N. spassov scientific papers

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  1. SPASSOV N. 1979. Sexual selection and the evolution of horn-like structures of Ceratopsian dinosaurs. Palaeontology, Stratigraphy, Lithology. 11:37-48.

  2. SPASSOV N. 1979. Sexual selection and evolution of intraspecific display means in baboons (Primates, Cercopithecidae). Comptes rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences. Tome 32, No. 2:225-228.

  3. SPASSOV.N. 1982. The "Bizarre" dorsal plates of the stegosaurs: Ethological Approach. Comptes rendus de l'Acad. Bulg.Sci. 3: 367-370.

  4. SPASSOV, N., D. Bozkov. 1983. Rapport sur le lion de caverne et le lion de l'antiquite aux Balkans et en Bulgarie. European Regional Conference on Speleology. Proceedings, vol. I. Sofia, 228-233 pp.

  5. Peshev D., N. SPASSOV, S. Gerasimov. 1985. On the karyotype of the Weasel - Mustela nivalis L., 1766 (Mammalia, Mustelidae) from Bulgaria. Zool. Anz., Jena.215, 3/4:156-158.

  6. SPASSOV N., G. Barichnikov. 1986. Premiere decouverte de I'hermine sur le versant meridional du grand Caucase (Georgie). Mammalia, 50, No. 1: 123-125.

  7. THOMAS H., N. SPASSOV, E. Kojumdjieva, J.-L. Poideven, V. Popov, S. Sen, P.Tassy, et D. Visset. 1986. Resultats preliminaires de la premiere mission paleontologique franco-bulgare a Dorkovo (arrondissement de Pazardjik) en Bulgarie. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 302, Serie II, No.16: 1037-1042.

  8. SPASSOV N. 1986. Cryptozoology: Its Scope and Progress. Cryptozoology. Allen Press, INC. Lawrence, No. 5: 120 - 124.

  9. SPASSOV N., J. Roche. 1988. Le daman de Johnston - nouveau representant du genre Procavia pour la faune du Mozmbique. Mammalia, Paris, No.2. 169-174.

  10. SPASSOV N. 1988. A review of some paleocryptozoological hypotheses. Cryptozoology. Allen Press, INC. Lawrence, vol 7: 101-102

  11. SPASSOV N. Les recherches archeozoologiques de Kovachevo et les problemes du developpment de la faune des Mammiferes holocenes dans l'Europe de l'Est. Mission archeologique bulgaro-francaise de la vallee de la Struma. Fouilles neolithiques de Kovachevo. Rapport No. 3, campagne 1988.

  12. SPASSOV N. 1989. The position of jackals in the Canis Genus and life-history of the golden jackal (Canis aureus L.) in Bulgaria and the Balkans. Historia Naturalis Bulgarica. Sofia, No 1: 44 - 56.

  13. SPIRIDONOV G., N. SPASSOV. 1989. The otter (Lutra lutra L, 1785) in Bulgaria., its status and conservation. Historia Naturalis Bulgarica. Sofia, No.1: 57-64.

  14. SPASSOV N. 1989. On the taxonomic status of Indricotherium Borissiak and the giant Rhinocerotoids - Indricotheres (Perissodactylia). Comptes rendus de l'Acad.Bulg. Sci. 42(3): 61 - 64.

  15. SPASSOV N.1989. Signallings - Communicative marking in the coloration of the Genus Canis L. Proceedings of the fifth international theriological congress. Rome 22-25 August 1989.

  16. SPASSOV N. 1990. Note on the colouration and taxonomic status of the bear (Ursus arctos L.) in Bulgaria. Historia Naturalis Bulgaria, Sofia, No. 2.

  17. SPASSOV N. 1990. On the presence and specific position of Pangolins (Gen. Manis L. : Pholidota) in North Mozambique. Historia Naturalis Bulgaria, Sofia No.2.

  18. SPIRIDONOV G., N. SPASSOV. 1990. Status of the bear (Ursus arctos 1.) in Bulgaria. In: Bear status report from Europe. Aquilo. Ser. Zool., 27:71 - 75.

  19. SPIRIDONOV, G., N. SPASSOV. 1990. Status of the lynx in Bulgaria, p. 13 in: Breitenmoser, U., Breitenmoser-Wursten, C. (Eds.). Status, conservation needs and reintroduction of the lynx (Lynx lynx) in Europe. Nature and Environment Series, No 45, Council of Europe. Strasburg, 48 p.

  20. SPASSOV N. 1991. The Musk ox in Eurasia - Extinct at the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary or survivor to Historical Times. Cryptozoology. Allen Press, INC, 10 : 4 - 15.

  21. SPASSOV N. 1992. Display and hyperbolization of signal symbols: Camels and Two-horn Rhinoceroses in: Proceedings of the simposium. "Ungulates 91", Toulouse 2-6 september 1991. IRGM - I.N.R.A., Toulouse, pp. 467-470.

  22. SPASSOV N. 1992. Skeletal morphology and ecology competition of the Aurochs and European bison in the Holocene of Europe. - in: Proceedings of the Symposium "Ungulates 91", Toulouse 2-6 September 1991. IRGM - I.N.R.A. Toulouse, pp. 57-61.

  23. Demeter A., N. SPASSOV. 1993. Canis aureus L., 1785 - schakal. In: Handbuch der Saugetiere Europas. Aula Verlag GmbH, Wiesbaden. Band 5/I (Carnivora).

  24. SPASSOV N., G. SPIRIDONOV. 1993. Vormela peregusna Gueld., 1770- Tigeriltiss. In: Handbuch der Saugetiere Europas. Aula Verlag GmbH, Wiesbaden. Band 5/II (Carnivora), pp. 817-854.

  25. Reshetov J., N. SPASSOV, B. Bayshashov. 1993. On the taxonomic status of Eggysodon (= Epiaceratherium = Allacerops) turgaicum (Borrisiak,1915), (Hyracodontidae, Preissodactila). Geobios, 26 (6): 715 - 722.

  26. SPASSOV N. 1994. Teniseggysodon nom. nov. pro Tenisia Reshetov, Spassov, Baishashov, 1993 (Mammalia, Perissodactyla, Hyracodontidae. Geobios, 27(2):220.

  27. SPASSOV N. 1994. The Wolf in Bulgaria. International Wolf. Minnesota. 2:17.

  28. SPASSOV N., N. ILIEV 1994. Animal Remains from the Submerged Late Eneolithic - Early Bronze Age Settlement Near Sozopol (The South Black Sea Coast of Bulgaria). In: M. Lazarov &  Ch. Angelova (eds.). La Thrace et les sociétés maritimes anciennes, 18-24 September, 1994. Sozopol. Tracia Pontica, (Proceedings of the International Symposium) VI., Series 1. Sozopol, pp. 287-314.

