Bg комисия на европейските общности брюксел, 11 2007 com(2007) 512 окончателен съобщение на комисията до съвета, европейския парламент, европейския икономически и социален комитет и комитета на регионите

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Заключенията на Съвета от юни 2007 г. отбелязват нов етап в усилията на ЕС за интеграция. Те подчертават необходимостта от прилагането на интеграционни подходи с участието на цялото обществото и признават, че междукултурният диалог е важен инструмент за засилване на интеграцията.

С цел допълнителното развитие на европейската рамка въз основа на общите основни принципи и общия дневен ред, Комисията ще предложи нови инициативи. Националните центрове за контакти ще играят съществена роля в този процес.

Комисията ще проучи различни концепции за участие и гражданство, както и тяхното влияние върху интеграционния процес. Ще бъде стимулирано създаването на дискусионни платформи на всички нива с участието на заинтересовани лица и представители на имигрантските среди.

Комисията ще изследва също така полезния ефект от общите европейски модули за интегриране на мигрантите въз основа на съществуващи добри практики за разработване на насоки по отношение на различни аспекти от процеса на интеграция (въвеждащи курсове, насърчаване на участието на имигрантите и на други граждани в местния живот и др.).

Влиянието на медиите върху насочването на обществения дебат е широко признато, тъй като те могат да допринесат за повишаване на съзнанието, за разясняване на неразбирателствата и за въвличането на все по-разнообразните по състав общества в един сериозен дебат. Като се основава на едно наскоро проведено изследване44, Комисията ще проучи начините за гарантиране, че възможностите за имигрантите да допринасят за социалното развитие, икономическия растеж и културното многообразие са представени и по-широко известни на обществеността.

Комисията ще изследва как интеграционният процес може да допринесе по-активно за предотвратяване на социалната изолация и на дискриминацията спрямо имигрантите, като се отделя специално внимание на младежта и управлението на многообразието с цел да се избегнат крайни случаи на отхвърляне от страна на приемащото общество.

Мерките по отношение на различните аспекти от интеграцията са необходими за ефективното очертаване на политиките и постигането на по-добри резултати, въз основа на най-високите стандарти. Комисията ще проучи начините за допълнително насърчаване на разработването на общи показатели и индекси за използване от държавите-членки при оценяването на интеграционните програми и за осигуряване на основни критерии за сравнителен анализ.

И накрая, Комисията ще разгледа начините за ревизиране на Годишния доклад за миграцията и интеграцията с цел превръщането му в по-модерен инструмент за сравнителен анализ на развитието в сферата на интеграционните политики. Тя ще представи нова концепция, която да предоставя по-обстойна информация и средства за контрол. Нещо повече, Комисията ще продължи да наблюдава прилагането на съответното законодателство на ЕС и неговото влияние върху интеграцията на граждани на трети държави.

Приложение (за информация):

Обобщаващ доклад относно интеграционните политики в ЕС-27

This Summary Report has been drafted on the basis of a questionnaire completed by the National Contact Points on Integration45. The questionnaire refers to third-country nationals who are legally residing in the Member States, both newly-arrived and long-established immigrants and refugees.

The aim of the questionnaire was to gather specific information concerning various dimensions of the integration process in the Member States for the calendar year 2005 and the first half of 2006. The Report is structured along the lines of the Common Basic Principles on integration (CBPs) and in keeping with the Common Agenda for Integration.

The CBPs and the Common Agenda are well known by those directly involved in integration policies at national level. Measures aiming at disseminating them further to a wider group of policy-makers and to civil society are undertaken. In Bulgaria and in the Slovak Republic they are discussed and presented to the broader public. They are increasingly mentioned in official declarations and political statements. Some Member States, such as Austria, the Czech Republic, Denmark and Spain, refer to the CBPs on a regular basis when dealing with immigration and integration issues. In the Czech Republic and Greece, the CBPs enriched the debate leading to the adoption of new legislation. They are also explicitly incorporated in some Member States' programmes. In the Spanish Strategic Plan on Citizenship and Integration, a full text version of the CBPs is reproduced and reference is made to the Common Agenda for Integration. In the consultations held with stakeholders about the content of the Strategic Plan, extensive information was given on integration initiatives taken at the EU level. In Ireland, the CBPs continue to inform the policy making process and all projects submitted for funding from a recently announced Immigrant Integration Fund are required to reflect the CBPs.

