Конкурс за финансиране на проекти за изследване, развитие и привличане на нови публики 15

Покани за представяне на предложения по програма „ЕСПОН 2013“ (18 април-13 юни 2012 г.)

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Покани за представяне на предложения по програма „ЕСПОН 2013“ (18 април-13 юни 2012 г.)

1. Покана за представяне на предложения за целеви анализи/приоритет 2: - Северно море - разпространение на резултатите от транснационалното сътрудничество (бюджет 340 000 EUR) Ще бъде одобрено само едно предложение по посочената тема.

2. Покана за представяне на предложения в рамките на научната платформа на ЕСПОН/приоритет 3:- Европейска система за наблюдение на територията (бюджет 598 000 EUR) - Откриване на териториалния потенциал и предизвикателства (бюджет 350 000 EUR) - Уебприложение за европейски градски сравнителен анализ (бюджет 200 000 EUR)

3. Покана за представяне на предложения за транснационални мрежови дейности на мрежата от звена за контакт по ЕСПОН/приоритет 4:- Дейности за капитализация на резултатите на транснационално равнище на мрежата от звена за контакт по ЕСПОН

Повече информация можете да намерите ТУК

Краен срок: 13 юни 2012 г.

Финансиране на журналистически разследвания от Scoop

Могат да кандидатстват журналисти от Украйна, Беларус, Сърбия и Черна гора, Босна и Херцеговина, Албания, Македония и Молдова (за национални разследвания) и журналисти от Украйна, България, Румъния, Беларус, Сърбия и Черна гора, Босна и Херцеговина, Албания, Македония и Молдова (за транс-национални разследвания).

Грант: 2000 евро

Критериите са:

  • Разследването ще разкрие нова, важна информация от очевиден обществен интерес.

  • Разследването се основава на споразумение за отпечатване с най-малко едно и за предпочитане няколко средства за масова информация.

  • Разследващият(те) журналист(и) вече имат достъп до ключова информация (съответни източници, съдебна истории, документи), а достъпът до допълнителна информация е реалистичен.

  • Разследването няма да доведе до неприемливи рискове за ангажираните журналисти / медии.

  • Журналистът (ите) ще работят в съответствие с професионалните журналистически и етични стандарти.

  • Ключовите резултати от разследването ще бъдат публикувани в разумно кратък срок.

  • Журналистите / редакторите, участващи в разследването, ще представят своя материал на юридически съветници преди публикуване, за да се избегне ненужен конфликт със закона.

  • SCOOP трябва да бъде изрично посочен при публикуването на статиите.

Краен срок: 1 юли 2012 г.

НАЦИОНАЛЕН ФОНД "КУЛТУРА" обявява конкурс за финансиране на проекти за изследване, развитие и привличане на нови публики

Тема на сесията за 2012 г. „Култура и образование”.

Цели на програмата:

  • Да стимулира процеса на разработването на маркетингови стратегии и програми за проучване, анализ и привличане на потребители на културни продукти;

  • Под формата на семинари, работни ателиета, теоретични конференции и т.н. да подготви и мотивира мениджъри, организатори, активни участници, както в създаването и разпространението, така и в рекламата на културни събития;

  • Да насърчи създаването и разпространението на иновативни културни продукти и привличането на широк кръг от зрители чрез интерактивни събития;

  • Да изгради професионални и надеждни умения, както и да повиши надеждността на средствата и начините за мониторинг, оценка и архивиране на културните събития;

  • Да инициира по – тясно сътрудничество на културните и образователни институции за създаване на съвместни образователни продукти.

  • Да подкрепи опитите за съвременното съществуване на традиционни изкуства с оригинална национална идентичност.

Формуляри за кандидатстване могат да бъдат намерени в електронен вид на следните адреси: www.ncf.bg и www.mc.government.bg

Документите за участие в конкурса, в пет екземпляра, се депозират в

Национален фонд „Култура” до 25.05.2012 г. (петък)
София, бул."Ал.Стамболийски" № 17 понеделник - петък 10.00 - 16.00 ч.
Не се приемат документи за участие в конкурса изпратени по поща, факс или e-mail.
За допълнителна информация: Национален фонд “Култура”
тел. 988 58 26, 981 08 13

Краен срок: 25 май 2012


Летен курс, посветен на защитата на човешките права, 3-12 септември 2012, Познан, Полша

Летният курс за международна защита на човешките права се организира от центъра за човешки права в Познан съвместно със Съвета на Европа и Организацията за сигурност и сътрудничество в Европа.

