Доклад за напредъка относно стратегията за опростяване на регулаторната среда

Комуникационни средства и консултации със заинтересовани лица

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2.6. Комуникационни средства и консултации със заинтересовани лица

Ясната и прозрачна информация за напредъка при изпълнението на програмата по опростяване е от особено значение за осигуряване на движещата сила на програмата. За тази цел Комисията създаде уебсайт, посветен на опростяването10, за да предостави обща информация относно стратегията по опростяване и да позволи на заинтересованите лица да проверяват напредъка по развиващата се програма. Нещо повече, в редица други сектори (напр. селското стопанство) консултациите с експерти и със заинтересувани страни от държавите-членки в съответните сектори бяха улеснени чрез секторни групи.

Следвайки своята решимост опростяването да се извършва въз основа на практическия опит на заинтересованите страни, през есента на 2007 г. Комисията откри нов уебсайт за консултации онлайн, където се информира за проблемите и предложенията на бизнеса по отношение на налагани от законодателството тежести и на бюрокрацията като цяло. Комисията ще се възползва по най-добрия възможен начин от този принос на заинтересованите лица. Макар и първоначално създаден с намерението да допринесе за програмата за действие за намаляване на административната тежест в Европейския съюз, всички мнения, в които се разглеждат въпроси с по-широк обсег и които имат отношение към същността на законотворчеството, ще бъдат взети предвид при изграждането на стратегията за опростяване.

3. Програма за кодификация

Кодификацията11 е ключов елемент от стремежа на Комисията да намали размера на достиженията на общностното право и да ги направи по-достъпни.

Програмата за кодификация включва около 400 кодификационни акта, мнозинството от които са законодателни предложения. Общо 87 от тези актове успешно преминаха процеса на кодификация и бяха приети и публикувани в ОВ (62 акта на Комисията и 25 акта на Европейския парламент и на Съвета). Тези 87 акта заместват 348 предходни акта. Освен това 65 акта са в процес на приемане законодателните органи, а 4 акта предстои да бъдат приети от Комисията. Така 152 кодификационни акта вече са приключени от Комисията.

За да бъде изпълнена програмата за кодификация до края на 2008 г. (приложение 2), са взети мерки, за да се компенсира забавянето в превода на текстовете, които се кодифицират на новите езици на ЕС. Приемането на кодифицирани текстове от законодателните органи се подчинява на правилата, установени в междуинституционалното споразумение за ускорени методи на работа по официалната кодификация от 20 декември 1994 г.

4. Междуинституционални аспекти

4.1. Предложения в процес на решаване от законодателните органи

Отговорността за успешното опростяване се споделя между всички участници в процеса на вземане на решения. През 2007 г. законодателните органи успяха да заличат забавянето при предложенията, останали от програмата по опростяване за 2003-2004 г.

Въпреки това 44 предложения от развиващата се програма за 2005-2009 г. все още предстоят да бъдат приети от законодателните органи (приложение 3). В случая на директивите — правилата на EC трябва да се транспонират в националното право. Затова, за да бъдат положителните страни на опростяването изпитани (и забелязани) от гражданите и от бизнеса, е необходимо да изминат няколко години.

Затова Комисията насърчава останалите институции да приемат своите предложения за опростяване с възможно най-малко забавяне.

4.2. Опростяването и другите институции

Съгласно Лисабонската стратегия за растеж и заетост Съветът за конкурентоспособност наблюдава изпълнението на програмата за по-добро регулиране, като представя доклад за напредъка в края на всяко председателство, посочвайки, inter alia, напредъка по постоянната програма за опростяване. Макар и Комисията да приветства непрекъснатия интерес на Съвета към по-добро регулиране като цяло и по-специално към опростяването, тя отбелязва, че методите на работа на Съвета при разглеждане на предложенията за опростяване все още не са се променили съществено въпреки поетите ангажименти в Междуинституционалното споразумение относно по-добро законотворчество.

