Конкурс за академична длъжност "Доцент" по професионално направление 8 „Проучване, добив и обработка на полезните изкопаеми", специалност „Обогатяване на полезни изкопаеми"

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22. Marinov, M., A. Valchev, I. Nishkov, I. Grigorova. Feldspar concentrates from albite granites. In: Proc. of 2nd International Symposium on the Processing of Industrial Minerals (PIM '10), 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.
Abstract. In a laboratory scale it was studied the possibility to obtain the qualitative feldspar concentrates from albite granites. Mineralogical studies and technological tests were carried out. Test work was performed on laboratory installation with spiral concentrator one or two stages, dry and wet magnetic separators. The experimental results show that there are possibility to obtain the sodium feldspar concentrates with low content of Fe2O3 from albite granites. The combination of gravity concentration and magnetic separation is an effective means to eliminate the iron contain minerals. On the basis of test results a technology for albite granites treatment was developed.
23. Попов, Н., Д. Мочев, И. Григорова, И. Нишков, К. Атанасова. Зеолити за пречистване на отпадни води от флотация. Минно дело и геология. 2010/3-4, стр. 52-56.
Резюме. Природните зеолити представляват интерес поради възможността им за широко и разнообразно приложение, дължащо се на високата им сорбционна и йонообменна способност. През последните години на изучаването на зеолитовите минерали и преди всичко на клиноптилолита се отделя голямо внимание. Статията представя методика за термо-химична активация на природни зеолити за пречистване на отпадни води.
24. Grigorova, I., I. Nishkov. Manganese technological waste – an effort towards protection of environment. In: Proc. of XVIII International Scientific and Professional Meeting “Ecological Truth”, Eco – Ist’10, Apatin, Serbia, June, 2010, pp. 426-431.
Abstract. Manganese is one of the principal deoxidizers and alloying elements used in the production of steels and alloys. However, the decrease in the reserves of high-grade manganese ores is making necessary to consider the processing of lower-grade manganese ores. The paper presents the investigation results about the possibility to obtain the qualitative manganese concentrates from technological waste. The product particle size distributions, chemical and mineralogical compositions were determined. The data from laboratory and pilot test scale clearly illustrate that there are the possibilities to produced manganese concentrates with up 31.0% Mn content from technological waste. On the basis of test results a technology for manganese technological waste treatment was developed.
25. Marinov, M., A. Valchev, I. Nishkov, I. Grigorova. Silica-Kaolin Sand Wet Sizing. In: Proc. of XXV International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC 2010), Brisbane, Australia, September 2010, pp. 1023-1028.
Abstract. The Bulgarian deposits of silica-kaolin sand are localized in the eastern part of the Danube plain. After wet separation the raw material yields two products – washed kaolin (different grades) and silica sand (different grades). The water washing technology includes: disintegration; spiral classification; hydrocyclone classification and dewatering of kaolin grades; hydroclassification; sizing using drum screens and dewatering of silica sand grades. Research and development program has started to improve the silica-kaolin sand separation in processing plants. Based on the raw material and tails characterization data and the preliminary experiments using Derrick Stacksizer screening machines a silica-kaolin sand wet sizing technology was developed. The full-scale pilot flowsheet includes the following units: Derrick Stacksizer equipped with 0.43 mm opening Derrick Urethane Panel; 500 mm Flat bottom Hydrocyclone; Derrick Stacksizer equipped with 0.150 mm opening Derrick Urethane Panel; 100 mm Hydrocyclone and Derrick Dual Motor Linear Motion Machine equipped with 0.064 mm opening Derrick Pyramid Panel. The pilot test data clearly demonstrate that the new silica-kaolin sand wet sizing technology is suitable for Bulgarian silica-kaolin raw material. There are possibilities to increase the silica sand recovery increasing the production of silica sand grade PK 0.16 and starting the production a new grade PK 0.10.
26. Нишков, И., А. Калайдзис, И. Григорова. Класиране на фини частици в разредени суспензии. Годишник на МГУ, том 53, свитък I, Добив и преработка на минерални суровини, София, октомври, 2010, стр. 124-127.
Резюме. Проведени са лабораторни изследвания със стъклени сфери за гравитационна класификация в единичен наклонен утаителен канал. Изходната суспензия е разделена на две фракции с различен зърнометричен състав. Конструиран е и е изработен трипродуктов ламелен класификатор. Проведени са полупромишлени изследвания с технологичен отпадък от обработка на мрамори. Получени са три продукта с различен зърнометричен състав. Доказани са техните потребителски качества за използването им като минерални пълнители в хартиената, химическата и строителна промишленост.
27. Денев, Б., И. Григорова, В. Велев, И. Нишков. Парадигмата за устойчиво развитие в минерално-суровинния сектор. Годишник на МГУ, том 53, свитък IV, Хуманитарни и стопански науки, София, 2010, стр. 38-42.
Резюме. Невъзстановимите природни ресурси (минерални суровини) са базата за развитието на световната икономика и човешкото благосъстояние. Непрекъснатото нарастване на търсенето и потреблението на природни ресурси е в пряка зависимост от стремежа към повишаване на качеството на живот. Този процес на оползотворяване на огромни количества невъзстановими и възстановими, но подвластни на антропогенното въздействие ресурси, води до тяхното изчерпване, до нарушаване на екологичното равновесие и поставя принципния въпрос, как да се приложи комплексната и неясна на пръв поглед концепция за устойчиво развитие в минерално суровинния сектор. Анализирани са взаимовръзките между растящата консумация на природни ресурси, контролът върху нея чрез ориентиране към екосъобразно потребление и икономически разумните алтернативи, без които е невъзможно реализирането на устойчиво развитие на международно и национално равнище. Изясняват се възможностите за постигане на баланс между икономическите, екологическите и социалните сфери на развитие, като задължителен фундамент за реализиране на целите и отговорностите, формиращи своеобразна парадигма за устойчивото развитие при потреблението на минералните суровини.
