Библиографическая база данных по спектроскопии ядерного квадрупольного резонанса и квадрупольным взаимодействиям

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1   ...   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   ...   31
Tc superconducter Yba2Cu3O6.1Ix.
Z. Naturforsch. 1992. Vol. 47a, N 1-2. P. 21-26.
Переплет № 226-Ин.
XI Int. Symp. NQR Spectroscopy. London, England. 15-19 July, 1991. Abstr. P I:31.
(оригинал издания)

  • Ossipyan Yu. A., Zharikov O. V., Perrin C., Pena O., Sergent M., Matukhin V. L., Anashkin V. N., Pogoreltsev A. I., Safin I. A.
    Cu-NQR study of chlorine-treated Y-Ba-Cu-O.
    Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena. Proc. XXVII Congr. AMPERE. Vol. 2. Kazan, USSR, 1994.
    Zavoisky Phys.-Techn. Inst. Rassian Acad. Sci. Kazan, 1994. P. 997-998.
    Оригинал издания

  • Ostafin M.
    A broadband fast-recovery preamplifier for pulsed NQR spectrometer.
    Научная аппаратура (Nauch. Apparat. – Sci. Instrum. 1987. Vol. 2, No. 3. P. 75-79.
    РЖ Физика, 1988, 6 A 216. Переплет № 216-Ин.

  • Ostafin M., Maćkowiak M., Bojarski M.
    (search name: Mackowiak M.)
    Automatically tuned probe head system for pulsed NQR spectroscopy in extreme thermodynamic conditions.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1994. Vol. 49a, N 1-2. P. 42-46.
    РЖ Физика, 1994, 10 A 371.
    XII Int. Symp. NQR. Zürich, Switzerland, 19-23 July, 1993. Abstrs. P. 105-106.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Ostafin M., Pietrzak J.
    Determination of chemical shift parameters from Zeeman nuclear quadrupole resonance in single crystals.
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 1981. Vol. 80, No. 3. P. 589-592.
    РЖ Физика, 1982, 1 E 2389. Переплет № 142-Ин.

  • Ostafin M., Pietrzak J.
    Study of the chemical shift anisotropy of 35Cl in single-crystal paradichlorobenzene by ZNQR.
    Acta Phys. Pol. 1982. Vol. 62 A, No. 1-2. P. 47-61.
    РЖ Физика, 1983, 3 E 2343. Переплет № 152-Ин.

  • Ostafin M., Pietrzak J., Kamasa P.
    Digital frequency modulation in an NQR spectrometer.
    J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum. 1978. Vol. 11, No. 1. P. 45-48.
    РЖ Физика, 1978, 8 Д 698. Переплет № 116-Ин.

  • Overmyer R. T., Jones E. P.
    Molecular reorientation in solid chlorine.
    Canad. J. Phys. 1973. Vol. 51, No. 21. P. 2300-2306.
    РЖ Физика, 1974, 4 Д 699. Переплет № 78-Ин.

  • Oyamada A., Tsukada H., Hashi K., Maegawa S., Goto T., Kitazawa H.
    NQR studies of the structural instabilities in CePd2Al3.
    Physica B. 1995. Vol. 206-207, N. 1-4. P. 237-239.
    РЖ Физика, 1996, 5 C 316. Переплет № 232-Ин

  • Packer K. J., Strike A. J.
    A simple method for maintaining the resonance condition in a spin echo nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1970. Vol. 2, No. 1. P. 79-87.
    Переплет № 52-Ин.

  • Paine R. T., Fukushima E., Roeder S. B. W.
    Structure and hindered motion of B3H8 anions in solids: An NMR study.
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 1975. Vol. 32, No. 3. P. 566-568.
    РЖ Физика, 1975, 10 Д 689. Переплет № 98-Ин.