В своята резолюция относно стратегията за опростяване на регулаторната среда12 Европейският парламент приветства програмата на Комисията за кодификация и изразява съгласие, че програмата по опростяване трябва да бъде развивана и подкрепяна със съответни национални инициативи за опростяване. Парламентът също така приканва трите институции да сключат междуинституционално споразумение за ускорени методи на работа по мерките за опростяване. Комисията оценява конструктивната подкрепа на Парламента и вече предприетите действия за изпълнение програмата за по-добро регулиране. Комисията специално приветства изменението на вътрешните процедури на Парламента за разглеждане на предложенията за кодификация и за преработване, с което се изяснява разделянето на отговорностите между комисиите и се защитават кодифицираните части от неправомерно изменение по същество.

Затова Комисията насърчава Съвета и Парламента да осигурят бързо приемане на предложенията ѝ за опростяване и да гарантират, че при този процес се запазва същността на предложенията за опростяване.

4.3. Сътрудничество с Европейския икономически и социален комитет и с Комитета на регионите

Комисията направи опит да организира по-добре дебатите в организираното гражданско общество относно регулаторното качество на достиженията на общностното право.

По искане на Комисията Европейският икономически и социален комитет (ЕИСК) представи през септември 2007 г. своето становище относно опростяването на регулаторната рамка в машиностроителния сектор. То трябваше да обхване както специфични за сектора правила, така и по-широко законодателство, засягащо машините, например здравеопазване, безопасност и опазване на околната среда. Комисията възнамерява да продължи това сътрудничество и вече е отправила подобни искания до комитета за допълнителни доклади относно други ключови сектори, като например строителния сектор и бизнес услугите.

Комисията също така приветства доклада относно по-доброто регулиране, приет от Комитета на регионите през октомври 2007 г.13

5. Заключения / Заключителни бележки

Намаляването на бюрокрацията вече стои трайно в политическия дневен ред на Общността. Както и останалите компоненти от дневния ред за по-добро регулиране, съставен от Комисията в началото на нейния мандат, стратегията за опростяване набра пълна скорост и вече носи първите осезаеми и впечатляващи ползи. Комисията ще завърши прегледа на почти 95 000 страници от достиженията на общностното право, за да идентифицира областите, върху които е възможно в бъдеще да се съсредоточат дейности по опростяване, и ще интегрира резултатите в обновената програма за опростяване, която ще бъде представена в началото на 2009 г. Комисията е твърдо решена да види завършека на настоящата постоянна програма и да направи достиженията на общностното право възможно най-опростени, изчистени и актуални. Един метод бе приложен на практика и действията дават резултати.

Ясно е обаче, че регулаторната рамка не може да бъде подобрена само от Комисията. Повече от всякога истинската, координирана и решителна ангажираност на всички равнища на регулиране е изключително важна за да се превърнат пожелателните политически намерения в осезаеми резултати и за да се гарантира, че действителните очаквания на дружествата и на гражданите са изпълнени. От своя страна, Европейският парламент и Съветът споделят институционалната отговорност за придвижването на предложенията на Комисията до крайния етап на приемане. Досега, независимо от признатите усилия, са приети по-малко от една четвърт от всички предложения за опростяване, внесени от Комисията, за които се изисква приемане от законодателните органи. Разбираемо е, че е от съществено значение съдържанието на тези предложения, отнасящо се до опростяването, да бъде запазено в процеса на вземане на решение.

В същия смисъл националните, регионалните или местните органи, отговарящи за транспонирането и изпълнението на правото на ЕС, трябва да се стремят да допълнят извършената в Брюксел работа. Твърде често късното транспониране или слоевете „позлата“ подкопават ефекта от опростяването на правилата на ЕС. Работата, която в момента се извършва за маркиране и измерване на административната тежест в определени области на политиката, се очаква да даде интересни уроци в това отношение. В съответствие с неотдавнашното си съобщение „Европа на резултатите – Прилагане на правото на общността“ Комисията ще засили своите усилия, за да предотврати нарушенията на правото на ЕС, като подобрява качеството на съдействието, което предлага на държавите-членки, за да улесни правилното транспониране и прилагане на директивите.

И накрая, тъй като в по-голямата си част регулаторният облик на ЕС не се оформя на равнище Общност, програми по опростяване трябва да се разработват или укрепват също и на национално (а където е подходящо, и на регионално) равнище, за да се овладеят потоците от бюрокрация, които се разпространяват независимо от законодателството на ЕС. В бъдеще, когато разглежда националните програми за реформи, внесени в контекста на Лисабонската програма, Комисията ще акцентира върху този аспект.