  29. SPASSOV N. 1995. Taxonomic and Conservation Status of the Bulgarian and the Balkan Brown Bear. International Bear News, 3 (4) p.10.

  30. SPASSOV N., B. Lange-Badre. 1995. Asiavorator altidens gen et sp. nov., un mammifere carnivore nouveau de l'Oligocene superieur de Mongolie. Annales de Paleontologie, 81 (3): 109 - 123.

  31. SPASSOV N. 1995. Contemporary Development of the Vertebrates Paleontology in Bulgaria. EUROPAL. Lyon, 7: 43 - 44.

  32. Peev D. ,T. Mechinev, N. SPASSOV, G. SPIRIDONOV, P. Yankov, L. Mileva, V. Velichkov, M. Karapetkova, L. Andreev. 1995. La Bulgarie - Patrimoine Natuel. Tilia, Sofia, 191 pp.( en Bulg., Fr., Engl., Espan., Gr., Germ.).

  33. SPASSOV N., G. SPIRIDONOV, K. Georgiev, V. Ivanov (1995). Status of the bear in Bulgaria. European bear Life project - reports. Nimpheon. Arcturos.

  34. SPASSOV N., V. Simeonovski, G. SPIRIDONOV. 1996. Coloration Patterns of Felis silvestris and of Hybrids of Wild and Domestic Cats: The Issue of Population Purity. In: (N. Botev, ed.). Proc. of the Internat. Union of Game Biologists. XXII Congress "The Game and the Man", pp. 197 - 201. September, 1955 - Sofia. Pensoft, Sofia.

  35. SPASSOV N. 1997. Evidences for a late pleistocene isolation and a separate taxonomic status of the Mediterranean brown bear and the conservation value of the Balkan bear population. Historia naturalis bulgarica. Sofia, 7: 109 - 113.

  36. SPASSOV N., D. Raychev. 1997. Late Wurm Panthera pardus remains from Bulgaria: the European fossil leopards and the question of the probable species survival until the Holocene on the Balkans. Historia naturalis bulgarica. Sofia, 7: 109 - 113.

  37. SPASSOV N., V. Simeonovski, G. SPIRIDONOV 1997. The Wild Cat (Felis silvestris Schr.) and the Feral Domestic cat: Problems of the Coloration Patterns, Taxonomy, Identification of the Hybrids and Purity of the Wild Population. Historia naturalis bulgarica. Sofia, 8: 101-118.

  38. Spassov, N., 1997. Villafranchian Succession of Mammalian Megafaunas from Bulgaria and the Biozonation of South-East Europe. In: Aguilar, J.-P., Legendre, S., & Michaux, J. (Eds.), Actes du Congres Biochrom ’97. Mémoires et travaux de l'Institut de Montpellier de l'École Pratique des Hautes 21, 669 - 676.

  39. Boeuf O., E. Cregut, G. Koufos, L. Flynn, J. Michaux, C. Radulescu, N. SPASSOV, E. Tersea, D. Torre. 1997. Biochronologie du Pliocene. In: Actes du Congres Biochrom"97. (J. - P. Aguilar, S. Legendre & J. Michaux, Eds.). Mem. Trav. E.P.H.E., Inst. Montpellier, 21: 799 - 802.

  40. SPASSOV N. 1997. Varshets and Slivnitsa - new localities of Villafranchian vertebrate fauna from Bulgaria (taxonomic composition, Biostratigraphy and Climatostratigraphy). Geologica Balcanica. Sofia.

  41. SPASSOV N. 1997. The Villafranchian mammalian fauna and its investigation in Europe, on the Balkans and in Bulgaria. Geologica Balcanica. Sofia.

  42. SPASSOV N., N.ILIEV. 1997. The wild horses of East Europe and the polyphylethic origin of the domestic horse. Proceedings of the 7-ICAZ Congress. Anthropozoologica, 25 - 26: 753 - 761.

  43. SPASSOV N., N. ILIEV. 1998. The late pleistocene and holocene horses of East Europe and the polyphylethic origin of the domestic horse. In: (M. Stefanovich, H. Todorova, H. Hauptmann, eds.). James H. Gaul in memoriam. The James Harvey Gaul Fondation, Sofia, pp. 371 - 390.

  44. SPASSOV N. 1998. A New Late Villafranchian Locality of vertebrate Fauna - Slivnitsa (Bulgaria) and the Carnivore Dispersal Events in Europe on the Pliocene/Pleistocene Boundary. Historia naturalis bulgarica. Sofia, 9: 101-113.

  45. SPASSOV N. 1998. Slivnitsa - a New Bulgarian Late Villafranchian Locality of Vertebrate Fauna and the Mammalian Dispersal Events in Europe on the Pliocene/Pleistocene Boundary. in: XXXI Convegno della Societa di Biogeographia: Biogeografia del Quaternario in Italia. Bologna, 16-18 Dec. 1996. Soc. Ital. di Biogeografia. Proceedings of papers.

  46. SPIRIDONOV G., N. SPASSOV. 1998. Large mammals (Macromammalia) of Bulgaria. In: Bulgaria’s Biological Diversity: Conservation and Status Needs Assessment. Vol. I and II. (C. Meine, ed.). Washington D. C.: Biodiversity Support Programm. ISBN: 1-887531-21-1. pp 467 - 483. (Bulgarian version - 1993).

  47. SPASSOV N., P. Vassilev, K. Georgiev. 1998. Report of Wilderness Fund on the Status and conservation of biological diversity in the Central Part of the Balkan Mountains. In: Bulgaria’s Biological Diversity: Conservation and Status Needs Assessment. Vol. I and II. (C. Meine, ed.). Washington D. C.: Biodiversity Support Programm. ISBN: 1-887531-21-1. pp 791 - 811. (Bulgarian version - 1993).

  48. SPASSOV N., E. Cregut. 1999. Premieres donnees sur les Bovides Villafranchiens de Bulgarie.. Comptes Rendus, Acad. Sci. Paris, 328: 493 - 498.

  49. SPASSOV N. 1999. Nouvelles donnees sur la presence et le statut du Putois marbre (Vormela peregusna) et du Putois siberien (Mustela eversmanni) en Dobroudja bulgare. Branta. Le Balkan, 3:27.

  50. SPASSOV N., G. SPIRIDONOV 1999. The bear in Bulgaria. in: The Bears. Status survey and conservation Action Plan. IUCN/SSC Bear Specialist Group IUCN, Gland, 309 pp.