  • Pajak Z., Klimowski J., Goc R.
    High pressure technique for studying phase transitions by NMR.
    Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena. Proc. XIV Colloq. AMPERE. Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 1966.
    North-Holland Publ. Comp. Amsterdam, 1967. P. 971-977.
    Оригинал издания

  • Pajak Z., Olechnowicz A., Piślewski N.
    (search name: Pislewski N.)
    Magnetycna relaksacja jadrowa w dwuchlorowodorku szesciometylenodwuaminy. (польск.)
    (Ядерная магнитная релаксация в гексаметилендиамин·2HCl.)
    UAM. Ser. fiz. 1975. N 19. P. 379-383.
    (Proc. conf. “Radio and Vicrowaves Spectroscopy – RAMIS-75. Poznań, 1975)
    РЖ Физика, 1978, 11 Д 848. Переплет № 122-Ин.

  • Palmer J. P., Hewitt R. R.
    Coupling coefficients for the indirect nuclear dipole interaction in indium by nuclear quadrupole resonance.
    Phys. Rev. B: Solid State. 1971. Vol. 3, No. 11. P. 3676-3681.
    Переплет № 65-Ин.

  • Palmer M. H.
    14N nuclear quadrupole coupling – correlation of experimental and theoretical values with structure.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1986. Vol. 41a, N 1-2. P. 147-162.
    Proc. VIII Intern. Symp. on NQR Spectrosc., Darmstadt, 1985.
    РЖ Химия, 1986, 18 Б 1343. Переплет № 171-Ин.
    8 Int. Symp. NQRS. Darmstadt, Weat Germany. 22-26 July, 1985. Abstr. Invited 2.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Palmer M. H.
    14N nuclear quadrupole coupling in imidazolium cations. Ab initio studies of urocanic acid, histidinium chloride and imidazolium hydrogen maleate, and comparison with experiment.
    Chem. Phys. 1987. Vol. 115, No. 2. P. 207-218.
    РЖ Химия, 1988, 2 Б 1348. Переплет № 195-Ин.

  • Palmer M. H.
    Nuclear quadrupole coupling constants in molecular systems by ab initio calculation of electric field gradients.
    Proc. XIII Int. Symp. NQRS. Providence, Rhode Island, USA, July 23-28, 1995. Abstr. P. 24-25
    оригинал издания
    (published in: Z. Naturforsch. 1996. Vol. 51a, N 5-6. P. 442-450, 450-459, 460-478, 479-488.)

  • Palmer M. H.
    The ab initio calculation of nuclear quadrupole coupling constants and their comparison with experiment.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1990. Vol. 45a, N 3-4. P. 357-367.
    Proc. 10 Int. Symp. on Nucl. Quadrup. Res. Spect. Takayama, Japan, 1989
    РЖ Химия, 1991, 2 Б 1033. Переплет № 223-Ин.
    10 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Takayama, Japan. 22-26 August, 1989. Abstr. III Invited 6.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Palmer M. H.
    The ab initio calculations of nuclear quadrupole coupling constants with special reference to 33S.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1992. Vol. 47a, N 1-2. P. 203-216.
    Переплет № 227-Ин.
    XI Int. Symp. NQR Spectroscopy. London, England. 15-19 July, 1991. Abstr. 3:3.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Palmer M. H., Blair-Fish J. A.
    Quadrupole coupling assignments in inorganic periodic systems by ab initio calculation of electric field gradients.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1994. Vol. 49a, N 1-2. P. 137-145.
    РЖ Физика, 1994, 10 A 367.
    XII Int. Symp. NQR. Zürich, Switzerland, 19-23 July, 1993. Abstrs. P. 81-82.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Palmer M. H., Blair-Fish J. A.
    Quadrupole coupling in some H-bonded organic systems by ab initio calculation of electric field gradients.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1994. Vol. 49a, N 1-2. P. 146-154.

  • Palmer M. H., Blake A. J., Gould R. O.
    14N nuclear quadrupole coupling in cyclic amides and thioamides. Ab initio simulations of the solid state environment as interpretation of the NQR spectra of 2-pyridinone, isatin and benzothiazole-2-one. A new X-ray structure for isatin.
    Chem. Phys. 1987. Vol. 115, No. 2. P. 219-227.
    РЖ Физика, 1988, 1 H 1310. Переплет № 206-Ин.