1. ‘Integration is a dynamic, two-way process of mutual accommodation by all immigrants and residents of Member States’

In the Czech Republic and Greece, this principle is part of, respectively, the 'Updated Concept of Immigrant Integration' and the new 'Integrated Action Plan'. In Slovenia, a 'Unit for cultural rights of minorities and for the development of cultural diversity' was established within the Ministry of Culture to support the better understanding and co-existence of different cultural identities. In Belgium, the French and Flemish Communities set up programmes for intercultural communication and awareness-raising on the rights of foreigners targeting both the host society and immigrants. In Denmark, a fund supports local projects such as the 'Copenhagen Day of Dialogue' including intercultural activities and debates. For the 'Danish Constitution Day', a competition for young people, focused on subjects of democracy and integration and widely covered by the media, is prepared. The Swedish government declared the year 2006 the Swedish Year of Multiculturalism' to promote opportunities for all to participate in cultural life and to create co-operation between various cultural traditions. In Luxembourg, the 'Neighbours’ Festival', the 'Festival of migrations, cultures and citizenship' and other multicultural initiatives are organised to promote integration. In Finland, immigrants who obtain Finnish nationality are invited to the 'Theme day of nationality' in the city of Turku. A 'Multicultural personality of the year' and a 'New resident of Turku of the year' are elected. In The Netherlands, primary and secondary schools are encouraged to organise initiatives for the promotion of civic citizenship and integration. Within the new Irish National Action Plan against Racism 'Planning for Diversity', local partnership companies support anti-discrimination and integration initiatives. In the Slovak Republic, the new 'Action Plan to Prevent All Forms of Discrimination, Racism, Xenophobia, Anti-Semitism and Other Forms of Intolerance' was adopted. Measures involving the media to promote understanding of immigration are undertaken actively in Belgium, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Portugal, the Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom. In Latvia, the 'International Tolerance Day' was organised in collaboration with the media. In Lithuania, a new version of the 'Code of Ethics of Journalists and Publishers' was approved to shape understanding of diversity. In Portugal, many initiatives are carried out to manage cultural diversity including television and radio programmes, such as the 'Week of Cultural Diversity'. In the United Kingdom, the 'Improving Opportunity, Strengthening Society' strategy and the 'Community Cohesion Toolkit' focusing on the role of the media are among the measures launched to foster a sense of common belonging.

2. ‘Integration implies respect for the basic values of the European Union’

A number of Member States, including Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Luxembourg and The Netherlands refer to the basic values of the European Union in introductory programmes for newly-arrived third-country nationals. Some countries increasingly promote EU basic values through broader initiatives. In Belgium, a 'Committee of Seven Wise Men' elaborated on basic values and presented its recommendations to the Flemish government to harmonise civic integration courses. The French Community supports educational programmes targeting school teachers and students. Interdisciplinary citizenship courses will be included in the curriculum of all mandatory educational programmes. In France, the concept of integration includes a strong political and civic dimension reflecting common republican values which are discussed by the 'High Council of Integration.' In Lithuania, civic orientation and integration courses on the host society's culture and history are organised for people granted asylum. In Luxembourg, compulsory civic education courses are provided to those applying for nationality. In Bulgaria, a project 'Civic education – road to Europe' is organised targeting young people. Sweden set up initiatives to raise awareness on basic values including a new 'National Action for Human Rights', as well as a specific programme to combat violence and oppression in the name of honour. In The Netherlands, a declaration of 'Solidarity with The Netherlands', covering respect for common values, is pronounced during naturalisation ceremonies.

