Bg комисия на европейските общности брюксел, 11 2007 com(2007) 512 окончателен съобщение на комисията до съвета, европейския парламент, европейския икономически и социален комитет и комитета на регионите

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8. ‘The practice of diverse cultures and religions is guaranteed under the Charter of Fundamental Rights and must be safeguarded, unless practices conflict with other inviolable European rights or with national law’

Denmark set up various initiatives fostering intercultural dialogue and stressing religious diversity, including dialogue meetings between the Danish Prime Minister and the Minister for Integration and various ethnic minority organisations. Germany organised a federal level conference to launch a long-term dialogue process with representatives of Muslim communities. In Finland, a working group on intercultural and inter-religious dialogue was established within the 'Advisory Board for Ethnic Relations'. It acts as a permanent forum for discussion and exchange of information between religious communities and national authorities to increase mutual understanding. In Italy, a 'Council for Italian Islam' was set up to support the central government in gaining an insight on problems faced by Muslim communities and to establish a permanent dialogue. In Latvia, an anti-discrimination project 'Information campaign against Islamophobia' is being implemented and an on-line encyclopaedia on religious diversity and postcards on inter-religious dialogue have been prepared. In Luxembourg, a public conference is organised every year by an inter-religious group representing all major faiths. In Sweden, the Minister responsible for religious affairs holds regular meetings with representatives of different religious communities aimed at reinforcing mutual understanding and trust. In The Netherlands, training for spiritual leaders is organised by Muslims' organisations and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and the Ministry for Immigration and Integration.

9. ‘The participation of immigrants in the democratic process and in the formulation of integration policies and measures, especially at the local level, supports their integration’

In Belgium, the Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Portugal, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and soon in Greece, third-country nationals are, in principle, entitled to vote in local elections. However, legislative frameworks regulating political participation vary widely. In most of these countries, such voting rights are linked to the length of regular stay or are only recognised to specific categories of third-country nationals. In other Member States, they are only granted to citizens of third countries with which specific bilateral arrangements exist. In Luxembourg, awareness-raising campaigns will be organised to inform immigrants about their voting rights at the local level and a proposal has been presented to extend the competences of municipal advisory councils for foreigners ('Commissions communales consultatives') to favour their participation in public life. In Belgium, the Walloon and Brussels Capital governments encouraged third-country nationals to register to vote in local elections. Cities and communities with a high concentration of minorities are obliged by the Flemish government to facilitate their participation in local policies through special consultative councils and activities of the 'Forum for Ethnic Minorities'. In a growing number of countries, specific support for immigrant women organisations is provided. The Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain involve immigrants' representatives, as well as other civil society actors and different stakeholders, in the elaboration and/or implementation of integration policies. In Portugal, the Consultation Council for Immigration Affairs (COCAI), consisting of five immigrants communities, plays an important role in drawing immigration policies. A 'Council for Ethnic Minorities' has been established in Denmark to advise the Ministry of Integration and integration councils are active at the local level. In Spain, the 'Forum for the Integration of Immigrants', a three-tiered consultative body created by the government, involving immigrants' associations, social partners, non-governmental organisations and public administration, was renewed with enlarged composition and competences. Its consultation has become mandatory for any legal or practical initiative in the field of integration at national level. In France, the 'National Council for the Integration of Immigrant Population', including representatives of immigrants' associations, has been re-established and is regularly consulted by the Ministry in charge. In Ireland, funding is provided to immigrants' organisations to promote their participation in the democratic process. Irish partnership companies also facilitate the establishment of local level forums which enhance dialogue and interaction between relevant service providers, representatives of the community and voluntary sector and representatives of immigrants' communities. In Italy, a 'Council dealing with third-country nationals and their families' will be established at national level and 'Immigration Territorial Councils' are set up at local level. In Sweden, government funding has been made available to create a network of elected representatives from municipalities and County Councils to promote an intercultural environment. In the United Kingdom, a 'Commission on Integration and Cohesion' has been set up, involving various stakeholders, to elaborate practical steps in order to make local communities more cohesive and integrated.

10. ‘Mainstreaming integration policies and measures in all relevant policy portfolios and levels of government and public services is an important consideration in public-policy formation and implementation’

In the Czech Republic, all relevant Ministries apply integration mainstreaming in the development of departmental policies and legislation. In the French Community of Belgium, all Ministers commit themselves to undertake concrete actions to promote cultural pluralism and mutual comprehension. In Finland, an integration advisory board was established to co-ordinate activities of various Ministries. 'The Integration Act' was amended so that measures focusing on public general services take into account the needs of immigrants. In Greece, an inter-ministerial committee, supported by a special committee involving experts, was established by the Minister of Interior, Public Administration and Decentralisation to improve the level of co-operation and co-ordination on integration. In Romania, inter-institutional co-operation is developed by co-ordination meetings organised with representatives of various governmental institutions and non-governmental organisations. Ireland established the 'Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service' to bring together the various strands of government activity. Within these revised structures, a new 'Integration Unit' is being established to promote and co-ordinate all social and organisational measures. France strengthens efforts in terms of public services and social measures in the areas where immigrants are more present.

