Уважаеми колеги

Фонд за развиване на стопанска дейност на НПО

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Фонд за развиване на стопанска дейност на НПО

Фондът за развиване на стопанска дейност на НПО е част от програмата “Ефективност и ефикасност за промяна” и се администрира от Фондация “Работилница за граждански инициативи”.

1. Подготовка и планиране на стопанска дейност на НПО - на първия етап организациите желаещи да получат подкрепа от страна на Фонда кандидатстват пред ФРГИ с идея за стопанска дейност. Всяка НПО, одобрена за подкрепа от Фонда, ще бъде поканена на общо обучение за разработване на бизнес план по представената идея за стопанска дейност. След обучението организациите ще разполагат с месец и половина, за да разработят своите бизнес планове, за което предварително ще получат безвъзмезден грант от Фонда на стойност до 500 лв. (петстотин лева).

2. Получаване на банков кредит и стартиране на стопанска дейност - разработеният бизнес план ще бъде разгледан във ФРГИ и след това, заедно с всички необходими допълнителни документи подготвени от организацията, ще бъде представен пред Първа инвестиционна банка. НПО ще кандидатства пред Първа инвестиционна банка за бизнес кредит в размер до 7000 лв. (седем хиляди лева) и срок до 1 година. Организациите, които получат кредит ще разполагат с една година, за да поставят началото на реализиране на бизнес идеите си и да изплатят кредита.

3. Втори безвъзмезден грант за доразвиване на стопанската дейност - след края на кредитния период всяка НПО ще анализира постигнатите резултати и ще отчете финансово и съдържателно осъществените дейности. Организациите, които са изплатили своя кредит към ПИБ и са се отчели към ФРГИ ще имат възможност да кандидатстват за втори безвъзмезден грант, чиято стойност може да бъде до една трета от стойността на изплатения кредит, тоест максималната му стойност ще бъде 2330 лв. (две хиляди триста и тридесет лева). Целта на гранта ще бъде да подпомогне бъдещото развитие на стопанската дейност и пазарното реализиране на продуктите или услугите. Полученият грант може да бъде изразходван за нови инвестиции в производството, за рекламни и маркетингови дейности и т.н.

По проекта могат да кандидатстват организации, които:

  • са регистрирани по Закона за юридическите лица с нестопанска цел;

  • в чийто устав е записана възможността за осъществяване на стопанска дейност;

  • не извършват религиозни или политически дейности;

  • са реализирали поне два проекта за периода 2002 г. – 2005 г.;

  • не участват в програми на ФРГИ през 2005 г. и не са финансирани в настоящия момент по подобни фондове (български и чужди) за развиване на стопански дейности.

Крайният срок за подаване на предложения е 1 ноември 2005 г.

Програма „Енергийни алтернативи” 2005

Програмата „Енергийни алтернативи” се финансира от Министерството на околната среда на Люксембург със съдействието на „Еко Съвети” – Люксембург и се администрира от фондация „ЕкоОбщност”.

Примерни дейности:

1. Образователни кампании за младежи – обучения за енергийно ефективни мерки и практическото им прилагане на място;

2. Обществено участие – организиране на информационни и образователни кампании сред населението, срещи и обучения, разкриващи нови възможности и практики за енергийна ефективност;

3. Практически мерки – представяне на действащи и/или изграждане на нови съоръжения и инсталации, които се захранват от алтернативни енергийни източници, служат за модел и имат за цел повишаване на енергийната ефективност на съществуващи обекти, сгради, стопанства и др.;

4. Институционална подкрепа за организации, трайно работещи в областта на енергийната ефективност – обучителни дейности за екипа на организациите, изграждащ или подобряващ капацитета им да работят с местни и национални институции и общности по прокарване на политики и популяризиране на добри енергоефективни практики; подкрепа за покриване на административните разходи на организациите, които позволяват укрепването на организацията и работата й в дългосрочен план.

С проекти в конкурса могат да участват организации, регистрирани по Закона за юридическите лица с нестопанска цел (ЗЮЛНЦ). Желаещите да се включат в програмата училища могат да кандидатстват като подадат проекти чрез своите училищни настоятелства, регистрирани по ЗЮЛНЦ или чрез други организации, с които са традиционни партньори и които са регистрирани по ЗЮЛНЦ.

Общият бюджет на програмата е 89 000 лв. За един проект се отпускат до 14 000 лв.

Крайният срок за подаване на предложения е 28 октомври 2005 г.

Подкрепа за неправителствени организации, асоциации и федерации с европейска насоченост

Проектът е част от програма “Насърчаване на активното европейско гражданство” и се финансира от Европейската комисия.

Предложенията за проекти трябва да бъдат свързани с една или повече от следните тематични области: влияние на политиката на ЕС върху ежедневието на гражданите, с цел повишаване на общественото съзнание и разбирането, както и прилагането на тази политика в ЕС, насърчаване на активното участие на гражданите от новите страни - членки на ЕС, насърчаване плурализма, толерантността, зачитане на различията, премахване на дискриминацията и солидарност, особено сред групите в неравностойно положение, насърчаване на диалога и размислите сред европейските граждани върху въпроси, свързани с етичните и духовни ценности на европейската интеграция; създаване на връзки между етиката и политиката на европейско ниво; изследване на възможностите за развиване на Европейска идентичност и др.

За финансиране могат да кандидатстват НПО и организации и федерации с европейска насоченост.