Simplification Rolling programme (2008-2009)

Title of action

Type of simplification action

Description of scope and objectives

Additional initiatives to COM (2005) 535 and COM(2006) 690


Legislative proposals arising from the Communication on the 'Health Check' in the Common Agricultural Policy


Following the 2007 Communication on the "Health Check" in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the legislative proposals will provide options aiming at making the Single Payment Scheme more effective, adapting the market support instruments and addressing the new challenges facing the sector. The "Health Check" is not a fundamental reform, rather it essentially aims to ensure that the CAP functions effectively and to simplify it where possible. This initiative arises from the review clauses regarding the Single Payment Scheme and certain agricultural markets that were included in the 2003/04 CAP reforms.

  1. 20

Commission Regulation on information and promotion actions for agricultural products on the internal market and in third countries


This initiative has as objective to establish the conditions regarding co-financing of information and promotion programmes for agricultural products in the internal market and in third countries. It will take the form of a consolidation of two existing Commission Regulations ((EC) No 1071/2005 and (EC) No 1346/2005).


  1. 21

Private Storage: Commission Regulation laying down common rules for private storage of agricultural products under Common Agricultural Policy


The aim of the proposal is to replace multiple sectoral rules by horizontal ones and to simplify management mechanisms relating to the private storage of agricultural products. Existing sectoral provisions, which may vary from one sector to another, will be examined with a view to eliminating unnecessary provisions and to harmonising the system of private storage.

  1. 22

Council Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 establishing a common organisation of markets (CMO) and on specific provisions for certain agricultural products (single CMO regulation)

Revision, recast and repeal

The single common market organisation (CMO) regulation, scheduled for adoption by Council in October 2007, merges existing CMOs into a single text. It does not modify policy but streamlines and harmonises legislation. Various substantive amendments were made in the meantime to the existing CMOs. This is notably the case in the milk, the sugar and the fruit and vegetables sectors, It is important to incorporate these amendments into the single CMO in order to achieve the aim of having one single simplified legal text which will facilitate the access to the existing legislation and thus create a much higher degree of transparency and legal clarity. The initiative thus concerns the subsequent Commission proposal.


  1. 23

Milk Package (two separate initiatives):

1) Commission Regulation laying down certain implementing rules with regard to intervention for butter

2) Commission Regulation laying down certain implementing rules with regard to intervention for skimmed milk powder


The purpose of the initiative is to simplify the procedures relating to intervention buying of butter, to abolish national butter quality grades, and to abolition private storage aid for cream and skimmed milk powder. Technical clarifications and simplification (e.g. concerning the security provisions) will improve the readability of the text.


  1. 74

Streamline Controls: Amendment of Commission Regulation (EC) No 796/2004 regarding the detailed rules of cross compliance and the integrated administration and control system


This proposal stems directly from the Commission report to the Council on the application of the system of cross-compliance (COM(2007) 147). Its amendments will lead to simpler and more effective rules concerning the controls on direct payments to farmers with regard to the selection of the control sample, the timing of these controls, and the specific rules concerning on the spot checks.


  1. 75

Starch Production Refunds: Commission Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 1722/93 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1766/92 concerning production refunds in the cereals sector


Objective of this initiative is the simplification of control procedures by increasing the threshold for special control requirements. It will simplify the business environment in which EU starch producers operate by eliminating the unnecessary / disproportionate administrative measures related to the control on modified starches This proposal has been elaborated following the consultation of NGOs/stakeholders.


  1. 76

Controls of export refunds: Commission Regulation amending Regulations (EC) No 2090/2002, (EC) No 3122/94 and (EC) No 800/1999 as regards physical and substitution controls in the framework of export refunds on agricultural products


Modification of Regulation (EC) No 2090/2002 laying down detailed rules for applying Council Regulation (EC) No 386/90 as regards physical checks carried out when agricultural products qualifying for refunds are exported.


  1. 77

Fresh fruit and vegetables: proposal for a Commission Regulation laying down the marketing standards for fresh fruit and vegetables and establishing requirements on checks on conformity to these marketing standards


The objective of the proposal is to merge 34 regulations on marketing standards for fresh fruit and vegetables into one regulation, reduce the list of products covered by marketing standards and rationalise checking operations.