Основната цел на курса е да обучи млади хора по въпросите за човешките права и да им помогне да развият умения за работа в областта. Семинарът включва общ курс за човешките права и курс за защита на малцинствата. Работният език е английски.

Участниците трябва да са млади активисти в областта на човешките права, членове на неправителствени организации, доброволци, изследователи или студенти с интерес в областта.

Таксата за регистрация е 250 евро. Организаторите ще осигурят на одобрените участници настаняване, храна и учебни материали. Желаещите да кандидатстват трябва да изпратят попълнен формуляр, препоръка и автобиография. Имената на одобрените ще станат ясни до 30 юни 2012 г.

Краен срок: 31 май 2012 г.

Допълнителна информация, както и насоки за кандидатстване можете да намерите на официалната страница на курса.

'Today's science for tomorrow's management', Venice, Italy

[Event Date: 2012-06-03]

An event entitled 'Today's science for tomorrow's management' will take place from 3 to 7 June 2012 in Venice, Italy. For many years, society has relies on coastal and marine ecosystems, for food, recreation, transportation, and more. And yet, the overuse age of these resources can upset the balance of the entire ecosystem if taken for granted.

First Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software, Zurich, Switzerland

[Event Date: 2012-06-03]

The First Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software will take place on 3 June 2012 in Zurich, Switzerland. Information and communications technologies (ICT) account for approximately 2% of world carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. This number only covers the 'in-use phase' of hardware. Software can contribute to decrease power consumption (i.e. become greener) in at least two ways.

'International symposium on pervasive displays', Porto, Portugal

[Event Date: 2012-06-04]

An event entitled 'International symposium on pervasive displays' will take place from 4 to 5 June 2012 in Porto, Portugal.As digital displays become pervasive, they become increasingly relevant in many areas, including advertising, art, sociology, engineering, computer science, interaction design, and entertainment. The field has also picked up significant interest as stakeholders focus on display technologies...

Sixth International Conference on the Fundamental Science of Graphene and Applications of Graphene-Based Devices, Delft, the Netherlands

[Event Date: 2012-06-04]

The Sixth International Conference on the Fundamental Science of Graphene and Applications of Graphene-Based Devices will take place from 4 to 8 June 2012 in Delft, the Netherlands.
Graphene is an allotrope of carbon, with a structure of one-atom-thick planar sheets that are densely packed in a honeycomb crystal lattice.

Ninth European Workshop on Biotechnology of Microalgae, Nuthetal, Germany

[Event Date: 2012-06-04]

The Ninth European Workshop on Biotechnology of Microalgae will take place from 4 to 5 June 2012 in Nuthetal, Germany. Typically found in freshwater and marine systems, microalgae are capable of performing photosynthesis. They produce approximately half of the atmospheric oxygen and use simultaneously the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide to grow photoautotrophically.

'Workshop on the security of the internet of things', Munich, Germany

[Event Date: 2012-06-04]

An event entitled 'Workshop on the security of the internet of things' will take place on 30 July 2012 in Munich, Germany. There are a variety of definitions for the phrase 'internet of things'. They have one common element, though - a world-wide network of interconnected objects. These objects make use of multiple technological building blocks (e.g. wireless communication, sensors, actuators, RFID) and...

First International Workshop on Real-Time Analysis and Mining of Social Streams, Dublin, Ireland

[Event Date: 2012-06-04]

The First International Workshop on Real-Time Analysis and Mining of Social Streams will take place on 4 June 2012 in Dublin, Ireland. The recent increase of instant data provided by users on social networking services has brought increased attention to the real-time processing of social streams.

Third International ICST Conference on Sensor Systems and Software, Lisbon, Portugal
[Event Date: 2012-06-04]

The Third International Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (ICST) Conference on Sensor Systems and Software will take place on 4 to 6 June 2012 in Lisbon, Portugal. Wireless sensor networks enable innovative application scenarios that may support a large amount of different applications.