Ще бъдат отпуснати между 35 000 EUR и 70 000 EUR за проекти на НПО и между 60 000 EUR и 70 000 EUR за проекти на асоциации и федерации с европейска насоченост.

Крайният срок за подаване на предложенията е 30-ти ноември 2005 г.

European Cultural Foundation - Closer Look
Application deadline: October 31, 2005

With this call for proposals we invite young journalists from Central, Eastern and South East Europe to apply for a mobility grant that would enable them to realise a journalistic project involving topics related to a European country other than their own. Articles of a broad European and cultural relevance will receive preference in the selection process.

1. The journalist should be under 35 years of age and from one of the following countries: Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia and Turkey.
2. Individual young journalists should apply in conjunction with the editors-in-chief or section editors of weeklies or weekly supplements. Editors must provide a written statement indicating that they are willing to publish the article (or series of articles) by the young journalist in question.
3. The project proposal must contain the following items:
a. Clearly formulated topic(s) and/or question(s) for investigation
b. Relevance of these topics/questions within the European context
c. List of places and people to be visited/researched during the project
d. The preferred timeline of the travel/research
e. The preferred local partners/hosts (newspapers, agencies, institution) where the research will take place
f. Preliminary budget for the overall realisation of the project including the financial contribution of the newspaper.

For the chosen project proposals, the European Cultural Foundation, in collaboration with its partners, will provide:

a. A grant for the project’s realisation, up to the amount of 2,500 Euro, given in two instalments (first: 80%, second: 20%)
b. Further network support in the destination country, in terms of residency arrangements and relevant contacts (both personal and institutional)
c. Further translation/promotion/dissemination of the work of the selected journalists throughout the ECF network and beyond, following publication of the original article(s).

More information
Website: http://www.eurocult.org/pdfdb/news/closerlookproposal.doc
E-mail: ecf.karadi@axelero.hu (Ms Eva Karadi, Coordinator of Closer Look)
tlaitio@eurocult.org (Mr Tommi Laitio, Coordinator of the European Cultural Foundation’s media programme)

CEU - Research Fellowship on Socio-Economic Rights
Application deadline: Rolling, but you are recommended to send in the application before end-October for March entry

The fellows program offers fellowships to scholars/academicians from transitional democracies to spend up to six months at the CEU to conduct cutting edge research on human rights themes. The Center has a particular interest in proposals relating to socio-economic rights in the fellow's region. The program targets emergent democracies in Central and Eastern Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.

- To enhance the research capacities in emergent democracies
- To encourage and promote research in the field of socio-economic rights
- To support and strengthen the implementation of socio-economic rights in emergent democracies
- To create opportunities for researchers to contribute to the Center's programs and to participate in broader dialogue with students, faculty and researchers in the CEU


As the Center seeks to draw applicants with a diversity of professional and academic experience, it will use no single criteria to measure eligibility. All human rights scholars and academics are eligible to apply; but the Center expects that successful applicants will have completed a Ph.D. or a Master's degree with impressive publications. The applicant must be professionally affiliated to an academic or research institution in his or her country. Fellows must be able to read, write, and speak English fluently.

Program Structure

The Center will award a total of four fellowships in a year-two in September and two in March. Due to space constraints, the Center can only make two awards at a time. Fellows will spend between three to six months at the Center to conduct independent research, advance their professional development by completing works in progress, bridging into new fields or disciplines, and interacting with a community of leading human rights scholars. Over the course of the fellowship period, each fellow will be expected to complete a research project and produce a significant written work that will form part of the Center's Working Papers.

Fellows will be in residence at the Center throughout the fellowship period, and have no other significant professional commitments during this time. They will be expected to actively participate in the Center's programs, provide feedback to Center's director on their research-in-progress, give presentations, and participate in other collaborative activities.

Depending on the availability of funds, the Center will offer full or partial funding to cover airfare, accommodation, insurance, and fixed stipend to cover living expenses. In addition, fellows will be provided with office space, computers with Internet connections, and access to the CEU library. Fellows are, however, encouraged to source for additional funds particularly if they intend to conduct field research outside of Budapest or to come with spouses/families.

Method of Application

Each applicant should submit:
- A research proposal (of not more than 6 pages double-spaced), stating field of research, objective(s), methodology, and time frame for the work. The proposal should also explain how the project will add to the body of knowledge about human rights policy and describe its relevance to the Center's research agenda. Proposals must be related to aspects of socio-economic rights.
- A curriculum vitae
- Proof of institutional affiliation
- Two Confidential letters of recommendation from persons who can attest to the applicant's academic and research competence. The references must be in sealed envelopes and sign across the closure and included with the applicants' materials. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that they arrive on time.
- A writing sample pertinent to the application (excluding books).
Applications are considered on a rolling basis. However, all applicants wishing to start in September must forward all documents latest by the end of May of that year. Applicants wishing to start in March must forward all documents latest by the end of October of the preceding year.

More information
Website: http://www.ceu.hu/human_rights_center.html
E-mail: udombanan@ceu.hu (Professor Nsongurua Udombana, Director, Center for Human Rights)

The Sigurður Nordal Institute - The Snorri Sturluson Icelandic Fellowships
Application deadline: October 31 (each year)

Annually The Sigurður Nordal Institute invites applications for the Snorri Sturluson Icelandic Fellowships. The Snorri Sturluson Fellowships are granted to writers, translators and scholars (not to university students) in the field of humanities, from outside Iceland, to enable them to stay in Iceland for a period of at least three months, in order to improve their knowledge of the Icelandic language, culture and society.