  1. 78

Common market organisation of wine: amendment of the Council Regulation establishing the single Common Market Organisation Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 to include the provisions with regard the common market organisation of wine.


The amendment will include the specific rules concerning the common organisation of the wine market into the general rules concerning the organisation of the common market in agricultural produce. This will clarify and simplify the EU legislation.


  1. 79

Commission Regulation on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty to regional aid, SME, R&D, environmental aid, employment, training.
(General Block Exemption Regulation - final adoption)


The final objective pursued by the Commission is to group all existing Block Exemption Regulations into one single Regulation for the first time ever. This will bring a qualitative impact in terms of clarity, predictability and transparency of EU rules for business and national and regional authorities. The new GBER will cover areas already covered by block exemptions (training, employment, SME) and new areas (environment, risk capital, regional aid). Texts on research and capital risk were adopted in 2006, but those applicable to the environment will be adopted in 2007. Finalisation of the draft new GBER is scheduled for 2007 and formal adoption by the Commission in 2008.

  1. 80

Council Directive 2001/23/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the safeguarding of employees' rights in the event of transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of undertakings or businesses


Directive 2001/23/EC does not contain any provisions on conflict of laws. As a result, there is a lack of clarity as to how to apply the provisions of the Directive to cross-border transfers. The aim of the proposal - to be made by the Commission following the two phases of consultation of social partners - is therefore to clarify the application of the Directive to cross-border operations. The proposal would increase legal certainty for economic and judicial agents and result in costs savings for undertakings and better protection for workers.

Following the results of the first phase of consultations which took place in November 2007, it appears that the revision of the Directive is not necessary.

  1. 81

Community initiative on work-related musculoskeletal disorders


The objective of this initiative is to integrate into a single legislative instrument the provisions on the protection of the health and safety of workers from the risks of musculo-skeletal disorders at work. These provisions are currently fragmented over different directives, namely Council Directive 90/269/EEC on the minimum health and safety requirements for the manual handling of loads and Council Directive 90/270/EEC on the minimum health and safety requirements for work with display screen equipment. A single legislative instrument would be more comprehensive, clearer and easier to apply. It will benefit employers in terms of legal clarity and workers in terms of providing better protection against the risks of musculo-skeletal disorders.

  1. 82

Revision of the Pharmaceutical "Variations" Regulations: change to the legal basis, in Directives 2001/83/EC on the Community code relating to medicinal products for human use and 2001/82/EC for veterinary use


The objective is to simplify the rules concerning post-licensing changes to medicines (so-called ‘Variations’ Regulations). Administrative management of these rules currently mobilise more than 60% of the human resources and financial costs of companies’ regulatory departments. In some cases, this burden may hinder innovation by preventing the introduction of changes that are beneficial to patients and society. The objective of this initiative is to reduce the administrative burden for industry by streamlining the circumstances obliging industry to fill applications for variations of human and veterinary medical products. The current legal basis for implementing rules on changes to the marketing authorisation doesn't allow the Commission to set rules for purely national marketing authorisation. This legal basis should be widened to close the gap for harmonisation. This initiative aims at changing the legal basis for Directives: 2001/83/EC on the Community code relating to medicinal products for human use and Directive 2001/82/EC on the Community code relating to medicinal products for veterinary use.

Revision of the pharmaceutical "Variations" Regulations: simplification and modernisation of Regulation (EC) No 1084/2003 and (EC) No 1085/2003


The objective is to reduce the administrative burden for industry by simplifying the rules for variations of human and veterinary medicinal products. The Variations regulation are implementing rules adopted by the Commission on changes to the marketing authorisation of pharmaceuticals.

  1. 84

Regulation on Advanced Safety Features and Tyres


The proposal will simplify EC legislation in the domain of vehicle safety by replacing existing legislation in the area into one main Regulation. It will include electronic stability control and low rolling resistance tyres. The proposal will repeal some 50 separate Directives and will replace them, where appropriate, with references to UNECE Regulations. The beneficiaries of the simplification aspect of this proposal will primarily be vehicle manufacturers and national approval authorities. Replacing Directives with a Regulation will also ease the administrative burden on the Member States since they would not have to transpose legal acts in the domain of vehicle safety in the future. Furthermore, references to UNECE Regulations will avoid the existing duplication between EU and UNECE law and will thus lead to "better regulation".

