Rasho Rashev Introduction Рашо Рашев Увод н и дум и Christina Angelova, Mark. Stefanovich Henrieta Todorova Христина Ангелова, Марк Стефанович Хенриета Тодорова Кратка биография

II.Б. Брашински. За икономическнте връзкп на гръцките градове в предримската епоха

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Belgae Expansion Into South Eastern Europe and Asia Minor (4th-3rd century B.C.)

ВгепгЛап Мае Соп^аП

Брепдап МакКотал

Експанзията на велгите в Югоизточна Европа и Мала Азия (ГУ-III в.пр.Хр.)

Келтското нашествие към Югоизточна Европа и Мала Азия в края на IV и в началото на III в.пр.Хр. оставя след себе си кратък политически, но дълготраен културен отзвук на Балканите. Въпроснаша експанзия бича приписпана или просто на "келти" с неуточнен произход или, погрешно, на "галите". Подобен феномен открипаме не само у съвре-мениите автора, по и в древните гръцки и римски изиори. Всички наличии свидетелства иавеждат па мисълша, че воините, водени от Бренос през 279 г.пр.Хр., са били всъщност белги - една самостоятелна в политически и културно отношение племенна гр\па келти, която има тесни генетични връзки с германските племена. Авторът счита, че този факт би могъл да хвърли до известна степей светлина върху все още спорния въпрос откосно ешническиата при-падлежност на племето бастирни. Оказва се, че докато келтеката вълна, зиляла Пталийския полуостров, се е съешоя-ла от галски племена, то ннви.шята на Балканите и основаването на Галатея в Мала Азия са извършени от белги.

As lias been said of the Thracians - 'the eth-nonym does not denoie the united people of a single state but covers an innumerable popula­tion that inhabited vast territories in Europe, the démographie core of whom manifests iden­tical or similar culture-historical features dur­ing all the main periods of its existence' (Fot. et al. 2000, 8). A similar distinction must be made when one talks of the Celtic expansion into the Balkans and ultimately into Asia Minor dur­ing the period in question. A tendency to lump these Celtic forces together under the terms 'Gauls' or 'Celts' (a phenomenon common even in ancient historical sources) has hitherto failed to take into account the différent ethnie and cultural groupings within the race which falls within this umbrella terni. It is of paramount importance, therefore to establish more pre-cisely the ethnie origins of the participants in this invasion. In the паше of the Celtic general - Bolgios/Belgius- who attacked on the western flank through Macedonia, ultimately destroy-ing the Macedonian army and killing Ptolemy Keraunos, we have the first indication as to the ethnic/tribal origin of the Celtic armies. It is quite probable that the name of the leader of the western Celtic army - Bolgios, is derived from an ethnie appellation. The testimony of Justin adds weight to the theory, relerring lo this leader not as Bolgios, but as Belgio:

Igitur Galli duce Belgio ad temptandos Mae­edonum ánimos legatos ad Ptolomcum mittunt, offerentes pacem, si emere uelit (Just. XXIV, 5; Cf. Trog. Pomp., Prof, XXIV-'Belgius, Leader Of The Gauls).

Classical authors mistaking 'barbarían' ti-tles for personal names is certainly not without précèdent. A number of factors give us reason lo believe that there were members of the Celtic Belgae confédération among the expédition. We know for example that the Volcae Tectosag-es were one of the three tribes later to cross into Asia Minor and participate in the subséquent establishment of the Celtic state of Galatia un­der Lutarios and Leonorios (Meninoli, XI, 6; Pliny V, 42; Strabo XII, 5, 2). In Caesar's time the Belgae were a confédération of tribes who were settled between the Seine and the Rhine. The peoples comprising this nation are well documented in historical sources. (The Treviri, Mediomatrici and Leuci tribes in the east; the Remi, Suessiones, Catuvellauni, Meldi, Parisii, Silvanectes in the west, and in the north and west the Veliocasses, Bellovaci, Caleti, Ambi-ani, Atrebates and Morini, Adatuci, Eburones, Nervii and Menapii (Plin. IV, 105; Ptol. II, 9; Caesar, II, 3, 4, 11; IV, 19). The Treviri, Remi, Meldi and Volcae Tectosagae tribes are of par­ticular interest to us in the présent context.