The amount of the Fellowships is based in principle on travel expenses to and from Iceland, plus living expenses while in the country. Should two equally-qualified candidates be under consideration, preference will, as a rule, be given to a candidate from Eastern or Southern Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America or Oceania.

The Sigurður Nordal Institute advertises the Fellowships, handles applications, and assists Fellows during their stay in Iceland, at the conclusion of which Fellows are expected to submit a report to the Institute on how the grant was spent.

The Snorri Sturluson Fellowships are awarded once a year. A special three-man committee, comprising representatives of the Sigurður Nordal Institute, the University of Iceland Literary Institute, and the Writers’ Association of Iceland, awards the fellowships.

There are no special application forms for the Fellowships. Applicants should submit a brief but thorough account of the purpose of their stay in Iceland, specifying period of stay, as well as details of education and publications.

More information
Website: http://www.nordals.hi.is/page/nordals-english

Socrates – Call for proposals
Application deadline: November 1, 2005

The Socrates programme promotes co-operation under the Actions, summarised below:

• Comenius seeks to enhance the quality and reinforce the European dimension of school education by encouraging transnational co-operation between schools, and institutions involved in teacher education. It promotes opportunities for education staff to undertake mobility during initial and/or in-service training, intercultural awareness, and language learning.
• Erasmus seeks to enhance the quality and reinforce the European dimension of higher education, by encouraging transnational co-operation between higher education institutions, promoting mobility for students and higher education teaching staff, and improving transparency and academic recognition of studies and qualifications throughout the Union.
• Grundtvig seeks to enhance the quality, European dimension, availability and accessibility of lifelong learning through adult education in the broadest sense, to promote improved educational opportunities for those leaving school without basic qualifications, and to encourage innovation through alternative learning pathways. In addition to learning within the formal educational system, this also includes learning that takes place on a non-formal, informal or autonomous basis.
• Lingua, for the teaching and learning of languages, supports the other Socrates Actions through measures designed to encourage and support linguistic diversity throughout the Union, to contribute to an improvement in the quality of language teaching and learning, and to promote access to lifelong language learning opportunities appropriate to each individual’s needs.
• Minerva promotes European co-operation in the field of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education. It does so by promoting a better understanding among teachers, learners, decision-makers and the public at large of the implications of ODL and ICT for education; by helping to ensure that pedagogical considerations are given proper weight in the development of ICT and multimedia-based educational products and services; and by promoting access to improved methods and educational resources in this field.
• Observation and innovation in education systems and policies contributes to improving the quality and transparency of education systems and furthering the process of educational innovation in Europe through the exchange of information and experience, the identification of good practice, the comparative analysis of education systems and policies, and the discussion and analysis of matters of common educational policy interest. Alongside other activities, this Action includes support for the Eurydice and Naric networks, and the Arion study visits.
• Accompanying measures supporting a range of initiatives that contribute to the overall objectives of the programme, by means of awareness-raising and information activities, valorisation activities (dissemination and exploitation or results), training activities, and activities undertaken by associations or non-governmental bodies.

More information
Website: http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/socrates.html

International Fellowship Programme for CEE Foundations and NGOs
Application deadline: November 7, 2005

The Robert Bosch Foundation, together with the Trust for Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe, the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation, the Bernard van Leer Foundation, the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, and the German Federal Foundation for the Environment is pleased to announce the second call for applications of the International Fellowship Programme for CEE Foundations and NGOs.

This programme aims to strengthen civil society in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and international cooperation of NGOs by means of fellowship. The principal objectives of the program have been as follows:
1. To give CEE foundations and NGO staff the opportunity to develop their professional skills with an international and practical orientation
2. To support civil society in CEE by improving the management competences of staff members
3. To trigger or deepen contacts and cooperation between non-profit institutions in CEE and Western Europe.

After the first round in early 2005, the second round will take place in spring 2006, bringing fellows from Central and Eastern Europe to foundations and NGOs in Germany, the United Kingdom and other pre-2004 EU member states. The fellowships are offered for young leaders and senior managers of foundations and NGOs located in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine. They will last between three and twelve weeks, allowing the fellows to work intensively on focus topics defined by themselves in agreement with the host institutions. The fellowships are framed by an introductory and a final seminar, and fellows can receive further financial support for additional training, alongside with reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs etc.

The programme schedule can be individually adapted to the needs of the fellows and the sending and host institutions involved. The foundations funding the IFP put a strong emphasis on quality standards, starting with a transparent matching process and a thorough preparation well ahead of the fellowship.

Foundations and NGOs interested in hosting a fellow from Central and Eastern Europe are very welcome to contact the Robert Bosch Foundation to learn more about what it means to participate in the programme. Candidates may also suggest particular host institutions. By the same token, host institutions may propose fellows of their choice, who have to compete with the other candidates on the same conditions.

More information
Website: www.bosch-stiftung.de/ifp

Eastern Europe Journalism Award Contest 2006
Application deadline: November 15, 2005

The twelfth Annual Eastern Europe Journalism Award is going to be awarded on 5th March 2006 by the campaign 'Hoffnung fur Osteuropa' (Hope for Eastern Europe) in cooperation with the Protestant Church in Germany, the Institute of Journalism of the University Dortmund and the 'Gustav-Adolf-Werk'.

This year’s contest deals with the topic 'Border experiences'.