28. Захариев, А., И. Григорова, И. Нишков. Получаване на златоносен концентрат от находище Чала, Източни Родопи. Сборник на Международна научна конференция „Науката в условия на глобализация”, Кърджали, 2010, стр. 281-285.
Abstract. The first and unique gravitational mineral processing technology to obtain gold gravity concentrates in Bulgaria is realized in Gorubso-Kurdjali AD. Main equipment in gravitational separation for gold extraction is Knelson concentrator model KC-XD30 with capacity of 50-100 t/h. Original technological approach is the location of classified facilities. The gravity mineral processing preparation allows obtaining quality gold-bearing concentrate with 48-50 % gold extraction. Serious potential possibilities exist for the company Gorubso-Kurdjali AD increased the gold recovery, implementation and ecological utilization of gold-bearing ore from Chala deposit with hydrometallurgical gold extraction technology.
29. Денев, Б., И. Григорова, В. Велев, И. Нишков. 2010. Минерално-суровинния сектор и парадигмата за устойчиво развитие. Минно дело и геология. 2011/3-4, стр. 2-5.
Резюме. В настоящия момент периодично се наблюдават сериозни сътресения в световното потребление на добиваните минерални суровини, което подсказва, че растящото търсене все по трудно ще бъде задоволявано. Световният икономически просперитет зависи от откриването на нови източници на енергия и материали, успоредно с увеличаване на ефективността при използването на съществуващите резерви. В контекста на теоретичната база на концепцията за устойчиво развитие на минната индустрия, естествено се поражда въпросът за това какво очаква съвременната цивилизация. В този смисъл формулирането на ясна парадигма за устойчиво развитие в минната индустрия е от особено голямо значение.
30. Grigorova I. Low-grade manganese ore beneficiation technology. In: Proc. of XIX International Scientific and Professional Meeting “Ecological Truth”, Eco – Ist’11, Bor, Serbia, June, 2011, pp. 85-91.
Abstract. The main concern of this study is to find a feasible and economical technology to recover manganese from low-grade manganese ore. Owing to the large quantities of metals that are embodied in low-grade ores and mining residues, these are considered new sources of metals. There is no question that the decrease in the reserves of high-grade manganese ores is making necessary to consider the processing of poor manganese ores. The low-grade ore from Bužim manganese deposit, NW Bosnia were characterized. Based on the particle size distributions, chemical and mineralogical compositions (textural and structural features of main minerals and mineral complexes) and laboratory experimental results it was established the possibilities to produced manganese concentrates with up 30.0% manganese content from low-grade manganese ore. On the basis of test results a new technology for poor manganese ore beneficiation was developed.
31. Valchev, A., M. Marinov, I. Grigorova, I. Nishkov. Glass Sand Flotation for Iron Impurity Removal. In: Proc. of XIVth Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, 2011, Tuzla, Bosna and Herzegovina, 2011, pp. 68-72.
Abstract. The deposits of quartz-kaolin raw materials are localized in the NE Bulgaria and are mine in open pits. After wet separation the quartz-kaolin sand yields two products of different grades: washed kaolin and silica sand. Research and development program has started to improve silica sand quality by reducing the amount of impurities, especially iron, which color glass. Laboratory and pilot tests were conducted to compare the performance of different processes – attrition scrubbing, desliming and iron flotation. The experimental results show that there are possibilities to obtain the silica sand for glassmaking with low content of Fe2O3 - below 0.015 %. On the basis of the pilot test results a technology for silica sand treatment was developed.
32. Denev B., V. Velev, I. Grigorova, I. Nishkov. Evaluation of Mineral – Resource Potential in Financial – Economical Crisis. In: Proc. of XIVth Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, 2011, Tuzla, Bosna and Herzegovina, 2011, pp. 445-449.
Abstract. The presence of appropriate conditions for development of a certain business is mandatory prerequisite for starting or maintaining an investment activity among the concerned business circles. Regarding the mining companies (extraction and processing of mineral resources) the integrated assessment of the mineral-resource potential of a respective country, region or certain mine is of main importance. This assessment includes a series of indicators - such as the quantitative – qualitative characteristic of a given raw material and the indicators for effective and successful establishment of the investment project (very often they have not got a definite quantitative qualification). In the conditions of financial-economical crisis, represented according to the specific features for each country, the assessment of the mineral-resource potential is supposed to report in the same manner the mandatory as well as the specific requirements of the national macro environment.
33. Grigorova I., I. Nishkov, N. Valkanov, R. Bodurova, M. Damianov. Performance of the Thickening Process in Erma Reka Concentrator. In: Proc. of XXII World Mining Congress, Vol. III, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011, pp. 587-591.
Abstract. There is no question that the entrainment of finely divided air in thickener feeds can cause significant problems in a thickener’s operation, especially in mineral processing. This is particularly the case with thickening of flotation concentrates. The accumulation of froth on the surface of thickeners is a common problem - air bubbles attached to mineral particles are difficult to remove and a high solids carry-over into the thickener overflow can lead to a direct loss of mineral product. The formation of very stable deleterious froth in the dewatering circuit is a problem that may occur in many plants, resulting in down-time, low quality and grade of final product and considerable expenses.