3. ‘Employment is a key part of the integration process and is central to the participation of immigrants, to the contributions immigrants make to the host society, and to making such contributions visible’

The contribution of immigrants to the economic growth and development of the host society is increasingly recognised, as underlined by Greece, Italy and Spain. To facilitate the labour market integration of immigrants the Czech Republic has planned a simplification of bureaucracy and the possibility to reside legally while looking for a job. In Spain, a new system 'Catalogue of Labour Shortages in Specific Occupations' has been set up to identify shortages and to allow for a swift processing of residence and working permits. Portugal established 'Offices of Employment and Entrepreneurial Support for Immigrants' within the 'National Immigrant Support Centres', and it launched an advertising campaign 'Immigrant Portugal, Tolerant Portugal'. In Poland, a number of labour market integration measures are carried out by the Intercultural Centre for Vocational Adaptation and the Work Club of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation. In the Slovak Republic, the process of assessment of qualifications and skills and the access to vocational training has been simplified. A specific web-site has been created to advertise vacancies and provide information to employers. The Danish government concluded a political agreement 'A new change for everyone' on access to jobs and education, including new financial incentives to municipalities and obligations for local authorities to provide job offers. In Ireland, publications such as the 'Know before you go' booklet including information on finding employment for newly-arrived immigrants and the 'Employment Rights Information Booklet' are available in multiple languages. The 'Employment for Parents of Irish Born Children Programme' promotes the employment of third-country national parents of an Irish born child and the study 'An Exploration of Local Strategies for the Integration of Migrant Workers and their Families' was carried out. In France, a group of big enterprises drafted a 'Diversity Charter', which is now being signed by many other employers, to commit themselves to create an intercultural environment among their staff. The Finnish Ministry of Trade and Industry established a working group to reinforce immigrant entrepreneurship through networking, interaction, education and training, development of advisory services and information. In The Netherlands, an action plan was adopted to further develop immigrant entrepreneurship and a monitoring system against discrimination at the work place is being set up. A 'Diversity Unit' was established by the Belgian federal government to fight against discrimination at work and to promote equality. The Flemish Community organises individual labour market insertion programmes for newly-arrived third-country nationals as part of introductory programmes. In Greece, interventions in favour of unemployed immigrant women are a priority. In Sweden, the employment office for immigrants created a special team to provide support before and during the initial period in a new job. Austria promotes employment of immigrants in the public sector. In the United Kingdom, within certain industry sectors, language teachers and integration experts are available to develop schemes for labour market integration of immigrants.

4. ‘Basic knowledge of the host society’s language, history, and institutions is indispensable to integration; enabling immigrants to acquire this basic knowledge is essential to successful integration’

In most of the Member States, including Austria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Portugal and Sweden, information material and welcome packages in various languages are available for newly-arrived third-country nationals. Introduction programmes are established in most Member States and they are compulsory in some countries, i.e. Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece and The Netherlands. In Austria, immigrants have to sign an Integration Agreement and to follow German language training in order to receive a residence permit. The City of Vienna provides special cheap courses for young and long-term immigrants. In Denmark, an examination on Danish society, history and culture has to be taken to obtain Danish citizenship and a basic civic test will also be introduced for some categories of immigrants. In the United Kingdom, the 'Life in the United Kingdom: A Journey to Citizenship' syllabus to prepare for the citizenship test was published. In Portugal, the 'Portugal Welcomes You' programme provides language and introductory citizenship courses for newly-arrived third-country nationals. In France, knowledge of the French language, values and institutions is a pre-condition to acquire a long-term residence permit. Language courses, including an examination and a certificate, are compulsory depending on the level of knowledge and they are free of charge for newly-arrived third-country nationals. They are organised in a flexible way according to different needs and child care is available during classes. In Germany, language classes are compulsory depending on the level of knowledge and integration courses provide orientation and basic knowledge of German institutions. In Lithuania, Slovenia, Romania and the United Kingdom a personal integration plan is drafted for every refugee. Italy and Spain foresee introduction courses with a focus on vocational training in their territories, as well as in the immigrants' countries of origin. The Netherlands organises compulsory pre-departure examinations on language and civic orientation for immigrants, with the exclusion of refugees and asylum seekers, to be taken in the country of origin. In Ireland, citizens' information centres are located in every town and cultural orientation programmes and information leaflets are also available. Stakeholders were involved in the organisation of language courses to provide an effective service. In Luxembourg, a pilot project for language classes in French and Luxembourgish 'Cours Inlux' has proved to be very successful and will be renewed. In Poland, a web-site was set up after consultation with refugees, in order to provide them with the most useful information and a newspaper addressing immigrants is drafted with their contribution.

