На статиите на д-р Милка Милчева Милева, представени при кандидатстване за хабилитация I. Публикации, свързани с дисертационната

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34. Effect of Low-intensity Laser Irradiation and Vitamin E on the Oxidative Damages in Experimental Model of Diquat-induced Cataract in Rabbits – a Comparative Study (2005) Trakia Journal of Scienses, 2005, pp. 6-9

Mileva M., G. Zlateva
Abstract: The aim of this study is to compare the effects of low-intensity laser irradiation and of the essential antioxidant vitamin E on the levels of the markers of oxidative stress during diquat-induced cataract in rabbits. Male rabbits Chinchilа were used. The grade of the lens opacity was observed during the cataract development. After enucleating, the levels of the markers of the oxidative stress – malone dialdehyde and fluorescent lipofuscine-like products were determined in lens homogenate. Vitamin E supplementation reduces the oxidative stress significantly while the LIL irradiation did not influence significantly the levels of the products of lipid peroxidation.

35. Potential of DNA-sugar conjugates as antisense-based drugs: intracellular uptake, stability of sense-antisense duplexes, resistance against nuclease degradation, and antisense effect (2005) Pharmacia, LII, 1-2/2005, 3-6
Bakalova R., T. Kubo, M. Mileva, Z. Zhelev, H. Ohba, M. Fujii
Summary: The present study describes the possibility for carbohydrate receptor-mediated antisense oligo-DNA transfer into the cells. Oligo-DNAs were covalently conjugated at 5’-end with sugar (galactosamine). The synthesis was carried out by solid-phase fragment condensation. Using FITC-labeled DNA-sugar conjugates it was detected that they were delivered into the cells rapidly and were localized into the high density sites of the cytoplasm. The described modification of antisense oligo-DNAs with sugar was found to improve their biochemical and pharmacological properties. The binding affinity of oligo-DNAs to the respective target sense sequences enhanced significantly after conjugation with sugar, estimated by their melting temperatures. DNA-sugar conjugates were found to be more resistant to nuclease degradation in serum in comparison with the respective non-conjugated oligo-DNAs. The sequences of oligo-DNA were selected to be antisense against RNA-template of human telomerase. The presence of sugar enhanced the specific antisense activity of oligo-DNAs, resulting in stronger reduction of the activity of respective sense target (telomerase). In telomerase activity assay it was established that ID50 was ~40-50 nM for DNA-galactosamine conjugates vs ~350-400 nM for the respective non-conjugated oligo-DNA sequences.

In conclusion, the synthesized oligo-DNA-sugar conjugates can be considered as promising chemical modification of antisense DNAs, enhancing their possibility for in vivo application.

36. Study of effects of the flavonoids Quercetin and Rutin on oxidative damages in blood plasma of mice infected by influenza virus A/Aichi/2/68 (H3N2) (2005) Scientific conference with international participation Stara Zagora – 2005, Vol IV, pp139 – 143

Mileva__M.'>Mileva M., G. Zlateva, A. S. Galabov

Abstract: In this paper a study of the effects of flavonoid polyphenols quercetin ant its sugar-containing homologue (rutinoside) rutin on the oxidative damages in blood plasma, isolated from influenza virus A/Aichi/2/68 (H3N2) (2.0 of LD50) inoculated mice, is performed. It was found that experimental influenza virus infection is accompanied with a significant increase of lipid peroxidation products and a decrease of natural antioxidants vitamin E. The preliminary (5 days) supplementation of mice with rutin, quercetin or its combination and their subsequent virus inoculation was accompanied with accumulation of lower levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) and fluorescent lipofuscine-like products and of higher levels of endogenous vitamin E in comparison with animals, subjected to influenza virus infection only. The protective effect of rutin against influenza virus-induced lipid peroxidation in blood plasma was better expressed than the effect of quercetin may be due to containing of rutinoside part.

37. Microarray-based technology for discovery of multidrug resistance factors in genetic-based therapy of cancer (2005) Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of AIST – Shikoku, AIST, Japan, 2005, pp. 5 – 7
R. Bakalova, Z. Zhelev, A. Lewis, M. Mileva, H. Ohba, M. Ishikawa, Y. Shinohara, Y. Baba.