Tenth International Conference on Wired and Wireless Internet Communications, Santorini, Greece

[Event Date: 2012-06-04]

The Tenth International Conference on Wired and Wireless Internet Communications will take place from 4 to 6 June 2012 in Santorini, Greece. The internet is extending beyond its traditional boundaries by gradually incorporating a wide-range of networks and autonomous devices, ranging from traditional wireless networks to opportunistic networks of mobile devices in urban environments and deep-space communications....

Third International ICST Conference on Sensor Systems and Software, Lisbon, Portugal
[Event Date: 2012-06-04]

The Third International Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (ICST) Conference on Sensor Systems and Software will take place from 4 to 6 June 2012 in Lisbon, Portugal. Wireless sensor networks enable innovative and interesting application scenarios that may support a wide variety of applications.

Tenth International Workshop on Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies, Valencia, Spain
[Event Date: 2012-06-05]

The Tenth International Workshop on Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies will take place from 5 to 6 June 2012 in Valencia, Spain. Distributed systems often include highly autonomous components, working in open, dynamic, and unpredictable environments. Developing and operating such systems calls for models and technologies that ensure predictability and allow for the verification of critical properties,...

Second Landscape Archaeology Conference, Berlin, Germany

[Event Date: 2012-06-06]

The Second Landscape Archaeology Conference will take place from 6 to 9 June 2012 in Berlin, Germany. In the past decade, the field of landscape archaeology has increasingly attracted researchers from the geosciences, archaeology and historical disciplines. Landscape archaeology is the study of the ways in which people in the past constructed and used the environment around them.

Seventh International Conference on Persuasive Technology, Linköping, Sweden

[Event Date: 2012-06-06]

The Seventh International Conference on Persuasive Technology will take place on 6 to 8 June 2012 in Linköping, Sweden. Persuasive technology is an interdisciplinary research field that focuses on how interactive technologies and services can be designed to change people's attitudes and behaviours. Influenced by areas such as classic rhetoric, social psychology and ubiquitous computing.

Third International Eurovis Workshop on Visual Analytics, Bordeaux, France

[Event Date: 2012-06-08]

The Third International Eurovis Workshop on Visual Analytics will take place on 8 June 2012 in Bordeaux, France. Visual analytics is a field of study which focuses on analytical reasoning facilitated by interactive visual interfaces. In terms of research, visual analytics brings together a range of scientific and technical fields ranging from computer science to information visualisation, cognitive and...

ACA Annual Conference: ‘Tying it all together’, Helsinki, Finland (10-12 June 2012)

The Academic Cooperation Association’s (ACA) Annual Conference “Tying it all together: Internationalisation, excellence, funding and the social dimension in higher education" will take place in Helsinki, Finland, from 10 to 12 June 2012.

The conference will be organised in four thematic streams: internationalisation and mobility, excellence, funding, and the social dimension. Parallel workshops will have the same thematic foci and each session and workshop will approach its theme in relation to the other three themes and the challenges inherent in them.

EUA’s EUDIS Project Steering Committee member, Dietmar Ertmann, will present the results of the study on income diversification for universities.

For more information, visit ACA’s website.

21st Nordic Congress of Gerontology, Copenhagen, Denmark

[Event Date: 2012-06-10]

The 21st Nordic Congress of Gerontology will take place on 10 to 13 June 2012 in Copenhagen, Denmark. In almost every country, the proportion of people aged over 60 years is growing faster than any other age group. This population ageing can be seen as a success story for public health policies and for socioeconomic development, but it also challenges society to adapt, in order to maximize the health...

Second IEEE International Workshop of Smart Communication Protocols and Algorithms, Ottawa, Canada

[Event Date: 2012-06-10]

The Second Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International Workshop of Smart Communication Protocols and Algorithms will take place from 10 to 15 June 2012 in Ottawa, Canada. Smart communication protocols and algorithms make use of several methods and techniques (such as machine learning techniques, decision making techniques, knowledge representation, network management, network...

Tenth International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics, Artimino, Italy

[Event Date: 2012-06-13]

The Tenth International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics will take place from 13 to 15 June 2012 in Artimino, Italy. A smart home is an environment with the ability to bring together embedded computers, information appliances, micro/nano systems, and multi-modal sensors to offer people unprecedented levels of access to information and assistance from information and communication technology....

