На статиите на д-р Милка Милчева Милева, представени при кандидатстване за хабилитация I. Публикации, свързани с дисертационната

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17. Influence of the acute copper deficiency, cold-restraint stress and H2-Blocker ranitidine on the severity of acute gastric mucosal lesions and lipid peroxidation in rats (2001) Methods Find. Exp. Clin. Pharmacol. 23: 10 – 15

Velinov H., M. Mileva, Ch. Nachev

Summary: The acute copper deficiency produces disturbances in the microcirculation and the structure of extracellular matrix proteins, increased of the must cells’ population, following by an increased content of their degranulation’s products, disturbances of histamine’s metabolism, and decrease of the activity of some antioxidant enzymes. These pathogenic mechanisms are similar to the processes underlying the stress ulcer formation. The H2-blocker Ranitidine, the drug with the highest application for the stress ulcer prophylaxis, has the ability to helate the copper ion, to influence its tissue’s distribution and the processes of generation and neutralization of reactive oxygen species. In order to determine the interrelation between the disturbances of copper homeostasis, stress ulcer and H2-blocker Ranitidine, we have investigated the impact of the short-term diet with powdered milk in combination with cold-restraint stress and with or without Ranitidine on the severity of acute gastric mucosal lesions, copper content, lipid peroxidation and the activity of superoxide dismutase and catalase in the stomach in rats.
18. Студови имобилизационни язви при плъхове в условията на остър меден дефицит (2001) Вътрешни болести, 33(2-3): 54 - 9.
Велинов Х., М. Милева, Ч. Начев
Abstract: In the present experiment, we have investigated the impact of the acute copper deficiency on the pathogenesis of stress ulcers' formation in rats during cold-restraint stress. A powdered milk diet, lasting for 5 days, causes a significantly decrease of stomach copper content in rat, comparing to content in rats receiving standard laboratory diet. The severity of mucosal disturbances, expressed as total number and area of stress ulcers, is most prominent in animals receiving hypocupric diet. Their treatment with Ranitidine extends the morphological disturbances in the stomach mucosa and produces highest level of lipid peroxidation and lowest activity of superoxide dismutase in the stomach compared to the other groups. In conclusion, the appropriate copper balance plays an essential role for the natural resistance of the stomach mucosa and Ranitidine, in conditions of acute copper deficiency, makes deeper the disturbances produced by stress.
19. Влияние на римантадина, витамин Е и студово-имобилизационния стрес върху оксидативните увреждания при експериментален модел на грипна вирусна инфекция. Автореферат на Дисертация, 2002, МУ, Катедра по физика и биофизика, София

20. Effect of immobilization, cold and cold-restraint stress on liver monooxygenase activity and lipid peroxidation of influenza virus infected mice (2002) Arch. Toxicol. 76(2): 96 – 103
Mileva M., R. Bakalova L. Tantcheva, A.S. Galabov
Summary: The present study provides a direct experimental proof that the combination of influenza A/Aichi/2/68 (H3N3) infection with different models of “oxidative stress”, as immobilization, cold and cold-restraint, is associated with graduated oxidative disturbances in the liver of mice, despite the absence of virus and inflammation in this tissue.

It was found that experimental influenza virus infection is accompanied with a significant increase of lipid peroxidation products, a decrease of natural antioxidants (vitamin E, glutathione) and cytochrome P-450, an inhibition of cytochrome c-reductase and liver monooxygenases (analgin-N-demethylase and amidopyrine-N-demethylase).

Immobilization and cold stress, applied separately or in combination (cold-restraint), did not influence significantly all analyzed parameters as compared to the control group of non-infected mice.

Preliminary exposure of mice to immobilization or cold stress and subsequent inoculation of influenza virus resulted in a significant increase of lipid peroxidation products and a significant decrease of vitamin E and reduced glutathione, as compared to control (non-infected) animals. The changes in all these parameters were neglected as compared to influenza virus infected and non-stressed animals. Immobilization or cold stress, applied in combination with influenza virus infection, prevented partially the suppressive effect of influenza virus on cytochrome P-450 and liver monooxygenases. It was observed a tendency towards normalization of these parameters to the control levels.

However, after application of cold-restraint plus influenza virus infection, the level of cytochrome P-450 and activity of cytochrome c-reductase stayed markedly lower as in infected and non-stressed animals. The activities of liver monooxygenases were slightly increased as compared to infected and non-stressed animals, but stayed relatively low as compared to control (non-infected) mice. Combination of cold-restraint and influenza virus infection resulted in a greater synergistic increase of LPO products and in a greater synergistic decrease of vitamin E and reduced glutathione, as compared to controls, as well as compared to influenza virus infected and non-stressed animals.