Since the collapse of the socialistic system the borders towards and within Eastern Europe have changed. The Iron Curtain between East and West has fallen, other borders like those of the European Union have shifted, but above all new borders were added in the area of the former Soviet Union and through the Balkans. For the people in Eastern Europe the formation of new borders is linked with a lot of different experiences. The participants in the Eastern Europe Journalism Award are asked to write about these varied experiences.

'Border experiences', the topic of this year’s contest does not only refer to the borders between two countries, but also to borders in the broader sense, thus experiences and circumstances of people who have reached their limits in terms of physical and psychological borders. The contributions may as well deal with borders that are drawn in one’s mind due to prejudices and stereotypes as of how to overcome these borders.

No geographical borders are set to the experiences portrayed by the participating Eastern European Journalists. The described experiences may have been gained all over the world, for instance in Western Europe.

Entry Requirements
- The contributions are to be submitted in the original edition and in a German translation. Your composition must have been published in a European country up to the closing date of the contest.
- The document should not be longer than five DIN-A4 (21cm x 29,7 cm) pages (typescript or computer print-out) and written for printed media (newspaper or magazine) or Internet. Radio manuscripts will not be accepted.
- All journalists who were born and live in former Eastern Bloc countries and who were not older than 45 years in the year 2005 may participate.
- Journalist who are citizens of Germany, Austria and Switzerland shall not participate in the contest.
- Necessary condition for the participation are good German language skills.

The winner of the Journalism Award will be invited to the awards show in Germany and receives a scholarship (including travel expenses, board and lodging) for a month-long stay (hospitation/work experience) presumably at the 'Hannoverschen Allgemeinen Zeitung' as well as a cash prize of 1.000 EUR.

Two additional support prizes with a value 500 EUR each are will be awarded to the second and third best contribution. With the prize-awarding of the contributions the publication rights will be assigned to the 'Diakonisches Werk der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland' (Social Service Agency of the Protestant Church in Germany).

Documents for the Eastern European Journalism Award 2006: your contribution for the contest, a current passport photo and a short biography.

More information
E-mail: info@hoffnung-fuer-osteuropa.de
(Please send the newspaper cutting/press clipping as proof for participating in the contest per letter to: Diakonisches Werk der EKD, 'Eastern Europe Journalism Award', attn. Mr Helmut Pestner, Postfach 10 11 42, 70010 Stuttgart, Germany)

Civil Society Programme PHARE - Adoption and Implementation of the Acquis Communautaire
Application deadline: November 17, 2005 (16:00 hrs. official Romanian hour)

Programme Objectives

The present Call for Proposals aims at further encouraging NGOs to play an increasing part in the promotion and implementation of the acquis communautaire in the fields of environmental protection, consumer protection and socio-economic development (labour, social dialog, equal opportunities between women and men, etc).

The specific objectives of the present component are as follows:

A. In the environmental protection field
Specific Objective – To increase the involvement of non-governmental sector in the promotion and implementation of the acquis communautaire in the environment protection field.
B. In the consumer protection field
Specific Objective – To increase the NGO sector’s role in the adoption and implementation of the acquis communautaire in order to ensure a genuine level of protection of the economic and legal rights of consumers through increasing the awareness on their rights and providing practical tools for exercising them.
C. In the socio-economic development fields
Specific Objective – To sustain the involvement of the NGOs active in the socio-economic development field in promoting and implementing the European legislation in the above-mentioned area.

Who Can Apply

Applicants may be: employers’ associations, trade unions, social dialogue bodies, mutuals, co-operatives, SMEs associations, agricultural producers associations, professional associations, consumers’ organisations and any other non-governmental non-profit-making organisations.
They may act individually or in consortium with other Romanian non-governmental non-profit organisations and/or Romanian local/national public authorities/institutions and/or non-governmental non-profit organisations based in any other PHARE country or EU country.

Budget Limits

Between 10,000 and 70,000 EUR per project (EU contribution)

Financing Conditions

A grant may not exceed 90% of the total eligible project costs. The balance shall be financed from the applicant’s or partners’ own resources, or from sources other than the European Community budget. The applicants and/or partners will have to provide minimum 10% of the total project costs under the form of in cash. Contributions in-kind are not accepted.

Project Duration: Maximum 12 months.

More information
Website: www.fdsc.ro
E-mail: oana.calenciuc@fdsc.ro (Oana Calenciuc, Grants Manager, FDSC)
dolores.neagoe@cec.eu.int (Dolores Neagoe, European Commission Delegation in Romania)

Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe and L′Umana Dimora Onlus - Training for Young Environmental Leaders 2005 - 2006
Application deadline: November 25, 2005

A leading role

The young environmentalists of Central and Eastern Europe have the potential to be the leaders of tomorrow. The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) has teamed up with Italian NGO L′Umana Dimora Onlus to add years of practical EU experience to its Training for Young Environmental Leaders programme. The programme provides advanced training in organisational development, project management and environmental topics in a stimulating international atmosphere.

Each training session consists of three weeks of theoretical training focused on organisation and project management, and a one-week study tour in Italy. The theoretical training takes place in a multicultural setting at the REC′s head office in Szentendre, Hungary, while the study tour focuses on the latest environmental methods in dealing with issues such as preserving protected areas, sustainable agriculture, water resources, waste management and energy efficiency.