Ninth Young Economists' Workshop on Social Economy, Forlì, Italy

[Event Date: 2012-06-15]

The Ninth Young Economists' Workshop on Social Economy will take place from 15 to 16 June 2012 in Forlì, Italy. Social economy is a term which is used to refer to a third sector in economies between the private sector (such as business) and the public sector (government). It includes organisations such as cooperatives, non-profit organisations, charities, and stakeholder-related entities.

The International Supercomputing Conference (ISC), 17–21 Jun 2012, Hamburg, Germany

The International Supercomputing Conference (ISC) is the most significant HPC conference in Europe for the HPC community. A strong technical program with a wide range of expert speakers is expected to draw 2,400 attendees from academia, research institutions and industry around the world. An estimated 160 leading organizations will showcase their products and research in the ISC exhibition. Other events include the technical program, including Tutorials, Workshops, TOP500 Announcement, Research Paper Sessions, Birds of a Feather (BoF) Sessions, Research Poster Session, Analyst Crossfire, Exhibitor and Start-up Forums, and the popular Hot Seat Sessions in a new format featuring leaders from industry and research centers.

Second Workshop on Intelligibility and Control in Pervasive Computing, Newcastle, UK

[Event Date: 2012-06-18]

The Second Workshop on Intelligibility and Control in Pervasive Computing will take place from 18 June 2012 in Newcastle, UK. Due to the proactive and complex behaviour of pervasive computing environments, it is important that systems are intelligible (or scrutable) to allow users to understand 'what the systems know, how they know it, and what they are doing'.

'Advances in atmospheric science and applications', Bruges, Belgium

[Event Date: 2012-06-18]

The 'Advances in atmospheric science and applications' will be held from 18 to 22 June 2012 in Bruges, Belgium. Atmospheric sciences is a field which studies the Earth's atmosphere, its processes, the effects other systems have on it, and the effects of the atmosphere on these other systems. Experimental instruments used in atmospheric sciences include satellites, rocketsondes, radiosondes, weather balloons...

'20th European biomass conference and exhibit', Milano, Italy

[Event Date: 2012-06-18]

The '20th European biomass conference and exhibit' conference' will take place from 18 to 22 June 2012 in Milano, Italy. Biomass is a renewable energy source. It can either be used directly, or converted into other energy products such as biofuel. With fossil fuel prices continuing to rise and policymakers seeking to move to more sustainable options, biomass is increasingly an interesting alternative....

'CALIPSO, CLOUDSAT, EARTHCARE joint workshop', Paris, France

[Event Date: 2012-06-18]

The 'CALIPSO, CLOUDSAT, EARTHCARE joint workshop' will take place from 18 to 22 June 2012 in Paris, France. Clouds exert an enormous influence on the Earth's weather and climate. They are the key element of Earth's hydrological cycle, and influence the exchange of solar and thermal energy within the atmosphere and between the atmosphere, hydrosphere, land surface, biosphere and space.

'Translational genomics pipeline: from populations to individuals', Cambridge, UK

[Event Date: 2012-06-18]

An event entitled 'Translational genomics pipeline: from populations to individuals' will take place from 18 to 21 June 2012 in Cambridge, UK. The ability to better diagnose, treat, and ultimately cure disease depends on understanding its genetic causes and translating this information into new diagnostic tests and therapeutics.

'Advances in atmospheric science and applications', Bruges, Belgium

[Event Date: 2012-06-18]

An event entitled 'Advances in atmospheric science and applications' will take place from 18 to 22 June 2012 in Bruges, Belgium. The event will be an opportunity for scientists and data users to present first-hand and up-to-date results from their ongoing research and application development activities using data from atmospheric instruments on the European Remote-Sensing Satellite (ERS-2).

Tenth Conference on Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory, Seville, Spain

[Event Date: 2012-06-18]

The Tenth Conference on Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory will take place from 18 to 20 June 2012 in Seville, Spain. Game theory is a mathematical method for analysing situations where a person's success is based upon the choices of others. The field originally looked at so-called 'zero-sum games', where one player's gains are exactly equal to the net losses of another.

'Processing and managing medical data streams', Rome, Italy

[Event Date: 2012-06-20]

An event entitled 'Processing and managing medical data streams' will take place from 20 to 22 June 2012 in Rome, Italy. Computer-based medical systems are facing challenges created by the rapid growth in information technology applications and the complexity and volume of health-related data. For example, medical entities use a variety of sources to integrate data on patients.

