С п и с ъ к на научните трудове на доц д-р Виолина ангелова Ризова

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На работата

V. Angelova, A. Ivanov, D. Braykov, K. Ivanov, J. Sci. Food Agric., 79, 713, 1999. Heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Zn and Cd) in the system soil - grapevine - grape, J. Sci. Food and Agriculture, 79, 713-721 (1999)



Yu, Naiwen. PhD Thesis. The assessment for changes of heavy metal contents in soils, 088NCHU0020002, 109p., 2000. ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dnclcdr&s=id...basic



Anonimous. Industrial Pollution Prevention and Control, Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economics Afairs Taiwan, R.O.C, 78, vol.28, N 2, 2001



Kamnev, A.A.р D. van der Lelie, Bioscience reports, 20(4): 239-258, 2000



Larcher, R., G. Niccolini. Italian Journal of Food Science, 13(2): 233-241, 2001



Rugh, R.E., D.G. Dick, A. Fredeen. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 32(3): 273-279, 2002



Святохина, Виктория Петровна. PhD Thesis. Исследование реагентного метода очистки сточных вод от ионов тяжелых металлов, 164p., 2002



Fingerman, Milton, Rachakonda Nagabhushanam, Bioremediation, Science Publishers, 2003, 341 p.



Kristl J, Veber M, Slekovec M. Acta Chim. Slov. 50(1): 123, 2003



Larcher R, Nicolini G, Pangrazzi P. J. Agric. Food Chem. 51 (20): 5956-5961, 2003



Orescanin V, Katunar A, Kutle A, Valkovic V. J. of Trace and Microprobe Techniques 21 (1): 171-180, 2003



Ndung'u, K., S. Hibdon, A. R. Flegal. Talanta, 64 (1): 258 – 263, 2004



Olalla M, Fernandez J, Cabrera C, Navarro M, Gimenez R, Lopez MC. J. Agric. Food Chem. 52 (9): 2715-2720, 2004



Pyrzynska, K. Critical reviwes in analytical chemistry 34 (2): 69 -83, 2004



Ramos MC, Lopez-Acevedo M. Adv. Environ. Res. 8 (3-4): 687-696, 2004



Liu, Y.J., H. Ding, W.G. Zhu. Journal of Environmental Sciences (China), 17(2): 294-300, 2005



Бакайтис, Валентина Ивановна. Дисертациия, Новосибирск, 2006



Белокрылова, Людмила Владимировна. Диссертация. Новосибирск, 2006



Correia L, Soares ME, Bastos MD. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54 (25): 9312-9316, 2006



Dani, C. PhD Thesis. Universidade de Caxias do Sul, visando a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia. 2006



Ramos, M.C. Journal of Environmental Management. 78 (3), 209-215, 2006



Zheljazkov V., P. R. Warman. www.cprm.gov.br/pgagem/Manuscripts/zheljazkovvabsorption.htm



Fernández-Calviño D., J. C. Nóvoa-Muñoz, E. López-Periago, M. Arias-Estévez. Land Degradation & Development. Published Online: 24 Aug 2007



Ko, BG., Vogeler I, Bolan NS, Clothier B, Green S, Kenned J. Science of the Total Environment 388 (1-3): 35-42, 2007



Мартенс, Екатерина Владимировна. Дисертация,  Новосибирск, 162p., 2007



Pino, Mariela Alejandra Labbé. Sequential injection analysis using second-order calibration for the development of analytical methods (Tratamientos postfermentativos del vinagre: conservación en botella, envejecimiento acelerado y eliminación de plomo). Facultad de Enología, Departamento de Bioquímica y Biotecnología, Universidad Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, 2007. ISBN: /DL:T.39-2008



Project no. 003956, Project acronym NOMIRACLE, Project title Novel Methods for Integrated Risk Assessment of Cumulative Stressors in Europe, Instrument IP, Thematic Priority, ‘Global Change and Ecosystems’, Topic VII.1.1.a, ‘Development of risk assessment methodologies’, Deliverable reference number and title:, D.4.2.1 A random-walk model that describes the accumulation of pollutants in selected ecological receptors in a floodplain area along the river Waal in the Netherlands, Due date of deliverable: 30 April 2006, Actual submission date: 28 April 2006, Start date of project: 1 November 2004, Duration: 5 years



Flamini, Riccardo. Hyphenated techniques in grape and wine chemistry, 2008, 345p



Komárek, M., J. Száková, M. Rohoškova, H. Javorská, V. Chrastný, J. Balík.. Geoderma, 137 (1-2): 16-22, 2008