  • Palmer M. H., Gould R. O., Blake A. J., Smith J. A. S., Stephenson D., Ames D. E.
    14N nuclear quadrupole coupling in solid cinnolin-4-ones. A study by nuclear quadrupole resonance, X-ray crystallography and ab initio calculations.
    Chem. Phys. 1987. Vol. 112, No. 2. P. 213-225.
    РЖ Физика, 1987, 7 H 1190. Переплет № 195-Ин.

  • Palmer M. H., Haq M. M. I., Stephenson D., Smith J. A. S.
    A theoretical and experimental study of 14N quadrupolar coupling in maleic hydrazide.
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 1986. Vol. 127, No. 6. P. 615-619.
    РЖ Химия, 1986, 22 Б 1477. Переплет № 176-Ин.

  • Palmer M. H., Simpson I., Findlay R. H.
    14N nuclear quadrupole coupling in heterocyclic compounds. Part 2. A comparison of ab initio calculations and experimental results for the azoles and azines.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1981. Bd. 36 a, N 1. S. 34-50.
    РЖ Химия, 1981, 13 Б 301. Переплет № 145-Ин.

  • Palmer M. H., Stephenson D., Smith J. A. S.
    14N quadrupole coupling tensors in solid pyrazole, 1H-1,2,4-triazole, and 1H-tetrazole: theory and experiment.
    Chem. Phys. 1985. Vol. 97, No. 1. P. 103-111.
    РЖ Химия, 1985, 20 Б 1304. Переплет № 169-Ин.

  • Pan L.-Z., Yu Y.-Q.
    The determination of the nuclear quadrupole resonance spectrum of 14N in trimethylene trinitroamine. (кит.)
    Acta Phys. Sinica. 1979. Vol. 28, No. 3. P. 447-449.
    РЖ Физика, 1979, 10 Д 641. Переплет № 127-Ин.

  • Pan Linzhand, Yu Yongqin
    Superregenerative detection of nuclear quadrupole resonance.
    Wuli, Physics (Jpn.). 1983. Vol. 12, No. 8. P. 476-481.
    РЖ Физика, 1984, 8 A 257. Переплет № 157-Ин.

  • Pande (Kum) Usha, Gupta R. C.
    PMR investigations on solid DL-tryptophan.
    Indian J. Pure and Appl. Phys. 1977. Vol. 15, No. 11. P. 777-779.
    РЖ Физика, 1978, 6 Д 780. Переплет № 111-Ин.

  • Pandey L., Hughes D. G.
    Interpretation of the temperature dependence of the quadrupole spin-lattice relaxation of 23Na in NaNO2.
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 1992. Vol. 4, No. 33. P. 6889-6898.
    РЖ Физика, 1993, 1 H 691. Переплет № 231-Ин

  • Pandey L., Hughes D. G.
    RF pulse response of a system of I=3/2 nuclei in the presence of quadrupole splitting.
    J. Mol. Struct. 1983. Vol. 111. P. 91-96.
    Proc. 7 Int. Symp. on Nucl. Quadrup. Res. Spect. Kingston, Canada, 1983
    Переплет № 158-Ин.
    7 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Kingston, Canada. 11-14 July, 1983. Abstr. BP 02.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Pandey L., Towta S., Hughes D. G.
    Orientation dependence of the nuclear quadrupole spin-lattice relaxation time of 23Na in NaNO2 and NaNO3.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1983. Vol. 51, No. 2. P. 270-277.
    Журнал на микрофишах

  • Pang L., Lucken E. A. C.
    35Cl nuclear quadrupole resonance studies of CCl4 as a guest molecule in various clathrates.
    J. Incl. Phenom. 1987. Vol. 5, No. 2. P. 245-248.
    РЖ Химия, 1987, 15 Б 1266. Переплет № 195-Ин.

  • Pang L., Lucken E. A. C., Bernardinelli G.
    The application of nuclear quadrupole resonance to the study of clathrates. 35Cl NQR and crystallography of clathrated CCl4.
    J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 1990. Vol. 112, No. 24. P. 8754-8764.
    РЖ Физика, 1991, 4 C 232, РЖ Химия, 1991, 8 Б 1345. Переплет № 222-Ин.