First European Mineralogical Conference, Frankfurt, Germany

[Event Date: 2012-06-23]

The First European Mineralogical Conference will take place from 2 to 6 September 2012 in Frankfurt, Germany. Mineralogy is the study of chemistry, crystal structure, and physical properties of minerals. Specific studies within mineralogy include the processes of mineral origin and formation, classification of minerals, their geographical distribution, as well as their utilisation.

'INSPIRE conference', Istanbul, Turkey

[Event Date: 2012-06-23]

The 'INSPIRE conference' will take place from 23 to 27 June 2012 in Istanbul, Turkey. The INSPIRE Directive came into force on 15 May 2007 and will be implemented in various stages, with full implementation required by 2019. It aims to create a European Union (EU) spatial data infrastructure. This will enable the sharing of environmental spatial information among public sector organisations.

'Perspectives in discrete mathematics', Bellaterra, Spain

[Event Date: 2012-06-24]

An event entitled 'Perspectives in discrete mathematics' will take place from 24 to 29 June 2012 in Bellaterra, Spain. Discrete mathematics is the study of mathematical structures that are fundamentally discrete rather than continuous. The field is often used in studying and describing objects and problems in branches of computer science.

Second International Workshop on Supportive User Interfaces, Copenhagen, Denmark

[Event Date: 2012-06-25]

The Second International Workshop on Supportive User Interfaces will take place from 29 to 30 March 2012 in Copenhagen, Denmark. In order to improve their use, end-user applications have supportive user interfaces (UIs). Tools such as meta-UIs, mega-UIs and configuration wizards support users by providing them with information about available functionalities, context of use or performed adaptations.

Second International Workshop on High-performance Infrastructure for Scalable Tools, Venice, Italy

[Event Date: 2012-06-25]

The Second International Workshop on High-performance Infrastructure for Scalable Tools will take place from 25 to 29 June 2012 in Venice, Italy. From laptops to supercomputers, increasingly complex multicore and accelerator hardware is driving rapid growth in concurrency. At the high end, exascale systems are expected to support over 100 million threads, primarily due to increased intra-node concurrency....

'Collaborative technology for coordinating crisis management', Toulouse, France

[Event Date: 2012-06-25]

An event entitled 'Collaborative technology for coordinating crisis management' will take place from 25 to 27 June 2012 in Toulouse, France. In a crisis, different actors have to act simultaneously in order to reduce a situation's potential impact. To do this, a variety of entities, from police to military forces, medical organisations, civil society organizations and others, have to collaborate and act...

Workshop on runtime and operating systems for supercomputers, Venice, Italy

[Event Date: 2012-06-25]

A workshop on runtime and operating systems for supercomputers will take place from 25 to 29 June 2012 in Venice, Italy. The complexity of node architectures in supercomputers is increasing as development progresses. Factors such as rising levels of parallelism in multi- and many-core chips, the emerging heterogeneity of computational resources, and energy and memory constraints, are forcing a re-evaluation...

Second International Workshop on Information Systems Security Engineering, Gdansk, Poland

[Event Date: 2012-06-25]

The Second International Workshop on Information Systems Security Engineering will take place on 25 June 2012 in Gdansk, Poland. As information and communications technology systems become increasingly complex, security problems are growing concern. Among scientific community stakeholders, the importance of aligning information systems engineering and security engineering in order to develop more secure...

11th IEEE Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications, Liverpool, UK

[Event Date: 2012-06-25]

The 11th Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications will take place from 25 to 27 June 2012 in Liverpool, UK. The term 'ubiquitous computing' refers to information processing where computers are integrated into everyday objects and activities. The field has been the result of rapid research and development advances in a wide range of...

11th Annual Workshop on the Economics of Information Security, Berlin, Germany

[Event Date: 2012-06-25]

The 11th Annual Workshop on the Economics of Information Security will take place from 25 to 26 June 2012 in Berlin, Germany. As information security and privacy continue to grow in importance, threats to privacy are proliferating. The security of information systems and the privacy offered by them depends on more than just technology.

