Доклад за неговото изпълнение, свързани с реализирането на дейности и по проект "Cross Border Implementation of Innovative Cost Cutting Technologies"

Структура на плана за действие (action plan) по проект с акроним CROSS-INNO-CUT (Appendix A)

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Структура на плана за действие (action plan) по проект с акроним CROSS-INNO-CUT (Appendix A)

ведно с консултантски доклад за неговото изготвяне и очаквано изпълнение (Appendix B)

Appendix A

Template for Cross-Inno-Cut action plan


Cross Border Implementation of innovative cost cutting technologies


WP5: Action Plan

Company Title

Expert Title

Place, Date

  1. Description of the case

You must declare in clear manner the mission of action plan.

A1. Company Description

Describe the SME in terms of history, staff, products, markets, capacities, potentials and threats.

A1.1 History

A1.2 Staff

A1.3 Products

A1.4 Markets

A1.5 Potential

A1.6 Threats

A2. High cost problem definition

A2.1 Problem definition in high cost

Define the problem with clear problem statement in relation to the SME in practice.

A2.2 Possible solution(s)

Explain the problem in terms of possible solutions in relation to the SME in practice.

  1. Preparing for action planning

Search the literature for the characteristics of the problem, causes and possible solutions.

B1. State of the art

B1.1 Literature review of the high cost area

Define the problem in relation to literature. Provide data from articles, surveys.

B1.2 Literature review for possible causes of the high cost area

Research possible causes of high cost areas.

B1.3 Review of technical solution and case studies

Research possible solution; provide technical examples and case studies.

B2. Action plan definitions

Prepare for action planning with a definition of:

B2.1 Vision statement of the problem and the technical solutions

Demonstrate a clear vision of the kind of solution you are working towards, and a clear understanding of the problems that are standing in the way of such a solution being achieved.

B2.2 Mission statement of cooperation of experts with the company

A clear mission statement that will include the cooperative work of experts with internal staff and how they will benefit from this cooperation.

B2.3 Action plan objectives

An immediate objective or project purpose that expresses what or project, intend to achieve in the short- to medium-term, as contribution to the overall goal.

B2.4 Expected results from action planning

Key result areas which give shape to strategy for achieving immediate objectives.

C. Description of selected solution

Describe in detail the selected solution in terms of:

C1. Technical specifications of the solution

Describe the technical characteristics applied to the targeted SME.

Describe in detail using diagrams or other tools how the selected technical solution will be implemented in the SME.

C2. Examples of application of the selected technical solution in other SMEs

Provide the examples of application of the selected technical solution in other SMEs

C3. Description of technical solution within the SME

Explain how the solution will provide a measurable impact to the objectives (short, medium, long) described in B.

C4. Impact of technical solution on company’s objectives

Explain the results of implementing the solution in terms of the expected outcomes of section B.

C5. Human resources for installing the technical solution

Describe the necessary human resources for installing the technical solution (staff and external experts).

Type (staff/external)


Effort in PM


C6. Describe the infrastructure equipment needed for installing the technical solution.

Type of equipment

Technical specs


Installation procedure

D. Installation and operational planning

D1. Implementation planning

Describe in detail the steps that are needed for installing the technical solutions. Indicate human resources and infrastructure needed in each step along with the expected duration.

Step number

Step definition

Person responsible

Associated staff and experts

Associated infrastructure

Time frame

D2. Operational planning

Describe in detail the operational needs of the technical solution related to operational resources (staff, consumables, parts, energy, etc.). Operational period could be set as the depreciation period, for example 5 years.

Time of life cycle: years


Type of operation maintenance /update

Person responsible

Associated staff and experts

Associated infrastructure

Time frame


D3. Scheduling

Provide a PERT or GANT diagram of the installation process. Also provide a PERT or GANT diagram with maintenance requirements of the technical solution. Operational period could be set as the depreciation period, for example 5 years.

PERT or/ and GANT diagram of the installation procedure

PERT or/ and GANT diagram of the operations (maintenance/upgrade)

E. Risk management and contingency plan

E1.Risk identification

Identify any technical, financial or other risks that could make this plan vulnerable to these risks.

Risk code

Type of risk

(technical, financial, other)

Risk description


E2. Contingency plan

Make a contingency plan with preparatory and corrective actions to have readymade alternative solutions when the particular risk occurs.

Risk code

Preventive actions for risk

Corrective actions when risk occurs

Risk impact on cost


F. Cost benefit analysis

F1. Cost analysis

Determine all associated costs related with life cycle of the technical solution (installation and maintenance) - staff, expert, equipment, maintenance, consumables costs and other costs that may arise. All cost should be described in terms of time of technical solution life cycle.