38. Antioxidant and antiangiogenesis properties of tetrathiomolybdate in model systems (2006) Science in Globalization in 21 c. Stara Zagora 2006, Vol IV pp 159-163
Mileva М., K. Gancheva, G. Zlateva, S. Milteva, M. D. Apostolova
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to assess the ability of tetrathiomolybdate to influence the lipid peroxidation in some model systems. The ability of tetrathiomolybdate to affect Fe2+-induced lipid peroxidation, and products from that reaction malondialdehgyde MDA are evaluating by spectrophotometry. Results of investigation on Fe2+-induced lipid peroxidation in model systems in vitro shows that tetrathiomolybdate in investigated concentrations 10-4 - 10-6 M has dose-dependent antioxidant activity. The results are similar in a system of egg liposomes as well as in a system of liver supernatant.

39. Effects of rutin and quercetin on monooxygenase activities in experimental influenza virus infection (2006) Experimental and Toxicological Pathology 58, p 59–64
Savov V. M., A.S. Galabov, L. Tantcheva, M. Mileva, E. Pavlova, E. Stoeva, A. Braykova
Abstract: The aim of this work is to study the effect of the flavonoids rutin and quercetin on hepatic monooxygenase activities in experimental influenza virus infection (EIVI). EIVI causes oxidative stress in the whole organism. This is confirmed by the rapidly increased concentrations of thiobarbituric reactive substances in influenza-infected mice: lungs – 290%; blood plasma – more than 320%; liver – 230%; brain – 50%. Although known for their antioxidant activities, rutin and quercetin exhibit prooxidant effect in healthy and antioxidant activity in influenza-infected animals. The pretreatment with both flavonoids (20 mg/kg b.w.) restores oxidative damage mostly in the target organ of the infection as well as in the liver of all infected mice (lungs: rutin – 30%, quercetin – 40%, combination – 45%; liver: rutin – 12%; quercetin – 40%; combination – 50%). As far as EIVI causes oxidative stress, toxicosis and inhibition of the hepatic monooxygenase activity, it is important to study the effects of rutin and quercetin on these systems. Both flavonoids induce the level of cytochrome P-450 (rutin – 13%, quercetin – 30%, combination – 22%) but inactivate NADPH-cytochrome c reductase, aminopyrine N-demethylase and analgin N-demethylase on the 5th day of EIVI. Probably, these flavonoids affect different components of the monooxygenase system. These effects could be explained with oxidative hepatic intoxication on the 5th critical day of EIVI as well as higher dose treatment. More data are needed on the antioxidant/prooxidant effects of rutin and quercetin, probably due to specific metabolic and physiological activities, chemical structure, etc.

40. Физични принципи, възможности и развитие на електромедицинските диагностични методи I. Електрографски диагностични методи (2006) Сборник научни доклади от Юбилейната научна конференция BAF’2006 „45 години от полета на Юрий Гагарин”, Шумен, април, 2006 г., 347 - 354.
Златева Г., Н. Попдимитрова, А. Гегова, Д. Владимирова, М. Милева
Abstract: The physical principles of the electrographic diagnosic methods the possibility to obtain the diagnostic information, the equipment and its particularities are under attention. The Einthovet theory for electrocardiography and its application for diagnostics are present. The electroencephalography, electromyography, electroretinography are presented. The electroencephalography, electromyography, electroretinography biophysical principles are discussed.

41. Физични методи за образна диагностика в обучението по медицинска физика (2006) XXXIV Национална конференция по въпросите на обучението по физика „Физиката в биологията и медицината”, Сборник доклади 200 – 203
Златева Г., Н. Попдимитрова, Д. Владимирова, А. Гегова, М. Милева
Резюме: Развитието на образните диагностични методи прави възможно почти изцяло неинвазивното откриване, диагностициране, избор и провеждане на най-подходящата терапия на множество заболявания. Образната диагностика в медицината претърпява революция с появата на рентгеновата компюрърна томография. Значително се раширяват възможностите за прецизно диагностициране с въвеждане на методите за позитронно-емисионна компютърна томография.