  51. SPASSOV N., L. Ginsburg. 1999. Tapirus balkanicus nov. sp., nouveau tapir (Perissodactyla, Mammalia) du Turolien de Bulgarie. Ann. Paleontol., 85 (40): 265 - 276.

  52. SPASSOV N., K. Georgiev, V. Ivanov, P. Stoev. 1999. Study on the potential ecological corridors between the local populations of the brown bear in Bulgaria. Historia naturalis bulgarica. 10: 133-146.

  53. SPASSOV N. 1999. The New Paleontological Museum in Assenovgrad (a Branch of the N.M.N.H. - Sofia) and its Importance for the Investigations of the Hipparion-Fauna in SE-Europe. EUROPAL, 14:18-19.

  54. SPASSOV N. 2000. Biochronology and Zoogeographic affinities of the Villafranchian faunas of South Europe. Historia naturalis bulgarica. 12: 89-128.

  55. SPASSOV, N., N. NINOV, R. GUNCHEV, K. GEORGIEV. V. IVANOV. 2000. Status of the Large Mammals in the Central Balkan National Park. In: Biological Diversity of the central Balkan National Park, 616 p., USAID. PENSOFT, Sofia p. 425 - 490.

  56. SPASSOV, N., H. MIKHAILOV, K. GEORGIEV, V. IVANOV. 2000. Status of the Large Mammals in the Rila National Park. In: Biological Diversity of the Rila National Park, 649 p., USAID. PENSOFT, Sofia p. 389 - 428.

  57. Tzankov Tz., N. SPASSOV, G. Nikolov. 2000. On the character of Late Paleogene and neogene relief and landscape building in South West Bulgaria. Reports on Geodesy. Warsaw University of technology, Inst. of Geodesy and Geodesic astronomy, 4(49):137-144.

  58. Tzankov Tz., N. SPASSOV, G. Nikolov 2000. Role of the circular structures for the contemporary relief building in Mesta river valley (South-West Bulgaria and North Greece). Reports on Geodesy. Warsaw University of technology, Inst. of Geodesy and Geodesic astronomy, 4(49):189-194.

  59. SPASSOV, N., GEORGIEV, K., SPIRIDONOV, G. .2001. Brief notes on the status and problems of the lynx in Bulgaria. In: C. Breitenmoser-Wursten and U. Breitenmoser (Eds.) The Balkan lynx population – History, Recent Knowledge on its Status and Concervation Needs. Kora Bericht. Muri, 7: 26-27.

  60. SPASSOV, N. 2001. Zorillas (Carnivora, Mustelidae, Ictonychini) from the Villafranchian of Bulgaria with a description of a new species of Baranogale Kormos, 1934. Geodiversitas, 23(1): 87-104.

  61. Geraads D., N. SPASSOV, D. Kovachev. 2001. New Chalicotheriidae (Perissodactyla, Mammalia) from Bulgaria. J. of Vertebrate Paleontology, 21 (3):596 - 606.

  62. SPASSOV N. 2000. The Turolian Hipparion-fauna and the character of the environment in the late Miocene of South-East Bulgaria. Review of the Bulgarian Geological society, Sofia, 61 (1-3): 47-59.

  63. DELCHEV, P., S. SHANOV, A. BENDEREV, N. SPASSOV, T. STOYTCHEV. 2001. Karst investigations in Bulgaria. In: XX Spelaeoschool, Dept. of Geomorphology of Karst, Silesian University: 162-176.

  64. Markov G. N., Spassov N., Simeonovski V. 2001. A reconstruction of the facial morphology and feeding behaviour of the deinotheres. In: The World of Elephants. Proceedings of the 1st International Congress, 652-655.

  65. KOSTOPOULOS, D., N. SPASSOV, D. KOVACHEV. 2001. Contribution to the study of Microstonyx: the Bulgarian case. Geodiversitas, Paris, 23(3): 41-437.

  66. SPASSOV N., N. IVANOVA, F. BEGO, S. HRISTOVSKY, B. MIHOVA. 2001. Status and conservation of the wolf in the Southern Balkans. Wolf Print, 10:17-19.

  67. SPASSOV, N. 2001. The possible time of the first penetrations of Homo in Europe in the aspect of the paleoclimate analyses and the mammalian plio-pleistocene dispersals from the East. Annual of the Institute and Museum of Archaeology. Sofia, 1: 16 - 21.

  68. SPASSOV N., K. Georgiev, N. Ivanova, V. Ivanov. 2002. Study of the status of marbled polecat (Vormela peregusna peregusna Guld.) in Western and North-Eastern Bulgaria with data on the status of its potential main prey species and competitors. Historia Naturalis bulgarica, 14: 123-140.

  69. MARKOV, G., N., N. SPASSOV, V. SIMEONOVSKI 2002. Reconstruction of the facial morphology of Deinotherium gigantissimum Stefanescu, 1892 (based on the material from Ezerovo, South Bulgaria). Historia naturalis bulgarica, 14: 141-144.

  70. STOYTCHEV T., SPASSOV N., MARKOV G. N. 2002. Rock art: Probable existence of the Elephant (Elephas) in Central Arabia by the end of the Pleistocene. Annuary of the Institute of Archaeology with Museum – BAS, vol. II, 70-77.

  71. STOYTCHEV T., N. SPASSOV, I. DIMITROVA. 2002. Rock Art: Probable Existеnce of Merck’s Rhinoceros In Early Bronze Age Southwest Sweden. Ann. of the Archaeological Inst. with Museum, 2: 129-134.

  72. SPASSOV, N. 2002. The Turolian Megafauna of West Bulgaria and the character of the Late Miocene "Pikermian biome". Bollettino della Societa Paleontologica Italiana, 41(1): 69-81.

  73. SPASSOV N., N. ILIEV 2002. The animal remains from the Prehistoric burials near Durankulak. In: H. Todorova (Ed.). Durankulak, Band II, Teil 1. Die Prähistorischen gräberfelder von Durankulak. Deuches Archäologisches Institut – Berlin. Publ. House Anubis Ltd., Sofia, 313-324.

  74. SPASSOV, N., GEORGIEV, K., IVANOV, V. (in press). The Population Status and Dynamics of the Brown Bear (Ursus arctos L.) on the Cross-Border Region between Bulgaria and Greece. Bull. of the Belgrade Mus. of Nat. Hist.

  75. SPASSOV N. 2002. The Late Villafranchian and biochronology of South-East Europe: faunal migrations, environmental changes and possible first appearance of the genus Homo on the continent. In: “On Late Plio/Pleistocene extinctions and evolution in the Palearctic. The Vatera site”. Ist Internat. workschop, Vatera, Lesvos, 29.9. - 2.10.1999. Annales Geologiques des Pays Hellenique, 1 série, T. XXXIX, A: 221-243.