Rusjan, T., G. Salobir – Vilar, V. Bizjak. Luybljana, 2008, ISBN 978 961 9192030



Wei-Cheng, F. PhD Thesis. 270p., 2008



Versini, Dott. Giuseppe. Metodi innovativi di rintracciabilità di origine e di processo a tutela di:  produzioni lattiero-casearie tipiche locali (MIROP-2) (Project)



Гонохова, Марина Николаевна.Тема диссертации:  Омск, 2009



Chenflang, Lin. PhD Thesis. 2009



Stafilov, T., I. Karadjova. Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 28 (1): 17–31, 2009



Yan – Tung, Lin. PhD Thesis. 2009



Review of and packaging of current viticultural nutritional management information for Australia’s major wine grape varieties. Final report to grape and wine research & development corporation. Research Organisation: Department of Primary Industries, Victoria. Date: 30 January 2009 Principal Investigator: Dr Mark DowneyPrincipal Investigator: Dr Nicole Dimos Project Supervisor: Dr Mark Downey Department of Primary Industries, Victoria. 30th January 2009



Попова, Мария Гаврильевна, Дисертация, Якутск, 2010



Karine, Arend. PhD Thesis. Substâncias húmicas e formas de cobre em solos de áreas de videira, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil, 2010



Fang, Y. L. Zhang, A. Wang, H., Li, H, Zhang, Z. W., Chen, S.X., Luan, L.Y. Food contrl. 21 (5): 732-739, 2010



Komarek, M., Cadkova, E., Chrastny, V., Bordas, F., Bollinger, J.C. Environment International. 36 (1): 138-151, 2010



Lai, H.Y., Juang, K.W., Chen, B. C. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 56 (4), 601-606, 2010



Laurie, V. Felipe, E. Villagra, J. Tapia, J. E. S. Sarkis, M. A. Hortellani. Cien. Inv. Agr. 37(2):77-85. 2010



Licinam V., S. Antic-Mladenovic; M. Kresovic; J. Rinklebe. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 41(4): 482 – 496, 2010



Pessanha, S., M. Luisa Carvalho, M. Becker, A. von Bohlen. Quantitative determination on heavy metals in different stages of wine production by Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence and Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence: Comparison on two vineyards. Spectochemica Acta Part B Atomic Spectroscopy, 2010



Daniela Bertoldi, Roberto Larcher, Massimo Bertamini, Stefan Otto, Giuseppe Concheri, and Giorgio Nicolini. J. Agric. Food Chem., 59 (13), 7224–7236, 2011 DOI: 10.1021/jf2006003



Kai-Wei Juang,Yung-I Lee, Hung-Yu Lai, Chiung-Huei Wang, Bo-Ching Chen Environ Sci Pollut Res, 2011. DOI 10.1007/s11356-011-0657-3



Hermon, Karen. Ph.D. thesis, 2011, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Deakin University. http://hdl.handle.net/10536/DRO/DU:30037014



Colak, M. Environ Earth Sci, 2012, DOI 10.1007/s12665-011-1511-0

На работата

V. Angelova, R. Ivanova, V. Delibaltova, K. Ivanov., Проучване на възможностите за отглеждане ан царевица в индустриално замърссени райони. Юбилейна научна конференция с международно участие „състояние и проблеми на аграрната наука и образование” -19-20 октомври – 60 години Аграрен Университет, Пловдив. Научни трудове, т. L, кн.4, 365-370



Тодоров, Живко Михайлов. Дисертация 2007

На работата

V. Angelova, A. Ivanov, D. Braikov, Kr. Ivanov. Heavy metal distribution and accumulation in the root system of grapevines grown in an industrially polluted region. Part I. Die Wein - Wissenscaft, 54(1), 3 -7 (1999)



Taylor, J. 2004. PhD Thesis. Precision Viticulture and Digital Terroirs: Investigations into the application of information technology in Australian vin. Chapter 2: Vineyard Site Selection, The University of Sydney, Australia

На работата

V. Angelova, A. Ivanov, D. Braikov, Kr. Ivanov. Heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Zn and Cd) content in wine produced from grape cultivar Mavrud, grown in an industrially polluted region. Vine and wine sciences, 33(3), 119 - 132(1999) (J. Int. Sci. Vigne Vin.)