Type of cost (installation operational)

Cost category (staff, expert, equipment, etc.)

Cost estimation method



F2. Benefit analysis

Determine the benefits that the SME should receive in the span of lifetime of operations in relation to current situation cost status.


Type of benefit (financial, staff saving, quality, etc.)

Benefit estimation method



F3. Cost benefit estimation

Remunerate your costs and benefits to face worst case scenarios from the occurrence of risks in E.


Total cost

Total benefits


Adjustments from risk management


F4. Financial Indicators

Estimate turn over period and return on investment for the selected solution taking under consideration the life span of the solution in terms commutative costs and benefits.

G. Conclusions

Appendix B

Template for Cross-Inno-Cut action plan consulting and delivery


Cross Border Implementation of innovative cost cutting technologies


WP5: Action Plan consulting and delivery

Company Title

Expert Title

Place, Date

  1. Working team definition

A1. Expert team definition

Describe the key external experts and their expertise

Expert name

Short CV


A2. SME staff members and their expertise.

Describe the key staff members and their expertise.

Staff name

Position and duties in SME


A3. Working team definition

Define the working team for action planning including their role in the implementation.


Role in the action plan


  1. Collaboration effort for action planning

B1. Decision making process

Describe the decision making process related to technology options or acceptance or rejection of action intermediary outcomes

B2. Meetings and decisions

Describe each scheduled meetings and the decisions need to be taken

Meeting description


Decisions taken

  1. Consulting

C1. Knowledge gaps covered

Describe the knowledge gaps that expert needed to fill in and provide consulting and knowledge transfer services to the SME.

Knowledge gap

Method of knowledge transfer


C2. Short-term training

Describe if any short term training sessions needed to be given from experts to staff members.

Training topic

Method of training


  1. Delivery of the action plan

D1. Recommendations for the realization of the action plan in the SME



D2. Presentation in ppt of the final delivery of results to the company

D3. Delivery and acceptance protocol of the action plan.

Must be signed and stamped by the company declaring that:

“The company accepts the outcomes of the action plan delivered by the referred experts”

Приложение 2

Примерен образец на вертикална блок схема на процес:


  1. (описание на всеки един от етапите)

  2. .....


  1. .....

Приложение 3

(последна страница от документацията)
Образец № 1


за участие в процедура за възлагане на обществена поръчка


Ул. Иван Михайлов - 66

гр. Благоевград 2700

ОТ: ...……………………………………………………….

(наименование на участника)

с адрес гр. ... ……………………ул... …………………………………………№ ……..

тел.: .. …………………..факс…………………….... e-mail: …………………………....

регистриран .......................................................................................................................

ЕИК № .……………………../БУЛСТАТ................................

дата и място на регистрация по ДДС: ……………………......, ……………………….

Банкова сметка

BIC ……...………..........…... .

IBAN ………….……………..

банка …………………….…..


С настоящото Ви представяме нашата Оферта за участие в обявената процедура с обект: „Иновативно пилотно изпълнение на план за действие с цел намаляване на фирмените разходи и предоставяне на консултантски доклад за неговото изпълнение, свързани с реализирането на дейности 6.2. и 6.3. по проект “Cross Border Implementation of Innovative Cost Cutting Technologies”, с акроним „CROSS-INNO-CUT”, финансиран по Програмата за Европейско териториално сътрудничество Гърция – България 2007-2013 г. с Договор № B1.33.07/14.04.2011“.

Декларираме, че сме запознати с изискванията и условията за участие. Съгласни сме с поставените от Вас условия и ги приемаме без възражения.

С подаване на настоящата оферта направените от нас предложения и поети ангажименти са валидни за срок от .............. дни, считано от крайния срок за подаване на оферти.

Ако бъдем определени за изпълнител, ще сключим договор в съответствие с изискванията и условията за изпълнение на поръчката и поетите ангажименти.

Заявяваме, че при изпълнение на поръчката ....…………...... подизпълнители.

(ще ползваме/няма да ползваме)

Като неразделна част от настоящата оферта прилагаме документите по приложения Списък – опис.

Каталог: media
media -> Български футболен съюз правилник за статута и трансферите на
media -> Curriculum vitae Georgi Merdzhanov
media -> Отчет на разходите за държавно подпомагане на филмовата индустрия по бюджета на иа "нфц" за 2010 г
media -> Организират четвърта Национална експертна среща
media -> До районен прокурор гр. Казанлък м о л б а
media -> Програма „Околна среда 2007-2013г. Bg161PO005/10 11/03/19
media -> Музеят за история на София открива изложбата "Среща с египетски жрец" в новата си сграда

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