5. ‘Efforts in education are critical to preparing immigrants, and particularly their descendants, to be more successful and more active participants in society’

In Austria, intercultural teaching and learning are principles of federal law, implemented by providing training and support to teachers and promoting anti-discrimination activities in all schools. In Finland, municipalities are granted an increased State subsidy to support young immigrants speaking other languages and teaching in their mother tongue is available. The general school programme includes teaching on foreign cultures. In Spain, half of the 'State Fund for Reception, Integration and Education' is used by schools to develop reception programmes for newly-arrived young immigrants and their families, to provide teaching support during an initial period and to hire intercultural mediators. Teaching exchange programmes with third countries and a movie 'Settlers' on interculturality at school are examples of initiatives undertaken. In Belgium, the French Community develops courses in the language and culture of origin of immigrants and courses promoting openness towards other cultures. In all parts of the country, reception programmes, bridging classes and language courses are organised to facilitate the introduction of newly-arrived young third-country nationals. In Bulgaria, the national programme for the development of education and training foresees specific measures targeted at children speaking another language. Data and research on performance at school are analysed. In Estonia, relevant resources are allocated to train teachers of Estonian as a second language and for bilingual education. In Romania, free courses of Romanian are available for adults and training for teachers is organised to address better the need of students. Finland and Hungary provide classes in various languages as preparatory courses for the integration of immigrant children into the general education system. Greece organises reception and tutorial classes to ease the integration into schools and other measures are set up to ease enrolment and to support families. In Luxembourg, a reception unit for young immigrants who arrive in the course of the school year was created and intercultural mediators and special staff are available to help with language difficulties. In Portugal, the 'Choices Program' aims at preventing low level of achievements and early school-leaving and the 'Between Cultures Secretariat' promotes intercultural education within the wider educational system by training of teachers. Classes of Portuguese as a second language are available in schools. In the United Kingdom, within the framework of the 'Aiming High' strategy, funding and guidance materials are provided to local authorities and school boards in order to address the needs of immigrant children and youth. In The Netherlands, schools and local authorities organise meetings at least once a year to avoid segregation and to promote integration. In Poland, training for teachers is available and a conference was organised on measures tackling language difficulties of immigrant children. A kindergarten project 'Children of the World' addresses integration challenges at an early stage with the interaction of children of different origins through arts and games. In Ireland, the 'Department of Education and Science' established a steering committee to co-ordinate responses to the educational needs of newly-arrived young immigrants and to put in place a system of language support for non-English speakers. New 'Guidelines on Intercultural Education in Primary School' are published to support teachers and school management in developing a more inclusive classroom environment. In Sweden, a specific curriculum for learning Swedish as a second language exists and the 'Higher Education Act' requires higher education institutions to promote actively recruitment of immigrants. In France, language tuition and introductory courses are available at school. Recent measures focus on the participation in preparatory courses for university studies and on the smooth transition into the labour market.