25th Annual Conference on Learning Theory, Edinburgh, UK

[Event Date: 2012-06-25]

The 25th Annual Conference on Learning Theory will take place from 25 to 27 June 2012 in Edinburgh, UK. Learning theory tries to describe how people and animals learn. The field helps in the understanding of the process behind learning and provides a conceptual framework for interpreting it. There are three main categories or philosophical frameworks under which learning theories fall: behaviourism, cognitivism,...

'Quantum interaction', Paris, France

[Event Date: 2012-06-26]

A symposium entitled 'Quantum interaction' will take place from 26 to 29 June 2012 in Paris, France. The field of quantum interaction applies quantum theory to domains ranging from economics and artificial intelligence to human language and political science. These application areas operate at a macroscopic scale and could not be considered quantum in a quantum mechanical sense.

18th International Conference on Soft Computing, Brno, Czech Republic

[Event Date: 2012-06-27]

The 18th International Conference on Soft Computing will take place from 27 to 29 June 2012 in Brno, Czech Republic. Nature-inspired computing is a field of study that uses computers to model nature, and simultaneously the study of nature to improve the usage of computers. It loosely knits together subfields related to the topics of connectionism, social behaviour and emergence.

12th International Conference on Simulation and Experiments in Heat Transfer and their Applications, Split, Croatia

[Event Date: 2012-06-27]

The 12th International Conference on Simulation and Experiments in Heat Transfer and their Applications will take place from 27-29 June 2012 in Split, Croatia. Heat transfer has played a major role in a variety of new application fields such as sustainable development and reduction of greenhouse gases as well as for micro- and nanoscale structures and biomedical-engineering.

'Cityplantastic', Copenhagen, Denmark

[Event Date: 2012-06-27]

An event entitled 'Cityplantastic' will take place from 27 to 28 June 2012 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Plants are seen as playing an increasingly important role within architecture and urban design. Some stakeholders see plants as important parts of the cityscape of the future. However, the extent to which urban vegetation can help adaption to climate change, for example, or contribute to mitigation raises...

'New frontiers in anisotropic fluid-particles composites', Buckinghamshire, UK

[Event Date: 2012-06-28]

The 'New frontiers in anisotropic fluid-particles composites' conference will take place from 28 to 29 June 2012 in Buckinghamshire, UK. Anisotropy is the property of being directionally dependent, as opposed to isotropy, which implies identical properties in all directions. It can be defined as a difference, when measured along different axes, in a material's physical or mechanical properties.

'2012 EAS workshop on aerospace EMC', Venice Italy

[Event Date: 2012-06-28]

The '2012 EAS workshop on aerospace EMC' conference will take place from 21 to 22 May 2012 in Venice, Italy. Suppliers and manufacturers in the aerospace industry are facing continuous pressure to meet increasing regulatory requirements. Increasingly sophisticated technologies and services need to be accommodated while costs and time in the procurement process are reduced. In this scenario, electromagnetic...

'Sub-nuclear structures and disease', Cambridge, UK

[Event Date: 2012-06-28]

A conference entitled 'Sub-nuclear structures and disease' will take place on 28 June to 1 July 2012 in Cambridge, UK. The biology of sub-nuclear structures includes the nucleolus, Cajal and PML bodies. These have key roles in normal and disease cells as they interact in a dynamic way. A fundamental understanding of these sub-nuclear structures can lead to advances in the understanding of infectious...

'Security in information systems', Wroclaw, Poland

[Event Date: 2012-06-28]

A workshop entitled 'Security in information systems' will take place on 28 June 2012 in Wroclaw, Poland. Information systems security is one of the most pressing challenges facing all kinds of organisations today. Although many companies have discovered how critical information is to the success of their business or operations, very few have managed to be effective in maintaining their information secure,...

'Workshop on inferning: interactions between inference and learning', Edinburgh, UK

[Event Date: 2012-06-30]

An event entitled 'Workshop on inferning: interactions between inference and learning' will take place on 30 June 2012 in Edinburgh, UK. Algorithms can not only learn a model, but they can also use the resulting model parameters for inference. These types of interactions are usually studied from two perspectives.

Seventh Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Ohrid, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

[Event Date: 2012-07-01]

The Seventh Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems will take place from 1 to 6 July 2012 in Ohrid, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Recent trends have raised questions about whether the society of today may be living at the expense of future inhabitants of the Earth.

