Name: Dobrinka Kostova Birth date: May 1 Nationality

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Personal details

Name: Dobrinka Kostova

Birth date: May 1

Nationality: Bulgarian

Contact address: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Institute for the Study of Society and Knowledge

13a, Moskovska Street.

1000 Sofia, Bulgaria

Telephone number: 359-2-980 90 86


Area of scientific research: Economic sociology, elites, democratic governance, gender, multicultural society
Degrees PHD,

Associated Professor

Habilitation: The Economic Elites in Bulgaria, Institute of Sociology, BAS, 2003
Ph.D. degree Social Mobility, 1984, Institute of Sociology, BAS

MA degree MA 1979, Charles University, Prague
Specializations Michigan 1990 (University of Michigan), Oxford 1992 (Nuffield College), Fribourg 1994 (University of Fribourg)

Scholarships: 1995-1996, University of Oxford

1997-1998, University of Fribourg

Practical experience
Scientific positions: ISSK, BAS, since 2010, Public policies

Institute of Sociology, BAS, 2005-2009, Chair of Economic Sociology

Institute of Sociology, BAS, 2007-2008

Deputy Director

Institute of Sociology, BAS, 1991-2009,

Project Director

Trade Union Institute, 1984-1991

Chair of Department of Sociological methods

Teaching experience: Course of lectures "Decision Making and Trust Building: The Case of Eastern Europe", University of Fribourg, 2009

Course of lectures "Gender Roles, Identities and Networks", University of Fribourg, 2008

Course of lectures "Social Inclusions and Exclusions: The Case of Eastern Europe", 
University of Fribourg, 2007

Course of lectures, "Elites Strategies in Multicultural Environment

(on the example of Eastern Europe)", University of Fribourg, 2006

"TRUST" , Fribourg University, 2005

Expert and consulting activity: DEZA, 2006-2007

Editorship: 2000- Eastern European Countryside, Torun, Poland

2000- LIT, Germany

Mir I Soglasie, Moscow
Membership in different institutions: WID, EAPN, BSA

Projects Democracy and Debate –


Trust and Integration in EU – Comparison between Bulgaria and

the Czech Republic – 2011-2013

EQUASOC – 2006-2010, 6FW, EC

Trust and Cooperation in Agrarian Society in Bulgaria, SCOPES, 2005-2009

INTUNE – 2006-2009, 6FW EC

Political and Economic Elites – 2006-2010, Corvinus University

«Развитие гражданского общества: вопросы гражданства и межэтнических отношений в столичных мегаполисах», 2005-2011, MIS, Moscow

Multiculturalism and Ethnic Relations, SCOPES, 2000-2003


Excellent English, Russian, Czech,

Good German


Interethnic Relations and Politics of Multiculturalism: Between Southeast Europe and Southeast Asia, 2005, Sofia: Marin Drinov Publishing House,

together with C.Giordano

Икономическият елит през 1990-те години – приемственост и промяна, 2003, София: Издателство на БАН Проф. М.Дринов
Minority Politics in Southeast Europe: Bulgaria, 2001, Rome: Ethnobarometer
Bulgaria: Social and Cultural Landscapes, editor together with Ch. Giordano and E. Lohmann, 2000, Fribourg: Fribourg University Press
През погледа на швейцарските социални науки, съставител и редактор заедно с К. Джордано, 1998, София: Издателство на БАН Проф. М.Дринов
Ethnicity, Nationalism, Geopolotics in the Balkans, Anthropological Journal for European Cultures, vol. 4, No. 1, 1995, (in collaboration with C.Giordano and Ina Greverus).
Ethnicity, Nationalism, Geopolotics in the Balkans, Anthropological Journal for European Cultures, vol. 4, No. 2, 1995, (in collaboration with C.Giordano and Ina Greverus).