21. Effect of some psychotropic drugs on luminol–dependent chemiluminescence induced by O2, OH, HOCl (2002) Zeitschrift fuеr Naturforschung 57: 1066 -71
Hadjimitova V., T. Traykov, M. Mileva, St. Ribarov
Abstract: We studied antioxidant activity of six neuroleptics (chlorpromazine, levomepromazine, promethazine, trifluoperazine and thioridazine) and two antidepressants (imipramine and amitriptyline) in the range of concentration of 10-7 – 10-4 mol/l. We applied luminol-dependent chemiluminescence to test the ability of these drugs to scavenge the biologically relevant oxygen-derived species: hydroxyl radical, superoxide radical, hypochlorous acid in vitro. We found that the phenothiazines were powerful scavengers of hydroxyl and superoxide radicals. Chlorprothixene, amitriptyline and imipramine had no scavenge activity to superoxide radical. All drugs showed a moderate scavenger effect on hypochloric anion.

22. Gastric mucosal lesions in influenza virus infected mice: role of gastric lipid peroxidation (2003) Methods Find. Exp. Clin. Pharmacol. 25: 7
Mileva M., K. Marazova, A.S. Galabov
Summary: The present study provides a direct experimental proof that the combination of influenza virus infection A/Aichi/2/68 (H3N3) with different models of “oxidative stress”, as immobilization, cold and cold-restraint, is associated with graduated oxidative disturbances in the stomach of mice, despite the absence of virus replication and inflammation in this tissue.

It was found that experimental influenza virus infection is accompanied with significant changes of gastric mucosal integrity as well as with an increase of products of lipid peroxidation in mice stomachs. Preliminary exposure of mice to immobilization stress and subsequent inoculation of influenza virus did not influence significantly gastric ulceration or lipid peroxidatoin as compared to the group of infected mice. Cold stress results in a significant decrease of index of stomach ulceration and did not influence the fluorescent products of lipid peroxidation and MDA compare to infected animals. The simultaneous application of cold-restraint stress and influenza virus infection provokes synergism in acting of all factors on the parameters under investigation. The ulceration was about twice increased, almost twice higher was the amount of fluorescent products of lipid peroxidation as well as MDA as compared to influenza virus infected and not stressed animals.

23. Effect of vitamin E and vitamin C combination on experimental influenza virus infection (2003) Methods Find. Exp. Clin. Pharmacol. 25: 259-64.
Tantcheva L., Stoeva E., Galabov A.S, Braykova A., Savov V., Mileva M.
Abstract: Successful antioxidant treatment of the so-called "free radical diseases" has been reported in the literature. In this study we examined the preventive effect of vitamin E and vitamin C, alone and in combination, on the damage caused by influenza virus infection (IVI). Male mice (ICR), infected with influenza virus A/2/68/(H3N2) (1.5 of LD(50)), were administered single once-daily doses of vitamin E (60 mg/kg b.w.) and vitamin C (80 mg/kg b.w.) intraperitoneally (3 days before virus inoculation). On the 5th and 7th day, respectively, after virus inoculation, animals were decapitated. Monooxygenase enzyme activity (ethylmorphine N-demethylase, amidopyrin N-demethylase, analgin N-demethylase, aniline hydroxylase, cytochrome P-450 content and NADPH-cytochrome C reductase [CCR]) was determined in liver 9000 x g supernatant. Primary and secondary products of lipid peroxidation (LPO; conjugated dienes [CD] and TBA-reactive substances) were measured in blood plasma, lung and liver 9000 x g supernatant. Vitamin E effectively restored LPO-levels increased by IVI. The effect of vitamin C was similar, but slighter. The combination (vitamin E + C) had greater effect on LPO levels than their separate administration. P-450-dependent monooxygenase activity was significantly restored and more pronounced cytochrome P-450 content and NADPH-CCR activity was noted. The preventive effect of vitamin E was stronger than the effect of vitamin C, but the combination (vitamin E + C) had the strongest effect. The superior protective effect of the combination is probably due to vitamin C's repairing effect on vitamin E's tocopheroxyl radical.
24. Effect of cold-restraint stress and influenza virus infection on the oxidative disturbances in lung and blood (2003) Proceedings of Tenth Congress of the Bulgarian Microbiologists with International Participation, Plovdiv, October 9-12, 2002 Vol. I, 316 - 321
Mileva M., Galabov A.S.
Summary: The present study rovides a direct experimental proof that the combination of influenza A/Aichi/2/68 (H3N3) infection with cold-restraint stress is associated with graduated oxidative disturbances in the lung and blood plasma of mice. Influenza virus infection is accompanied with a significant increase of MDA and fluorescent lipofuscine-like products, and a decrease of natural antioxidant vitamin E. Preliminary exposure of mice to immobilization or cold stress and subsequent inoculation of influenza virus resulted in a significant increase of LP products and a significant decrease of vitamin E, as compared to control (non-infected) animals. Combination of cold-restraint and influenza virus infection resulted in a greater synergistic increase of lung virus titre and in a greater synergistic decrease of vitamin E as compared to controls, as well as compared to influenza virus infected and non-stressed animals.
25. Влияние на студово-имобилизационния стрес върху оксидативните увреждания в някои тъкани (2003) Юбилейна научна конференция с международно участие “20 години ВМИ – МФ – Стара Загора”, Медико-биологични науки (1) 85 – 89
Милева М., Г. Бекярова, К. Маразова
Резюме: В настоящата работа е изследвано влиянието на студовата имобилизация върху съдържанието на продуктите на липидната пероксидация като маркери на оксидативния стрес в бял дроб, черен дроб, бъбреци, сърце и мозък на плъхове. Експерименталният модел е проведен чрез фиксиране на животните в индивидуални клетки, поставени в хладилна стая (4 0С) с експозиция 4 часа. Ранните продукти на липидната пероксидация - конюгирани диени, са достовeрно повишени в сърце и бъбреци при стресираните в сравнение с контролните животни (р<0.001). Повишено е съдържанието на ТБК-активните продукти в бял дроб и сърце на студово-имобилизираните плъхове спрямо референтните стойности (р<0.001). Не се наблюдават промени в нивата на конюгираните диени и ТБК-активните продукти в мозък и черен дроб при студова имобилизация.