Делибатова, Ваня.. Дисертация, Пловдив, 2001



Almeida, CMR., Vasconelos, MTSD.. J. Agric. Food Chem. 51(10): 3012 -3023, 2003



Almeida, CMR., Vasconelos, MTSD. Ciencia Tec. Vitiv. 18(1), 15-27, 2003



Almeida, CMR, Vasconcelos MTSD. J. Agric. Food Chem.. 51 (16): 4788-4798, 2003



Larcher R, Nicolini G, Pangrazzi P. J. Agr. Food Chem 51 (20): 5956 -5961, 2003



Stockley, CS., Smith LH, Tiller KG, Gulson BL, Osborn CD, Lee TH. Austr. J. Grape Wine R. 9(1): 47-55, 2003



Смирнов, Сергей Вячеславович. PhD Thesis. Москва, 2004



Flamini, Riccardo. Hyphenated techniques in grape and wine chemistry, 2008

На работата

V. Angelova, A. Ivanov, D. Braikov, K. Ivanov. Heavy metal content in the grapes of some wine cultivars, grown in an industrially polluted region, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 4, 141 - 151 (1998)



Bogoeva, I., E. Miteva. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 9, 463-468, 2003



Sapoundjieva, K., Y. Kartalska, A. Vassilev, M. Naidenov, I. Kuzmanova and S. Krustev. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 9, 659–663, 2003

На работата

V. Angelova, A. Ivanov, D. Braikov, Wein – Wiss, 1998, 53(1), 27 Heavy metal distribution in the grapes of cvs. Bolgar and Mavrud grown in an industrially polluted region. Die Wein - Wissenscaft, 53, 27 - 31 (1998)



Taylor, A., S. Branch, D. J. Hills, Linda M.W. Owen, M. White. J. Anal. At. Spectrom,14, 717-781, 1999



Cave, M. R., O. Butler, J. M. Cook, M.S. Cresser, L. M. Garden, D. L. Miles. J. Anal. At. Spectrometry, 15, 181- 235, 2000



Llorens, N., L. Arola, C. Blade, A. Mas. Plant Science, 160(1), 159-163, 2000

На работата

K. Ivanov, G. Bekjarov, V. Angelova. Determination of Al, As, Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn in canned fruit and vegetable foods by ICP-AES, Analytical Laboratory, vol.7, 1, 28 - 31(1998)



Corine Rita Lohr. PhD Thesis. The university of British Columbia, 2003

На работата

В. Ангелова, А. Иванов, Д. Брайков, Кр. Иванов. Загадуванье на лозовите насадки со тешки метали (Pb, Cu, Zn i Cd). I Македонски симпозиум по Лозарство и Винарство со мегународно учество, Скопjе, 29.IX - 11.X.1998, , zbornik na naučni trudovi, Skopje, 52 - 63 (1998),



Serafimovska Ana, Božinović Zvonimir, Vojnoski Borimir..Poljoprivreda. 2002, vol. 51, br. 390-393, p. 254-259

На работата

V. Angelova, A. Ivanov, D. Braykov, K. Ivanov., Rastenievudni nauki 35, 243,. Разпределение на тежките метали в гроздето на някои десертни сортове отглеждани в промишлено замърсен район, Растениевъдни науки, 35, кн. 3, 243 - 246 (1998)



Taylor, A., S. Branch, D. J. Hills, Linda M.W. Owen, M. White. J. Anal. At. Spectrom, 1999, 14, 717-781

На работата

V. Angelova, G. Bekjarov, K. Ivanov, Lozarstvo I vinarstvo, 46, 14, 1998. Определяне съдържанието на Pb, Zn и Cd в лозови листа от индустриално замърсен район, Лозарство и Винарство, кн. 46(3), 14 - 16 (1998)



Cave, M. R., O. Butler, S.R. N. Chenery, J. M. Cook, M.S. Cresser, D. L. Miles. J. Anat. At. Spectrom, 16, 194-235, 2001

Каталог: cntnr -> NID -> Registyr NID -> RZA -> kat Obstha himia
RZA -> С п и с ъ к на научните трудове на проф дсн Иванка лечева
RZA -> С п и с ъ к на научните трудове на доц дсн Хари Самалиев
kat Obstha himia -> С п и с ъ к на научните трудове на гл ас д-р инж марин нейков маринов
RZA -> С п и с ъ к на научните трудове на доц д-р владислав попов
kat Obstha himia -> С п и с ъ к на научните трудове на проф. Дхн мери атанасова камбурова за периода 2007-2012 г
kat Obstha himia -> С п и с ъ к на научните трудове на доц д-р пенка личева
kat Obstha himia -> С п и с ъ к на научните трудове на доц д-р стефан кръстев

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