Waste disposal technology from the mutalj open pit mine to the disposal site of the beli kamen open pit mine

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ГОДИШНИК НА МИННО-ГЕОЛОЖКИЯ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ “СВ. ИВАН РИЛСКИ”, Том 57, Св. II, Добив и преработка на минерални суровини, 2014

ANNUAL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINING AND GEOLOGY “ST. IVAN RILSKI”, Vol. 57, Part ІI, Mining and Mineral processing, 2014


Branka Jovanović, Vladan Čanović, Violeta Čolaković, Željko Praštalo
Mining Institute, Belgrade, Batajnički put 2, Serbia, povrsinska@ribeograd.ac.rs
ABSTRACT. Limestone open pit mines, the active – Mutalj and the closed one – Beli Kamen are part of the Lafarge Beočin cement factory, located at the southern hillsides of the Fruška gora (Srbija) at approximately 19 km from the Beočin factory. This paper presents conditions and expansion technology of the existing internal disposal site at the open pit mine Beli Kamen by deposing the waste from the open pit mine Mutalj.

Бранка Йованович, Владан Цанович, Виолета Чолакович, Желко Прашало

Минен институт, Белград, Батайнички път 2, Сърбия, povrsinska@ribeograd.ac.rs
РЕЗЮМЕ. Варовиковите кариери, действащата – Мутали и закритата – Бели Камен, са част от циментовата фабрика Лафарж Беочин, разположена на южните склонове на Фрушка гора (Сърбия), приблизително на около 19 км от фабриката Беочин. Докладът представя условията и технологията за разширяване на съществуващото вътрешно насипище в открит рудник Бели Камен при изхвърлянето на отпадъци от Мутали.
Ключови думи: открит рудник, Бели Камен, Мутали, отпадъци, насипище

Limestone open pit mines, the active Mutalj and the closed one Beli Kamen are located at the southern hillsides of Fruška gora and are connected with each other by an asphalt road 2.6 km long.

Fig. 1. Location of limestone open pit mines Mutalj and Beli Kamen

Limestone and accessory sediments were mined at the open pit mine Beli Kamen from 1965 through 1997. After the mine closure and cease of dewatering operations, a lake (S=45,760 m2) was formed at the bottom of the pit at the elevation of 174 m.
It was planned that waste from the Mutalj open pit mine should be deposed into the Beli Kamen open pit mine from 1992 until 2013. Further on, new external disposal site in the vicinity of the Mutalj open pit mine was planned to be created.

Since the conditions for the creation of the new, external disposal site of the Mutalj open pit mine are not met (extension of the mining field and the change of Spatial plan), deposition of waste from the Mutalj open pit mine was continued into the Beli Kamen open pit mine internal disposal site extension.

Technology of extending the disposal site at the Beli Kamen open pit mine
Geomechanical conditions for further deposition of waste were determined based on the tests of working environment and the disposal site slope stability analysis:

  • Allowed extension of internal disposal site at the Beli Kamen open pit mine in height is max 60 m, with the satisfying security factor Fmin ≥ 1,30;

  • Condition for the disposal site extension is the construction of appropriate dewatering objects, prior to deposition continuation; aiming to regulate inflow and outflow of surface waters in the disposal site zone, and to prevent erosion of the levels formed at the disposal site as well as potential instability due to deposed material suffusion.

The geometry parameters of the disposal site were determined according to the geomechanical conditions:

- Total disposal and level height 60 m,10 m

- Angle of the slope of the level α = 32°

- Angle of the slope of the final level β = 16°

- Berm of levels E-200 - E-250 b = 20 m

- Berm of level E-260 b = 40 m

Fig. 2. Boundaries of the disposal site extension at open pit mine Beli Kamen [1]

Waste deposition time at the disposal site Beli Kamen open pit mine depends on the disposal site capacity and the planned annual capacity at the excavation of waste at Mutalj open pit mine amounting to:

The existing internal disposal site of the Beli Kamen open pit mine is formed on the eastern final slope, from elevation 193 to 263 m.

The already formed Beli Kamen open pit mine internal disposal site is going to be extended with the new deposition quantities of the waste from the Mutalj open pit mine from the eastern final slope toward the central open pit mine area, i.e. the lake. The waste is going to be deposed in 6 levels, 10 m in height each, from the elevation 200 to 260 m, leaning on the existing deposed masses (Figure 2, a and b).
Extension of the disposal site will start on the lowest level, by truck-bulldozer operations (Figure 3) in two sublevels, 5 m in height each.

Fig. 3. Technological schematic of the truck-buldozer waste disposal [1]

Extension of the disposal site extension will be preceded by operations on the construction of the edge (OK) and level (EK) channels.
Designed edge and level channels (Fig. 4a and b) have trapezoidal cross-section and the appropriate slope to direct the collected surface and outflow underground waters towards the near stream Provalija. Channels are designed according to the expected quantities of water to be accepted

a) Level channel (EK)

b) Edge channel (OK

c) Drainage channel (DK)

Fig. 4. Transversal sections of the channels [1]

Drainage channels (Figure 4c) are aimed to be built for the purpose of protection of the base and the body of disposal site from the inflow of water infiltrated into the disposal site body. These channels will take the water drained from the disposal site base and the body into the level channels gravitationally. Dynamically, drainage channel construction will be followed by the disposal site development: along with the progression of disposal site height, parts of level channels, will be filled with geotextile and water overflow protection prior to being covered with newly deposed masses.
Apart from the geotextile and water overflow protection, some perforated drainage pipes 160 mm in diameter will be built into, for the purpose of easier drainage of the underground water from the disposal site body to the drainage channels D.

  1. Starting condition of the disposal site with the pre-dewatering objects.

  1. Designed finalstate of operations.

Fig.5. Internal disposal site of the Beli Kamen open pit mine [1]

Expected effects of extension at the Beli Kamen open pit mine are given as follows:

  • Undisturbed production of waste and limestone at the Mutalj open pit mine;

  • Maximum recovery of the available space of the internal disposal site at the Beli Kamen open pit mine while preserving natural environment and the newly formed lake;

  • Technical land reclamation of the Beli Kamen open pit mine will be performed by the deposed waste masses [4],

  • Dimensions of the future external disposal site at the Mutalj open pit mine will be diminished for the waste quantities deposed at the Beli Kamen open pit mine [5];

  • Saving time needed for creating conditions for deposition of waste to the Mutalj open pit mine external disposal site: extension of the approved mining field, bringing into accordance with the Spatial plan of Fruška gora, land buyout, obtaining necessary licenses, etc.

[1] Simplified mining Project of waste deposition from the Mutalj open pit mine into the internal disposal site of the closed open pit mine Beli Kamen, Mining Institute, 2011, (in Serbian).

[2] Study of the eastern slope stability verification at the Beli Kamen open pit mine external disposal site, Faculty of Mining and Geology, 2009, (in Serbian).

[3] Main Mining Project of the permanent cease of operations at the Beli Kamen open pit mine, Codel inženjering, 2012, (in Serbian).

[4] Rudić D., Land reclamation Project of the Beli Kamen limestone deposit, 2008, (in Serbian).

[5] Supplemental mining Project for the Mutalj limestone open pit mine, Mining Institute, 2008, (in Serbian).

[6] Simić R., Kecojević V., Open pit mine dewatering facilities, 1997, (in Serbian).

[7] Ignjatović M., Miljković M., Mining hydrotechnics, 2004 (in Serbian).

[8] Simić R., Mršović D., Popović V., Dewatering of open pit mines, 1984, (in Serbian).

Recommended for publication by Editorial board.

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