бюлетин б2б събития организирани от Европейската мрежа в подкрепа на бизнеса Брой 7
files -> Бюлетин б2б събития организирани от Европейската мрежа в подкрепа на бизнеса Брой 3
files -> За брокерски събития
files -> За брокерски събития
files -> Офертен бюлетин 01/2013 оферти за бизнес сътрудничество
files -> За брокерски събития
files -> Офертен бюлетин № bbs/1713/2013 оферти за технологично сътрудничество
files -> Офертен бюлетин № bbs/1910/2010 оферти за технологично сътрудничество
files -> Офертен бюлетин 06/2013 оферти за бизнес сътрудничество
files -> Офертен бюлетин №1512/2012 оферти за бизнес сътрудничество

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