42. Some Manners of Physics Education on Sound Topics by Means of Multimedia Presentation (2006) In: Proceedings of the fourth edition of the Colloquium “Mathematics in engineering and numerical physics” Bucharest, October 6-8 2006. Part II: Numerical Physics and Complexity, Edd. Professor Dan Iordache and Paul Sterian pp 124-127
Popdimitrova N., G. Zlateva, A. Logofetov, D.Vladimirova, M. Mileva, A.Gegova, J. Deleva
Abstract: The specificity of Physics education in Medical University is connected with the problems of diagnostics and therapy in medicine. One important field of physics applications is the image diagnostics by means of magnetic resonance imaging, thermography, Roentgen diagnostics. Positron emission tomography ultrasonic sound and their medical applications, in one-, two-, three-, and four-dimensional echography. On the other hand therapeutical methods like lithotripsy, due to the greater concrement impedance in comparison with soft tissues could be demonstrated, as well during the multimedia presentation.
43. Visible Photoluminescence of Solid State Quercetin and Rutin (2007) Proceedings of 6th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, edited by S. A. Cetin and I. Hikmet, Anerican Institute of Physics.
Zlateva G., M. Mileva, N. Popdimitrova
Summary: Quercetin is found in many foods, as well as in seeds, nuts, flowers, barks, and leaves. It is the most abundant of the flavonoid molecules. Rutin is the sugar‐containing homologue of quercetin — quercetin‐3‐rutinoside. Visible photoluminescence spectra of solid state quercetin and rutin are under attention in this paper. The spectra were obtained at wavelenght of excited light 457.9 nm.
44. Effect of endoxan on oxidative processes in model systems in vitro (2007) Med Pregl, LX (Suppl 2): 121 – 123 Novi Sad
Mileva M., L. Traikov, B. Deliiska
Abstract: Endoxan (cyclophosphamide) is a cyclic propylene phosphamide ester of nitrogen mustard. Endoxan- main advantage of chemotherapy is complete penetration of the tissues, reaching the most widely spread malignant cells. It is one of the most useful cytotoxics available today. Endoxan is a "transport form" and as such it has a selective tumour affinity. It consists of a carrier molecule, a blocking group to make it inactive during the transport stage, and the active nitrogen mustard group. It is inactive in vitro. The cytotoxic action is presumably based on binding and inactivation of the cellular DNA. Endoxan is used for active treatment of all neoplastic diseases of the reticulo-endothelial system, e.g. lymphomas, lymphosarcomas, reticular-sarcomas, Hodgkin's disease, chronic lymphatic leukaemias, multiple myelomas. Concentration of used Endoxan in our experiments is equivalent with mean therapeutic concentration used in chemotherapy in tumours, we suppose that at these levels of endoxan interact with renal cells and probably induce or inhibit new generation of superoxide free forms in same tissue. Endoxan was tested at renal supernatant and free enzyme model systems, for oxidative stress activity. The ability of Endoxan to interact with the superoxide radical, to influence their generation and probably to change the levels of lipid peroxidation (LPO) in model systems were investigated.

45. Antioxidant Effects of Plant Polyphenols Quercetin and Rutin in Influenza Virus Infected Mice (2007) Сборник научни трудове на V Национален конгрес по Клинична микробиология и инфектология на Българската асоциация на микробиолозите с международно участие, 134 – 136
Mileva M., A. S. Galabov
Summary: In this study an investigation and comparison of the effects of plant flavonoid polyphenols quercetin ant its sugar-containing homologue (rutinoside) rutin on the “oxidative stress” in liver, lung as well as in blood plasma isolated from influenza virus A/Aichi/2/68 (H3N2) (2.0 of LD50) inoculated mice, is carried out. It was found that experimental influenza virus infection is accompanied with a significant increase of lipid peroxidation products and a decrease of natural antioxidants vitamin E, an inhibition of cytochrome c-reductase and liver monooxygenases (analgin-N-demethylase and amidopyrine-N-demethylase) as compared to control (non-infected) animals. The preliminary (5 days) supplementation of mice with rutin, quercetin or its combination and their subsequent virus inoculation was accompanied with accumulation of lower levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) and fluorescent lipofuscine-like products and of higher levels of endogenous vitamin E in comparison with animals, subjected to influenza virus infection only. The protective effect of rutin against influenza virus-induced lipid peroxidation and activities of CYP and liver monooxygenases was better expressed than the effect of quercetin may be due to containing of rutinoside part or difference of its metabolism.
46. Dual-labeled telomere sensing probes for quantification of telomerase activity assay (2007) J Biochem Biophys Meth 70, 503 – 506
Bakalova R., Zh. Zhelev, T. Kubo, M. Mileva, H. Ohba
Abstract. The present study describes an empirically discovered phenomenon that might be useful for development of a sensitive and rapid methodology for quantification of telomerase activity assay with simple data acquisition and possibility for calculation of telomerase product in absolute units. The method is based on the design and application of two single-stranded telomere sensing probes consisting of dual-labeled 16-mer oligonucleotides (fluorescent Cy3/Cy3-labeled and non-fluorescent IowaBlack/BHQ-labeled) that can simultaneously hybridize on the primary product of the telomerase reaction.
47. Antioxidant properties of oseltamivir in model systems in vitro (2008) Trakia Journal of Sci, 6 (2) pp 65-68
Mileva M., L. Simeonova, G. Gegova, A. S. Galabov
Summary: Osletamivir is a neuraminidase inhibitor with a highly specific action against antiinfluenza type A and B viral infection. Designed as a structural analogue of neuraminic acid, oseltamivir competitively binds the active site of the enzyme neuraminidase on the influenza virus surface. Thus the final steps of viral replication cycle are blocked and the release of viral progeny from the host-cell is inhibited.