Dobrinka Kostova, 2011, Joining the European Union and Transitivity of Conventionalism, in: Конвенционалние и Неконвенционалние Технологии Политической Деятелности в Условиях Глобализации, Москва: Мир и Согласие, ISSN 1990-8113

Dobrinka Kostova/Kiril Avramov, 2010, "Political Science in Bulgaria: The Legacy of Discontinuity", in Rainer Eisfeld, Leslie Pal (Eds.) "Political Science in Central-Eastern Europe Diversity and Convergence", Barbara Budrich Publishers, ISBN 978-3-86649-293-6, pp. 75-89
Kostova D., 2009, Interethnic Relations and Multicultural Coexistence in Bulgarian Dobrudzha, eds. Wilfried Heller und Josef Sallanz, Die Dobrudscha, Verlag Otto Sagner ISSN 0172-6404, pp. 139-150
Kostova D., 2008, Bulgaria: Education System, Labour Market, Welfare Regime, in: Kogan Irena, Michael Gebel and Clemens Noelke, eds., Europe Enlarged: A Handbook of Education, Labour and Welfare Regimes in Central and Eastern Europe, The Polity Press, pp. 98-122, ISBN 978 1 84742 064 0 hardcover
Kostova D., 2008, The Bulgarian educational system and evaluation of the ISCED -97, in: Schneider Silke, ed., ISCED-97: An Evaluation of Content and Criterion Validity for 15 European Countries, Mannheim: MZES, pp. 162-175, ISBN: 978-3-00-024388-2
Костова Д., 2008, Доверието като фактор за устойчивост на българското земеделие, в: Кожухарова Веска, ред., Мобилност, уязвимост, устойчивост, София: Издателство Аля, стр. 251-272, заедно с К. Джордано, ISBN: 978-954-8465-56-4
Костова Д., 2008, Доверието и солидарността като фактори за успешна интеграция, в: Топалова В., ред., Българското общество и евроинтеграцията. Социологически аспекти, София: Институт по социология, стр. 171-187, ISBN 978-954-8765-05-3
Костова Д., 2008, Гранични, мултикултурални и паралелни общности – на примера на ромите в България, в: Социологически проблеми 2008, специален брой, стр. 36-51, ISSN 0324-1572
Kostova D., 2007, Trust and Mistrust in Bulgaria: Dilemmas and Approaches, in: Диалог Восток-Запад: становление и развитие постсоциалистических систем, Москва: Мир и согласие, str. 106-120, ИССН 1990-8113
Kostova D., 2007, Coalitions, Single-Party Governments and Cabinet Decisions, in: Blondel Jean et al., Governing New European Democracies, Palgrave Macmillian, pp. 89-101, ISBN-13: 978-1-4039-9404-2 hardback, together with J. Blondel
Kostova D., 2007, Dynamics of the 1990-s: Change and Continuity of the Bulgarian Economic Elite, in: Lane David et al., Restructuring of the Economic Elites after State Socialism, Stuttgart: Ibedem Verlag, pp. 153-168, ISBN: 1863-8716
Костова Д., 2007, Маргинализация на ромите в България, в: Топалова Велина И А. Пампоров, ред., Интеграция на ромите в Българското общество, София: Институт по социология, стр. 141-157, ISBN 978-954-591-003-6
Kostova, Dobrinka, 2006, Trust and Solidarity in Bulgarian Cooperatives, in: Sociology (XLVIII No2/2006), pp. 149-162
