European agricultural fund for rural development: europe investing in rural local initiative group devnya aksakovo

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2010 - 2013

Territory is a piece of art: maybe the highest, most hearty, which humanity ever expressed. As oppose to many pieces of art (in painting, sculpture, architecture) or techniques which are produced by man through modeling nonliving matter, territory is a product through a dialogue, a connection between living matter, man and nature during the long period of history. This is a mutual composition, jointly developing, growing with time… The territory arises from the conception of nature by culture. The living being resulting of this has character, personality, identity, perceived in the landscape’s marks”.

Fausto Fagioli – Leading Consultant of Local Development Strategy. Chairman of E.A.R.T.H. (European Academy for Rural Tourism and Hospitality, ), representative of LIG ALTRA ROMAGNA and expert in marketing of territorial development of rural regions in Europe.

The development of rural economics can be determined (Robertson, 1993) as “a process of conservative change which aims to improve quality of life of the rural municipality through sustainable internal and local actions of reanimation, reproduction, integration and economic development integrated in the rural world in the logic of activating and self-development”. As development of rural economics understood is the social and economic development of out-of-town regions characterized by the competitive disadvantages with regards to territory, service, knowledge and opportunities. Regardless that the disadvantages are often considered in a residuale way as all of this that is not urban is considered to be rural territory which “main part” is used for agriculture, forestry, water economics and fishing due to economic and cultural activities of its residents due to the recreation not “the urban way” and leisure with the purpose of abitativi. To actualize this objective the European Commission – Chief Directorate Agriculture determined some main principles for the new rural regions development policy:

  • The multi-functionality of agriculture exceeds its multivalent role outside of the regular food production. This imposes the recognition and promotion of a set of services offered by the farmers;

  • A very multi-sectional and integrated presentation of the rural economics with the purpose to diversify to create new sources of income and employment and preserving the agriculture;

  • The flexibility of rural regions development support based on the support and facilitation decentralization of consultancies on regional and local level and of partnership;

  • The suitable method turned to a bigger integration of various influences with the purpose to ensure harmonic development of rural territories.

Rural territories are mostly characterized by a predominance of the rural component but it itself cannot guarantee the social and economic development to an extent so as to facilitate the development and to enhance the level of employment and income, overall to facilitate improvement of life conditions of the local population. Besides in such regions the conditions of underdevelopment often put in danger the characteristics of rurality /rural reality/, due to which it becomes a priority to be followed the integrated development models: farming, infrastructures, services, education, tourism, crafts, agriculture, commerce, environment, culture etc. The necessity, today especially perceptible, to give form and substance to rural regions begins in the 80s when the new economics and the new development model (economics of information, flexible specialization) put in crisis the old system of life (modernity) and give life to a new lifestyle (postmodernism.) On one hand the production and consumption which were mass step away and make room for a production and consumption based on diversity of products. On the other hand the places and space (first the city and then the village) are transformed into a subject which you can enjoy but also be produced and consumed. The territorial attractiveness is then not automatic and needs strong development strategies (i.e. “artificial advantages created by the intentional actions of local authorities, i.e. a set of policies which to mobilize the potential of internal development and create e mechanism of cooperation with potential internal resources through a catalyst which to create a sustainable intervention process in the public sector (namely with the policy of rural and structural development) which to be self-propelled. The rural region of biodiversity becomes a main tool for establishing territorial identity, the way of life related to seasons, hospitality in small towns which represents a true added value to the market. The value of the connection between agricultural firm and a crafts one and the territorial context is based on the opportunity to offer various services directed to valuation of cultural, natural and environmental resources, local traditions and all this in a vision of the rural region of biodiversity. The enhancement of the value of territory through biodiversities in order to reach identification from below of the rural territory. Intentionally used is plural “biodiversities” but not “biodiversity” because meant is the product’s one as well as the agricultural ecosystem’s as well as the cultural and social ones. For the biodiversity protection system to (protected areas and Natura 2000 networks, recovery and preservation of the genetic material) can be more than a pile of places prepared for protection of habitats and kinds but to be a part of a territorial “network” necessary is to be applied planning and management of a wide region which to take into consideration the dynamics of ecosystems and their functional connections. The set strategy aims management of these fields in an integrated way by managing the external territorial matrix, i.e. with its various social and economic, cultural and natural characteristics. In other words the purpose is this integrated matrix of biodiversities through micro-chains between specialists which are event from various sectors (agriculture, crafts, commerce etc.) and operating individuals by territorial promotion (pro-loco, local associations and such for cultural promotion). The objective is to support local development using integrated economic and social networks on and from rural territory. The rural lifestyle, grounds of local production and food, represents the real product that can be applied on the market for the consumer who to be attracted by the chains between local operatives as well as for the consumer who shall be involved in external specialists chains. As a result of all stated imposed is the theme “catalyst” which is enhancement of the value of territory through rural region of biodiversities. This theme is set to link the preservation of agricultural heritage and resources management to the requirements of economic and social type, of rural population who have implications on the loss of biodiversity, to increase the cost of genetic resources through local trade with quality local products with strong territorial and cultural relation. Ergo, necessary is an innovative approach to not limit the implications to the extent to satisfy only the requirements of functional type but to take into consideration the life of population through change of income resources. Especially the topic of the catalyst is divided into 3 strategic axes:

1. Competitiveness by increasing the value of the product biodiversity: integration and development of the supply chain.

2. Improvement of environment and rural territory through increase of the value of biodiversity of agro-systems: environment and territory.

3. Improvement of the quality of life and changes of activities through increase of the value of social and cultural impact on biodiversity: to enhance the quality and access to services for the citizens and economic specialists. This objective is of crucial importance for the support of overcoming the damages that can be localized in these marginal zones (and in the same time are a risk of even greater depopulation) as far as access to services and information, as for the urban citizens so as to smaller enterprises that are often among the main reasons for abandonment of territories mostly by young people. In this field it’s possible to be stimulated a new entrepreneurship through social support in creating integrated roads and packages by supporting increasing the value and linking the historical and natural cases by various territories as well as to re-qualify the populated centers to such with touristic value. Many of these ecologic functions comply with uses of economic type. The economic size of biodiversity is in fact directly related to uses resulting of the value of using and not using the natural capital. An additional level of using biodiversity exists which is very important in the rural regions i.e. the link between biodiversity and cultural diversity.

In conclusion to be recognized, preserved, used own resources with regards to the biodiversity is functional regarding the local societies development process because values which are created are, besides regarding the environment, economic, social and cultural as well. These values then turn into resources, heritage of local identity, elements around which to be established the components that are not only profitable for development. In the end, when developing the rural region necessary is to overcome the branch programming so the territory can be adjusted as the real executor of competitiveness: “Bio” is understood in the wide aspect – everything is related to identity of territory, diversity in individuals and in the lifestyle.


LIG DEVNYA – AKSAKOVO considers for exceptionally important the realization of the Quality System in its own organization in order to guarantee constant search and engagement directed to improvement of company processes which allows to be guaranteed:

  • territory satisfaction

  • ensuring constant quality level of provided services

  • efficiency of activated processes


1. Description of LIG (about 2 pages) 7

1.1. Municipalities/ territories falling into the territory of LIG: 7

1.4.2. Description of positions and requirements to the Executive Director and personnel. 10

Rights, obligations and liabilities of all employed in the LIG’s management. (job description). 10