Theoretical training at the REC head office involves interactive group work and individual activities that produce tangible results. Topics include: NGO and project management, campaign strategies, media relations, PR and communications, fundraising, business plans for NGOs, public participation in environmental decision making, NGOs and civil society, legal advocacy, and much more. Participants develop products tailored to their own needs, such as project proposals, funding strategies, press releases and community action plans.

International exposure

After the theoretical training in Hungary, the young leaders travel to Italy to see first-hand how environmental concerns are tackled there. L′Umana Dimora shows how progressive farms in Italy employ sustainable agricultural practices, how national parks protect biodiversity and how recycling plants sort, recover and pass on valuable materials. The participants then observe NGOs in Italy carrying out environmental campaigns and organising their projects within the context of EU regulations. The young leaders are invited to contribute to actual environmental protection programmes, thus gaining valuable experience and building contacts for future cooperation.

Italian experts will also train participants in the preservation of protected areas, national parks and reserves; water resource management; sustainable agriculture and eco-tourism; waste management and cleaner production; animal and wildlife protection; foodstuff certification; energy efficiency; air quality and pollution; and transport and traffic.

Eligibility and funding
The REC invites young environmentalists from different backgrounds throughout Central and Eastern Europe to apply for the programme. Applicants should be between 20 and 30 years old, display a strong commitment to the environment in the CEE region, work at an environmental NGO, possess citizenship from one of the participating countries, and speak and write English well.

For the 2005 and 2006 sessions, the REC invites participants from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, FYR Macedonia, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro and Turkey. The REC will cover all costs related to travel, food, training fees and accommodation for participants from the countries listed above.

Selection process
All applications are screened by the REC to identify potential participants. Brief telephone interviews are conducted with selected participants for the final selection. Chosen participants are informed no later than three weeks after the interview.

Schedule for 2006

Training period January 30 - February 24, 2006
Application Deadline: November 25, 2005
Training period May 8 - June 2, 2006
Application Deadline: February 17, 2006
Supported by the Ministry for the Environment and Territory of Italy.

More information
Webpage: www.rec.org/REC/Programs/YoungEnvLeaders.html
E-mail: acraciun@rec.org (Adriana Craciun, Project Manager)

European Cultural Foundation - Mobility Scheme for Cultural Policy Teaching
Application deadline: end of December 2005

The CPEG Mobility Scheme (C-MS), launched in March 2005 in the framework of the European Cultural Foundation's Cultural Policy Education Group (CPEG), is open for applications for the academic year 2005 - 2006.

The scheme supports travels related to guest lecturing, curriculum development and fact-finding missions in the field of cultural policy teaching.

It addresses academic institutions, which have long-term interest and potential in cultural policy education.

Its geographical reach comprises of Central & Eastern Europe and its neighbouring areas.

There is no strict deadline for applications. However, applications should be received by the end of December 2005 and will be evaluated on 'first come first served basis'.

More information
Website: http://www.policiesforculture.org/cpeg (News section)
E-mail: mdeleva@eurocult.org (Milena Deleva)

Smithsonian Institution Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage - Rockefeller Foundation Humanities Fellowships 'Theorizing Cultural Heritage'
Application deadline for letter of interest: January 15, 2006

Cultural heritage is today a rubric of ever-expanding scope. It is used globally as a basis for multinational, national, state, and local programs and governance. Cultural heritage is also the focus of ideas and programs generated by hundreds of non-governmental organizations, community-based and advocacy groups, and even businesses. Yet the concept of “cultural heritage” is vastly under-theorized. It has lacked an academic, disciplinary base; has generated only an attenuated theoretical literature; and has generally left the bearers of cultural heritage out of the discussion.

Rockefeller Foundation Humanities Fellows at the Smithsonian Institution Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage help refine the theoretical framework for cultural heritage and expand it to include grassroots voices. Reflecting the perspectives of academic specialists, civil society groups, and public cultural organizations, fellows’ work informs dialogues and practice across social, political, and disciplinary boundaries, as well as indicating future directions for policy.

The Smithsonian hosts six to eight fellows for each of three years to work on the theoretical development of the concept of cultural heritage. Fellows examined the relationship between cultural heritage and political representation (2004 - 2005) and the economics of cultural heritage (2005 - 2006); the third year of the program (2006 - 2007) concentrates on the arts. The fellows are humanities-oriented thinkers and practitioners engaged in the work of academic institutions, public organizations, and cultural communities.

Applicants for 2006 - 2007 will be interested in developing ideas, principles, and frameworks for understanding the artistic dimension of cultural heritage. Keeping in mind the concern with grassroots cultural communities, applicants will focus their critical inquiry on such issues as community recognition of or support for art (visual, language, music, dance, architecture) as heritage; the relationship between individual or group agency and local or national tradition; the relationship between the institutional contexts of cultural heritage and its form and content; and how art reflects and articulates social identity. Applicants will demonstrate originality of approach and significant potential for making a contribution to the formulation of cultural heritage policy and practice.

The Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage - where cultural heritage is the subject of ongoing, daily intellectual and practical activity - hosts the fellows. Given the Center’s location in Washington, D.C., and its strong connections to international and national institutions, service organizations, and nongovernmental and community groups, fellows partake of a rich environment and find colleagues and cultural policymakers deeply interested in their work.

Applicants need not be U.S. citizens to be eligible, and approximately half of the fellows are drawn from outside the United States. Fellowships include a stipend and an allowance for travel to and from Washington, D.C., as necessary. Please note: These fellowships are not intended to support undergraduate or graduate studies, or research. Projects will not be considered for the re-writing of dissertations, editing of texts, or the preparation of textbooks or anthologies. Applicants whose native language is not English are expected to have a sufficiently good command of spoken English so that they can fully discuss, debate, and exchange ideas and practices about cultural heritage.