Summer school on optimisation and decision support systems for supply chains, Portalegre, Portugal

[Event Date: 2012-07-01]

A summer school on optimisation and decision support systems for supply chains will take place from 1 to 15 July 2012 in Portalegre, Portugal. Decision support systems for supply chains compile useful information from a combination of raw data, documents, personal knowledge, or business models to identify and solve problems and make decisions. They serve the management, operations, and planning levels...

Seventh International Workshop on Nano-scale Spectroscopy and Nanotechnology, Zurich, Switzerland

[Event Date: 2012-07-02]

The Seventh International Workshop on Nano-scale Spectroscopy and Nanotechnology will take place from 2 to 6 July 2012 in Zurich, Switzerland. The results of nano-science are becoming increasingly used in the modern world. Objects with nanometer dimensions are found in computing and electronics, catalysis, photonic- and structural materials.

36th Annual Larval Fish Conference, Bergen, Norway

[Event Date: 2012-07-02]

The 36th Annual Larval Fish Conference will take place from 2 to 6 July in Bergen, Norway. Fish larvae and zooplanktons are an indicator of an ecosystem's health status. For example, degraded water, including extensive hypoxia, toxic phytoplankton blooms, acid-sulphate run-off and chemical spills, creates conditions that are unfavourable for survival of highly sensitive fish larvae and other zooplankton....

'Eurosoil 2012: soil science for the benefit of mankind and environment', Bari, Italy

[Event Date: 2012-07-02]

An event entitled 'Eurosoil 2012: social science for the benefit of mankind and environment' will take place from 2 to 6 July 2012 in Bari, Italy. Soil science is the study of soil as a natural resource. Scientists have raised concerns about how to preserve soil and arable land in a world with a growing population, possible future water crisis, increasing per capita food consumption, and land degradation....

Fifth International Summer School on Fault Diagnosis of Complex Systems, Valencia, Spain

[Event Date: 2012-07-02]

The Fifth International Summer School on Fault Diagnosis of Complex Systems will take place from 2 to 6 July 2012 in Valencia, Spain. Increasing demands for efficiency and product quality have been an influence in the development of the field of fault-diagnosis systems. Research has resulted in new insight in the reliability, availability, safety and systems integrity of technical processes.

'Green engineering camp', Plitvice, Croatia

[Event Date: 2012-07-02]

An event entitled 'Green engineering camp' will take place from 2 to 6 July 2012 in Plitvice, Croatia. Green engineering is a field which includes the design, commercialisation, and use of processes and products, which minimise pollution and risks to human health and the environment. The field is founded on the concept that decisions to protect human health and the environment can have the greatest impact...

Third International Workshop on Euler Diagrams, Canterbury, UK

[Event Date: 2012-07-02]

The Third International Workshop on Euler Diagrams will take place on 2 July 2012 in Canterbury, UK. The Euler diagram is a diagrammatic means of representing sets and their relationships. These diagrams have become the foundations of various visual languages and have notably facilitated the modeling of, and logical reasoning about, complex systems.

ICHEP 2012 - 36th International Conference on High Energy Physics ,4–11 Jul 2012, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

EARMA Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland (8-11 July 2012)

The 18th Annual Conference of the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA) will take place from 8 to 11 July 2012 at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.

The conference will focus on the upcoming Horizon 2020 programme and other European developments. It will include a keynote address by Maire Geoghegan-Quinn, European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, on “Horizon 2020 and a New Beginning for a European Research and Innovation System”. EUA’s Thomas Estermann, Head of Unit (Governance, Autonomy and Funding), will also be speaking.

Over three days, parallel sessions and workshops will examine four themes: grants management of collaborative research; legal aspects and governance, ethics and compliance issues; recognition of the profession – research office services and professional development; and research strategies and policies.

For further details, see the event website

International Conference on Data Technologies and Applications (DATA), 25–27 Jul 2012, Rome, Italy

The purpose of the International Conference on Data Technologies and Applications (DATA) is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested on databases, data warehousing, data mining, data management, data security and other aspects of information systems and technology involving advanced applications of data.