6. ‘Access for immigrants to institutions, as well as to public and private goods and services, on a basis equal to national citizens and in a non-discriminatory way is a critical foundation for better integration’

In Italy, access to social services for immigrants is eased by mediatory services. Legal advice, information and orientation desks are available at the local level. In Lithuania, access to public offices is facilitated by interpretation services and information in other languages. In Austria, special multi-language information desks are available for various services. The User Panel of the Danish Immigration Service is set up to bring together the Danish Immigration Service and immigrant's representatives. In Poland, training is organised for people working with refugees and a centre provides information on legislation and available services within public institutions. In Sweden, all government agencies have to adopt action plans to take into account cultural diversity in recruitment procedures and a system with de-personalised applications for jobs will be tested. In The Netherlands, an anti-discrimination project within the structures of the government is launched. In Finland, the Ministry of Labour produced a 'Handbook on equality data' containing good anti-discrimination practices. In the Czech Republic, multicultural education and improvement of language skills of public administration staff is an increasing priority. Bulgaria implements a training project to teach social assistants to work in multiethnic environments. In Romania, public services may employ interpreters and cultural mediators and train their staff to ease the access of immigrants to services. In the Slovak Republic, training for the staff of labour, social and family affairs offices is available, as well as consulting and mediatory services. In Hungary, desk officers of family support centres and social and labour offices participate in training on integration issues. In Latvia, a 'Centre of trust' is being built for third-country nationals as a contact point with the institutions. In Ireland, the newly established 'Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service' acts as a one-stop-shop providing a single access point to services. Interpretation support, anti-racism and intercultural training is available for service providers. Government Departments and State Agencies provide information, in multiple languages, on the rights and entitlements of access to a wide range of public services. In Portugal, national and local immigrant support centres are one-stop-shops set up for the delivery of services with the involvement of socio-cultural mediators. An 'SOS Service for Immigrants' and a simultaneous translation service provide help and information in various languages with the assistance of socio-cultural mediators. Within the pilot project 'Strategic Upgrade of National Refugee Integration Services' (SUNRISE), in the United Kingdom a personal caseworker provides information and advice to facilitate access to services.

7. ‘Frequent interaction between immigrants and Member State citizens is a fundamental mechanism for integration. Shared forums, intercultural dialogue, education about immigrants and immigrant cultures, and stimulating living conditions in urban environments enhance the interactions between immigrants and Member State citizens’

Some Member States, such as Greece and Italy, stress in particular the role of cultural mediators, as well as of volunteering and third sector organisations facilitating the interaction between immigrants and the host society. In Austria, a special department for integration and diversity matters forms a point of co-operation between immigrants' organisations, non-governmental organisations and the City of Vienna. In Ireland, local community groups are funded to provide day-to-day support and to promote participation of newly-arrived third-country nationals in local community life. In Bulgaria, the 'Sports Vacation Programme' promotes tolerant inter-ethnic relations. In Estonia, an employment exchange programme between different regions of the country is developed to promote interaction. In Denmark, the participation of immigrants in volunteering organisations is promoted. In Lithuania, a web-site for various minorities' organisations is created to reach a broader public. In Luxembourg, a pilot project to organise entertainment workshops for the interaction of national citizens with immigrants has been successful and will be repeated in many towns. In The Netherlands, many projects in the context of the 'Broad Initiative for Social Cohesion' have been launched including the 'Not beside but with each other' campaign to avoid segregation. A major project to collect examples of co-operation among young people of different cultures is broadly covered by the media. In the United Kingdom, measures to engage together more closely immigrants and the host population include an action plan on intercultural dialogue, a government 'Respect Task Force' and the cohesion guidance 'Leading Cohesive Communities – a guide for leaders and chief executives'.

Каталог: pub -> ECD
ECD -> Съдържание
ECD -> Към общия бюджет за 2013 Г. Разходна част на бюджета по раздели раздел III — Комисия Раздел IV — Съд на Европейския съюз
ECD -> I. въведение
ECD -> Съвет на европейския съюз
ECD -> Точки за открито обсъждане1 Страница обсъждания на законодателни актове
ECD -> Доклад на комисията за финансирането на сигурността на въздухоплаването доклад на комисията
ECD -> Регламент за изменение на Регламент (ЕО) №1466/97 на Съвета
ECD -> Доклад за 2007 Г. За фар, предприсъединителната помощ за турция, cards и преходния финансов инструмент
ECD -> Открито обсъждане в съответствие с член 16, параграф 8 от Договора за ес

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