  1. 85

Textiles: simplification and replacement by a single regulation


The replacement of 3 Directives by 1 Regulation will simplify procedures for Member States, companies and the Commission leading to shorter periods for adoption of new fibre names. The standard methods of quantitative analysis of binary and ternary textile fibre mixtures currently included in two of the directives are to be transferred to the standardisation process. This means that consumers and companies could benefit faster from the use of new innovative products. Innovation and technological developments will be thus encouraged. In addition, the legal nature of the legislation (Regulation) will facilitate the application of technical adaptations by the Member States.

  1. 86

Pressure Vessels and Transportable Pressure Equipment


The objective is to repeal 4 Directives on Pressure Vessels (76/767/EEC, 84/525/EEC, 84/526/EEC, 84/527/EEC) and integration of the still relevant provisions into the revision of Directive 99/36/EC (Transportable Pressure Equipment).

  1. 87

Metrology: extension of the scope of Directive 2004/22/EC on measuring instruments and repeal of 8 "old approach" methodology Directives


The objective is to provide for a coherent legal framework for legal metrology. The extension of the scope of the Directive is the legal prerequisite for the repeal of the following "old approach" Directives.

  1. 88

Eco-management and audit scheme: revision of the Regulation (EC) No 761/2001 of 19 March 2001 allowing voluntary participation by organisations in a Community eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS)


The revision aims at improving environmental performance of the organisations participating and increasing participation from both industrial and public sector. Legal compliance and environmental performance improvement of the participating organisations will be facilitated by providing access to advice on environmental legal obligations and guidance on the best environmental management practice. Administrative burden will be reduced for large corporations by allowing corporate registration and for small organisations by cluster registration. All participating organisations will benefit from reduced procedural requirements, simplified rules for the use of logo and harmonised rules for accreditation, verification and registration. In addition SMEs and small local authorities will benefit from reduced verification and reporting obligations and lower registration fees. Synergies with other environmental management systems will be facilitated. Incentives and regulatory relief for participating organisations by the member states will be encouraged.

  1. 89

Eco-label award scheme: revision of Regulation (EC) No 1980/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 July 2000 on a revised Community eco-label award scheme


The revision aims at enhancing effectiveness and market impact by increasing the range of eligible product groups and the number of eco-labelled goods and services actually available to the consumer. For this purpose, the procedure of developing and adopting eco-label criteria will be thoroughly changed and simplified. Economic stakeholders will be involved to a greater extent into the process, thereby increasing ownership and self-regulatory aspects of the scheme, whereas the administrative burden put on Member States will be reduced. Once the criteria are adopted, it will be easy for economic operators to apply for the award of the eco-label to their products. Synergies with existing eco-labels at national level will be facilitated and limits will be put on the costs and fees Member States' authorities may charge on the applicant. Furthermore, the criteria should be defined in such a way that they can be easily used for the purpose of green public procurement.

  1. 90

Biocides: revision of the legislation on the placing of biocidal products on the market


This proposal follows the 2007 Report on the implementation of the Biocides Directive (98/8/EC). The objective is to provide a revised legal framework for regulating the placing on the market of biocidal products. The revision aims to address concerns regarding complexity and the cost, as well as the availability of certain biocidal products, and bring about a significant simplification of the current legislative framework and procedures. The revision of the biocides legislative framework will bring it in line with the EU Chemicals policy (REACH Regulation).


  1. 91

WEEE: revision of Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electric and Electronic Equipments


The revision of the Directive 2002/96/EC will examine possibilities to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the directive in achieving its environmental goals and eliminate any unnecessary costs to business, consumers, NGOs and public authorities arising from implementation of the directive. The revision will concern the targets, scope, treatment requirement and the operation of the producer responsibility provisions.

  1. 92

RoHS: revision of Directive 2002/95/EC on the limitation of the use of certain hazardous substances in the electric and electronic equipments


The revision aims at clarifying concepts and facilitate the implementation and enforcement while increasing the environmental benefits. It will enhance legal certainty for all stakeholders and will facilitate implementation by manufacturers by streamlining the mechanism for granting exemptions and enforcement by national authorities through market surveillance and administrative cooperation clauses. It will furthermore provide a more transparent level playing field for manufacturers and simplify procedures through introduction of harmonised compliance checking. Most of these measures will also enhance the internal market effect of the Directive and reduce administrative costs for administrations and manufacturers.