  76. SPASSOV N., K. Georgiev, N. Ivanova, V. Ivanov. (in press) Study on the status of the marbled polecat (Vormela peregusna peregusna Guld.) in Southern Dobrudja (Bulgaria). Bull. of the Mustelidae, Viverridae & Procyonidae group IUCN/SSC.

  77. SPASSOV, N., G. KOUFOS, 2002. The first appearence of Dinocrocuta gigantea and Machairodus aphanistus (Mammalia, Carnivora) in the Miocene of Bulgaria. Mitt. Bayer. Staatsslg. Paläont. hist. Geol., 42: 83-101

  78. MARKOV, G., N., N. SPASSOV 2001. Early Mammuthus meridionalis from Northwest Bulgaria. Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society, 62 (1-3): 117-121.

  79. GERAADS D., SPASSOV N. & KOVACHEV D. 2003. Palaeoreas lindermayeri (Wagner, 1848) from the upper Miocene of Bulgaria, and a revision of the species. Geodiversitas, Paris, 25(2): 405-415.

  80. CRÉGUT-BONNOURE, E., N. SPASSOV 2002. Hemitragus orientalis nov. sp. (Mammalia, Bovidae, Caprinae), un nouveau taxon d'Europe orientale. Revue de Palebiologie. Geneve, 21(2): 553-573.

  81. SPASSOV, N. 2003. The Plio-Pleistocene vertebrate fauna in South-Eastern Europe and the megafaunal migratory waves from the east to Europe. Revue de Paleobiologie. Geneve, 22 (1): 197-229.

  82. KOUFOS GEORGE, NIKOLAI SPASSOV and DIMITER KOVATCHEV 2003. Study of Mesopithecus (Primates, Cercopithecoidea) from the Late Miocene of Bulgaria. Palaeontographica, A, 269 (1-3): 39-91.

  83. SPASSOV NIKOLAI, TODOR STOYTCHEV 2003. On the origin of the Wisent, Bison bonasus (linnaeus, 1758): Presence of the Wisent in the Upper Palaeolithic rock art of Eurasia. In: Advances in Paleontology “Hent to Pantha”, papers in honour of C. Radulescu and P.M. Samson, р. 125-130.

  84. Markov G. N., Spassov N. 2003. Primitive mammoths from Northeast Bulgaria in the context of the earliest mammoth migrations in Europe. In: Advances in Paleontology “Hen to Pantha”, papers in honour of C. Radulescu and P.M. Samson. Bucharest, 53-58.

  85. SPASSOV NIKOLAI 2003. The Brown Bear in the southern Balkans. In: Krystufek, B., B. Flajsman, Huw Griffiths (eds.). Chapter 9. Living with Bears, A large European carnivore in a shrinking world. Ekoforum, Ljubljana, pp. 229-244.

  86. SPASSOV, N.2003. News from Bulgaria. SVP News Bull., No. 185, Fall 2003.

  87. HRISTOVA, L. D. KOVACHEV, N. SPASSOV (2003) Hipparion brachypus Hensel, 1862 from the Late Miocene of Hadjidimovo, Southwestern Bulgaria Comptes rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, 56(2): 77-84.

  88. SPASSOV NIKOLAI, TODOR STOYTCHEV 2004. The Presence of Cave Hyaena (Crocuta Crocuta Spelaea) In The Upper Palaeolithic Rock Art of Europe. Historia naturalis bulgarica. 16: 159-166.

  89. SPASSOV NIKOLAI, STOYTCHEV TODOR 2004. The dromedary domestication problem: 3000 BC rock art evidence for the existence of wild One-humped camel in Central Arabia. Historia naturalis bulgarica. 16: 151-158.

  90. SPASSOV, N., TZANKOV, TZ., GERAADS, D. 2004. Late Neogene Environments of South-West Bulgaria. 5th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology. Thessaloniki, Greece, 14-20 April 2004. Proceedings. Ed. by A. Chatzipetros and A. Pavlides.Vol. 1: 504-506.

  91. SPASSOV, N., D. GERAADS 2004. Tragoportax Pilgrim and Miotragocerus Stromer (Mammalia, Bovidae) from the Turolian of Hadjidimovo, Bulgaria, and a revision of the Late Miocene Mediterranean Boselaphini. Geodiversitas: 26 (2): 339-370.

  92. SPASSOV N. B., G. G. MARKOV. 2004. Biodiversity of large mammals (Macromammalia) in the Eastern Rhodopes (Bulgaria). In: P. Beron, A. Popov (eds.) Biodiversity of Bulgaria. 2. Biodiversity of Eastern Rhodopes (Bulgaria and Greece). Pensoft & Nat. Mus. Natur. Hist., Sofia.

  93. DELSON E., H. THOMAS, N. SPASSOV. 2005. Fossil Old World monkeys (Primates: Cercopithecidae from the Pliocene of Dorkovo, Bulgaria. Geodiversitas, 27(1):159-166.

  94. TODOR STOYTCHEV, NIKOLAI SPASSOV 2005. The Musk-Ox in the Bison’s shadow of West European Upper Palaeolithic rock art. Theoretical and Applied Karstology. Bucharest., 16 (2003), pp. 57–66.

  95. SPASSOV, N. 2005. Brief Review of the Pliocene Ungulate Fauna of Bulgaria. In: É. Crégut-Bonnoure (sous la direction de). Les Ongulés holarctiques du Pliocène et du Pleistocène. Quaternaire, hors-série, No 2:201-212.

96. Palombo M.R., A.F.M. Valli, D.S. Kostopoulos, M.T. Alberdi, N. Spassov, I. Vislobokova. 2006. Similarity Relationships between the Pliocene to Middle Pleistocene Large Mammal Faunas of Southern Europe from Spain to the Balkans and the North Pontic Region. Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg., 256. 329-347.

97. MONGUILLON A., SPASSOV N., ARGANT A.,KAUHALA K.,VIRANTA S. 2004. Nyctereutes vulpinus comb. et stat. nov. (Mammalia, Carnivora, Canidae) du Pliocène terminal de Saint-Vallier (Drôme, France). Geobios, 24:183-188.

98. SPASSOV, N., T. STOYTCHEV 2005. Leopards and Snow Leopards in the Prehistoric Rock Art of Europe and Central Asia.- Annuary of the Department of Archaeology, New Bulgarian University, Vol. 6:5-15.