The aim of the present study was to investigate some aspects of the antioxidant properties of oseltamivir as an NA inhibitor in some model systems.

The capability of oseltamivir to scavenge superoxide anion radicals (scavenging properties) was studied in a system of xanthine-xanthine oxidase to generate superoxide. The amount of superoxide was measured spectrophotometrically by the NBT-test and by chemiluminesce. Data is shown as a spectrophotpmetric scavenging index (SpSI) and chemiluminescense scavenging index (CLSI). The possibility of oseltamivir to interact with hydroxyl radicals was studied in a system of iron ion-dependent hydroxyl radical formations. The antioxidant properties of oseltamivir were investigated as well, by measuring induced lipid peroxidation in a Fe2+ and (Fe2+ - EDTA) systems with an egg liposomal suspension by a TBARS test. The data is present as TBARS - scavenging index.

We have found that oseltamivir does not show in some superoxide and hydroxide radicals scavenging properties and also does not influence the ability of lipid peroxidation processes in applied models of concentration range 10 mM to 0.01 mM.

48. Mitigation of oxidative stress in cyclophosphamide treated renal model systems (2008) Trakia Journal of Sci 6 (2) рр. 61 - 64
Mileva M., L. Traikov, and B. Deliiska
Summary: The ability of Endoxane to affect Fe2+-induced lipid peroxidation, and products from that reaction MDA are evaluating by spectrophotometry. Results of our investigation on Fe2+-induced lipid peroxidation in our model systems in vitro, show that Endoxan in investigated concentrations 10-4; 10-5 M, have small but significant differences in MDA/TBA system for 10-4 M Endoxan we have 7.43 nmol MDA/mg protein, for 10-5 M Endoxan we have 8.07 nmol MDA/mg protein. Values for the control samples which do not contain Endoxan are as follow: 8.48 nmol MDA/mg proteins. About Superoxidedismutase system (SOD), we obtained for the control 0.367 IU/mg protein, for Endoxane group we have for 10-4 M, 0.433 IU/mg protein, for 10-5 M, we have 0.470 IU/mg protein as well.

For more specific information about oxidative stress in renal model system caused by Endoxan, we use NBT test for evaluation of the endoxan activity in comparison with control group, the results show that we have 97 SpSI [%] for the 10-4 M Endoxan and 96 SpSI [%] for 10-5 M Endoxan. According that results that due to еndoxan-oxidative tolerance, еndoxan could be used in insertion in liposomes and this could impact еndoxan tissue penetration.

49. Относно онагледяването на учебния материал по физика и патологична анатомия при чуждоезиковото обучение в Медицинския Университет (2008) Trakia Journal of Sci 6 (3) pp. 48 - 51
Попдимитрова Н., Г. Златева, М. Милева, А. Гегова, Д. Владимирова
Резюме: При чуждоезиковото обучение студентите започват занятията с различно ниво на начална подготовка, което е от значение главно в обучението по физика в първи курс.

