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Списък на публикациите на Kaloianov I. или Kalojanov или Kaloyanov I.

Toshkov, A., Kaloyanov, Iv.

Multiplication and virulence of blood infection and septicemia pathogens in infected living animals and their cadavers. 3. Studies on experimental Erysipelothrix rhusio-pathiae infections.

Izvestiya Mikrobiologicheski Institut (Sofia). 1964;16:137-143.
Toshkov, A., Velianov, D., Kaloyanov, Iv.

The multiplication and virulence of septicemic and blood causative agents in the organism of infected animals and their cadavers. VI. Studies on a pattern of experimental infections with Listeria monocytogenes.

Izvestiya Mikrobiologicheski Institut (Sofia). 1965, 17:135-141
On the basis of these experiments it was established that simultaneously with a comparatively moderate postmortal multiplication of Listeria monocytogenes in the tissues there takes place as well an extraordinary intensification of its virulence. No multiplication is observed in the blood of experimental animals. It is noted that temperature changes affect the rate at which multiplication takes place and virulence increases after death. The increase of virulence in the carcass takes place in the following order: at 28C 10,000-fold by the 24th-36th hour; at 18C 3,000-fold by the 24th hour; and at 0- 4C 3,000-fold by the 36th hour. The slight increase in virulence during the disease (up to 60-fold in comparison with initial virulence) and the sharp rise after death (up to 10,000-fold) emphasize the important role of carcasses as a significantly more dangerous reservoir and source of infectious outbreak than the organism of animals suffering from listeriosis.
Ал. Тошков, Ас. Тошков, Д. Велянов, Ив. Калоянов ; Toschkoff,Al., As. Toshkov, D.Veljanov, Iv.Kaloyanov.

Намножението и вирулентността на септицемийните и токсигенните инфекти в организма на заболелите и в техните трупове.

(The Multiplication and Virulence of Septicemic and Toxigenic infective agents in the organism of diseased Animals and their Cadavers).

(Article in Bulgarian, summary in English)

Първи конгрес по микробиология, 1965, София, Изд. БАН, 1967, 83-93

First Congress of Microbiology, 1965, Sofia, 1967, BAN, 83-93

Ив. Калоянов, Д. Велянов, Ал. Тошков ; Kaloyanov,Iv., D.Veljanov, Al.Toschkoff.

По въпроса за намножението и промените във вирулентността на Salmonella typhimurium в месото на салмонелозни животни при хладилна температура.

On the problem of Multiplication and changes in the Virulence of Salmonella typhi-murium in the meat of animals with Salmonellosis at refrigerator temperature. (Article in Bulgarian, summary in English).

Първи конгрес по микробиология, 1965, София, Изд. БАН, 1967, 615-619

First Congress of Microbiology, 1965, Sofia, 1967, BAN, 615-619
Ц. Захариев, Ив. Калоянов ; Zachariev,Tz., Iv. Kaloyanov.

Съдържание на витамин В 12 в кравето, биволското и овчето мляко.

(Der Gehalt der Kuh- und Schaf-milch an Vitamin B 12).

(Article in Bulgarian, summary in Deustch)

Научни трудове на Висш ветеринарно-медицински институт, София, 16, 1965, 241-247

Tierarztliche Hochschule, Sofia, Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten, 16, 1965, 241-247

- Същата работа докладвана на „Втора национална конференция по хра-нене”, 7-9 октомври 1968 г., София, 23-24
A. Toshkov, Iv. Kaloyanov, D. Velyanov

The multiplication and virulence of septicemic and blood causative agents in the organism of infected animals and their cadavers. VII. Studies on a pattern of experimental infection with Salmonella typhimurium.

(Article In Bulgarian, summary in English).

Izvestiya Mikrobiologicheski Institut (Sofia). 1965;17:143-153.

This report describes the postmortal multiplication and change in the virulence of Salmonella typhimurium in the organism of experimentally inoculated white mice during the disease and in their carcasses after death, as well as in the flesh of experimentally infected rabbits killed during the stage of injection bacteremia or at the climax of a case of salmonellosis.

K. I. Markov, D. Veljanov, I. Kalojanov.

Vermehrungsvermogen und Steigerung der Virulenz bei S. typhimurium – Stammen.