OECD-IMHE General Conference: Attaining and Sustaining Mass Higher Education, Paris, France (17-19 September 2012)

The OECD’s Programme for Institutional Management in Higher Education (IMHE) General Conference “Attaining and Sustaining Mass Higher Education” will take place in Paris, France, from 17 to 19 September 2012.

The conference organisers note that “around the world, mass higher education is either an aspiration or a reality. Yet this has thrown up many new issues and challenges for countries, including how to manage access, quality and accountability, funding and financing, institutional diversity, internationalisation, technology and the academic workforce.”

The goal of the conference is to identify longer-term trends and it will include analyses of national and institutional policies, case studies and the latest research from the OECD and elsewhere. It aims to bring together many different perspectives and look at the issues at the international, national, institutional or sub-institutional level.

For more information and to register, click here.


Educational Research

March 2012;Vol.3,No.3

The Educational Research is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journalthat is published monthly by International Research Journals(http://interesjournals.org/ER). ER is dedicated to increasing the depth of the subject across disciplines with the ultimate aim of expanding knowledge of the subject.

Call for Research Articles:

ER will cover all areas of the subject. The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meets the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence, and will publish:

  • Original articles in basic and applied research;

  • Case studies;

  • Critical reviews, surveys, opinions, commentaries and essays.

We invite you to submit your manuscript(s) to: support.eduresearch@gmail.com, er@interesjournals.org or er.manuscripts@interesjournals.org for publication. Our objective is to inform authors of the decision on their manuscript(s) within four weeks of submission. Following acceptance, a paper will normally be published in the next issue. Guide to authors and other details are available on our website; http://interesjournals.org/ER/Guide%20to%20Authors.htm

Review articles in this issue:

Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva

The pinnacle of science education and ethical collaboration: Successful publishing

Educ. Res. 2012  3(3): 202-211  [Abstract] [Full Text-PDF] (83 KB)

Sik-Liong Ang, Patrick Kim Cheng Low, Saad Abd Sattar Al-Harran

Islamic leadership lessons from the 9th century based on Ibn Khaldun’s MUQADDIMAH

Educ. Res. 2012  3(3): 212-219  [Abstract][Full Text-PDF] (134 KB)

Munyaradzi Mawere

First philosophers and the history of philosophical thought: An appraisal of the Milesian Thinkers

Educ. Res. 2012 3(3): 220-226 [Abstract] [Full Text-PDF] (77 KB)

Research EU

  Issue 11 - April 2012 Languages: en (1,3 MB)

Special features:

Interview: The Balkans — a new approach to an entangled history

Through the looking glass: search engines, data and the semantic adventure

Other highlights:

  • Dr Robot, brain surgeon

  • Clean energy? Mother Nature still knows best

  • Strengthen education to build social cohesion

  • Gigabit wireless data coming to your home, car… or flight

  • A noiseless, emission-free car? Europeans are on the right track

Universities in the European Higher Education Area - EUA Input Statement to the EHEA-Bologna Ministerial Conference 2012

Final report of Examining Quality Culture project

In February 2012, EUA together with its partners, the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) and QAA Scotland, concluded the project “Examining Quality Culture in Higher Education Institutions” (EQC) with a final workshop in Edinburgh, Scotland. Following this event, EUA has now published a report which outlines the outcomes of the final phase of the project and is designed to help institutions to reflect on ways to enhance their quality cultures.

The EQC project has been a continuation of EUA’s long-term work with its members on developing internal quality assurance. Over the course of two and a half years, the project mapped the state of affairs within European universities and explored the dynamics between the development of institutional quality assurance processes and quality culture. The final workshop in Edinburgh gathered 30 participants from EUA member universities from across Europe to analyse the practical application of the project conclusions, as well as to discuss challenges and good practices in fostering quality cultures in various institutions.

The new report from the workshop “Examining Quality Culture Part III: From self-reflection to enhancement”, is authored by Oliver Vettori (Director of Programme Management and Quality Management, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria).  It summarises the final phase of the project and the questions that have arisen and underlines one of the key findings of the EQC project, “that even the best ideas cannot always be imported into one’s own institution”. Rather than providing a standard inventory of good practices, the report uses a set of insights and questions to invite institutions to examine and understand the quality cultures already in force as the foundation for future enhancements.

The full report can be downloaded here.


CERN Courier May 2012 Volume 52 Issue 4

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