99. SPASSOV, N., D. GERAADS, D. KOVACHEV 2005. Tragoportax Pilgrim and Miotragocerus (Pikermicerus) Kretzoi (Mammalia, Bovidae) from the Turolian of Bulgaria. Geologica Balcanica. Sofia, 34 (3-4) : 89-109.

101. GERAADS , D., N. SPASSOV & D. KOVACHEV. 2005. Giraffidae (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) from the late Miocene of Kalimantsi and Hadjidimovo, South-Western Bulgaria. Geologica Balcanica, 35(1-2):11-18.

102. GERAADS D., N. SPASSOV, D. KOVACHEV 2006. The Bulgarian Chalicotheriidae (Mammalia): an update. Revue de paléobiologie, Genève, 25 (2): 429 – 437.

103. SPASSOV N., G. SPIRIDONOV 2006. Status of the large mammals (Macromammalia) in Western Rhodopes, Bulgaria. In P. Beron (ed.) Biodiversity of Bulgaria. 3. Biodiversity of Western Rhodopes (Bulgaria and Greece). Pensoft & Nat. Mus. Natur. Hist., Sofia, pp. 959-974.

104. NIKOLAI SPASSOV, LORENZO ROOK 2006. Eucyon marinae sp. nov. (Mammalia, Carnivora), a new Canid Species from the Pliocene of Mongolia, with a review of forms referable to the genus. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigraphia, 112(1): 123-133.

105.MERCERON G., A. ZAZZO, N. SPASSOV, D. GERAADS, D. KOVACHEV 2006. Paleoecology and paleoenvironments from the Late Miocene of Bulgaria: evidence from dental microwear and stable isotopes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 241: 637-654.

106. SPASSOV N., SPIRIDONOV G., PENEV G. 2006.The Discovery of an Extinct Species: Data for the Recent Presence of the Lynx (Lynx lynx L.) in Bulgaria and discussion of its status since 1941. - Historia Naturalis Bulgarica, 17:167-176.

107. SPASSOV N., N. ILIEV 2007. Animal remains (Preliminary results). In: Leshtakov K., N. Todorova, V. Petrova, R. Zlateva-Uzunova, O. Özbek, T. Popova, N. Spassov and N. Iliev. Preliminary report on the salvage archaeological excavations at the early Neolithic site Yabalkovo in the Maritsa valley, 2000-2005 field seasons. Anatolica, 33: 185-234.

108. SPASSOV N., TZ. TZANKOV, D. GERAADS 2006. Late Neogene stratigraphy, biochronology, faunal diversity and environments of South-West Bulgaria (Struma river valley). GEODIVERSITAS, 28(3): 477-498.

109. GERAADS, D., SPASSOV, N., & KOVACHEV, D. 2006. A new Sporadotragus (Bovidae, Mammalia) from the late Miocene of Bulgaria. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 112 (3): 473-479.

110. SPASSOV N., D. GERAADS 2007. Dolichopithecus balcanicus sp. nov., a new Colobinae (Primates, Cercopithecidae) from the Early Pliocene of South-eastern Europe, with a discussion on the taxonomy of the genus - Journal of Human Evolution, 52: 434-442 .

111. GERAADS, D., E. TSOUKALA, N. SPASSOV 2007. A skull of Ancylotherium (Chalicotheriidae, Mammalia) from the late miocene of Thermopigi (Serres, N. Greece), and the relationships of the genus - Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 27(7): 461-466.

112. GERAADS D., N. SPASSOV, R. GAREVSKI. 2008. New specimens of Propotamochoerus (Suidae, Mammalia) from the late Miocene of the Balkans. N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh., 248(1):103-113.

113. SPASSOV N., D. GERAADS. 2008. The Latest Prehumans of Europe: Discovery of a late Miocene Hominoid In Bulgaria of about 7 Ma. NEWS. A Monthly Bulletin about Science and Technologies. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. No 2 (54): 2-4, Year VI, February, 2008. (in Bulgarian and English).

114. BOEV Z., SPASSOV N., KOVACHEV D. 2008. First remain of fossil Ostriches (Aves: Struthioniformes: Struthionidae) from Bulgaria. Acta zoologica bulgarica, 60(1): 89-98.

115. GERAADS D., N. SPASSOV. 2008. A new species of Criotherium (Bovidae, Mammalia)

from the late Miocene of Bulgaria. Hellenic Journal of Geosciences (AGPH), 43: 21-27.

116. Denis Geraads and Nikolaï Spassov . 2009. Rhinocerotidae (Mammalia) from the late Miocene of Bulgaria. Palaeontographica, A, 287 (4-6):99-122.

117. BOEV Z., N. SPASSOV. 2009. First Record of ostriches (Aves, Struthioniformes, Struthionidae) from the late Miocene of Bulgaria with taxonomic and zoogeographic discussion. GEODIVERSITAS, 31(3): 493-507.

118. SPASSOV N. 2009. News from members: Bulgaria, National Museum of Natural History. SVP News Bull., Fal 2009, No. 197:12.

119. GILDAS MERCERON, JESSICA SCOTT, ROBERT S. SCOTT, DENIS GERAADS, NIKOLAI SPASSOV, PETER S. UNGAR. 2009. Folivory or fruit/seed predation for Mesopithecus, an earliest colobine from the late Miocene of Eurasia? Journal of Human Evolution xxx (2009) 1–7.

120. SPASSOV N. 2009. The Southwesternmost Distribution of the Saiga in the Holocene of Europe: A Saiga Tatarica Find From an Archaeological Site in Bulgaria. In: Gatsov I & J.-L. Guadelli (eds.) SAXA LOQUUNTUR. Volume in honour of the 65th anniversary of Nikolai Sirakov. Avalon oublisher. Sofia, pp. 317-322.

121. Kahlke Ralf-Dietrich, Nuria García, Dimitris S Kostopoulos, Frédéric Lacombat, Adrian M Lister, Paul P Mazza, Nikolai Spassov, Vadim V Titov (in press). Western Palaearctic palaeoenvironmental conditions during the Early and early Middle Pleistocene inferred from large mammal communities, and implications for hominin dispersal in Europe. In: José Carrión, Jim Rose and Chris Stringer (Editors) - Ecological scenarios for human evolution during the Early and early Middle Pleistocene in the western Palaearctic. Special Issue of Quaternary Science Reviews (Manuscript pages 1-89, figs. 1-6)

122. GERAADS D., SPASSOV N., HRISTOVA L., MARKOV G., TZANKOV T. (in press). Upper Miocene mammals from Strumyani, South-Western Bulgaria. GEODIVERSITAS.