  1. 93

Ozone layer: revision of Regulation (EC) No 2037/2000 on substances that deplete the ozone layer


As the production and consumption of the substances covered have been reduced or phased out, many provisions of the Regulation, after seven years in force, need to be repealed or updated. Other provisions may benefit from simplification such as clarification of definitions and procedures and interaction with other pieces of legislation. This will reduce the cases of ambiguous interpretation and the risk of infringements and consequent administrative burdens. In particular, most of the administrative cost reduction will result from ending exemption provisions on some uses of ozone depleting substances. The beneficiaries will be the Member States and the Commission. Overall, the cost savings from ending the exemptions is expected to exceed any additional cost associated with new control measures to combat illegal trade of ozone depleting substances.

  1. 94

SEIS: legislative proposal to follow up the Communication on a Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS)


Following the 2007 Communication the Commission will adopt legislative proposals underpinning the development of SEIS that could address reporting streamlining and/or coherence of approaches to monitoring and information. This initiative aims to improve the availability, quality and comparability of data, avoid redundancies in reporting requirements to Member States and therefore, the administrative burden, remove obstacles related to information accessibility and enhance the coherence of monitoring systems and indicators.


  1. 95

Revision of Regulation (EC) No 638/2004 of the EP and of the Council on Community statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States


Simplification of Intrastat with a view to alleviate the statistical reporting of economic operators, in particular SMEs, taking into account the outcome of the ongoing pilot project of administrative costs and a future feasibility study to analyse workability of a collection system limited to one flow.

  1. 96

Modernisation and recast of the CFP control system under Regulation (EC) No 2847/93


The main objectives are the review, harmonisation and simplification of existing rules - Regulation (EC) No 2847/93 - in the fisheries control area. The modernisation of the procedures will facilitate a better enforcement by alleviating the burden and constraints for the sector and public administrations and increasing the use of IT tools to reduce reporting obligations (e.g. reducing administrative burdens). It would be also of interest for NGOs which campaign for stringent and effective rules.

  1. 97

Proposal for a Commission Regulation laying down implementing rules for the collection and management of data needed to conduct the CFP


The proposal is intended to establish implementing rules according to the new framework Council Regulation on data collection, currently under discussion at the Council. The main innovations will include the support for new approaches such as fleet and area based management and the move towards the ecosystem approach as well as the promotion of a more regional approach to data collection. Moreover, new provisions for the access to data are to be included.


  1. 98

Revision of the company law, accounting and auditing acquis


Measures to simplify the company law environment for companies in the context of the "Better Regulation" framework.

  1. 99

Consolidation of accounting standards and interpretations endorsed for use in the EU


Commission will prepare a consolidated version of all International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in force as per 31.12.2007. It willwill enable constituents to refer to only one Regulation as it will contain all endorsed IFRS. In this context any translation errors contained in the current Regulations will be corrected.

  1. 100

Recasting - Codification Motor insurance Directive


Codification of the current 6 Directives into one single Motor Insurance Directive in order to have a motor insurance acquis more comprehensible, easier to apply and more effective in achieving its goals.

  1. 101

Proposal for a Framework Directive on Consumer Contractual Rights


The overall aim of the revision of the acquis, is to simplify and improve the coherence of the consumer regulatory framework and thus enhance legal certainty both for consumers and business. The legal instrument will be a combination of codification and repeal of parts of existing directives and enactment of new rules. The revision will be based on a mixed approach consisting of the adoption of a horizontal instrument, underpinned whenever required by vertical revisions of existing directives. This framework instrument would systematise and regulate in a uniform fashion common features of the consumer acquis. The instrument would provide common definitions and regulate the main consumer contractual rights and remedies. It would also regulate consistently the contractual aspects of sales which are currently scattered across several Directives.