  • Pang L., Lucken E. A. C., Tissot P.
    An NQR and calorimetric study of a phase transition in tetrakis(-phenylethylamine)-bis(isothiocyanato)nickel(II)/ortho-dichlorobenzene clathrate.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1992. Vol. 47a, N 1-2. P. 251-253.
    Переплет № 227-Ин.
    XI Int. Symp. NQR Spectroscopy. London, England. 15-19 July, 1991. Abstr. 4:4.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Papantopoulos G., Papavassiliou G., Milia F
    75As NQR in Rb1-x(NH4)xAsO4 proton glasses.
    XXVI Congr. AMPERE on Magn. Reson. Athens, Greece, 1992. Extended Abstr. P. 398.
    Оригинал издания

  • Papantopoulos G., Papavassiliou G., Milia F., Schmidt V. H., Drumheller J. E., Pinto N. J., Blinc R., Zalar B.
    75As nuclear quadrupole resonance in weakly substitutionally disordered Rb1-x(NH4)xH2AsO4.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 1994. Vol. 73, No. 2. P. 276-279.
    РЖ Физика, 1995, 3 C 184. Переплет № 233-Ин.

  • Papavassiliou G., Fardis M., Milia F., Dolinsek J.
    Nuclear quadrupole resonance studies of collective diffusional motions.
    XIII Int. Symp. NQRS. Providence, Rhode Island, USA, July 23-28, 1995. Abstr. P. 44 (invited-15).
    оригинал издания

  • Parker P. M.
    Nuclear quadrupole levels in single crystals.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1956. Vol. 24, No. 5. P. 1096-1102.
    РЖ Физика, 1957, реферат 21356. Переплет № 8-Ин.

  • Parker P. M., Spence R. D.
    Analysis of nuclear quadrupole resonance spectra in antiferromagnetic single crystals.
    Phys. Rev. 1967. Vol. 160, No. 2. P. 383-386.
    РЖ Физика, 1968, 1 Д 522. Переплет № 34-Ин.

  • Parkers S. I., Molton W. G.
    Nuclear quadrupole resonance investigation of NdBr3 and UI3.
    Phys. Lett. A. 1967. Vol. 26, No. 2. P. 63-64.
    Переплет № 34-Ин.

  • Parks S. I., Moulton W. G.
    127I nuclear quadrupole resonance in antiferromagnetic UI3.
    Phys. Rev. 1968. Vol. 173, No. 2. P. 333-337.
    Переплет № 40-Ин.

  • Parlinski K.
    (search name: Parliński K.)
    Computer simulation of the incommensurate phases.
    Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena. Proc. XXIV Congr. AMPERE. Poznań, Poland, 1988.
    Elsevier. Amsterdam-Oxford-New York-Tokyo, 1989. P. 581-592.
    Оригинал издания

  • Partlow W. D., Moulton W. G.
    Temperature dependence of the 35Cl pure quadrupole resonance in NaClO3.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1963. Vol. 39, No. 9. P. 2381-2382.
    РЖ Физика, 1964, 7 Д 304. Переплет № 23-Ин.

  • Parygin A. V., Chikvaidze G. V., Semin G. K., Lokshin B. V., Eiduss Ya. A.
    75As-NQR study of yellow crystalline arsenic.
    Phys. Status Solidi. (a) 1984. Vol. 84, No. 2. P. K101-K103.
    РЖ Физика, 1985, 3 H 988. Переплет № 49-рус.

  • Parygin A. V., Semin G. K., Boguslavsky A. A.
    The nature of the spin-spin interactions revealed in the 75As NQR spectra of arsenic trihalides and As molecular crystals of the yellow arsenic.
    8 Int. Symp. NQRS. Darmstadt, Weat Germany. 22-26 July, 1985. Abstr. Poster 73.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Parygin A. V., Semin G. K., Chikvaidze G. V., Eidus Ya. A.
    Fine structure in the NQR spectrum of the yellow modification of crystalline arsenic.
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 1985. Vol. 113, No. 3. P. 314-315.
    РЖ Физика, 1985, 5 H 1048. Переплет № 53-рус.