  1. SPIRIDONOV G., N. SPASSOV, L. Mileva. (1979). Novo nahodishte na uralskata ululitsa (Strix uralensis Pallas). (A new sighting of the Ural owl). Ornithological Bulletin, Zopological Inst. Bulg. Acad. Sci., 6:22-25.

  2. SPASSOV N. 1980. Sresta li se hermelina (Mustela erminea L.) v Bulgaria? (Does the stoat inhabit Bulgaria?). Priroda, Sofia, 3:96-98.

  3. SPIRIDONOV G., N. SPASSOV. 1981. Nahodishte na petrnatonogata kukumyavka (Aegolius funereus L.) v Stara Planina ( A Location of the Teugmaln,s owl (Aegolius funereus L.) in the Balkan Range. Ornithological Bulletin, Zool. Inst., Bulg. Acad. Sci., 10:30-32.

  4. СПАСОВ Н. 1982. Фосили на алпийския козирог и гигантския елен в България и ролята на рогата при гигантския елен. Природа, София, 5:21-27. [SPASSOV N. 1982. Fossils of the Alpine ibex and the Giant Deer in Bulgaria and the function of the Giant Deer antlers. Priroda, Sofia 5:21-27].

  5. SPIRIDONOV G., N. SPASSOV, L. Milleva. 1982. Novi svedenia za razprostranenieto na uralskata ululitsa (Strix uralensis) i pernatonogata kukumyavka (Aegolius funerus L.) v Bulgaria. (New data for the distribution of Teugmalm's owl and Ural owl in Bulgaria). In: National Theoretical Conference on Preservation and Reproduction of the Environment, 1-5 November 1982. Sofia, Bulg. Acad. Sci., pp. 341-343.

  6. SPASSOV N. 1982. Evoljuzia i razprostranenie na stepnia i chernia por (Evolution and distribution of Steppe polecat and the Western polecat (Mustella putorius). Priroda, Sofia, 6:32-39.

  7. SPIRIDONOV G., L. Mileva, N. SPASSOV, P. Simeonov, 1983. Gnezdovata ornitofauna na biosphernia rezervat Boatin. (Nesting ornitofauna of the Boatin Nature Reserve). Proceedings of the International Symposium Man and Mountain Ecosystems. MAB Programme, Vratsa, National Committee of People's Republic of Bulgaria, MAB, MAB-UNESCO, t.2:83-90.

  8. SPASSOV N. 1985. Musteola lutreola, L. 1761; The European Mink. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol.2, Animals, Publ. House of the Bulgarian Acad. of Sci., 1985.

  9. СПАСОВ Н., СПИРИДОНОВ Ж. 1985. Златка. Martes martes L. 1758; степен пор. Mustela eversmanni Lesson, 1827; пъстър пор. Vormela peregusna Guldenstaedt, 1770; видра. Lutra lutra L., 1758. В: Червена книга на НР България. Т. 2, Животни. Изд. На БАН. София. [SPASSOV N., G. SPIRIDONOV. 1985. The Pine Marten. Martes martes L.1758; The Steppe Polecat. Mustela eversmanni Lesson, 1827; The Marbled Polecat. Vormela peregusna Guldenstaedt, 1770; The Otter. Lutra lutra L., 1758. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol.2, Animals, Publ. House of the Bulgarian Acad. of Sci., 1985].

  10. Peshev T., N. SPASSOV. 1985. Mouse-tailed doormouse. Myomimus roachi bulgaricus Rossolimo, 1976. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol.2, Animals, Publ. House of the Bulgarian Acad. of Sci., p. 140. (ПЕШЕВ Ц., Н. СПАСОВ. 1985. Български мишевиден сънливец - Myomimus roachi bulgaricus Rossolimo, 1976. В: Червена книга на НР България. Т.2, Животни. Изд. На БАН, стр. 140.)

  11. SPIRIDONOV G., N. SPASSOV. 1985. The Wolf, Canis lupus L., 1758: The Lynx Felis lynx L. 1758; The Bear - Ursus arctos L. 1758. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol.2, Animals, Publ. House of the Bulgarian Acad. of Sci., 1985.

  12. SPIRIDONOV G., L. .Mileva, N. SPASSOV. 1987. Gnezdovaya ornithofauna biosphernogo reservata Tsarichina (Nesting Ornitofauna of the Tsarichina Biosphere Reserve). In: Tsarichina Biosphere Reserve in Stara Planina. Pol. Acad. Sci. & Bulg. Acad. Sci., Krakow :104 - 121.

  13. СПАСОВ Н., Н. ИЛИЕВ. 1986. Костни останки от зубър (Bison bonasus L.) в средновековното селище Гарван (Силистренско, България) (стр. 68). В: Въжарова Ж. Средновековното селище Гарван (VI-XI вв.). Изд. на БАН, София, 203 с. [SPASSOV N., N. ILIEV. 1986. Bone remains of the European Bison - Bison bonasus L. in the Medieval Settlement of Garvan, Silistra Distr., Bulgaria) (p. 68) In: Vazarova J., 1986, Mittelalterliche Siedlung Garvan, Bezirk Silistra (VI-XI Jhd). Publ. House of the Bulg. Acad. of Sci., Sofia, 203 p.]

  14. THOMAS H., N. SPASSOV, E. Kojumdjieva, J.L. Poidevin, S. Sen, P. Tassy, D. Visset, 1986. Neogenovaya pozvonochnaya fauna iz Dorkovo, Zapadni Rodopi (pervie rezultati) (Neogene vertebrate fauna from Dorkovo, West Rodophe) (in Russian)., Geol. Balcanica, (16), 6, Sofia.

  15. SPASSOV N. 1986. Bulgaro-frenskata kompleksna paleontologichna ekspedizia krai Dorkovo (Zapadni Rodophi) (Complex French-Bulgarian Palentological Expedition near Dorkovo (Western Rhodopes). Priroda, Sofia, 2:45-50.

  16. SpiridOnov G., N. SPASSOV, L. Mileva. 1987. Macromammalia of the Boatin and Tsarichina biosphere reserves. In:Tsaritchina biosphere reserve in Stara Planina. Pol. Acad. Sci. and Bulg. Acad. Sci. Krakow. 91-103 pp. (in Russian with English summary).

  17. ILIEV N, Z. Boev, N. SPASSOV. 1992 Animal remains from the villa from late Antiquity and Early Byzantine settlement in Bela Voda locality, near Pernik. Archeologia.

  18. ILIEV N., Z. Boev, N. SPASSOV. 1994. Investigations of the wild and domestic fauna of the Roman settlement Ratiaria (2d-4th c A.D.) near Archar, based on archeozoological materials., Archeologia.