  1. 102

Simplify procedures of listing and publishing information in the veterinary and zootechnical fields


The general objective is to harmonise and simplify, essentially by means of electronic tools, the current procedures for listing, updating and publishing information in the veterinary and zootechnical fields such as lists of approved animal health establishments and breeding organisations in Member States and Third Countries and lists of certain national reference laboratories. 22 Council acts are concerned.


  1. 103

Harmonisation of Maximum Residues Levels (MRL) for pesticides


The main objective of this proposal will concern the transfer and up-date by comitology of the list of MRLs (Annex II) and temporary MRLs (Annex III) based on European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) assessment and mathematical models/expert calculations. The proposal will be a final step towards harmonisation of divergent national MRLs. Completion of the replacement of 4 Directives by one Regulation.


  1. 104

Review of the provisions related to the total feed ban


A ban on the feeding of mammalian meat and bone meal (MBM) to cattle, sheep and goats was introduced as of July 1994. This partial ban was extended to a total EU wide suspension on the use of processed animal protein in feed for any animals farmed for the production of food on 1 January 2001 with some exceptions like the use of fish meal for non-ruminants. Any presence of prohibited constituents of animal origin in feed is considered as a breach of the feed ban i.e. the zero-tolerance.

Following the adoption of the TSE Road map the Commission issued a Commission staff working paper i.e. Work Programme on TSE [SEC(2006) 1527] on future legislative actions in the field of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy. One of the topics concerns a revision of the feed ban provisions. The starting point when revising the current feed ban provisions should be risk-based but at the same time taking into account the control tools in place to evaluate and ensure the proper implementation of this feed ban.


  1. 105

Revision of food safety in EU Switzerland trade in agricultural products

- Decision n° 1/2008 of the Joint Veterinary Committee set up by the Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on trade in agricultural products amending appendix to Annex 11 to the Agreement

- Decision to amend Commission Decision 2001/881/EC on import controls to abolish border inspections posts between EC and Switzerland


The revision of the safety provisions will consist of:

- Completion of the equivalence determination between the Swiss legislation related to food safety and veterinary policies including border veterinary controls and import conditions, updating of the content of the Agreement with regard to legislations adopted since the last Agreement modification.

- As Switzerland has accepted to apply the EC acquis in relation to animal health, food safety and hygiene controls, a uniform high level of protection will therefore exist in the EC and Switzerland. This permits the abolition of border controls on trade in animals and animal products between the two.


  1. 106

Recast of basic safety standards legislation for the protection against the dangers arising from exposure to ionising radiation


Recast into a single Council Directive of relevant Euratom acts on radiation protection including a substantial revision of the Basic Safety Standards (BSS) directive. The objective is to bring the BSS directive in line with the forthcoming recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological protection (ICRP), when available. At the same time the legislation in the field of radiation protection has to be simplified.

  1. 107

Legislative proposal revising Council Directive 2006/67/EC with the aim of strengthening the European emergency oil stocks system


The current system of emergency oil stocks shows limitations and shortcomings on several accounts. The provisions of the existing legislation will be revised in order to create a system for coping with oil supply disruptions. The new proposal will replace existing Directives and contribute to simplification of EU legislation.

  1. 108

Recasting of Directive 2002/91/EC of 16 December 2002 on the Energy Performance of Buildings

Recast or Revision

The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive makes certificates for the energy performance of buildings mandatory when buildings are constructed, sold or rented out and requires minimum energy performance requirements for new buildings and existing building which undergo major renovation. Furthermore, the Directive requires regular inspections of boilers and air-conditioning systems in order to guarantee their energy efficient operation. An amended Directive could enlarge the scope to more buildings, strengthen and specify some of these requirements and add, for instance, financing aspects. The changes under consideration aim at overcoming multiple barriers that hinder the utilization of the vast potential for energy demand reductions in the buildings sector. The recasting of the Directive is part of package on the Strategic Energy Review and included in the Energy Efficiency Action Plan. The amendments will cover some articles of the Directive and add new ones. The "simplification" will consist of using the "recasting" technique to facilitate reading and comprehension for the implementing authorities and for the many stakeholders affected.


  1. 109

Recast of Council Directive 92/75/EEC of 22 September 1992 on the indication by labelling and standard product information of the consumption of energy and other resources by household appliances


Amend the existing framework Directive to enlarge its scope (beyond domestic appliances) and update for modern communication tools (e.g. internet) to enhance public/consumer awareness on efficient products. The simplification will be obtained by using the recasting technique for consolidating the original Directive with its amendment in one single document.