Kostova D., 2006, Living on the Periphery: Roma in Bulgaria, in Rüegg, François, Poledna, Rudolf, Rus, Calin (eds), Interculturalism and Discrimination in Romania. Policies, Practices, Identities and Representations, Münster und Berlin (Lit-Verlag, Freiburger Sozialanthropologische Studien, Band 14): pp. 135-154, ISBN 3-8258-8075-3.
Kostova D., 2006, Borders and Bridges: Multiculturalism in Bulgaria in the Period of Transformation, in: Rüegg, François, Poledna, Rudolf, Rus, Calin (eds), Interculturalism and Discrimination in Romania. Policies, Practices, Identities and Representations, Münster und Berlin (Lit-Verlag, Freiburger Sozialanthropologische Studien, Band 14): pp. 203-224, ISBN 3-8258-8075-3.
Kostova D., Multicultural Relations in Rural Bulgaria, EEC 12/2006, together with C. Giordano, pp. 31-49
Костова Д., 2006, Неустойчивост на социалния капитал в условията на изключване от пазара на труда, в: Стоянова Мария, ред., Евроинтеграцията – предизвикателства пред социолозите от Балканските страни, София: УНСС, 116-123
Kostova D., 2005, Studying Cultural Diversity in Multiethnic Societies, in: Interethnic Relations and Politics of Multiculturalism: Between Southeast Europe and Southeast Asia, Sofia: Marin Drinov Publishing House, pp. 7-28
Kostova D., 2005, A Community in Crisis: Marginalization of Roma in Bulgaria, in: Interethnic Relations and Politics of Multiculturalism: Between Southeast Europe and Southeast Asia, Sofia: Marin Drinov Publishing House, pp. 149-172
Костова Д., 2005, Социалната солидарност – стимули и бариери (на примера на кооперация Био България), в: Кожухарова Веска, ред., Дългата трета възраст в българското село, София: Издателство Аля, стр. 140-154, ISBN: 954-8465-47
Kostova D., 2005, Changing Cultures, Changing Communities: Bulgarian in the Transformation from Uniformity to Multiculturalism, in: Interethnic Relations and Politics of Multiculturalism: Between Southeast Europe and Southeast Asia, Sofia: Marin Drinov Publishing House, pp. 90-114
Warum meniger frauenpolitisch mehr sein kann. Parlamentarische Repraesentation von Frauen in Bulgarien und Ungarn, 2003, in: Osteuropa, Zeitschrift fuer Gegenwartsfragen des Ostens, Sonderdruck, Deusche Verlags – Anstalt Stuttgart, in collaboration with Gabriella Ilonszki
Post-Communist Bulgarian Agriculture – Unexpected Social Consequences, in Kozhuharova, Veska (ed.), Rural Bulgaria. Can the Village make it in the 21st Century, Sofia (Bulgaria Rusticana) 2003: 105-118, in collaboration with C. Giordano
The Social Production of Mistrust, 2002, in: Postsocialism: Ideas, Ideologies and Practices in Eurasia, ed. C.M. Hann, London: Routledge, in collaboration with C. Giordano
Die soziale Produktion von Misstrauen. In: Hann, Christopher (Hg.): Postsozialismus. Transformationsprozesse in Europa und Asien aus ethnologischer Perspektive. Frankfurt/M. und New York (Campus Verlag) 2002: 117-141, in collaboration with C. Giordano
Social Consequences of Unemployment: an East-West Comparison, Journal of European Social Policy, 11, 2001, with Duncan Gallie and P Kuchar