A similar problem exists in Erma reka concentrator, Gorubso-Zlatograd AD, Bulgaria. Lead – zinc sulfide ores are dressed in Erma reka concentrator. During the flotation cycle, resilient and difficult to break-down froths are formed on the top surface of the thickeners, which subsequently impedes the process of thickening and clear overflow obtaining.

Due to this problem it was needed to conduct continuous sampling in the cycle of thickening of lead and zinc concentrates. The chemical composition, particle size distribution and solid phase content of the products were determined. The data clearly indicate that a separation process takes place on the top surface of the thickeners – fine particles of lead and zinc minerals are concentrated in the froths. Based on the obtained results, methods and ways for the break-down of the deleterious froths in the Erma reka concentrator were outlined.
34. Valchev A., M. Marinov, I. Grigorova, I. Nishkov. Low Iron Silica Sand for Glassmaking. In: Proc. of XXII World Mining Congress, Vol. III, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011, pp. 755-760.
Abstract. The Bulgarian deposits of quartz-kaolin raw materials are localized in the eastern part of the Danube plain. This raw material is a mixture of quartz sand and kaolin in a ratio approximately 4:1 and is mine in open pits. After wet separation the quartz-kaolin sand yields two products – washed kaolin (different grades) and silica sand (different grades).

Research and development program has started to improve silica sand quality for glass industry by reducing the amount of impurities, especially iron and titanium, which color glass. For all glasses, the consistence of the chemical components and size characteristics are important to producing high quality glass. The three main chemical contaminates in silica sand are usually the iron content expressed as Fe2O3, the alumina content expressed as Al2O3 and titanium expressed as TiO2. In an effort to reduce the cost of collectors and change the flotation pH-range from 2.5 to 7, various alternative collectors have been considered as replacements for the existing suite of Cytec promoters.

A series of laboratory and pilot tests were conducted to compare the performance of different separation alternatives – attrition scrubbing, desliming, reverse flotation and high intensity magnetic separation. The experimental results show that there are possibilities to obtain the silica sand for glassmaking with low content of Fe2O3 - below 0.015 %. On the basis of test results new technology for silica sand treatment was developed.
35. Grigorova I. Studies and possibilities of low grade manganese ore beneficiation. In: Proc. of XXII World Mining Congress, Vol. III, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011, pp. 593-598.
Abstract. Manganese oxide minerals have been used for thousands of years by the ancients for pigments and to clarify glass, and today as ores of manganese metal, catalysts, and battery material. The global data on manganese reserves apparently indicate that а large part of the deposits (80%) do not meet the grade requirement for efficient production of high quality ferroalloys required for steel making. The running characteristics of poor manganese ores from deposit located in Bosna and Herzegovina are investigated by complex methods of research.