При обучението в по-горните курсове, включително по обща и клинична патология, след усвояване на необходимите базови познания се взема предвид и фактът, че студентите ще работят в различни по вид и географско разположение клинични звена.

Това изисква и при двете дисциплини да се подберат учебни помагала и начини на онагледяване, които са общоприети за съответните висши учебни заведения във ведущите развити страни.

В този аспект са разгледани съответните онагледителни материали по физика и патология, представени с тенденция за обогатяване и по-дълбоко осмисляне на учебния материал по съответната дисциплина.

50. Multimodal Silica-Shelled Quantum Dots: Direct Intracelular Delivery, Photosensitization, Toxic, and Microcirculation Effects (2008) Bioconjugate Chem 2008 Jun; 19(6):1135-42. Epub 2008 May 22.
Bakalova R., Zh. Zhelev, I. Aoki, K. Masamoto, M. Mileva, T. Obata, M. Higuchi, V. Gadjeva, and I. Kanno
Abstract: In the present study, we describe a multimodal QD probe with combined fluorescent and paramagnetic properties, based on silica-shelled single QD micelles with incorporated paramagnetic substances [tris(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionate)/gadolinium] into the micelle and/or silica coat. The probe was characterized with high photoluminescence quantum yield and good positive MRI contrast, low cytotoxicity, and easy intracellular delivery in viable cells. The intravenous administration of the probe in experimental animals did not affect significantly the physiological parameters and microcirculation (e.g., heart rate, blood pressure, diameter and shape of blood vessels), which makes it appropriate for tracing of blood circulation and in ViVo multimodal imaging using fluorescent confocal microscopy, two-photon microscopy, and MRI.

51. Concerning computer aided illustrating process during physics and pathology education of foreign students in Bulgarian high schools (2008) Ann Acad of Roman Sci: 1(2)2008 pp. 53-58
Popdimitrova N., G. Zlateva, M. Mileva, A. Gegova, D. Vladimirova
Abstract: The physics knowledge level of foreign students studying in High Medical Schools is from one side important for the first year of education and from the other very different. During the didactic process, including general and clinical pathology, it has to be in consideration that the future specialists will accomplish their work in clinics situated all over the world and of different specificity. That gives rise to a requirement to choose didactic materials and illustrations, acceptable for countries on top position of education. According to that, the corresponding interactive materials, connected to physics and pathology, are discussed with a tendency to better explain the events and facts of physics and pathology.

Keywords: education of foreign students, multimedia illustration, multidisciplinary approach
52. Electron microscopy and medical morphological studies (2008) Tenth national conference on biomedical physics and engineering 16-18 October, Sofia (Електронна версия от сборника на конференцията) ISBN 978-954-91589-2-2
Gegova A., D. Vladimirova, N. Popdimitrova, G. Zlateva, M. Mileva, A. Logofetov
Abstract: Pathological changes in biomaterials, obtained from patients and experimental animals of different pathology and examined by means of transmission and scanning electron microscopy are discussed. The advantages of the electron microscope techniques used are under estimation in comparison with the light microscope techniques, mainly because of the higher resolution and bigger image dimensions. Samples are observed, showing the role of the ultra microscope investigations during establishing the pathology process nature and following its evolution, obtained in natural or therapeutically influenced way.
53. Анализ на резултатите от рефератната форма на обучение по медицинка физика (2008) Сборник доклади на Международната научна конференция: “Българската наука и Европейското изследователско пространство”, 5-6 юни 2008, Стара Загора, Издателство “Съюз на учените – Стара Загора”, ISBN 978-954-93-2944-5. (Електронна версия от сборника на конференцията)

Попдимитрова Н., Г. Златева, Д. Владимирова, А. Гегова, М. Милева, А. Логофетов, Ж. Делева

Abstract: A task to write papers on chosen topics of medical physics, like laser, light and electron microscopy, methods of image diagnostics etc., was assigned to medical and dentistry students, first year of education, in Sofia Medical University.The purpose of the investigation was to analyze the students papers effect on the medical physics education, with view of the tendencies of the modern medical education and the requirements of fast diagnostics and therapy development. A special attention is emphasized on the possibility to take into account papers results as a part of the whole course of medical physics.

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