Proposal to recast the legislation concerning the "first railway package" following the report in 2006 of its implementation, in particular for the requirements concerning the relations between infrastructure managers and railway undertakings


The first and successive railway packages are legal instruments to achieve the Community's objective to create a European Railway Area through market opening, as well as technical and regulatory market integration. As rail markets transform, an ongoing review of the suitability of the EU legal framework appears appropriate with possible simplification and streamlining. The Commission intends to present a communication accompanied by a proposal for modification/recast of the existing acts, especially Directives 91/440/EEC and 2001/14/EC. The political goal is to enhance the competitiveness of rail transport in Europe and to hence contribute to achieving the objectives of the Lisbon strategy. The recast aims at a simplification of the text of the three Directives of the 1st railway package by merging them into one legal act, a 'railway access code'. By eliminating existing cross-references between the Directives the reading and implementation will be come easier for the implementing authorities and the many stakeholders affected.

Revision of the Council Directive 94/56/EC establishing the fundamental principles governing the investigation of civil aviation accidents and incidents and of Directive 2003/42/EC on occurrence reporting in civil aviation

Revision or Recast

The older directive needs to be modernised following the establishment of EASA and following the advice of the Group of Experts established by EC Decision 2003/425/EC. In addition the newer directive needs to be built on to create a minimum set of centralised functions, including a database to allow appropriate entities to carry out trend analysis or other studies, and keep track of safety recommendations, while providing information to the general public. Both directives will be replaced by a single piece of legislation. The objective of the simplification is to take advantage of the necessary revision of the Directive 94/56 to adapt it to recent developments by merging it with Directive 2003/42/EC to create a single legislative act as both directives deal with the use of feedback information to improve accident prevention.

Modernise the Marine Equipment Directive 96/98/EC

Recast or Revision

The objective is to modernise and reform the existing system established by Council Directive 96/98/EC on marine equipment. Its main objectives are: 1) to produce a consolidated version of the text following the successive amendments of the Directive 2) to improve the functioning of the Directive's system by addressing the existing shortcomings ; 3) to adapt it to the reform of the New Approach. It is intended to abrogate the existing Directive and replace it with an entirely new one, while recourse to recast is not excluded. At present, the Directive needs periodic amendments in order to keep pace with the safety requirements and technical standards produced by the International Maritime Organisation as well as the international and European standardisation bodies. This produces an inevitable mismatch between the European and international regulatory frameworks, sometimes spanning several years, whose correction will greatly facilitate the work of the sectors concerned and thus favour the competitiveness of the European marine equipment industry. Furthermore, the adaptation of the directive to the new regulatory framework for the free movement of goods (revision of the new approach) is expected to improve the readability of this instrument and reduce the administrative burden on the industry. Timing of adoption is conditional on significant progress being achieved by December 2007 in the legislative process as regards the revision of the New Approach.

Transport of radioactive material


The objective is to update and simplify the Community regulatory framework for transporting radioactive material There are currently more than 20 Directives, Regulations and Recommendations governing the transport of radioactive material within the EU. Harmonisation will lead to simplification of rules and procedures.

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docs -> Задание за техническа поддръжка на информационни дейности, свързани с държавните зрелостни изпити (дзи) – учебна година 2012/2013
docs -> Наредба №2 от 10. 01. 2003 г за измерване на кораби, плаващи по вътрешните водни пътища
docs -> Наредба №15 от 28 септември 2004 Г. За предаване и приемане на отпадъци резултат от корабоплавателна дейност, и на остатъци от корабни товари
docs -> Общи положения
docs -> І. Административна услуга: Издаване на удостоверение за експлоатационна годност (уег) на пристанище или пристанищен терминал ІІ. Основание
docs -> I. Общи разпоредби Ч
docs -> Закон за изменение и допълнение на Закона за морските пространства, вътрешните водни пътища и пристанищата на Република България
docs -> Закон за предотвратяване и установяване на конфликт на интереси
docs -> Наредба за системите за движение, докладване и управление на трафика и информационно обслужване на корабоплаването в морските пространства на република българия

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