The paper presents the results about the possibility to obtain manganese concentrates from low grade manganese ore. Particle size distributions, chemical and mineralogical compositions were determined. There were established mineral and characterization of ores, including textural and structural features of main minerals and mineral complexes. Low-grade manganese ores contain cryptomelane, romanechite, amorphous manganese hydroxides, birnessite, pyrolusite, hematite, quartz, kaolinite, illite (hydromuscovite), montmorillonite and dolomite. Research has allowed for making prognoses regarding mineral processing of manganese ores to evaluate the expediency of their processing. Increasing the economic efficiency of processing manganese ores ensures complex use of raw material and reduces volumes of waste. The data from laboratory test clearly illustrate that there are the possibilities to produced manganese concentrates with up 30.0% Mn content from low grade manganese ore by deposit of Bosna and Herzegovina.

36. Иванова, Ю., И. Григорова, И. Нишков. Обезводняване на стабилизирани и уплътнени утайки от СПСОВ Кубратово. Годишник на МГУ, том 54, свитък I, Добив и преработка на минерални суровини, София, октомври, 2011, стр. 135 – 140.
Резюме. Софийската пречиствателна станция за отпадъчни води в Кубратово е първата в България голяма градска пречиствателна станция за отпадъчни води и една от най-големите на Балканския полуостров. СПСОВ Кубратово е предназначена да пречиства смесените отпадъчни води на гр. София до степен, позволяваща заустването им в приемника – р.Искър. Утайковият кек, на изход СПСОВ Кубратово е с влажност от 75 – 78 %, който за потребителите в селското стопанство е твърде висок. Това налага търсене на нови идеи и проектиране на технически решения за постигане на желаното обезводняване. Извършен е сравнителен анализ и оценка на две обезводнителни технологии: обезводняване на твърдия отпадък, получен при пречистването на отпадъчните води с лентова филтърпреса и с центрофуга. Доказана е целесъобразността от центрофугирането за обезводняване на утайки.
37. Григорова, И. Минерално – суровинния сектор през периода 1991 – 2011 г. – анализ. Юбилеен годишен информационен бюлетин на минно-геоложкия бранш в България’ 2010, бр. 3, стр. 7 – 14.
Резюме. Началото на XXI век се характеризира с две фундаментални особености. Първата е мащабът и ускореният темп на развитие. Населението на планетата се увеличава, промишленото производство също. Това предопределя и нарастване търсенето, добиването и използването на природните ресурси. Анализът на световното минно производство показва, че годишния добив на минерални суровини непрекъснато се увеличава, но с различни темпове.

Втората фундаментална особеност на съвременната епоха се заключава в появата и приоритетното развитие на високите технологии (автоматизирани системи, роботи, компютри, технологии и информационни индустрии), с което се поставиха обективните предпоставки за интеграция и глобализация на много дейности. Развитието на човешката цивилизация е свързано с използването на природните ресурси. Днес човечеството разполага с мощен концептуален инструментариум, позволяващ разработването и реализирането на нова парадигма, както за проучване и усвояване на минералните ресурси, така за опазване на околната среда и устойчивото развитие на обществото. В бъдеще ресурсният потенциал на Земята и възможностите за неговото използване трябва да се оценяват не само икономически, но и чрез прилагане принципите за устойчиво развитие.

38. Marinov, M., A. Valchev, I Grigorova and I Nishkov. Development of Quartz-Kaolin Separation Technology, In: Proc. of XXVI International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC 2012), New Delhi, India, September 2012, accepted.

Abstract. The Bulgarian deposits of quartz-kaolin raw materials are localized in the NE Bulgaria. For a many years, the quartz-kaolin sand separation has been performing by water washing technology. After wet separation the raw material yields two products – washed kaolin (different grades) and quartz sand (different grades). The manufacturing process includes: disintegration; tree stages spiral classification; two stages hydrocyclone classification and dewatering of kaolin grades; hydroclassification; several stages sizing using drum screens and dewatering of quartz sand grades. Research and development program has started to improve the quartz-kaolin sand separation. The program has undertaken an increasing of processing capacity, to decrease the losses in the tailings and to provide production of new quartz sand grades. The kaolin-silica raw materials from Vetovo open mine and the technological tailings from Vetovo processing plant were characterized. It was established that there are a lot of losses of quartz in final tailings. New approach on kaolin-silica raw material separation was tested in laboratory scale. The test work was performed on Derrick Stacksizer screening machines. The results of laboratory experiment show that there are possibilities to increase the quartz sand recovery and to start the production new grade sand. The full-scale pilot test was performed including the following units: two Derrick Stacksizer screening machines equipped with 0.430 mm and 0.150 mm opening Derrick Urethane Panel, respectively; Flat bottom DN 500 Hydrocyclone and DN 100 Hydrocyclon. The pilot test data clearly demonstrate that the Derrick Stacksizer screening machines are suitable for Bulgarian silica-kaolin raw material. Based on the test data a new quartz-kaolin separation technology was developed. The new technology was introduced in Vetovo processing plant increasing processing capacity and decreasing the losses of quartz in final tailings. Additionally the production of silica sand grade PK 0.16 is increased and starts the production a new grade PK 0.10.