  • Paschalis E., Weiss A.
    Calculation of antishielding factors.
    Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy. Intern. Summer School of Theor. Chem. 1967. Frascati (Roma), Italy. 15 pp.
    Переплет № 36-Ин.

  • Past J., Puskar J.
    Stochastic excitation in the study of quadrupole relaxation of rare nuclei (oxygen-17).
    Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena. Proc. XIX Congr. AMPERE. Heidelberg, Germany, 1976.
    Groupement AMPERE, Heidelberg-Geneva, 1976. P. 377-380.
    Оригинал издания

  • Pati R., Srinivas S., Briere T., Das T. P., Sahoo N., Ray S. N.
    First-principles investigations of nitrogen quadrupole interactions in the RDX(C3H6N6O6) system.
    XIII Int. Symp. NQRS. Providence, Rhode Island, USA, July 23-28, 1995. Abstr. P. 111 (oral-18).
    оригинал издания

  • Patterson D. B., Carnevale A.
    Indium-115 and halogen nuclear quadrupole resonance in organoindium halides and related compounds.
    Inorg. Chem. 1974. Vol. 13, No. 6. P. 1479-1483.
    РЖ Химия, 1975, 2 Б 288. Переплет № 107-Ин.

  • Patterson D. B., Carnevale A.
    NQR in the complexes of trimethylindium with group Vb trimethyl derivatives.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1973. Vol. 59, No. 12. P. 6464-6467.
    РЖ Физика, 1974, 7 Д 670. Переплет № 81-Ин.

  • Patterson D. B., Peterson G. E., Carnevale A.
    Mercury-201 nuclear quadrupole resonance. I. Mercury and halogen NQR in the mercuric halide dioxanates.
    Inorg. Chem. 1973. Vol. 12, No. 6. P. 1282-1286.
    РЖ Физика, 1973, 12 Д 808. Переплет № 78-Ин.

  • Paulsen K., Rehder D.
    Nuclear quadrupole perturbations in 51V NMR spectra of oxovanadium(+V) complexes.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1982. Bd. 37a, N 2. S. 139-149.
    РЖ Физика, 1982, 9 E 1799. Переплет № 153-Ин.

  • Pavlov V. A., Smith J. A. S., Zjablikova T. A.
    Investigation of structure of crystalline products of reaction of nitrosation of phosphorylacetaldehydes by NQR 14N and NMR techniques.
    XI Int. Symp. NQR Spectroscopy. London, England. 15-19 July, 1991. Abstr. P II:29.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Pedersen B., Clark W. G.
    Hindered rotation of water molecules in potassium oxalate monohydrate: A pulsed deuteron magnetic resonance study.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1970. Vol. 53, No. 3. P. 1024-1031.
    Переплет № 52-Ин.

  • Pegg D. T.
    Misalignment effects in magnetic resonance.
    J. Phys. B: Atom. and Mol. Phys. 1973. Vol. 6, No. 2. P. 241-245.
    РЖ Физика, 1973, 7 Д 596. Переплет № 78-Ин.

  • Pegg D. T.
    Some new techniques in nuclear magnetic resonance.
    Contemp. Phys. 1989. Vol. 30, No. 2. P. 101-112.
    РЖ Физика, 1990, 12 A 268. Переплет № 217-Ин.