  19. ILIEV N., N. SPASSOV, V. Liubenova. 1997. Investigations on the Processing of Animal Bone Material Found in the Archaeological Site of Arbanas near Radomir (I - III Centuries). Annuary of the National Museum of Archaeology. Sofia, Vol 10: 185 - 200. (Engl. Summary).

  20. ЦАНКОВ Ц., Н. СПАСОВ, Г. НИКОЛОВ 1999. За характера на къснопалеогенското и неогенското релефообразуване и ландшафт в югозападна България. В: Геодинамични изследвания, свързани със земетресенията от 1904 г. в Крупник-Кресна. Симпозиум, Благоевград, 27-28 април, 1999.Сборник доклади. Съюз на геодезистите и земеустроителите в България – Община Благоевград – БАН, с. 85-94. [Tzankov Tz., N. SPASSOV, G. Nikolov. 1999. On the Late Paleogene and Neogene Relief Formation and Landskape Evolution in South-Western Bulgaria. In: Geodinamic investigations related to the Krupnik - Kresna earthquake. Blagoevgrad, Symposium: 27-28 April, 1999. Proceedings. Soyuz na geodezistite & Bulg. Acad. Sci., pp. 85-94].

  21. ILIEV N., N. SPASSOV. 2001. On the medieval breeds of dogs from Veliki Preslav (IX - X Century). Anuary of the National Museum of Archaeology. Sofia.

  22. Спасов Н. 2000. Бозайната мегафауна от късноплиоценските находища Вършец и Сливница (България) и биохронологията на вилафранка в Югоизточна Европа. Автореферат на дисертация за получаване на степен “доктор”. Специализиран научен съвет по зоология и екология при ВАК, НПМ, БАН, София, 52 с. [Spassov N. 2000. The Mammalian Megafauna from the Late Villafranchian Localities Varshets and Sivnitsa (Bulgaria) and the Biochronology of the Villafrancian in S.-E. Europe. Summary of the Ph. D. Thesis. Specialized Council of Zoology and Ecology. N.M.N.H., Bulg. Acad. Sci. Sofia, 52 pp.]

  23. СПАСОВ, Н., Н. ИЛИЕВ, З. БОЕВ 2001. Животинските останки от енеолитния археологически обект край с. Долнослав (Пловдивска област). [Spassov, N., N. Iliev. Z. Boev 2001. The Animal Remains from the Halcolythic archaeological site near Dolnoslav (Plovdiv Distr.)]. Historia naturalis Bulgarica, 13: 159-179.

  24. Н. СПАСОВ, П. СТОЕВ. 2001. Кресненският пролом – екологичен коридор за едрите бозайници (Macromammalia). В: (П. Берон, ред.) Биоразнообразие на Кресненския пролом. НПМ & Инст. по зоология – БАН: 335-340.[Spassov N., P. Stoev. 2001. Kresna Gorge – an Ecological corridor for the large mammals (Macromammalia). In: Beron P. (ed.). Biodiversity of the Kresna Gorge. N.M.N.H. & Inst. of Zoology – Bulg. Acad. Sci.: 335-340.]

  25. ЛАТИНКА ХРИСТОВА, ДИМИТЪР КОВАЧЕВ, НИКОЛАЙ СПАСОВ. 2002. Хипарионите (Equidae, Mammalia) от късномиоценското находище Хаджидимово, Югозападна България. Rev. Bulg. Geol. Soc., 63(1-3):89-98.

  26. ТОДОР СТОЙЧЕВ, НИКОЛАЙ СПАСОВ 2005. Праисторически бозайници в скалното изкуство на Евразия. Годишник на Нов Български Университет, 6:144-168.[Stoychev, T. & N. Spassov. Prehistoric mammals in the rock art of Eurasia. Annuary of the Department of Archaeology, New Bulgarian University, 6: 144-168 (in Bulgarian, Engl. summary)].

  27. НИКОЛАЙ СПАСОВ, ДЕНИ ЖЕРААДС, ЦАНКО ЦАНКОВ 2005. В търсене на изкопаеми хоминоиди: природната обстановка в късния миоцен на България. [Spassov N., D. Geraads, Tz. Tzankov. 2005. Search for Fossil Hominoids: The Late Miocene environment of Bulgaria.] Proceedings of the International Scientific conference (8-11.06.2005). Faculty of Mathematics and natural sciences. South-Western University, Blagoevgrad, 311-319. (in Bulgarian, Engl. summary)

  28. ЦАНКОВ, Ц., Н. СПАСОВ, К. СТОЯНОВ 2005. Неогенско-кватернерна палеогеография и геодинамика на Средна Струма. Изд. на Югозападния Университет „Н. Рилски”. Благоевград, 199 с. [Tzankov Tz., N. Spassov, K. Stoyanov 2005. Neogene-Quaternary Paleogeography and Geodynamics of the region of Middle Struma river valley (South-Western Bulgaria). Publ. House of the South-Western University “N. Rilski”. Blagoevgrad).( Engl. summary) 199 p].

  29. ИЛИЕВ Н., Н. СПАСОВ 2007. Компаративно изследване на дивите и домашни животни от сектор Тополница. В: The Struma/Strimon River Valley in Prehistory. Edited by H. Todorova, M. Stefanovich, G. Ivanov. Proceedings of the International Symposium. Kjustendil-Blagoevgrad (Bulgaria) and Serres-Amphipolis (Greece), 27.09-01.10.2004. Gerda Henkel Stiftung. Sofia, pp. 509-522. [Iliev N., Spassov N. 2007. Comparative investigation of the domestic and wild animals from the Sector Topolnitsa.In: The Struma/Strimon River Valley in Prehistory. Edited by H. Todorova, M. Stefanovich, G. Ivanov. Proceedings of the International Symposium. Kjustendil-Blagoevgrad (Bulgaria) and Serres-Amphipolis (Greece), 27.09-01.10.2004. Gerda Henkel Stiftung. Sofia, pp. 509-522].

  30. СПИРИДОНОВ, Ж., СПАСОВ, Н. 2005. Биоразнообразие на бозайниците в България. – В. Петрова, А. (ред.), Съвременно състояние на биоразнообразието в България – проблеми и перспективи, с. 313-324. Българска биоплатформа, София. [Spiridonov G., N. Spassov 2005. Taxonomic richness and directions in the mammal conservation in Bulgaria. In: A. Petrova (ed.). Recent status of the biodiversity in Bulgaria – Problems and Prospects, p.313-324. Bulgarian Bioplatform, Sofia (in Bulgarian, Engl. summary)]

  31. СПАСОВ, Н., Н. ИЛИЕВ (под печат). Бележки върху животинските костни останки от ранните разкопки (1956-1959) на къснохалколитния обект при Хотница. В: Ст. Чохаджиев (под редакцията на ). Хотница – праисторическа селищна могила. т. I. (2006). Търново. [Spassov N., N. Iliev (in pres). Notes on the animal bone remains from the early excavations (1956 – 1959) of the late Chalcolithic site near Hotnitsa. In: St. Chohadjiev (ed.) Hotnitsa – The Prehistoric settlement, Vol. I. Tirnovo].