The Unexpected Effects of the Land Reform in Post-socialist Bulgaria. In: Eastern European Countryside 7(2001): 5-18, in collaboration with C. Giordano

Economic Elite Change during the 1990s, 2000, in: Higley J. and G. Lengyel, eds., Elites after State Socialism, New York: Rowman and LittlefieldPublishers
Understanding Contemporary Problems in Bulgarian Agricultural Transformation. In: Giordano, Chr., Kostova, D. und Lohmann-Minka II, E. (Hg.): Bulgaria, Social and Cultural Landscapes. Fribourg 2000 (Universitätsverlag Freiburg Schweiz): 159-175, in collaboration with C. Giordano
Introduction. Bulgaria Spanning a Wretched Past, Present Uncertainties and a Future in the Making: In: Giordano, Chr., Kostova, D. und Lohmann-Minka II (Hg.): Bulgaria, Social and Cultural Landscapes. Fribourg 2000 (Universitätsverlag Freiburg Schweiz): 9-40, in collaboration with C. Giordano
The Crisis of Continuity in Employment Relations in Bulgarian Agriculture in the 1990s, 1999, in: V. Kozhuharova, ed., The Bulgarian Village and the Late Modernity, Sofia: Alja Press
Verwahrloste Landwirtschaft in Bulgarien. Zur Persistenz einer unheilvollen Traditon. In: Conte, Edouard, Giordano, Christian (Hg.):Es war einmal die Wende ... Sozialer Umbruch der ländlichen Gesellschaften. Mittel- und Südosteuroas. Berlin 1999 (Les travaux du Centre Marc Bloch, Cahier No 17): 149-164, in collaboration with C. Giordano
Emploment Experience and Organisational Commitment: An East-West European Comparison, 1999, in collaboration with D. Gallie and P. Kuchar, in: Work, Employment and Society, vol.13, No.4.
The Crisis of the Bulgarian Cooperatives in the 1990s, 1999, in: Journal of Rural Cooperation CIRCOM, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 17-30, in collaboration with C. Giordano
Similar or Different? Women in Postcommunist Bulgaria, 1998, in: M. Rueschemeyer, ed., Women in the Politics of Postcommunist Eastern Europe, New York : Armonк (Second Revised Edition).
Костова Д., Преференции на икономическия елит в периода на трансформация, 1998, в: Байчинска К., Социалните науки и социалната промяна в България, София: Академично издателство Проф. М. Дринов
Women in Bulgaria, 1998, in: Wolchik Sh. and J. Jaquette, (eds.), Women and Democracy, Baltimore and London: The John Hopkins University Press
Икономическият елит в периода на преход, 1998, в: Тилкиджиев Н. и др., Социална стратификация и неравенство, София: М-&-М
„Arendator“ und „akula“. Zur Reprivatisierung ohne Bauern in der bulgarischen Landwirtschaft nach der „Wende“. In: Eggeling, Tatjana; van Meurs, Wim & Sundhaussen, Holm (Hg.):Umbruch zur „Moderne“ ? Studien zur Politik und Kultur in der osteuropäischen Transformation. Frankfurt am Main, 1997: 115-132 (Peter Lang-Verlag) , in collaboration with C. Giordano
Bulgarian Land Reprivatization without Peasants. In: Ethnologia Balkanica. Journal of Balkan Ethnology. 1 (1997): 135-149, in collaboration with C. Giordano
Die Reprivatisierung ohne Bauern in der bulgarischen Landwirschaft nach der “Wunde”, 1997, in: Etudes sur l Europe orientale et centrale, Mai, Universitaet Freiburg, 27-42, in collaboration with C. Giordano
Die Reprivatisierung ohne Bauern in der bulgarischen Landwirtschaft nach der “Wende”. Zur Persistenz einer unheilvollen Tradition, 1997, in: Grimm F.D. and K. Roth, eds., Das Dorf in Suedosteuropa zwischen Tradition und Umbruch, Munchen: Suedeuropa Gesellschaft
The Agrarian Elite in Bulgaria - Adaptation to the Transformation. In: Kozhuharova, Veska (Hg.): Rural Potentials for a Global Tomorrow. Sofia, 1996: 54-64 Bulgarische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Institut für Soziologie, Bulgaria Rusticana, in collaboration with C. Giordano
Une réforme agraire sans paysans. In: Etudes rurales, avril-décembre 1995: 138-139-140: 157-171 (erschienen 1997), in collaboration with C. Giordano
Das “Chaos” der Historizitaet, 1995/1996, in: Transition, Fribourg: Universitas Friburgensis, Maerz, in collaboration with C. Giordano
The Economic Leaders in Post-Totalitarian Society, 1996, G. Lengyel (ed.), The Transformation of East-European Economic Elites: Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Bulgaria, Budapest: Center for Public Affairs Studies
Strategies and Legacies of the Economic Elite in Bulgaria, 1996, G. Lengyel (ed.), The Transformation of East-European Economic Elites: Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Bulgaria, Budapest: Center for Public Affairs Studies
Re-privatization Without Peasants, 1995, in: Eastern European Countryside, No. 1, 99-112, Torun,, in collaboration with C. Giordano
Similar or Different? Women in Postcommunist Bulgaria, 1994, in: M. Rueschemeyer, ed., Women in the Politics of Postcommunist Eastern Europe, New York : Armonк (First Edition).
Power Interests of the Elite in the Postcommunist Bulgaria, in Anthropological Journal for European Cultures, vol. 3, N 1, 1994.
The Transition to Democracy in Bulgaria: Challenges and Risks for Women, 1993, in: V.Moghadam, ed., Democratic Reform and the Position of Women in Transitional Economies, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Икономическият елит в посттоталитарна България, 1994, в: Социологически проблеми, книжка 4, 46-58
The Transition to Democracy in Bulgaria: Challenges and Risks for Women, 1993, in: V.Moghadam, ed., Democratic Reform and the Position of Women in Transitional Economies, Oxford: Clarendon Press.


Sofia Signature: D. Kostova

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