Application Process for 2006 - 2007 Fellowships: Submit a letter of interest (not to exceed three pages), in English. This letter should outline the proposed work and how it will further the theoretical development of the concept of cultural heritage in relation to the arts. Applicants should attach a resume or C.V. and include the proposed dates of the residency. Based on letters of interest, a limited number of applicants will be invited to submit full proposals. Notifications should be sent by February 28, 2006. Full proposals will be due April 1.

Residency Term: Six weeks to five months, between September 1, 2006, and July 31, 2007.

More information
Website: www.folklife.si.edu
E-mail: culturalheritagefellows@si.edu (Carla Borden or James Early)

The Foundation for Solidarity and Voluntary Work of the Valencian Community - I Euroforum on Volunteering Work: shared challenges in Europe-25, November 3 – 4, 2005, Valencia, Spain

In recent years, the relevance of the work carried out by voluntary work organizations has acquired growing importance and recognition in the European Union and International sphere. The majority of Non-Profit organizations, which include Volunteer Centres, have been founded at the local and regional level, which means the level closest to the citizens' concerns.

The project – 'I Euroforum on Volunteering Work: shared challenges in Europe-25' is aimed at increasing the visibility of the associations and volunteers, both in European Union countries and the candidate countries and is designed as a platform for dialogue among the representatives that act in the solidarity and voluntary work field. Its main objective is to support the debate of the Non-Profit Organization actors about matters related to the integration with the European Union, the different activity fields in which volunteers participate, the modernization of voluntary action and the future of voluntary work after the expansion. At the same time, it intends to maintain an open and transparent dialogue among the Community institutions and Non-Profit organizations.

The Foundation for Solidarity and Voluntary Work of the Valencian Community (FSVCV) and the voluntary work entities that participate in this initiative, consider that the efforts which are carried out in the European Union in voluntary work must be presented by European organizations to report and exchange good practices, experiences and concerns, with the aim to learn from the results of each initiative.

The I Euroforum of Volunteering aims to be a forum of contemplation and coordination for all the actors that work in the solidarity sector and who carry out their functions in an extensive scope of activities (social exclusion, disability, unemployment, aging, sports, young people, etc.).

The Programme of 'I Euroforum on Volunteering: shared challenges in Europe-25' is designed for persons interested in the voluntary work sector throughout all Europe:

· Public Sector: representatives from local, regional and national entities; Labour unions and Universities
· Private Sector: Companies and mass media organizations
· Non-profit Organizations: international organizations, volunteer centres and social associations
· Individuals: male and female volunteers, students and researchers.

The I Euroforum on Volunteering plans to accommodate a large number of actors on a local, regional, European and International scale in order to jointly present their analysis about the current reality and future situation of voluntary work in Europe, and those who carry out their functions in an extensive scope of activities (social exclusion, disability, unemployment, aging, sports, young people, etc.).

Registration fee: 80 EUR. The working languages for the Euroforum on Volunteering shall be Spanish and English. Simultaneous translation will be provided.

More information
Website: http://www.solidaridadyvoluntariado.org/euroforum/index2.htm

Central European Innitiative - 8th Summit Economic Forum (SEF), November 23 – 24, 2005, Bratislava, Slovak Republic

The 8th CEI Summit Economic Forum (SEF) will take place in Bratislava on 23-24 November 2005, under the CEI Slovak Presidency.

The SEF offers a unique opportunity for discussing feasible business ideas, examining potential investments, establishing trade partnerships and meeting policy makers.

One of SEF’s highlights is the traditional Roundtable of the Ministers of Economy (open to the public for special invitees) and the Summit of the CEI Heads of Government which will provide an insight into the economic policies of the 17 CEI Member States.

This year’s main theme is Reforms - key to Competitiveness. Seminars, project presentations and focused meetings will provide a platform for discussions of topics such as reforms for improving business environment, development strategies for raising competitiveness, opportunities in energy, SMEs, infrastructure and human resources.

More information
Website: www.ceinet.org/SEF

Izmir University of Economics - The Effects of the European Union on the Socio-Economic Development of Women, The 1st Biennial Women's Studies Conference, June 22 – 24, 2006, Izmir, Turkey
Application deadline: October 28, 2005

The 1st Biennial Women’s Studies Conference is organized by Izmir University of Economics, Izmir Chamber of Commerce and British Council.

Improving women's status in social, economic and political life and providing gender equality in the social security system are among the main objectives of the European Union. Compared to other countries, members of the European Union have taken serious steps on these issues. Equality between women and men in economic life has not yet been obtained, and participation of women in professional life is still lower than that of men even in the European Union. Not surprisingly, the average wages of women in European countries are lower than those of their male counterparts. Consequently, one of the main objectives of the Union is to provide gender equality with respect to wages and employment. Active participation of women in science, protection of women against violence and sexual harassment, expanding general and occupational education opportunities regarding women and increased participation of women in professional life are some of the policies that are used to close the gap! between genders. Given the current conditions, this conference hopes to make a modest contribution to the advancement of women in an age of globalization, regionalization and economic and social development, with emphasis on the European Union.