(Propagation possibilities and increase of virulence in S. typhimurium strains).

Zeitschrift f. Naturforschung. Teil B: Chemie, Biochemie, Biophysik, Biologie. 1966; 21b(7):710-711.
A. Toschkoff, I Kalojanov, D. Veljanov

Uber die Vermehrung und Virulenz von Salmonella typhimurium in Fleisch salmonellen-infizierter Tiere.

(Multiplication and virulence of Salmonella typhimurium in the meat of animals infected with this organism).

Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin. Reihe B. 1966; 13(3):297-305.

Ив. Калоянов, Д. Велянов.

Към въпроса за намножаването и промените във вирулентността на салмоне-лите в месото на салмонелозни животни. (Zur frage der Vermehrng und der Verandeungen in der Virulenz der Salmonellen im Fleisch Salmonellenbefallener Tiere).

(Article in Bulgarian, summary in Deustch)

Научни трудове на Висш ветеринарно-медицински институт, София, 18, 1967, 33-40

(Tierarztliche Hochschule, Sofia, Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten), 18, 1967, 33-40

D. Veljanov, Ts. Valerianov, Iv. Kaloyanov

Studies on indophenoloxydase activity of Pseudomonas pseudomalei variants with different virulence.

Compt. rend. Acad. Bulg. sci.(Dokl. Bulg. Acad. Nauk.) 1967; 20(11):1229-1231.

Ch. Popov, D. Veljanov, Iv. Kaloyanov.

The effect of chlorpromazine and potassium cyanide on the respiration of Salmonella variants with different virulence.

Compt. rend. Acad. Bulg. sci.(Dokl. Bulg. Acad. Nauk.) 1968; 21(10):1105-1108.

Ал. Тошков, Ив. Калоянов, Д. Велянов.

Toschkoff, Al., Iv. Kaloyanov, D. Veljanov.

Върху някои нови моменти от епизоотологията на салмонелозите и

хранителнните токсикоинфекции.

(On some aspects of the Epizootology of Salmonelloses and Alimentary Toxiin-fections).

(Article In Bulgarian, summary in English).

Салмонелите и салмонелозите в България”, І-ва Национална конферен-ция, 25-26.ІV.1968 г., София, 1970, Изд. БАН, 259-262

("Salmonella and Salmonelloses in Bulgaria", First National Conference), 25-26.04. 1968, Sofia, 1970, BAN, 259-262

Ц. Захариев, Ив. Калоянов ; Zachariev,Tz., Iv. Kaloyanov.

Носителство на Salmonella abortusovis при експериментално заразени овце. Carriage of Salmonella abortus-ovis in experimentally-infected sheep.

Салмонелите и салмонелозите в България”, І-ва Национална конферен-ция, 25-26.ІV.1968 г., София, Изд. БАН, 1970, 61-65

"Salmonella and Salmonelloses in Bulgaria", First National Conference, 25-26.04. 1968, Sofia, 1970, BAN, 61-66

- Същата докладвана на симпозиум „Салмонелозни аборти по овцете” с

международно участие, 22-23 октомври 1970 г., София, Резюмета на

докладите, 5

Veljanov, D., Iv. Kaloyanov, Ch. Popov.

Comparative studies on the multiplication capacity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas pseudomallei variants with different virulence.

Compt. Rend. l' Acad. bulgare Sci., 22(11) 1969, 1301-1303

Veljanov, D., Iv. Kaloyanov, Ch. Popov.

Comparative studies on certain biological and biochemical properties of Salmonella variants with different virulence.

(Article in Bulgarian, summary in English)

"Salmonella and Salmonelloses in Bulgaria", First National Conference, 25-26.04. 1968, Sofia, 1970, BAN, 67-71

К.И. Марков, Д. Велянов, Ив. Калоянов, Ч. Попов, В. Кантарджиев.

Изследвания във връзка с вирулентизирането на Salmonella typhimurium.

(Article in Bulgarian, summary in English)

Сборник „В памет на академик Игнат Емануилов”, София, Изд. на БАН, 1969, 447-451

Popov,Tsch., Iv. Kaloyanov, D.Veljanov

Untersuchungen uber die Glykolise der Salmonella-Varianten mit verschiedener Virulenz. (Article in German).