  • Peirson N. F., Smith J. A. S., Stephenson D.
    17O quadrupole dips in ammonium persulphate.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1994. Vol. 49a, N 1-2. P. 345-350.
    РЖ Физика, 1994, 10 C 236.
    XII Int. Symp. NQR. Zürich, Switzerland, 19-23 July, 1993. Abstrs. P. 59-60.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Pelzl J., Dimitropoulos C.
    Effect of deuteration on the phase transitions and on the critical dynamics in ammonium hexachlorometallates.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1994. Vol. 49a, N 1-2. P. 232-246.
    Переплет № 229-Ин.
    XII Int. Symp. NQR. Zürich, Switzerland, 19-23 July, 1993. Abstrs. P. 29-30.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Pelzl J., Lerchner H., Regelsberger M., Dimitropoulos C., Rossler K., Weiss A.
    35Cl-NQR studies of bromine doped hexachlorometallates.
    4 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Osaka, Japan. 13-16 September, 1977. Abstr. P. 53.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Pelzl J., Müller S., Dimitropoulos C.
    (search name: Muller S.,)
    Cl-NQR study of structural phase transitions in (NH4)2MCl6 crystals.
    9 Int. Symp. NQR. Kanpur, India. 11-15 January, 1988. Abstr. P B9.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Pelzl J., Vargas H., Dautreppe D., Schulz H.
    Influence of point defects on the nuclear quadrupole resonance of 35Cl in KClO3 and NaClO3.
    J. Phys. and Chem. Solids. 1975. Vol. 36, No. 7-8. P. 791-796.
    РЖ Физика, 1975, 11 Д 709. Переплет № 98-Ин.

  • Pelzl J., Waschk V., Seo Y. M., Dimitropoulos C.
    NQR and phase transitions in mixed A2BX6 compounds.
    J. Mol. Struct. 1983. Vol. 111. P. 363-369.
    Proc. 7 Int. Symp. on Nucl. Quadrup. Res. Spect. Kingston, Canada, 1983
    Переплет № 159-Ин.
    7 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Kingston, Canada. 11-14 July, 1983. Abstr. F 4.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Pen’kov I. N., Abdullin R. S., Calchev V. P., Togulev N. V.
    (search name: Penkov I. N.)
    NQR application in minerals investigation.
    6 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Moscow, USSR. 21-24 September, 1981. Abstr. P. 76.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Peneau A.
    Contribution à la détermination des mouvements moléculaires dans des composés organiques azotés par l’étude de l’influence de la température sur la résonance quadripolaire pure de l’azote-14.
    Thèse doct. Univ. Paris-Sud, Centre d’Orsay. Orsay. 1975. 125 pp., ill. (франц.)

  • Péneau A., Fuchs A. H., Guibé L., Szwarc H.
    (search names: Peneau A., Guibe L.)
    Cristaux vitreux. IV. Réorientations moléculaires et transition vitreuse dans le cyano-1 adamantane. Étude par résonance quadripolaire nucléaire de l’azote-14 et thermocourants de dépolarization.
    C. r. Acad. Sci. 1984. T. 298. Ser. 2. N 13. P. 551-554.
    РЖ Физика, 1984, 11 E 815. Переплет № 160-Ин.

  • Péneau A., Gourdji M.
    (search name: Peneau A.)
    NQR spectrometer control and signal processing. II. Extended automation.
    XII Int. Symp. NQR. Zürich, Switzerland, 19-23 July, 1993. Abstrs. P. 122.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Péneau A., Gourdji M., Guibé L.
    (search names: Peneau A., Guibe L.)
    Temperature dependence of the 14N quadrupole coupling constants in pyrazine.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1974. Vol. 60, No. 11. P. 4295-4299.
    РЖ Физика, 1974, 11 Д 618. Переплет № 107-Ин.

  • Peneau A., Gourdji M., Guibé L., Murgich J.
    (search name: Guibe L.)
    Pyrrole: an example of an incommensurate phase in a molecular crystal studied by 14N NQR.
    Europhys. Lett. 1989. Vol. 9, No. 3. P. 289-292.
    РЖ Физика, 1989, 11 H 1314. Переплет № 209-Ин.

  • Péneau A., Gourji M., Guibé L.
    (search names: Peneau A., Guibe L.)
    Resonance quadripolaire nucleaire de l’azote-14 dans la 4-picoline.
    J. Mol. Struct. 1983. Vol. 111. P. 227-232.
    Proc. 7 Int. Symp. on Nucl. Quadrup. Res. Spect. Kingston, Canada, 1983
    Переплет № 159-Ин.
    7 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Kingston, Canada. 11-14 July, 11-14 July, 1983. Abstr. CP 13.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Péneau A., Guibé L.
    (search names: Peneau A., Guibe L.)
    Étude du 2,4,6-trichloroanusole par résonance quadripolaire pure du chlore.
    C. r. Acad. sci. 1968. T. 266, N 20. P. B1321-B1323.
    РЖ Физика, 1969, 4 Д 519. Переплет № 40-Ин.