More information
Website: http://dba.ieu.edu.tr/women/
E-mail: womenstudies@ieu.edu.tr (Prof. Dr. Hulya Tutek, Izmir University of Economics, Department of International Trade and Finance and Prof. Dr. Alev Katrinli, Izmir University of Economics, Department of Business Administration)

Center for Global Studies, Foundation for Sciences and Arts - Civilizations and World Orders, International Symposium, May 12 - 14, 2006, Istanbul, Turkey
Application deadline: October 30, 2005

The recent global transformations of, and threats to, the human condition reveal the urgent need to revisit the very concept of ‘world order’. Post-Cold War tensions and anomalies accompanied by the phenomenon of cultural/civilizational resurgence deepened the necessity of critically reflecting on ‘civilizations’ and ‘world orders’. This symposium aims to provide an interdisciplinary platform for new approaches to deliberate on, and search for, a just and sustainable global ‘world order’.

The Center invites scholars from all disciplines to present papers addressing the themes that may include, but not limited to, the following:

- ‘Civilization’ and ‘Order’: Philosophical/Conceptual Evaluation: The meaning of civilization and order across cultures and times…etc.

- Unit of Analysis in World Order Studies: Individual, class, state, empire, region, civilization, the World…etc.
- Historical Comparison of World Orders: Chinese, Indian, Hellenic, Persian, Roman, Mongol, Ottoman, Russian, African, European , American…etc.
- Value and Order: Perspectives and Impact of Religions/Ideologies on World Order: Confucian, Taoist, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Christian, Islamic, Secular…etc.
- Critiques of Contemporary Theories of Systemic Change: Power Transition, Hegemonic Stability, Long Cycle, Relative Power Cycle, World-Systems theories …etc.
- The “New World Order” and Globalization: The ‘newness’ of the New World Order, globalization or globalizations, alternative globalization(s), the future of global world order…etc.
- Transnational Actors, New Social Movements and World Order: TNCs, NGOs, terrorist organizations, NSMs…etc.
- International Law and World Order
- Islam in the Global World Order
- Turkey in the Global World Order
- Critical Issues in Global World Order: Financial crises, demographic crises and immigration, poverty, unconventional arms threats, bioethical problems, ecological problems, genetically modified foods, epidemics…etc.

Submission Information

Papers can be submitted through mail, fax or e-mail. Submission of papers should include:
1. Cover page (must contain; title, participant’s name and institutional affiliations, participant’s e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers if available).
2. Abstract (300 words maximum)
3. Biographical statement of participant (a short CV).
Notice to participants: Symposium proceedings will be published.

A limited amount of funding, particularly for participants from abroad, is available for travel and/or accommodation expenses. Please contact the Symposium Secretariat for further information.

Sightseeing of historical and cultural places of Istanbul such as the Topkapý Palace, Saint Sophia and the Blue Mosque, including a Bosphorus tour.

Foundation for Sciences and Arts is a non-profit organization focused on inter-disciplinary research for the well-being of the global community. The Foundation previously held another international symposium entitled 'Rethinking the Classical' on October 8 - 10, 2004.

More information
E-mail: muzaffersenel@bisav.org.tr (Muzaffer SENEL)
ismailyaylaci@bisav.org.tr (Ýsmail YAYLACI)

European Training Foundation - 'Women in education and employment 2010', Essay competition
Application deadline: October 31, 2005

The European Training Foundation invites young people (between the age of 18 to 29 years) in the ETF Partner Countries* to participate in a competition by writing an article on their vision for 'Women in education and employment in 2010'.

The authors of the four best articles selected by a jury appointed by the ETF will be invited to the awards ceremony as part of the event 'Women in Education and employment' organised by the ETF in Turin, Italy, to mark the International Women’s Day in March 2006. Among the four winners one will be selected as beneficiary of a four month traineeship at the ETF headquarters.

Who can take part?

The competition is open to all nationals of the ETF Partner Countries between the age of 18 to 29 years (The ETF partner countries and territories are: Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Egypt, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Moldova, Morocco, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia and Montenegro (including Kosovo), Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and West Bank and Gaza Strip).

Participants are asked to describe their vision for 'Women in education and employment in 2010'. They should approach the topic from one of the following perspectives: the role of vocational education and training in advancing the status of women in society (1) or in strengthening the position of women in the labour market and in business (2). The article should reflect concrete experience from a country and/or a region.

More information
Website: http://www.etf.eu.int/
E-mail: info@etf.eu.int

EDUCULT Vienna and International Journal of Cultural Policy - Fourth International Conference on Cultural Policy Research, July 12 - 16, 2006, Vienna, Austria
Application deadline: October 31, 2005

ICCPR 2006 aims to provide an outlet for interdisciplinary and international exploration of the concepts, function and impact of cultural policies. It intends to reflect a broad view of cultural policy encompassing culture as a 'way of life' as well as, in the narrower sense, culture of the arts and cultural industries. It will be concerned with both the policies of decision makers, of administration and institutions, as well as the wider discourses related to the general conditions of culture.

iccpr 2006 welcomes participants to Vienna, one of the world's capitals of culture, music and architecture. In the spirit of this stimulating cultural environment, new trends and developments in cultural policy research will be presented and discussed. Furthermore, the conference aims to enable encounters between researchers, artists and persons engaged in the cultural sector and to create a lively forum for exchange of experiences and views from different perspectives.

iccpr 2006 will be held under the auspices of the Federal President of the Republic of Austria. The organisers would be pleased to welcome participants from all parts of the world to reflect a preferably broad range of different experiences and views on cultural policy. iccpr 2006 as a forum for fruitful discussions at global level would like to especially encourage increased participation from Latin America, Africa and Asia as well as South-eastern Europe and Mediterranean countries. The overall goal is to broaden the circle of attendees and to strengthen efforts and networking in cultural policy research worldwide.