(Glycolysis of salmonella variants with differing virulence).

Zentralblatt f. Bakteriol. Parasitenkunde, Infekt. u, Hygiene, I Orig., 1969; 211(4): 494-498.
Ц. Захариев, Ив. Калоянов

Проблемът за витамините в млякото.

„Научна сесия по млечна промишленост”, Видин, 1969 г., 53-58
Velianov, D., Kaloianov, Iv., Toshkov, A.

Multiplication and virulence of septicemic and blood-infective agents in the organism of the infected animals and in their cadavers. XVI. Study on models of Pseudomonas pseudomallei experimental infections.

(Article in Bulgarian, summary in English)

Izvestiya Mikrobiologicheski Institut (Sofia).1969; 20: 137-145.

Velianov D, Valerianov Ts, Kaloyanov Iv.

Biological and biochemical studies of the growth of virulence of several septicemic and blood-infective agents. VI. Dehydrogenase activity of Pseudomonas pseudo-mallei with various virulence.

(Article in Bulgarian, summary in English)

Izvestiya Mikrobiologicheski Institut (Sofia).1969; 20: 233-238.

Kaloyanov, Iv., D. Veljanov, Ch. Popov, Kr. Kosseva.

Recherches sur la faculte multiplicatrice des variantes Salmonella cholerae suis et Salmonella dublin a virulence differente. (Studies on the multiplication capacity of variants of Salmonella cholerae suis and Salmonella dublin under different conditions of virulence).

(Article in French).

Compt. rend. Acad. Bulg. sci.(Dokl. Bulg. Acad. Nauk.) 1969; 22(2): 189-192

Kaloyanov, Iv., D. Veljanov, Ch. Popov, V Arnaoudova.

Recherches portant sur la consummation d’oxygene et l’activite dehydrogenasique des variantes Salmonella cholerae suis et Salmonella dublin a virulence differente.

(Oxygen consumption and dehydrogenase activity of variants of Salmonella cholerae suis and and Salmonella dublin under different conditions of virulence).

(Article in French).

Compt. rend. Acad. Bulg. sci.(Dokl. Bulg. Acad. Nauk.) 1969, 22(2), 185-188

Д. Велянов, Ч. Попов, Ал. Петков, Т. Радучева, Ив. Калоянов, А. Лилова-Попова

Намножителна способност и метаболизъм на варианти от Pseudomonas pseu-dotuberculosis с различна вирулентност.

Втори конгрес по микробиология, 1969, том ІІ, 1971, 235-239

Л. Георгиев, Ив. Калоянов ; Georgiev, L, Iv. Kaloyanov.

Микробиологични проучвания на щамове от род Proteus, изолирани от птице-кланици. (Article in Bulgarian, summary in English).

Microbiological investigation of strai-ns of the Genus Proteus isolated from Poultry slaughter-Houses.

Втори конгрес по микробиология, 1969, София, 1971, Изд. БАН, том ІV, 153-157

Second Congress of Microbiology, 1969, Sofia, 1971, BAN, 153-157
C. Zachariev, Iv. Kaloyanov

Les Salmonelles dans la chair et les organes internes de brebis saines.

V Symposuim of the World Assotiation of Veterinary Food-Hygienists. Proceedings, 101-107, Opatija, September 22-27, 1969, Yugoslavia

Kaloyanov, Iv.

Changes in the virulence of Salmonella typhimurium and Salmonella cholerae suis in meat and organs of sheep and swine after slaughter.

V symposium of the World Association of Veterinary Food-Hygienists. Proceedings, 628-630, Opatija, September 22-27, 1969, Yugoslavia
Kaloyanov, Iv..

On the activity of some Enzymes and Enzyme Systems of Salmonella variants with different Virulence. (Article in Bulgarian, summary in English)

Second Congress of Microbiology, 1969, Sofia, 1971, BAN, vol. I, 61-65

Kaloyanov, Iv.

Multiplication and Virulence of Salmonella Bacteria in the Meat and Organs of infected Animals. (Article in Bulgarian, summary in English)

Втори конгрес по микробиология, 1969, София, 1971, Изд. БАН, том ІV, 215-217

Second Congress of Microbiology, 1969, Sofia, 1971, BAN, vol. IV, 215-217

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