The Belgae confédération were a distinct group within the Celtic family. Caesar, in the first lines ol his Commentaires on the Gallit

In Honorem H enriela Todorova

War, states this clearly ('Gallia est omnis in par­tis tres, quarum incolunt Belgae, aliam Aqui-taini, tertiam, qui ipsorum lingua Celtac, nostra Galli appellantur'). While Caesar's Aquitania was bounded by the Garonne, that of Agustus reached to the Loire, but the eleven tribes of the greater Acquitania, living between the Ga­ronne and Loire - the Pictones, Santones, Bi-turiges, Cubi, Lemovices, Cadurci, Petrucorii, Nitiobriges, Arverni, Vellavi, Gabali and Rutini - formed a group distinct from the province as a whole. Evidence of this is provided by the method of recruiting troops, for under the em­pire these peoples had a special dilectator. The peoples north of the Garonne formed another unit and their territories in the third century were separate. In these two cases, as in that of the Belgae, we have pre-existing relationships between the natives taken into consideration by the Romans. They were similar to the distinc­tions which made Belgica and Aquitania south of the Garonne separate regions from the rest of Gaul. These were associations which were political in some cases but had a racial element at their core and were thus different from po­litical associations created simply by the alliance of two nations or the subordination of one to another. The same considerations may explain why certain neighboring civitates are placed to­gether in small groups, for example for the col­lection of taxes, and also the subdivisions of the provinces introduced under Diocletian (HOLDER II, 128; Nonetheless their underlying ethnic­ity, as with the Belgae was Celtic - About the same time Publius Crassus, the son of Marcus Crassus, subjugated nearly all of Aquitania. The people are themselves Gauls and dwell next to Celtica, and the territory extends right along the Pyrenees to the ocean' - Dio. Cass. 39, 46,1). Caesar, in his Commentaries, continues: 'Of all the people the bravest are the Belgae. They are the furthest away from the culture and civilized way of the Roman province, and are least of­ten visited by the merchants who bring luxuries which tend to make people soft; also they are nearest to the Germani across the Rhine and are continually at war with them'. The evidence of Strabo substantiates this ethnic division. He tells us that the country next in order after the

Aquitanian division and Narbonitis reaches as far as the whole oí the Rhenus, extending from the Liger river and also from the Rhodanus at the point where the Rhodanus, after it runs down from its source, touches Lugdunum. He adds -'Now of this country the upper parts that are next to the sources of the rivers (the Rhe­nus and the Rhodanus, extending as far, ap­proximately, as the centre of the plains, have been classified under Lugdunum; whereas the remaining parts, including the parts along the ocean, have been classified under another divi­sion, I mean that division which is specifically assigned to the Belgae'; Strabo IV, 3).' Strabo also mentions the-Germani living mixed among Celtic tribes, including the Belgic Mediomatrici and Sequani and as neighbours of the Leuci ('After the Elvetii, along the Rhenus, dwell the Sequani and the Mediomatrici, in whose territo­ry are situated the Tribocchi, a Germanic tribe which crossed the river from their homeland. Mount Jura is in the territory of the Sequani; it marks the boundary between the Elvetii and the Sequani. So it is beyond the Elvetii and the Se­quani, towards the west, that the Aedui and the Lingones dwell; and beyond the Mediomatrici, that the Leuci and a part of the Lingones dwell; Strabo, IV, 3). Ofthe Sequani, Pliny (Pliny IV, 106) explicitly states that they were Belgae. They seem to have had a particularly close re­lationship with the Germani. Strabo informs us that the Romans bore a grudge against them because they had helped the Germani to invade Italy and indeed appear to have been in some sort of alliance with them.

'But across the Arar dwell the Sequani, who, for a long time, in fact, had been at variance with the Romans as well as with the Aedui. This was because they often joined forces with the Germans in their attacks upon Italy; aye, and they demonstrated that theirs was no ordinary power: they made the Germans strong when they took part with them and weak when they stood aloof (Strabo, IV, 3).

This comparison and Belgae links to the Ger­mani is indeed significant (particularly in rela­tion to the ongoing dispute among academics as to whether the Bastarnae were of Germanic or Celtic origin.) However, despite Caesar's as-

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