  32. ИВАНОВА С., М. ЗЛАТКОВА, Н. СПАСОВ, Г. НЕХРИЗОВ, Б. ГЯУРОВА, В. МИТЕВА, С. ТАНЕВА, Р. СПАСОВ. 2006. Сондажни изследвания в пещерата Велкова дупка в Западните Родопи. Археология, 1-4: 7-18. Ivanova S., M. Zlatkova, N. Spassov, G. Nehrizov, B. Giaurova, V. Miteva, S. Taneva, R. Spassov. Test excavations in Velkova Dupka Cave in the West Rhodope Mountains. Archeologia, Sofia, 1-4:7-18 (in Bulgarian with English summary).

  33. СПАСОВ Н., В. ПОПОВ 2007. История на формирането на българската бозайната фауна (с. 31- 46). В: Бозайниците - важни за опазване в България (Под редакцията на С. Митева, Б. Михова, К. Георгиев, Б. Петров и Д. Вансинк). Dutch Mammal Society VZZ. Arnhem, 328 с. [SPASSOV N., POPOV V, 2007. History of the formation of the Bulgarian mammal fauna.. In: S.Miteva, B. Mihova, K. Georgiev, B. Petrov, D. Vansink (eds.), The mammals, important for conservation in Bulgaria. Dutch Mammal Society VZZ. Arnhem. (2007), 31-46 (in Bulgarian).]

  34. СПАСОВ Н., В. ПОПОВ, Т. ИВАНОВА 2007. Съвремeнна фауна на бозайниците в България (с. 47 – 49). В: Бозайниците - важни за опазване в България (Под редакцията на С. Митева, Б. Михова, К. Георгиев, Б. Петров и Д. Вансинк). Dutch Mammal Society VZZ. Arnhem, 328 с.

  35. СПАСОВ Н. 2007. Разред Хищници (Carnivora) (с. 217 – 290). В: Бозайниците - важни за опазване в България (Под редакцията на С. Митева, Б. Михова, К. Георгиев, Б. Петров и Д. Вансинк). Dutch Mammal Society VZZ. Arnhem, 328 с.

  36. СПАСОВ Н. 2007. Разред Чифтокопитни (Artiodactyla) (с. 291-295). В: Бозайниците - важни за опазване в България (Под редакцията на С. Митева, Б. Михова, К. Георгиев, Б. Петров и Д. Вансинк). Dutch Mammal Society VZZ. Arnhem, 328 с.

  37. СПАСОВ Н. 2007. Разред Китоподобни (Cetacea) (с. 296 – 307). В: Бозайниците - важни за опазване в България (Под редакцията на С. Митева, Б. Михова, К. Георгиев, Б. Петров и Д. Вансинк). Dutch Mammal Society VZZ. Arnhem, 328 с.

  38. СПАСОВ Н., ИЛИЕВ Н., БОЕВ З. (под печат). Животинските останки от ранно-неолитното селище край с. Капитан-Димитриево ( Пазарджишка област), В: В. Николов и др. Селищна могила Капитан Димитриево. Разкопки 2001-2005. Под ред. на В. Николов. София, 2011.

В ЧЕРВЕНА КНИГА на България, т. Животни (под печат). БАН и МОСВ:

Спиридонов Ж. ,Спасов Н. Вълк (Canis lupus L.)

Спиридонов Ж. ,Спасов Н. Мечка (Ursus arctos L.)

Спиридонов Ж. ,Спасов Н. Рис (Lynx lynx (L.))

Спиридонов Ж., Спасов Н. Видра (lutra lutra L.)

Спиридонов Ж., Спасов Н, Генов П. Дива коза (Rupicapra rupicapra (L.))

Спасов Н., Спиридонов Ж. Златка (Martes martes (L.))

Спасов Н., Спиридонов Ж., Марков Г. Дива котка Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777

Спасов Н. Спиридонов Ж. Пъстър пор Vormela peregusna (Güldenstaedt, 1770)

Спасов Н. Спиридонов Ж. Степен пор Mustela eversmanni Lesson, 1827

Спасов Н. Черноморски тюлен Monachus monachus (Hermann, 1779)
Спасов Н. Норка Mustela lutreola (Linnaeus, 1761)

Спасов Н. Морска свиня. Phocoena phocoena (Linnaeus, 1758)

Спасов Н. Афала Tursiops truncatus (Montagu, 1821)

  1. SPASSOV N. 1978. Sexual selections and evolution of intraspecifc means in some baboon species (Primates). II Congresus Theorilogicus Internationalis. Abstracts of papers. Brno.

  2. SPASSOV N. 1990. Formation and change of the Holocene Mammalian Fauna of Bulgaria (Southeast Europe, Balkan Peninsula). Abstracts. I.C.A.Z. Sixth international conference, May 21-25, 1990. Nat. Mus. of Nat.Hist. Simthsonian Inst., Washington D.C.

  3. SPASSOV N., K. Georgiev, N. Ivanova. 1997. Status of Vormela peregusna peregusna Gould. in Bulgaria and a Management plan of its population in the country. In: Biodiversity and Ecological Problems of Balkan Fauna. Abstracts. Inst. of Zoology, Sofia (in bulg.).

  4. HRISTOVA L., N. SPASSOV 2005. Taxonomy and Ecology of the late Miocene Hipparions of Bulgaria: Implication to the questions of the Balkans’ Turolian stratigraphy and environmental changes. Neogene Climate and Vegetation Changes in Eastern Europe/WesternCentral Asia – the surrounding of the Black Sea. Annual NECLIME Meeting. Sofia 2005, October 1-4. Abstracts, 24 pp.. Inst. of Botany. Bulg. Acad. Sci.

Current status and distribution of Golden jackals (Canis aureus) in
Europe. In: Sjöberg, K., Tuulikki, R. (Eds.), Book of Abstracts of the
International Union of Game Biologists XXVIII Congress, 13-18 August
2007, Uppsala: 272.

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files -> Биография На член кореспондент проф д-р Владимир Атанасов Овчаров Адрес: Катедра по анатомия и хистология, Медицински факултет, Медицински
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