Резултатите показват, че студово-имобилизационният стрес предизвиква оксидативни увреждания в сърце, бял дроб, бъбреци. Вероятно активирането на липидната пероксидация при този експериментален модел е процес, свързан с патологичните увреждания в изследваните тъкани.

26. Low-intensity laser irradiation does not affect the oxidative stress in experimental cataract (2004) Medical Laser Application. 19 : 150 – 154
Mileva M., Bakalova R., G. Zlateva
Summary: The effects of low-intensity laser (LIL) irradiation on the grading of the level of lens opacity (i), and on the level of lipid peroxidation products and activities of antioxidant enzymes in lens (ii) during experimental Diquat-induced Cataract in rabbit eyes were studied. At the end of 10th week the lens of Diquat-treated animals opacitated to 4–5 grade. Subsequent treatment of the lens by low-intensity He-Na laser does not alter significantly the level of opacity (4–5 grade). It was observed that experimental model of Cataract lead to significant increase of lipid peroxidation products (conjugated dienes, malondialdehyde, fluorescent lipofuscine-like products) as well as to significant changes in antioxidant enzyme activities (increase of SOD-activity and decrease of Catalase-activity). Treatment of Diquat-modified lens by low-intensity He-Na laser resulted to a slight decrease of SOD-activity and does not affect additionally Catalase-activity.

Summarizing, the results demonstrated that LIL-irradiation has not a protective effect on the cataractogenesis and oxidative stress, induced by Diquat in rabbit eyes. It is supposed that the effect ofLIL-irradiation on the experimental Cataract depends on the dose applied, prolongation of laser treatment and lens structure.

27. A new procedure for solid phase synthesis of oligo-DNA-peptide conjugates and verification of their biological properties. (2004) ISMM, pp. 56-57
Kubo, T., Z. Zhelev, H. Ohba, M. Fujii, M. Mileva, R. Bakalova, M. Ishikawa, Y. Baba.
Summary: The present study describes a novel synthesis of oligo-DNA-peptide conjugates (ODN-peptides) and an evaluation of their biological properties. The synthesis of ODN-peptides was carried out by solid phase fragment condensation (SPFC) in high yields. For this purpose, ODNs could be condensed verity of peptide fragments without any limitation of amino acids in their sequences. The peptides are classified as: nuclear localization signals (NLS-peptides – SV40-T antigene, HIV-1-tat), nuclear export signals (NES-peptides – Hiv-1-rev, MAPKK) and artificially designed peptides - (LRAL)3 and (RL)5 that form amphiphilic a-helical and -sheet conformations in duplex DNA. The biological properties of ODN-peptide conjugates showed a higher affinity with complementary DNA or RNA, higher resistance against nuclease degradation, and higher membrane permeability in comparison with the native (non-conjugated) ODNs.

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