Списък на научните доклади, изнесени на научни конгреси, конференции и др., които не са изцяло публикувани
1. Grigorova I., I. Nishkov, L.Kuzev, Possibility for Utilization of Dust Similar Products from Lignite Coals Processing, in: Workshop of Electricity generation and emission trading in South Eastern Europe, Promitheas – 2. The EU – BSEC Energy and climate policy network, 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Abstract. During the last decades in the countries with developed coal industry there are searched new and more effective solutions and methods, from the economic and ecological point of view, for utilization of wastes made from coal production and processing, whose quantities constantly increase. The utilization of the electro-filter dust from the briquette production, so another dust form materials from the lignite coals remaking, would conduct to expansion the source of energy raw materials. By the pooling of the electro-filter dust it’s possible to increase the stage of using ores and minerals, to increase the economic effect of the obtained branch, to decrease the fields of wasted economy and to restrict their noxious influence on the surrounding environment. The technology of pressing into briquettes of small grainy and waste products, which is widely used all over the world for the production of briquettes for different aims, is one of the most advisable decisions of the problem. With the made investigations is expanded the knowledge in the briquetting sphere of waste products with binding agents.
2. Kuzev L., I. Nishkov, I.Grigorova, Waste Management of Brown Coals Mining and Processing, in: Workshop of Electricity generation and emission trading in South Eastern Europe, Promitheas – 2. The EU – BSEC Energy and climate policy network, 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Abstract. Two typical kinds of waste are produced during underground mining activities and brown coals processing. Both kinds of waste accumulate in the form of waste spoil and tailing pond and contain a definite quantity of coal particles. The rest of the mass most frequently consist of schist, clay, etc. Proper technological schemes can be selected after studying each definite spoil waste and tailing pond, aiming to ensure their self-financing and processing. It gives a possibility to liquidate them and restore the environment. Investigations of waste spoil Maxim in Pernik town and tailing pond Vrachva 1 in Bobovdol are good examples in this aspect. The investigated technological scheme for Maxim waste spoil processing is made by using clay-sand suspension in dynamic conditions. So, coals concentrate with about 30 % yield and 24 % ash. Two products are received during the separation of the sediments from tailing pond Vrachva 1 with gravity separation: A. Coals those are suitable for utilization in thermo-electric power station with caloricity above 2000 kcal/kg and yield from 40 to 70 %. B. Clay product for rough building ceramics with caloricity above 1000 kcal/kg.
Каталог: docs -> N Juri
N Juri -> Конкурс за професор по Професионално направление Науки за земята
N Juri -> Конкурс за професор по научно направление 8 „проучване, добив и обработка на полезни изкопаеми" специалност „минно строителство"
N Juri -> И. Паздеров І. Дисертация и публикации, които са части от дисертационния труд
N Juri -> 19. Резюмета на трудовете, с които кандидатът участва 7а. Научни публикации до получаване на онс „Доктор“ (научна степен „Кандидат на техническите науки“), 1978-1988 г
N Juri -> Конкурса за получаване на научното звание "професор" по Професионално направление „Проучване, добив и обработка на полезни изкопаеми"
N Juri -> Конкурс за академичната длъжност „професор" по професионално направление Проучване, добив и обработка на полезни изкопаеми, специалност "Техника и технология на взривните работи" за нуждите на катедра Подземно строителство
N Juri -> С п и с ъ к на научните и научно-приложните трудове на доц д-р Венелин Желев Желев
N Juri -> Конкурс за академичната длъжност „професор" по професионално направление Икономика, специалност „Икономика и управление по отрасли"
N Juri -> Моделиране показатели на находища на подземни богатства и свързани с тях обекти чрез компютърни системи
N Juri -> Конкурс за академичната длъжност „професор" по професионално направление 13. Общо инженерство, научна специалност „Индустриален мениджмънт"

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