1.5. Mechanisms for decision-taking: 11

1.5.1. Procedures; 11

1.5.2. Participants. 12

2. Description of the strategy development process – methodology and approach (about 2 pages) 12

2.2. A list of partners and their role in developing the strategy: 19

2.3. Consultants and facilitators – internal and external, having participated in the development of the strategy: 20

3. Situation’s description (about 5 pages) 21

3.1. Collected and assessed data about the territory (social, economic, natural and material resources etc.): 21

3.2. Descriptive analysis of the socio-economic situation (trends over the last 10 years): 32

3.3. Analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and analysis of the problems: 37

4. Objectives of the strategy (about 2 pages) 41

4.1. Objectives of the strategy and priorities for development: 41

4.2. Commitment to goals in other planning and strategic documents - local, regional and national: 43

4.3. Specific objectives: 48

4.4. Overall strategic framework: 49

5. Описание на интервенции (около 10 стр.) 53

5.1. Мерки и дейности: 53

5.2. Процедури за изпълнение на стратегията (роли и отговорности на отделните органи на МИГ и техните партньори, процедури и др.), в т.ч. описание на начина за кандидатстване – перманентно/с обяви и други отделни/различни процедури по мерките на ПРСР: 78

5.3. Осигуряване на балансирано прилагане на стратегията 78

5.3.1. По оси и мерки (минимални %); 78

Както беше обоснованов част 4. от настоящата СМР, Приоритет 3, се явява карйъгълния камък на Стратегия за местно развитие на МИГ ДЕВНЯ – АКСАКОВО. За неговото изпълнение ще бъдат финансирани проекти по мярка 413 (ос 3) от ПРСР. Ще бъдат подпомагани проекти от широк спектър – земеделски производители, които да разнообразят дейността си към неземеделска, предприятия, необходими за функционирането на конкурентни вериги, туристически организации, общински проекти, добавящи стойност към усилията на частния сектор и проекти на читалища, осигуряващи бизнеса с консултански услуги. Разнообразието на подпомаганите дейности (съответно, техният голям брой) налагат по мярка 413 да бъдат заложени най-много средства от бюджета. 78

5.3.2. Бенефициенти (частни/публични проекти - минимални %). 79

6. Подробен финансов план 79

6.1. Индикативно разпределение на сред­ствата по оси, по мерки и по години: 79

6.2. Финансова обосновка на бюджета и разпределението на средствата по оси, по мерки и по години: 82

7. Мониторинг и оценка 82

7.1. Рамката за мониторинг и оценка, в т. ч. въпроси, на които да отговаря оценката, индикатори за мониторинг и оценка, основни показатели, нива които се преследват: 82

7.2. Оценка от външни експерти, по желание, външен счетоводен одит, ако е необходимо: 86

7.3. Процедури за Годишните доклади за напредъка: 86

7.4. Процедура за обновяване на стратегията: 86

8. Съобразеност с хоризонталните политики на ЕС за: 87

8.1. Равенство между половете и липса на дискриминация: 87

8.1.1. Прилагане на принципа на равенство между половете 87

8.1.2. Допринасяне за утвърждаване на принципа на равните възможности 88

8.1.3. Създаване на условия за превенция на дискриминацията 88

8.2. Устойчиво развитие (защита на околната среда): 88

8.3. Насърчаване на заетостта и конкурентноспособността: 89

8.4. Съответствие с програмите на Структурните фондове: 89


Приложение 2.1.: Съответствие между стъпките при разработване на СМР и ключовите моменти на социалната динамика 90

Използвана литература 91

ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 20.: Баланс на територията към 31.12.2000 92

ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 1: Население под, във и над трудоспособна възраст към 31.12.2008 г. 93

ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 24.: Живородени, умрели, естествен и механичен прираст на населението през 2008 г. 94

ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 23.: Читалищно дело 95

ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 25. Предприятия (без финансовите) в община Девня през 2008 г. по отраслови сектори и наети лица по трудово и служебно правоотношение 97

ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 22.: Архитектурно-строителни паметници 99

ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 21.: Защитени територии по НАТУРА 2000 101

ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 3.8. Земеделски стопанства и предприятия от интерес за развитието на земеделското производство. 102


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