  • Péneau A., Guibé L.
    (search names: Peneau A., Guibe L.)
    Temperature dependence of relaxation times and nuclear quadrupole resonance in p-chloroaniline.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1975. Vol. 20, No. 2. P. 422-426.
    (Proc. 3 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Tampa, Florida. 1975)
    Переплет № 89-Ин.
    3 Int. Symp. NQR Spectroscopy. Tampa, Florida, USA. 14-17 April, 1975. Abstr. P. 115.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Péneau A., Guibé L.
    Temperature dependence of relaxation times and nuclear quadrupole resonance in p-chloroaniline.
    3 Int. Symp. NQR Spectroscopy. Tampa, Florida, USA. 14-17 April, 1975. Abstr. P. 115.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Péneau A., Manallah B., Guibé L.
    (search names: Peneau A., Guibe L.)
    Nitrogen-14 NQR in s-triazine derivatives.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1986. Vol. 41a, N 1-2. P. 192-194.
    Proc. VIII Intern. Symp. on NQR Spectrosc., Darmstadt, 1985.
    Переплет № 171-Ин.
    8 Int. Symp. NQRS. Darmstadt, Weat Germany. 22-26 July, 1985. Abstr. Oral 8.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Pennington C. H., Durand D. J., Slichter C. P., Rice J. P., Bukowski E. D., Ginsberg D. M.
    NMR measurement of the exchange coupling between Cu(2) atoms in YBa2Cu3O7-δ (Tc=90 K).
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  • Pennington C. H., Durand D. J., Zax D. B., Slichter C. P., Rice J. P., Ginsberg D. M.
    Cu nuclear magnetic resonance of aligned single crystals of YBa2Cu3O7-δ.
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  • Perea E. H., Murgich J.
    A new and versatile frequency marker generator for CW nuclear resonance spectrometers.
    J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum. 1976. Vol. 9, No. 2. P. 86-87.
    РЖ Физика, 1976, 9 Д 618. Переплет № 99-Ин.

  • Pérez S. C., Armstrong R. L., Brunetti A. H.
    (search name: Perez S. C.)
    A study of activated molecular motion in 2-nitrobenzene sulphonyl chloride by NQR.
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 1993. Vol. 5, No. 24. P. 4045-4054.
    РЖ Химия, 1994, 5 Б 2256. Переплет № 232-Ин

  • Pérez S. C., Armstrong R. L., Brunetti A. H.
    (search name: Perez S. C.)
    An NQR study of thermally activated molecular motion in 4-nitrobenzene sulphonyl chloride.
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 1993. Vol. 5, No. 24. P. 4055-4062.
    РЖ Химия, 1994, 5 Б 2257. Переплет № 232-Ин

  • Pérez S. C., Brunetti A. H.
    (search name: Perez S. C.)
    An NQR study of thermally activated motions of nitro groups and of the phase transition in 2,6-dinitrochlorobenzene.
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 1995. Vol. 7, No. 1. P. 101-110.
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  • Perez S. C., Brunetti A. H.
    Activated motion of nitro groups in the low temperature phase in 2,6-dinitrochlorobenzene.
    Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena. Proc. XXVII Congr. AMPERE. Vol. 2. Kazan, USSR, 1994.
    Zavoisky Phys.-Techn. Inst. Rassian Acad. Sci. Kazan, 1994. P. 839.
    Оригинал издания

  • Pérez S. C., Krupski M., Armstrong R. L., Brunetti A. H.
    (search name: Perez S. C.)
    An NQR study of the thermally activated motion of nitro groups in 3-nitrobenzene sulphonyl chloride.
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 1994. Vol. 6, No. 30. P. 6019-6026.
    РЖ Физика, 1995, 1 C 241. Переплет № 233-Ин.

  • Perez S. C., Pusiol D. J., Brunetti A. H.
    Possible molecular structure influences of the NQR temperature dependence of 35Cl nuclear spin-lattice relaxation time in
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