The organisers would like to invite representatives from various fields of cultural policy research to submit proposals for paper presentations.
Apart from the general research areas addressed below, iccpr 2006 aims to follow an open approach regarding the topics of papers. Research areas of interest:
- Theoretical approaches to cultural policy
e.g. political dimensions of cultural policy; interlinkages between cultural policy and cultural theory / cultural studies; interlinkages between arts and science; cultural identities and diversity
- Cultural policy in the social environment
e.g. significance of cultural policy as welfare policy; relation of cultural policy and (urban) development policy; concepts of citizenship and their cultural dimension
- Methodological approaches to cultural policy
e.g. empirical research: financing and statistics; comparative policy research; qualification and consulting
- Economic approaches to cultural policy
e.g. cultural and creative industries; culture and employment; copyright; culture and competition
- Sponsoring and cultural patronage
- Management of culture
e.g. cultural administration and relations between decision makers, administration and institutions; institutionalisation versa de-institutionalisation; impacts of decentralisation and globalisation
- International and inter-cultural approaches to cultural policy
e.g. cultural diplomacy and cultural policies in international relations; cultural policy related to concepts of diversity, migration and assimilation; cultural political changes in countries in transition
- Cultural policy and media policy
e.g. interlinkages of cultural and media policy; the role of new media
- Arts mediation and audience development
e.g. cultural ownership in the context of city development; cultural implications of the knowledge society; audience development and visitors/non-visitors studies
- Cultural policy education and cultural education
e.g. policies of higher arts institutions; mediation of cultural competencies; cultural policy education and curriculum development

Registration Fees

Early bird, until 1 March 2006, 325 EUR
Regular, 1 March – 1 June 2006, 375 EUR
Late registration, 1 June – 15 July 2006, 400 EUR
Students, until 15 July 2006, 200 EUR
The registration fee includes:
- Congress participation
- Congress documentation incl. abstractbook
- Coffee breaks
- Lunches.

More information
Website: www.iccpr2006.com
E-mail: office@iccpr2006.com (Michael Wimmer)

HESP- Regional Seminar for Excellence in Teaching
Application deadline: November 15, 2005

HESP invites academic institutions, associations, and groups of individuals with demonstrated potential for and commitment to promoting teaching excellence and lending ongoing support to individual faculty and departments in the region to submit proposals of multi-year projects to start in 2006. Projects may focus on the theory and method of any discipline or subject within the social sciences and humanities. Projects will commence in the summer of 2006 or during the 2006–2007 academic year and extend to up to three consecutive years. HESP provides funding commensurate with the nature, geography, and length of the project activities and encourages project organizers to solicit cost-share contributions from other donors.

This is a call for Proposals of multi-year projects that respond to the goals and priorities of ReSET, for which funding is sought starting not earlier than June 1, 2006.

Target region: Central and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, and Mongolia.

More information
Website: http://www.soros.org/initiatives/hesp/focus_areas/regional_seminar
E-mail: oshtokvych@osi.hu (Oleksandr Shtokvych, Program Manager)
mjo@osi.hu (Marianna Jo, Program Coordinator)

University of Pittsburgh’s Graduate Organization for the Study of Europe and Central Asia and Center for Russian and East European Studies – ‘Mediums and Methods of Communication in Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia’, Third Annual Graduate Student Conference, February 24 - 26, 2006
Application deadline: December 15, 2005

In the histories of Eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia, countless social and political upheavals have been articulated through, if not facilitated by, a variety of communication mediums and methods. The uses of various modes of communication played a critical role in the collapse of state socialism and in the later reconstruction of new political and social regimes. In the sixteen years since, the exchange of ideas and the dissemination of knowledge through practices of communication continue to be of vital importance to political engagement, cultural expression, arts, sciences, and the creation of novel social orders.

This conference will explore questions related to the historical and contemporary impact of different mediums and methods of communication in Eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia. We find it useful to adopt an inclusive understanding of mediums and methods that refers equally to venues for idea exchange, channels for the transmission of information, means through which communication is generated and even arenas for public debates and the constitution of civic initiatives.

We invite abstracts that address questions and arguments such as: What is the relationship between various mediums of communication and the reorganization of power, politics and the state in former socialist societies? How are they impacted by state regulations, economic factors, or the international promotion of intellectual property rights? Have mediums of communication been used to stimulate democratic participation and debate of ideas? Do they rather facilitate the exercise of novel forms of governance and tactics of power? What factors limit communication, and what elements of communication and media create new opportunities in the region? Who controls information, and who can authoritatively spread ideas?

The University of Pittsburgh's Graduate Organization for the Study of Europe and Central Asia, in cooperation with the Center for Russian and East European Studies, invites fellow graduate students working on related topics from all disciplines to submit abstracts for our Third Annual Graduate Student Conference. We encourage a broad range of approaches, from social science and humanities to law and public policy, as well as a diverse set of topics to be explored in accordance with the main goal of this conference: to stimulate interdisciplinary debates and the exchange of ideas.

The conference organization will be able to offer free housing, but not transportation, to all selected participants.

More information
E-mail: gosecaconference@yahoo.com

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