11. ‘Developing clear goals, indicators and evaluation mechanisms are necessary to adjust policy, evaluate progress on integration and to make the exchange of information more effective’

In Denmark, a study on integration indicators is under way and benchmarking of integration efforts at municipal level is published every year by the Minister of Refugee, Immigration and Integration Affairs to identify best practices. The Swedish 'Integration Board' monitors the situation and progress of integration policies, analysing various aspects of Swedish society and producing yearly reports to assist decision-making in this field. In Portugal, the 'Immigration Observatory' carries out research to support the development of integration policy. In Romania, comprehensive research on the situation of persons granted protection, including the analysis of many integration aspects, has been carried out. Its policy recommendations will be used for drafting future measures. Germany and Estonia selected external contractors to evaluate their integration programmes in order to inform future policy-making and enable adjustments for more effective policy outcomes. In Estonia, a public opinion survey was also carried out. In Ireland, all State funding initiatives on integration have clear performance indicators. Procedures are in place to monitor the implementation of funded projects and to inform developing integration policy. In the Czech Republic, within the 'Commission for the Integration of foreigners' one of the working groups deals also with the setting up of integration indicators.

1Първият годишен доклад COM(2004) 508 е публикуван през юли 2004 г., а вторият годишен доклад SEC(2006) 892 - през юни 2006 г.

2Докладът е съобразен със заключенията на Съвета от юни 2007 г., документ 10267/07

3Комисията създава мрежата на Националните центрове за контакти според предвиденото в заключенията на Съвета по правосъдието и вътрешните работи (ПВР) от октомври 2002 г.

4Източник: Евростат. Макар че Румъния и България се присъединяват към ЕС през 2007 г., за целите на настоящия анализ техните граждани се считат за граждани на ЕС

изключение на Естония, Латвия, Литва, Полша и Нидерландия. Публикация „Статистика на фокус“ на Евростат - Население и социални условия, 1/2006

6Преглед на тенденциите в областта на международната миграция, Годишен доклад 2006 на Организацията за икономическо сътрудничество и развитие (ОИСР)

7COM (2006) 735.

8Директива на Съвета 2003/86 относно правото на събиране на семейства, Директива на Съвета 2003/109 относно статута на дългосрочно пребиваващи граждани на трети държави и Директива на Съвета 2004/83 относно минималните стандарти за квалифицирането на гражданите на трети държави или на лица без гражданство и статута им на бежанци или други лица, нуждаещи се по други причини от международна закрила, както и относно същността на предоставената защита. Прието е законодателно предложение правилата за дългосрочно пребиваване да важат и за ползващите се с международна закрила, COM(2007) 298

9През 2008 г. ще бъде представена на съответствието на националните мерки при транспониране на директивите за убежището и имиграцията

11COM (2005) 669.

12През 2008 г. Комисията ще представи също така законодателни предложения по отношение на сезонните работници и платените стажанти, а през 2009 г. - относно вътрешнофирмените трансфери на служители.

13COM (2007) 301.

14Документ на Съвета 16054/04

15Документ на Съвета 14615/04

16COM (2005) 389.

17Европейският парламент, Европейският икономически и социален комитет и Комитетът на регионите приветстваха в своите становища разработването на европейска интеграционна рамка

18Документ на Съвета 14390/05

20Следващата подобна инициатива ще бъде организирана от мрежата на европейските градове (Eurocities) през есента на 2007 г. в Милано

22COM (2006) 815.

23Документ на Съвета 6706/07.

27Дирекция „Население“ към ООН, Тенденции в общия емигрантски състав: повторно издание от 2005 г.

292007 г., Съвместен доклад относно социалната защита и социалното приобщаване

30„Общностните политики на ниво градове (2007-2013 г.)“,


33PISA 2006, OECD

34COM (2006) 367.

35COM (2005) 206.

43Този раздел се основава на отговорите на държавите-членки на анкета, проведена от Комисията. Вж. приложение „Обобщаващ доклад относно интеграционните политики в ЕС-27“

44Миграция и обществени нагласи, Бюро на съветниците по европейска политика (BEPA) 2006 г.

45Replies have been received from all Member States except Cyprus and Malta


Каталог: pub -> ECD
ECD -> Съдържание
ECD -> Към общия бюджет за 2013 Г. Разходна част на бюджета по раздели раздел III — Комисия Раздел IV — Съд на Европейския съюз
ECD -> I. въведение
ECD -> Съвет на европейския съюз
ECD -> Точки за открито обсъждане1 Страница обсъждания на законодателни актове
ECD -> Доклад на комисията за финансирането на сигурността на въздухоплаването доклад на комисията
ECD -> Регламент за изменение на Регламент (ЕО) №1466/97 на Съвета
ECD -> Доклад за 2007 Г. За фар, предприсъединителната помощ за турция, cards и преходния финансов инструмент
ECD -> Открито обсъждане в съответствие с член 16, параграф 8 от Договора за ес

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